• Member Since 21st Aug, 2022
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Travelling Mushroom of the Bad Lands


Once of noble birth, a lone ronin at the verge of death after an attack from bandits prayed upon the gods to give him a new life. What he didn't realize was that his wish would take him to a whole new world. Thrust unto the unknown, the young man with an uchigatana by his side, finds that he really isn't a man anymore, nor is he a human. What a cruel joke...

(Death and Violence tag for the Prologue)

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 37 )

This something i liked to read. Someone from a different era transported in Equestria

I certainly will! It's hard to find stories like this, especially anthro stories that doesn't involved smut

Got nothing against it. Just rather annoying to see a lot of those

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it! 🤗

No problem. Can't to see what you have next. Good luck! ^^

now THIS has my intrigue
i shall watch your progress on this story with great interest

Thank you! I'll do my best to write it! :heart:

This is surprisingly enjoyable. The idea is solid and seems to be executed well so far, you clearly know a fair bit about Japanese history. Scenes are written rather beautifully and competently. Would only say to adjust the spacing a bit so paragraphs don’t clutter, but well done overall

That's also a problem I'm having, the spacing :ajsleepy: I will do my best to fix those problems! Thank you for enjoying it!

Oooooo. Interesting

Thank you for reading! I'm glad I caught your interest :twilightsmile:

Looking forward to more

I really like the story, thanks for the chapters. I have a question, what era is Ryoto from? Since he mentions the Nanban, that little doubt arose.

This is getting good. Ryoto is gonna be in for a wild ride

Thank you for liking! :twilightblush: To answer your question, Ryoto, surprisingly, is at the start of the Edo period, or more specifically, he "perished" at the start of the Edo period, around 1604-ish. I hope that helps :twilightsmile:

Oh most definitely! Thank you for liking my story! :yay:

No prob. Samurai's and Ronin and those types of warriors are always a plus in my book

So much info.. Love it. Also. Like how Ryoto assumed Applejack to be the ruler. It's cute. This is getting better and better

Applejack has the largest farm = probably the ruler of this land - Ryoto, circa 1995

But yes, thank you once again for reading! It genuinely makes me want to write more even if I need to sleep :twilightsheepish::twilightsmile:

Haahah good to hear. But do sleep when ya need to pal.

"Maybe I should've died that day... perhaps I could've been with them... I wasn't meant to survive." I said as I lowered my head. As I did so, however, a smack to the face greeted me. It was Miss Rarity, her snow white hoof hitting the side of my muzzle, an equivalent to a slap I suppose.

"How dare you," she muttered. "How dare you say that you should've died that day!" With a glare once more, she pulled me closer with her magic as she yelled to reprimand me. "You were meant to survive, you're here aren't you? And how dare you waste that good fortune by thinking of such things! For shame! Shame on you!" She gently lowered me back but she continued to speak. "How dare you waste your second chance in life by simply giving up! What would your family think? What would your beloved think? What would those you did protect think?!"

"You said that you were a warrior once when we visited again, and I believed it. And if you truly are a warrior as you claim to be, then you should value the life that you were given along with the pride your family once had!" She sighed as she got closer to me. "You've hurt Pinkie, and yes we are mad about it, but you did it out of a habit and duty, did you not?" Miss Rarity asked as she sat down in front of me. I nodded. "I- I thought it was-" I tried to speak, only for her to cut me off with a hush and a hoof on my muzzle. "Then you've done it not out of malice. Yes, you've hurt her, but you didn't intent to do so. Had you known that it was a party meant for you, then you wouldn't have done it. And for that, we too, apologize." Miss Rarity said, to which a confused cyan pegasus simply looked at us in shock. "Are... What?! Are we seriously just forgiving him like that?"

Was enjoying this fic somewhat, but sadly this chapter ruins it for me. He has a ptsd attack and injures Pinkie and yet instead of being understanding after learning what he went through they are still harsh and scold him bitterly, even slapping him. That's not a proper way to deal with it. Instead of giving him kindness and understanding they harshly scold him for a serious mental condition as if that will magically make it better. I get he injured Pinkie and should be pissed but it's still a serious issue and this harsh way of responding to it after learning what he is going through is counterproductive to actually helping him.

