• Published 1st Jan 2023
  • 897 Views, 13 Comments

How to Train a Prince - Foal Star

An old, enchanted tome from the castle of the princesses transformed Spike into a handsome unicorn stallion. With this new body he woes Rarity with lies and his new powers to make her believe he is a prince.

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Chapter One: Prince Spearheart is Born

Spike was walking through the Everfree Forest in the early afternoon after taking a mysterious book from the old castle of the princesses. He looked down at the creepy tome, made of stone and spikes on the spine. The stallion was unsure if this strange book would give Rarity inspiration. She craved that would help make her mobile puppet show for some chubby blue stallion (he assumes it is Snips' father). Still, the truth was the drake was desperate to help her in any way, and this magical book seemed to answer her problems.

It was terrifying when he looked at it over, seeing the spikes protruding from the spine, but it was in the castle of the princesses, so it may not be too dangerous. Spike then looked upward at the sun, and the young drake started wishing he could be everything she wanted in a stallion. He knew she might date him with the drake just being a stupid little dragon who was way too young for her; it would be silly ever to think he would have a chance of dating her. The stallion just wished there was a way for him to turn older and be a pony; he would give anything to make that wish come true.

With this in mind, the young drake continued walking through the forest. The ideas formed within how he started to feel more insecure about himself, which plagued his mind. It wasn't long until he began to notice that his tiny legs started to feel different and that they were much stockier than average. His entire form started to be a semblance of much thicker, and he was taller! All of this was rather sudden as he looked over his new body; his scales were now a soft, warm coat. He then tried to scratch the fins on his back and realized they were replaced with something smooth and hairy! Without even looking, he knew a mane returned his dragon spines!

"W…what is happening!?" Spike shouted; he then gasped upon hearing his voice. It wasn't pubescent like it usually sounded; instead, it was much more profound in tone than Shining Armors. The drake was utterly baffled, realizing how much he's changed within seconds. Spike had to see for himself how much his body had transformed. Spike then saw a pool of water and looked downward. There in his reflection, he had a thick square jaw, a horse-like face, and dark green eyes, not also including his wavy green hair flowing from his head and flank, which paired well with his slick violet coat, and with a tall purple horn protruding from his forehead to boot! Not only that, he couldn't see himself, but he could tell he was much older, probably around Rarity's age!

Curious, he turned his flank around and gasped in surprise; seeing his cutie mark the realization made him blink at this, seeing that his dream of being a unicorn had come true! How in Equestria could this be possible!? This had to be the result of the strange book he had found! Spike turned to see the stone book with spikes on it mysteriously gone. He galloped around the place, but he couldn't find it the book had disappeared entirely!

He then trotted back to the puddle and saw his horn look different; it was a silvery color with tiny spikes protruding from the sides of it. He noticed that the horn looked odd, but he recognized it looked similar to the book he got for Rarity.

"Oh, the book is my horn!" Spike perked up with a smile, "that means I can give the inspiration Rarity needs! And on top of that, make her my special somepony! I couldn't ask for a better wish!"

Spike gave his new horn a few taps and then exclaimed, "thank you, book! You've made my dreams come true!"

He jumped into the air clapping his hooves together, and then galloped off towards Carousel Boutique! He wouldn't waste this opportunity to proclaim his love for Rarity!

The former drake was somewhat nervous as he slowly trotted through Ponyville. He didn't look too out of place, but many ponies were giving him odd looks as he was a "newcomer" he saw some mares blushing and looking away as he passed. This made the stallion feel more confident, but he still strolled as he continued toward the boutique. Spike was starting to feel worried as he came towards the door. What was he going to say? Should Spike tell the truth about who he is? He should try lying and tell her he's a newcomer and is trying to get a suit or something!? He had to make up a story that made sense that she was obsessed with that guy Prince Blueblood before until she found out he was a total jerk. Spike felt pretty confident he would be much better than him and could still give the "fairy tale" fantasy she desired. But he would have to think up a solid backstory. Could he pretend to be a lost prince or something?

