• Published 29th Dec 2022
  • 721 Views, 14 Comments

Petals On Ice - applezombi

It was just supposed to be a short flight. Take some selfies, livestream a few videos of smiling unicorns, and voila! Thousands of hooftaps. But real life sometimes doesn't work that way.

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Chapter 1

“Hey there, Pippsqueaks, it’s your favorite girl Pipp Petals, coming at you live right before Thunder Flap and I take the first load of Winter Wishday Pen Pal Exchange presents. AAH! So exciting! First stop, Bridlewood! It’s been ages since I’ve been under those gorgeous trees and I’m so ready for this!

“As you all know, the WWPPE was the genius idea of one of my favorite unicorns, Miss Izzy Moonbow herself! So if you’re not following her on your socials, you should be. She’s one of the most creative, brightest, and fabulous-est ponies I know! Her style’s just perfect, and so uniquely her.

“Anywho, if you don’t know (and haven’t been following all of my updates), the WWPPE was Izzy’s brainchild. How it works is, everypony gets assigned pen pals to give a present to. And it’s gotta be something that’s unique to your home, a sort of cultural exchange to pass it forward, so everypony can get to know a little about our neighbors. I, for one, can’t wait to see what my pen pal’s gonna be sending me from Maretime Bay. Sure, I live there now, but there’s always room to learn more about your fellow pony and their culture, right?

“So wish us luck, Thunder and I are going to be delivering the first set of presents to the forest. I’ll live update from Bridlewood, Pippsqueaks, so be ready! Ooh, I can’t wait to see the looks on those unicorn faces when they open all these gifts from Zephyr Heights! It’s gonna be fabulous!

“Wish me a good flight, Pippsqueaks! Pip, pip, hooray!”

“H-hey. I know I don’t have a signal right now. But my phone’s set to auto-upload the second it does. So here goes. Can’t make emergency calls, but I can record audio and hopefully it gets uploaded the second it finds a signal. Camera’s cracked, don’t know if anything is getting through video-wise.

“There’s been an accident. A flurry came out of nowhere right as we were trying to fly over the mountains, and we tried to make an emergency landing. But the wind made us move quicker than we would have liked, and we landed on some loose packed snow over a crevasse.

“Thunder’s done a little hiking before, and he tells me we’re lucky to be alive. We could have been buried under the snow, or fallen on some jagged rocks or something. As it is, the spot we found is sheltered from the wind and the snow, at least. It’s dark, but Thunder brought an emergency light with him, so there’s that. I can’t tell if we can’t see the sun because of the clouds, or because we’re too far down in the crevasse.

“I’d fly up, but Thunder hurt his wing in the crash. It’s pretty bad, he’ll need to see a doctor. I’m sure somepony will come soon, though.

“I’m doing fine. Well, my right wing’s sore and…

“…ow! Okay, that hurt. I’m not going to be flying out. Looks like I’ll have to take a little hike, see if I can get enough of a signal to get us some help.

“The sun’s going down, though. I can’t see it, but it’s getting darker. I’m not going to risk moving around on the ice in the dark, so Thunder and I are gonna hunker down for the night and I’ll set out in the morning.

“Wish me luck, Pippsqueaks!”

“Good news, bad news situation, viewers.

“Night was awful. I don’t want to talk about it. I’ve never been so cold. But at least the sun came out this morning.

“Hike was fruitless. I spent three hours trying to find a way out of the crevasse. Nothing. I’m still gonna explore, and keep stretching my wing, but for now it looks like the only way we’re getting out is if we fly. And I’m not gonna be flying any time soon. Thunder…

“…it might be even longer for him. He’s in a lot of pain. He’s trying to hide it from me, but it’s bad. Neither of us slept much last night, but he had it worse than I did.

“Good news, though, is I found one of the wagons full of presents that we were hauling. So I managed to drag it back here.

“Um. Just talking about this puts a cold pit in my stomach. But Mom, when you’re hearing this? Make sure anything we have to use is replaced, okay? I don’t want anypony in Bridlewood to go without their amazing presents.

“This is going to be one of the weirdest unboxing videos I’ve ever made.

“Okay, first up. We have something squishy from Juniper Breeze in Zephyr Heights, to Moss Fluff in Bridlewood. Sorry Moss, I promise a replacement gift.

“Oh! It’s a blanket! A… a hoof-sewn quilt. Wow, Miss Juniper, this is really high quality. I…


“…I know it’s not for me, but this is a really good gift. I’m… I’m glad it’s here. Thunder has been shivering. I’m fine still, maybe a little cold, but at least I can move around a little. I swear, we’ll replace it. And anything else we have to open. I just wish there were labels or something, so I didn’t have to go hunting for useful things.

“Okay, next up, we have something square and rattly, from Helios Wing, to Alphabittle! Hmm, what do you get a pony who’s an avid collector of odd and unique things?

“…oh! It’s… it’s a glass set. Helios, did you know your secret gift pen-pal was a tea-shop owner? These are nice. Looks like you did the etching yourself, I’ve never seen these in a shop. There’s a beautiful motif of pegasi in flight, over clouds. Each one is unique.