How could they accept me? A murderer, a monster, a feral beast with a blade? I've hurt their friend, and yet... and yet they chose to forgive me. Had this been my home world, I would've been executed for harming my host. I had to thank the gods for that. I have to work hard if I want to repay that kindness. That kindness, I will never forget it.

Has serious ptsd issues. Ponies slapped his face with a hard hoof and scolded him bitterly as if he's just a minorly misbehaved child instead of someone with a serious condition and don't do anything else to help him. Not to mention one of them straight up refused to forgive him or even believed it. Sorry not sorry, but I am going have to stop reading and even leave a dislike it annoyed me that much. I just really hate seeing forced conflict that is quickly resolved, making it feel lackluster and pointless and their way of dealing with someone again with ptsd just grinds my gears. I wish you luck even without me reading.

Indeed, new chapter! :twilightsmile: Thank you for reading!

"He has a ptsd attack and injures Pinkie and yet instead of being understanding after learning what he went through they are still harsh and scold him bitterly, even slapping him. That's not a proper way to deal with it." Indeed, yes, this was what I was going for. Perhaps the panic of someone, or somepony in this case, getting hit made them act so harshly. I've seen that happen way too many times in real life too, and it really is a sad thing to witness.

"I just really hate seeing forced conflict that is quickly resolved, making it feel lackluster and pointless and their way of dealing with someone again with ptsd just grinds my gears. I wish you luck even without me reading." The main conflict really isn't quickly resolved (I actually have plans for it to pop up later on, though I won't say who it is who would help him/the setting), but indeed, there are times where PTSD and other mental health issues were not really prioritized, and well, with the time setting, often one tends to either fight on and accept whatever it is that they got, or surrender and risk losing it all. I honestly wanted this to be a tad more realistic, in a sense, but also keep the elements of what made MLP: FiM stand out, which is forgiveness and acceptance.

"Has serious ptsd issues. Ponies slapped his face with a hard hoof and scolded him bitterly as if he's just a minorly misbehaved child instead of someone with a serious condition and don't do anything else to help him. Not to mention one of them straight up refused to forgive him or even believed it. Sorry not sorry, but I am going have to stop reading and even leave a dislike it annoyed me that much." It's alright! Having your opinion helps me be a better writer. I do hope that you enjoy some of my other works, if not this one. Have a nice day/afternoon/evening! :twilightsmile:

Also, I do not know how to copy a comment so apologies for simply just copy pasting it :twilightsheepish:

Thank you, I really liked the chapter.


Indeed, yes, this was what I was going for. Perhaps the panic of someone, or somepony in this case, getting hit made them act so harshly. I've seen that happen way too many times in real life too, and it really is a sad thing to witness

Like I said, I understand it at first, despite not liking the suddenness of the conflict, but to still do it after he explains himself, is just uncalled-for. That was my issue. Instead of comforting what in their eyes is a young colt going through so much, they are still as bitter and scold and even slap him, not just for hurting Pinkie, but for his serious freakout! Even worse, one little prick had the nerve to think he's lying despite his clear turmoil. I just can't....

I honestly wanted this to be a tad more realistic, in a sense, but also keep the elements of what made MLP: FiM stand out, which is forgiveness and acceptance.

Except Rarity's harsh bitchy response to his serious and depressing outburst ruins and taints that idea. It just feels like the ponies are having their cake and eat it too. You went through a terrible ordeal and suffering from ptsd? Let me slap you and scold you harshly, but I still forgive you for attacking Pinkie. If it were me I would tell her to shove that self-righteous forgiveness up her flank. As for Rainbow, perhaps what I would do should remain unsaid.

Also, I do not know how to copy a comment so apologies for simply just copy pasting it

There is no way to do it directly. I just copy the paragraph or sentence I want to quote and simply hit the quotation button, than paste it.

I don't think the slap was meant to be so harsh. First of of all not many people know how to recognize or deal with PTSD. I know people who would have slapped anyone who was freaking out like that. Not the way I'd do it but the shock of the slap is supposed to snap you out of it. And I might have misunderstood the moment but I felt rarity was just appalled at the idea that someone would think they should have just died. Being stern and pointing out how it would be an insult to those that died...or something like that. Probably not the way she should have handled it. And I think it was rainbow who was very unforgiving but I'm pretty sure that 90% of everyone writes rainbow on this site writes her that way so that shouldn't be a surprise. I hope I didn't miss a sentence here or there, it's hard for me to keep my thoughts straight while writing this on a phone.