All these thoughts were rushing through his brain, and he had no idea what to do as he stood outside Carousel Boutique, sweat coming down like bullets from his brow. Eventually, the stallion mustered enough courage, knocked on the door, and stood there shaking like a leaf. That was until Rarity slowly opened the door; she seemed confused when she saw Spike and asked, "hello but do I know you?"

“Um…I…I am a P…Prince Spa…:”

"Prince Spa? What an odd name! Do you work at a spa? I would love to get my hooves done. It's been ages since my last pedicure," Rarity asked.

Spike cleared his throat and ground his hoof in the ground; he was screwing this up; he had to act fast before she thought he was just some babbling idiot! The former drake then quickly said, "Prince Spear Heart! I'm a royal prince and came for a fine suit for the…um…Grand Galloping Gala!

Rarity eyed him, seemed somewhat suspicious, not buying his story entirely, and shrugged, "well, I'm rather busy today trying to help with Foal Appreciation Day."

She then gave a defeated sigh and grumbled, "well, I was…it doesn't matter now; please come on in, darling!"

Rarity then trotted him inside the boutique and first measured his body. She helped pick out a rather stunning-looking tuxedo, plucked a rose in his pocket square, and combed his mane back. Spike couldn't help but flex his new form in a mirror, enjoying his reflection looking how good he looked as a unicorn stallion. Rarity seemed to be eyeing him the entire time and asked, "so, are you royalty?"

Spike was somewhat taken aback by the question; he started to get slightly nervous as he stammered, saying whatever came to mind that sounded that made sense to him. "Oh, uh…not exactly. I'm a…a third cousin of Princess Cadance and been removed, so officially; I'm…uh…um, not a prince."

Rarity couldn't help but snicker behind a hoof and asked, "alright, well, it's nice to meet a rather stunning prince like yourself?"

"Yes, and you seem to be rather down before?" Spike asked, looking concerned.

Rarity threw a hoof and gave an exasperated sigh, "it's nothing; I just got called out for my remodeling job on a mobile puppet theater for a client who said I wasn't good enough. I just feel down and uninspired."

Spike was livid at how that chubby stallion insulted Rarity and shouted angrily. "Oh, buck that guy! Look at this suit! It's stunning! Come on, don't let some jackass get you down!"

He didn't know where the courage came from to say that. Rarity was taken aback by his bluntness and said, "well…putting it that way, yes, I would say your right."

"We…well…thank you, it's just your reputation precedes you, is all," Spike stammered with a smile as he fixed the snazzy bow tie around his neck. The fashionista then approached him seductively and asked, "would….would you like to go out and get dinner with me?"

The stallion was speechless at first as he was starting to feel rather sweaty again, surprised that Rarity was hitting on him.

"Well, I'm free tomorrow tonight; maybe you can get us a reservation at some restaurant in Restaurant Row?" Rarity whispered sweetly while batting her eyelids at him.

Spike's heart was racing; this was what he had always wanted!? A chance to show Rarity he does love her! But it was all rather sudden, and he was somewhat stunned and unable to respond. But he eventually dared to stammer out, "tomorrow night…go..got it!"

"Alright? Well, where will I be eating!?" Rarity squealed, being rather excited.

Spike scratched the back of his mane while giving off a sheepish grin; he didn't know what to say. The stallion lived in Canterlot for most of his life, so he knew getting a reservation at any restaurant in Restaurant Row for tomorrow night would be nearly impossible. But he didn't want to disappoint his crush and quickly said, "Oh, um? Uh… let's make it a surprise!"

"Oh, how romantic!? And I assume you have a fancy mansion and a ton of servants!?" Rarity exclaimed, seeming to be caught in a daydream.

Spike gave a few blinks as he didn't want to continue lying to her, but he felt as if he didn't have a choice and stammered, "uh…yeah… it's just that I came down here alone to escape the pressures of royalty…most ponies don't know me, so it's easy to blend in with the crowds."

Rarity gave a snicker, then said, "alright, well, you have to show me all of this tomorrow!? Maybe I can help get your image out to the public. I bet you're much more refined than that snob Prince Blueblood."