“Thanks, Helios. I’m going to use these to try and melt some snow so we have water to drink. I’ll do my best to make sure they get to Alphabittle.

“…okay. Next up is from Yellowjacket, to Iris Bloom. Hmm. Well, a hoof-crafted puppy plushie with wings is a great gift. But I don’t see how useful it’s going to be. Thank you, Yellowjacket. I’ll at least use the wrapping paper, if I can find something that can start a fire.

“Okay, next is from Updraft, to Spark Burst. It’s a… a Winston-brand volleyball. Oh, no. Not a chance. I’ve seen that movie. I am not going to draw a face on Winston and turn into a crazy mare talking to a volleyball. I’d never live that down. Ugh. Setting that aside.

“Next up, we have… from Tempo Rain, to Bongo Beat. Looks like Cloudtop Brand Assorted Chocolates. Well, we’ll have something to eat, at least. I hope our rescue will come a lot sooner than that. As usual, Bongo, sorry about this. I’ll make sure you get another box, because Cloudtop makes the best chocolates in Zephyr Heights.

“Moving on, we’ve got…


“…Thunder, is everything okay? You…”

“Well, sorry about the interruption, Pippsqueaks. I was in the middle of my unboxing journey when Thunder lost consciousness. He’s not doing well; his wing’s swollen badly, and he’s got a fever.

“One of the presents I did open was an emergency first aid kit. It’s the sort of gift I’d expect from Thunder himself. He’s such a practical pony. I wish…

“…I wish he were awake. I really feel like the wrong pony is down for the count, here. Thunder would be…

“No. I’m not going to dwell on could-have-beens and should-have-beens. I’m just gonna be happy about the first-aid kit. I got some fever reducers, as well as another blanket. I’ve been getting cold myself.

“Even with the emergency blanket, I don’t know if I’m ever gonna feel warm again. I keep dreaming of the giant fireplace in Mom’s room, curling up there with Zipp and Mom, a nice warm mug of hot cocoa…

“I… I need a moment.”

“I went through everything in the half of the presents we found. Most of it isn’t immediately useful, but there’s a few gems here. A Junior Entomology Set, that I was able to get a magnifying glass out of. There’s enough sunlight now that I’ve been able to start melting some snow, so we have something to drink. A few more food items, some really good choices here. Cookies from Windy Whistle’s Bakery, a set of health food bars from Barbell’s Supply. Good stuff. I’m trying to ration it so it’ll last a while, but self-control is hard.

“Thunder’s not eating much, though. At least I’ve been getting him to drink water, but… I’m really worried. I think I’m going to try to hike again, to get higher. Maybe take this emergency blanket with me, with the reflective side up. Maybe some searchers will see the reflection? It’s not like it’s doing me much good now. I can’t stop shivering…”

“My hiking expedition was more successful this time. I think I’ve got the blanket well-placed, at least in a spot you’d be able to see from the top of the crevasse. If I get lucky.

“I was able to glide down, too. It hurt. A lot. But it was possible. Zipp, I’m really wishing I’d listened more and exercised my wings with you. I’ll do better when I get out of this. Maybe you’d know what sorts of exercises I should be doing to get over a wing sprain. Or maybe I should just be icing it.

“Hah! There’s plenty of ice.

“One thing they don’t talk about when they’re telling stories of survival is the boredom. Even when Zipp and I were trapped in that cave (which didn’t last nearly as long), I at least had my sister. But this… it’s an odd mix of being absolutely terrified and absolutely bored. Constantly. I try to talk to Thunder, but… he’s not waking up any longer. He talks in his sleep. None of it makes sense, except it sounds like he’s apologizing to his foals.

“I… I feel guilty that I never got to know him better. He’s got kids. A wife and a family. I’ll do better once I get out of here.

“…I’m really scared for him. We’re down to only two more fever reducers. Rescue’s gotta come soon.

“No! I’m not going to think about negative stuff. Stay positive, Pipp Petals! Keep your chin up!

“Maybe I should work on a song. Yeah! My next big hit, composed in an ice cave on a mountain. That’ll be great.

“But the creative block is real. Makes me wish Izzy was here. She’s better at this creative block stuff than I am. Plus she gives the best warm hugs…

“Oh, feather fluff, did I say that out loud? I’ll have to find a way to edit it out later. Maybe I’m getting delirious, too.

“Oh well. If I’m going to edit out this bit anyways, here goes; there’s something about being in a life-or-death situation that makes me feel braver about saying certain stuff than I’ve ever felt before. And since I’m going to delete this bit anyways, here goes: Izzy Moonbow, you are gorgeous, your mane and your style are perfect, and you have a cute butt. And I’m going to delete this so hard. And then maybe ask you out.

“Wow. I think I really am getting delirious.”

“Snowflakes fall like little crystals

Sticking together like absent sisters

Bonds fragile and precious

Making the wind and rain jealous…”

“Ugh, those rhymes are so forced, what even am I singing? I’m sure I’ll have to go back and delete all this later. Like, nearly all of this. Especially the stuff about Izzy.