Pretty good chapter man. I am mad that he cut Pinkie..but I forgive him lol. Can't wait for more

Thank you for reading! I'm glad you liked it :heart:


I understand it at first, despite not liking the suddenness of the conflict, but to still do it after he explains himself, is just uncalled-for. Even worse, one little prick had the nerve to think he's lying despite his clear turmoil. I just can't....

I... I've been in that situation before, scolded for something I haven't done, though, the reason why it felt so natural to write that part was due to what happened to my friend.

It just feels like the ponies are having their cake and eat it too. You went through a terrible ordeal and suffering from ptsd? Let me slap you and scold you harshly, but I still forgive you for attacking Pinkie.

There is a saying my mom and my grandma often says whenever we watch telenovelas (and I get angry at the character). It goes something like this, "If the character is making you angry, then they're doing their job properly."
And, yes, this was what I was going for. For people to see the world through Ryoto's eyes, and see that even the greatest of heroes can be imperfect, especially those we associate with the Friendship is Magic series. Though, a part of me wanted to make it so much more realistic, and if that part of me won, this would've been the last chapter. (I'd let you figure out why)

There is no way to do it directly. I just copy the paragraph or sentence I want to quote and simply hit the quotation button, than paste it.

Also, thank you! Really! I now know how to do those comment things :twilightsheepish:


I don't think the slap was meant to be so harsh. First of of all not many people know how to recognize or deal with PTSD. I know people who would have slapped anyone who was freaking out like that. Not the way I'd do it but the shock of the slap is supposed to snap you out of it. And I might have misunderstood the moment but I felt rarity was just appalled at the idea that someone would think they should have just died. Being stern and pointing out how it would be an insult to those that died...or something like that

Yes, Rarity, though quite well-mannered at times, can be a bit... overdramatic in the show, but also fiercely compassionate (in some ways). It's the reason why I wanted her to do it as well, even though I've already made the stage for Fluttershy. It've been easy for, well, almost anyone of them to get him to confess (at the state Ryoto was in), with Fluttershy using the stare, so on and so forth. Rarity, in Ryoto's eyes, is the most noble-like out of all of them, so that too would be a surprise for him.

And I think it was rainbow who was very unforgiving but I'm pretty sure that 90% of everyone writes rainbow on this site writes her that way so that shouldn't be a surprise.

Maybe it's cause of her being so suspicious in the show all the time! Don't worry though, maybe something good will happen between them, who knows :rainbowderp:

I hope I didn't miss a sentence here or there, it's hard for me to keep my thoughts straight while writing this on a phone.

You can use this site in the phone??

Thank you for always reading! :heart:


There is a saying my mom and my grandma often says whenever we watch telenovelas (and I get angry at the character). It goes something like this, "If the character is making you angry, then they're doing their job properly."

Sure, well written stories can do this and have you angry at a character while still not being annoyed enough to stop watching, or reading. However, to be frank this wasn't well written enough for me to stick around. Usually, it's villains they do this to, which makes it easier to pull off that fine line, since you know they will eventually get their comeuppance. Sadly, since it's the girls and you are justifying it, I am confident, the chances for them to get some kind of comeuppance, or having to learn their actions are wrong and counterproductive are very unlikely. Sure, since you have your reasons keep it this way, go right ahead to do it. I may not be able to control, nor would I want to, how and what you write, but I can do something about myself and simply leave my dislike and leave. This is my final response, since I just want to move on and hopefully find a much better fic to read, or wait patiently for one that caught my attention to update.

i would kinda like to see rioto maintain his katana but its aaight. you an elden ring are like. the only 2 sources that know the name of uchigatana. other than lets ask shogo and all of japan lol.

Thank you for reading! And yes, I did quite a lot of research on certain things before integrating it in the story. I hope you like it! :twilightsmile:

Also, Ryoto will maintain his uchigatana, just not in the normal way (at least in what I am planning).

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