She then gave a worried gasp and placed a hoof over her mouth, "oh dear, I hope I didn't offend you. He is a cousin of yours, isn't he?"

"No, none took; yeah, cousin Blueblood!? Yeah, he can be a jerk," Spike laughed nervously as he continued to lie out of his teeth, but it started getting easier.

Rarity then slowly trotted towards him rather seductively then whispered, "alright, well, I'll see you tomorrow Prince Spearheart."

Spearheart looked right into Rarity's eyes and, for the first time, felt a relaxing calm over him. It seemed that he made the first moves from her seeing him as a "younger sibling" to a coltfriend and then whispered, "yes, tomorrow."

Rarity then helped take off his suit as she punched in a cash register how much he owed, which made him start sweating again as he didn't have bits on him! But then he suddenly felt a weight appear in his mane. He tucked a hair into it and pulled out a massive sack. He then opened it up, revealing a ton of bits!

The fashionista looked up and laughed, "oh my, that is way too much!"

Spike looked upward with a sparkle in his eyes. He levitated the sack of bits to her and said, "no, you deserve this for all your hard work."

Rarity's cheeks flushed pink, then gave him a peck on the cheek, making Spike's face red as he stumbled out of Carousel Boutique. He slowly shuffled his way out of Carousel Boutique while rubbing his cheek with a goofy grin. The former drake couldn't believe that he landed a date with Rarity, something that wouldn't have been possible as a childish baby dragon. But now he had to find a way to make their first date perfect! This weird book was making his dream come true! He first should head back to Golden Oak Library and find Twilight. As much as she would be against this, it was too late; he was a full-fledged unicorn stallion and would date Rarity. Spike was sure nothing would change his mind.

Twilight was wiped out, most of her friends were engaging with the foals for Foal Appreciation Day, and she spent the day reading stories to the foals at Cheerilee's school. She gave a hoof over her brow, then plopped down onto a chair in the middle of her library. The foals drove her ragged, trying to get them to calm down, and Cheerilee had her act out the characters in the Daring Do book. Twilight shivered just thinking about the embarrassing reenactment; she was glad none of her friends were there to see it. Now she wants to cuddle up with a good book and relax.

But then the door to her library was suddenly thrown wide open as a rather sexy-looking unicorn stallion burst into the room. Twilight flew upward with her horn glowing as she shouted, "who the buck are you!? And what do you want!?"

However, the mysterious stallion wasn't phased as he threw his mane back and exclaimed, "you don't recognize me, Twilight!?"

Twilight blinked a few times as she looked over this rather pretentious stallion then her jaw dropped at realizing who this stallion was. Despite being much older than her assistant and seeing he wasn't a dragon. His mane and tail being that overly bright green, his green eyes, that overconfident smile, and his cutie mark a scroll that looked similar to one of her old friendship lessons with green flames swirling around it.

"Spike, is that you!?" Twilight shouted, confused as to what was going on.

The former dragon placed a hoof on his chest and proclaimed, "yeah, it's me! Can't you see I'm a pony now!"

Twilight rolled her eyes as she got up and looked him over, "how did this happen!? Who put a spell on you?"

Spike laughed rather nervously, then explained, "Long story short…I was going out on a stroll through the Everfree Forest then…um…this happened…It might be a poison joke or something; I'm not sure?"

Twilight eyed him; the story sounded suspicious, and she continued searching for answers. "Why were you out in the Everfree Forest? I thought you went out to help Rarity?"

Spike slowly nodded and continued to explain, "I did, and well…things didn't go so well with the puppet guy, so I went to the old castle of the princesses to find something to cheer her up. Rarity mentioned she liked those old tapestries, and I thought of taking one to her to restore it?"

Twilight followed for a long time, and she knew that poison joke grew in the Everfree Forest. But it would take at least twenty-four hours before the effects set in, so it couldn't be that. But now she knew Spike went to the old castle of the princesses, and she knew that there could be ancient magical artifacts in the rubble. She said, "ok…so whatever turned you into a stallion could be at the old castle?"

