• Published 31st Dec 2022
  • 461 Views, 3 Comments

Cuddled in Bed Sheets - CombatProductions

Silver Lining waits for her strange but loving partner to come home from a business trip.

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Thoughts and cuddles

Silver Lining couldn't help but toss and turn in bed, constantly rolling over trying to get close to her lover that wasn't there. She always slept much worse when he wasn't there, she yearned every night for the past week for him to come home and hold her. They had been dating for eight months now and nothing could separate them, expect for this ridiculous business trip to Canterlot he had to take.

She rolled about more, unable to get comfortable without him. She was always comfortable with him, even before they were dating. He had saved her from such a dark place. He saved her from the use of drugs and harming herself every night, believing she didn't deserve to live. Therapy never helped, she tried an assortment of antidepressants but none of them worked. She had continued to use drug after drug, and continued to cut her forelegs every night.

But one day he showed up, a creature the likes no pony had seen, only heard about. A creature shrouded in mystery and terror, thought to only be a story. A human, and she had fallen for him immediately. She couldn't explain why she just did, was it is looks or was it the mystery around him? She could never tell.

She had found him one day in a local bar and had decided to make her move. She had sat next to him and offered a drink, which he accepted. They had got to talking and by the end of it they were friends. But over the course of time her feelings for him grew, and he would never admit it but he felt something to, even back at their first meeting.

It wasn't until a late night that Silver made her move. They had been sitting on the couch watching a movie from his world when she took a massive risk. She kissed him, she was terrified that he didn't feel the same about her. But she was wrong, he almost immediately pulled her in to another kiss. And as the night went on they have the most loving and passionate night of their lifetimes. It was that night Silver found the stallion she wanted to stay with forever or rather the human she wanted to stay with.

When the news about them had been made public she would be yelled and cursed at one the street for loving such a violent creature. But they didn't know him, he was gentle and caring, yes he had his dietary requirements but that never detured her.

He made her better and he fixed her. He didn't find out about what she did until a few months in to the relationship during one of their intamite moments. He saw and felt her scars. When he questioned her Silver immediately broke down in to tears. He stayed and comforted her the whole night, never once disturbing her.

Silver had relaxed more at the memories, Before long she was fast asleep having a particularly naughty dream about her and her love.

Silver woke up to the feeling of something laying down next to her on the bed, something large and definitely not a pony.

"D-Dan?" She asked.

"Hello Silvy." The very recognisable voice said.

She rolled over immediately snuggling up to him. She tries to kiss him but she kisses his chest. She could feel his arms wrap around her and hold her just like she wanted. She looked up at him and saw him looking down at her with a smile. She finally kissed is lips and he kissed back, pulling her closer to him. The sound of kissing and moving bed sheets was the only sound in the room.

He finally broke the kiss and pulled her head against his chest.

"I guess you really missed me?" He asked her.

"Oh like you wouldn't believe it." She responded. "It's been awful without you."

"Well I'm here now and I won't be going anywhere anytime soon." He reassured her, running one of his hands up her back and using the other to stroke the back of her head.

She was letting out a soft humming noise, clearly very happy to be with him. She paws at his chest with her hoofs before finally sliding them around his head and pulling him in for more kissing.

He was like a drug, addicting and intoxicating. But it wasn't bad, it was truly wonderful. He brings her so much joy, she can't get enough of his touch and his love. He gave her the life she wanted and he made sure she deserved it, he made sure she deserved him.

Silver just was pondering the thought of taking this further but decided not to. After all Dan was just home and he was probably exhausted. So she stuck to just cuddling with him.

Silver felt one of his arms leave her for a moment, she then felt the bed sheets be pulled up and around them before his arm returned to its place. He was always so gentle with her but he could be rough when she wanted him to be. She did like that, him being rough during sex and him being gentle while cuddling. But right now all she wanted was to stay like this, nestled in his chest and arms.

She looked up at them with large caring eyes and he looked back with the same gaze he always gave her, one of passion, love. She pulled herself up a wee bit and snuggled her face in to his neck. He rested his head over hers in return, he always knew the right moves to make her feel loved and needed.

She couldn't help but smile as he continued to stroke her, she let of a slight sigh and rubbed the back of his head with her hoofs. Oh how she wanted him to take her at that moment, but she would have to wait till later. She knew better than to try anything at this moment.

They both lay there in each others embrace for what seemed like forever. She gave him one last kiss before finally falling asleep.

"I love you Dan."

"I love you to Silver."

And with those words they fell asleep together, him still stroking her in their sleep and her still giving the small sigh of relief at his touch.

Despite all the disgusted glances and awful comments they both got on the street for being together, they both powered on and kept doing what they wanted and that made them stronger.

So perhaps through all the negative things there is a silver lining.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this one shot, I am thinking about making more of these two so please let me know if you would like to see that.

Comments ( 3 )

Author may I just say something.


Yes. Please make more of these two.

Now I want to see how everyone/pony treats her.

Same here my friend, I wanna see more!

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