“Not surprised I’m writing a song about Zipp, though. I miss you, sis. Really wish you were here.

“Well, not really. But I feel like you’d be keeping it together a lot better than I would. I’m a mess.

“At least Thunder’s sleeping peacefully for now. But I don’t know how long that’s gonna last. I’ve been sharing the quilt with him, conserving body heat.

“The wrapping paper didn’t work for a fire as well as I hoped it would. I got it going once, but the paper went way too fast. I’m not surprised, but I am disappointed. It was only a few minutes of warmth and now I feel foolish.

“It’s the second night here, too. The first night I didn’t sleep. I’m not expecting much tonight. But at least I’ve got the embers of the fire. Thunder and I are going to share body heat, and hopefully it won’t be as bad as last night.”

“It w-was worse. Thunder kept thrashing around, talking in his sleep and calling out his foals’ names.

“I’ll get you out of this, I p-promise, Thunder. We’re going to make it.

“I can’t stop shivering, though. My teeth w-won’t stop chattering. I don’t even want to get up.

“Thunder has stopped shivering. He’s b-barely moving.

“I’m really scared. I wish Zipp was here. I wish Izzy was here. Or Sunny or Hitch.

“I don’t k-know what to do.”

“W-woah, sorry, Pippsqueaks, about that last little bit. It got a bit dark. But I’m fine now. If you are listening to all of this (p-probably not, because there’s gonna be some heavy editing b-before anypony listens to this!) sorry I lost my sp-sparkle for a s-s-second.

“T-today’s a little warmer, and Thunder seems like he’s r-resting better. So there’s th-that.

“O-okay. T-trying to psyche m-myself up for another attempt to g-get some elevation and m-maybe find a s-signal. I know it’s c-cliché, but I’m going to m-make a l-list of stuff I’ll do as s-soon as I get out.

“First, I’ve always wanted to t-try to write a metal song. Yeah, not my usual lane. But nothing v-ventured, right?

“I w-wanna try sushi. I’ve never been brave enough before.

“I’m going to take some classes on emergency preparedness and f-first aid.

“I w-wanna finally help Izzy understand social media. That poor girl doesn’t get nearly as much accolades as she deserves.

“I’m going to look into franchising Mane Melody… nah, that’s dumb. It’s supposed to be unique. Ooh, but my own line of mane care products could be nice.

“I’m going to buy a wagonload of treats for Cloudpuff.

“I… I’m going to ask Izzy out on a date.

“Oof. More stuff to edit out. Sorry, Pippsqueaks. I’m going to do it though. Um, what else? Oh! A spa day. No. A spa month. With nothing but warm water, warm cocoa, warm blankets, warm towels…

“Okay, I need to stop right n-now. It’s too painful. I’ll go for a hike now. I hate to leave Thunder, but… well, we haven’t been rescued yet, so I need to do this. He needs help soon.

“I need to give him this chance. I don’t know if there’s anything else I can do.

“Wish me luck, Pippsqueaks.

“A signal! I’ve got a signal! It’s…

“Uploading! It’s TRANSMITTING MY LOCATION! Oh my hoofness, the live icon. Anypony seeing this? Anypony? Let search and rescue know, if you’re listening! They’ll be able to follow the GPS data right…


“Oh no!

“Thunder! I… sorry, Pippsqueaks, there’s been an avalanche or cave in or something, I don’t know I heard a rumble…

“Nononono, Thunder, what…

“Where are you?


“Oh, hoofness, the snow’s so thick, how do I…

“Oh, featherfluff. Why couldn’t there have been mittens or… or a shovel or something?

“Thunder you’d better still be…

“There! I saw green, that was…

“Thunder if you die your wife and foals will never forgive me. Zoom will never forgive me. I’ll never forgive myself. Please…

“Oh, you’re not breathing! Breathe, please. Please. PLEASE!

“I… I don’t know what I’m doing. Zipp, I wish you were here. Or Izzy. Oh hoofness, I… I can’t. I’m not!

“Breathe, please. I…

“Please, I’m begging you! I…

“I promise, if you just… If you just pull through this, I’ll… I’ll take first aid classes. I’ll learn how to do this rescue breathing right, only please please PLEEEEAAASE let it work!

“Did you…

“Did I just…

“You’re… you’re breathing!”

“Thunder! We’ll get out of th-this! I s-swear! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Two percent battery.

“Still transmitting, but I’m not live any longer. Sun’s down again. A whole day gone.

“So tired…

“Don’t know what got out. If anything.

“All our stuff got buried. I got Thunder breathing again, but…

“No food. Blanket’s gone. My hooves stopped shaking a while ago. Now I just can’t feel them. Can’t feel my wings. Or my ears.

“I…I’m not shivering any more. Wonder what that means.

“Don’t feel cold anymore either. Huh.

“It’s… it’s getting harder to think. To talk. Nopony’s listening anyways.

“Can’t…keep my eyes open.

“Sorry, Thunder.




“Pipp? Thunder? Is that…”