Spike seemed to sweat a little and shrugged, then said, "well, yeah, but who knows? Anyways…I…gotta…um…confess about something?”

"Yeah, what's that?" Twilight asked, eyeing him, knowing Spike she knew precisely what he would be doing with his new body, and asked, "you better not be using this as an opportunity to make a move on Rarity?"

"What!? No, of course not!" Spike laughed nervously as he waved a hoof. "I…um…uh, am thinking of moving to Canterlot while like this?"

"Canterlot!?" Twilight exclaimed, caught off guard.

"Ye…yeah, you see…that way it won't be weird with me being around looking like this, and you can tell ponies I went there…to…um…help your parents. Yeah! Or something?"

Twilight was giving him a suspicious look; she knew he was hiding something, and she would get to the bottom if he were turned into an adult stallion. She then asked, "how about you stay with Princess Celestia and Luna? They might help research a cure for you."

"Oh sure!? Good idea! Also, don't tell anypony I'm Spike, ok!? I don't want to make things weird for you?"

Twilight still wasn't budging as Spike avoided answering how exactly he became a stallion and asked again, "You're sure you have no idea what turned you into a stallion?"

"No, I don't," Spike replied much more confidently.

"And you aren't going to try to woe Rarity with this new form?"

"I won't, I promise!" Spike responded once again, seeming to get more defensive.

Twilight sighed as she brushed her mane and said, "Fine, I'll inform Princess Celestia of the situation and have her set up a room in the castle for you."

"Thank you, Twilight! You're the best!" Spike exclaimed. He then burped out some green fire from his mouth. Both Spike and Twilight were somewhat surprised. The violet alicorn couldn't help but blush and comment, "seems like you can still breathe fire?"

Spike then laughed before burping another flame and saying, "yeah, I guess so. Weird, huh?"

Twilight sat down at a desk and started writing a letter, then suggested, "ok, well before you go, maybe see a doctor? I don't know what enchantment turned you into an adult stallion, but you shouldn't be able to burp fire."

Spike turned around, showed off his flank, and said, " Yeah, sure, but it might just be magic from my cutie mark."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she sat down at her desk and continued to write her letter to Princess Celestia explaining what happened to Spike, then hoofed it over to the stallion. He eyed the letter for a minute, seeming unsure if he could burp out the flame on command. Spike then burped out another burst of fire and engulfed the letter of green love, and it seemed to have teleported like when he was still a dragon. There was no way to confirm if the letter got to Princess Celestia, but he's been doing this for years, and he had a sixth sense to know the letter got to its destination. He then looked over at Twilight and asked, "so can I go?"

Twilight sighed, seeing she still wasn't convinced that Spike was telling her the truth, but for now, there wasn't much she could do to get answers from him; then she asked, "Yes, just don't be weird and don't cause any trouble."

Spike then galloped over and hugged her. Twilight cried out in surprise as the former dragon wrapped his hooves around her body, squeezed her close to his warm coat, and cried, "thank you so much! Please don't worry about me, ok?"

Twilight's cheeks flushed red despite her concerns; she could see Spike was excited to trot around as a pony. She'll be sure to change him back, but she should at least let him enjoy being a pony. She gave him a sack of bits and said, "it's no problem, Spike; as I said, just don't go crazy; go straight to Canterlot Palace and meet with Princess Celestia."

Spike then galloped out of the house with his mane flowing over his body when he opened the door. Twilight turned towards the doorway and shouted, "and Spike!?"


Twilight glared daggers at him and said, "don't mess with Rarity."

"I promise!" Spike chirped and then galloped out the door, leaving Twilight standing there as she just continued to stand there with a cocked eyebrow. Just then, Owlicious flew through the door, and the violet alicorn looked up and asked, "do you know what happened to Spike?"

Owlowiscious gave a "hoot" and then tugged at Twilight, pointing a wing out towards the door.

"Alright, let's go to the old castle of the princesses and help me find out what happened to Spike. I know he's keeping something from me; we have to be sure this isn't something serious," Twilight added; the two flew off the door and towards the Everfree Forest.