• Member Since 10th Jan, 2023
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I like to write, that's it.

Comments ( 46 )

This guy is supposed to be super tuff and a bad ass and he scream like a little girl and faint in a moment of danger.

I could have worded it better, but he lost consciousness due to the ship crashing.
I'll edit that portion right now.

"Ring, ring, ring, "

Banana phone!

The first thing he does after realising he accidentally cooked and ate a sapient and being so upset about he pukes and returns his morbid trophy.... is slaughter a camp of them and kidnap one. Really??

Not even the slightest attempt to explain the situation straight "intruder" > *stab* like they didn't even find out that he could talk until he had already killed all but the last one, and he knocks him out before anything can be explained.

On top of all of that they were apparently not even a threat to him in the first place as they shot him numerous times to no effect.

Yet as soon as he's out of the forest he gets one hit KO'd and they weren't trying to kill him like the changelings were.

Also the changelings have guns, is this an EAW fic?

He's vulnerable to magic, that's all. I thought it'd be pretty clear by how timberwolves and spells could harm him easily, but not bullets.
Also, he's literally covered in their blood. What would you do if a blood-covered biped was hiding in a bush.

Yes, the fic itself takes place in an EaW-inspired world.


It felt a lot like being stung by a particularly angry wasp. This meant my subdermal armour was apparently mostly functional by now.

seemed to imply that he is regaining defences, it was not clear that magic remained a major weakness but now that it's been pointed out its obvious in hindsight that is what happened.

Also, he's literally covered in their blood. What would you do if a blood-covered biped was hiding in a bush.

Their behavior was exactly as expected, he however didn't say a word or make the slightest attempt at de-escalating the situation, sure at that point there probably wasn't anything he could have possibly said to get them to not shoot him but to not even make the attempt especially after his revelation just seems ridiculous.

Yes, the fic itself takes place in an EaW-inspired world.

That explains a lot.

He's a soldier, de-escalation isn't in his particular skillset 😉
I understand what you are getting at though, I hope you at least enjoyed some of the fic.

Dunno it doesn't feel like it has really gotten started as he hasn't started a dialogue with anyone yet. (well aside from the guy he knocked out but I don't think that counts) looks like it'll start up in the next chapter.

It feels like we're still in the introduction part of the story.

So far I don't like the mc but the story could still go in any direction at this point.

El commento positivo!!!!!

no, if this was real life at least for the USA ( and stupidly not are police ) are trained in de-escalation also while I try not to just charter too much cause I don't know their mindset and they're not going to come up with an idea like mine that is more meta so to speak or have knowledge about the universe or even question things like crazy but wow after that slaughter I think I know why the civies would be scared of him.

especially if the whole magic thing hasn't been messing with his mind(besides that heart thing) these guys were MADE to kill the first thing he seems to question is why he feels bad that answer something and raises a few more question's.
like is magic a thing that amplifies emotion or is it like a feedback loop thing more emotion make more magic make more emotion etc

think it might have to do with his mindset seaming being raised as a human weapon and maybe i think magical influence
think about it all of that could have been like programming that was given to make him more deadly the moment that soldier set off his train drilled into him it was kill mode no thought only kill so speak also am thinking since he seemed to be affected mentally at least in once case with the heart seemingly calling to him to eat it.

might have magic playing a part in it how I can really only guess at maybe cause a psychical change in his brain or fucked with his emotion it up to the Author lol

Magic itself doesn't affect his emotions, it's rather him being injured or in a "proper" battle that sets off his killing mode, basically his brain gets flooded with adrenaline.

Oh? Any particular things that make you not trust her? ;)

she seemed to be really trying to get access to him even trying to guilt him and manipulate him into trusting her you can see it in all the little things taking off his cuff and with the hugging would you really be so nice to what an alien that just said there a kil machine with problems including eating another life form with smarts.

no the show Princess Show has some problem but she to at least believe in the peace and love thing here she shows no love or cares for the changelings seeing them as the enemy which while that's ok still jints to her morality not being so white and pure. I like how she mentioned the ship and seam to understand what she has here (mabye humans are a thing here or will be I am sure she has future vision in the show) and seas to want it why else would she let him the one that likely know more about then here people could possibly know about it keep it i think she wants that tech

Keep in mind the technological/lore setting for this fic is Equestria at War and Changelings haven't been the most peaceful creatures by 1012. (I'll probably change the fic description to mention Equestria at War)

However, you are somewhat right that she wants access to him, but not in a bad way as you seem to think. Celly means well after all ;).

ya i was thinking in the mindset of EAW also the path the hell is full of good intentions day breaker any one?

True, but as I mentioned before, she really means well by making that offer to Rex. Also, better than him potentially winding up in wrong hands...erm...hooves.

the wink threw me off a bit there i was like oh so evil lol

Don't tell me you've already read it all

He is supposed to be a killer machine, but he has "stage fright"!?

My immersion is broken!!!!!!! :facehoof:

I write with the help of a translator.
Honestly, I liked the idea of the beginning, but let me read this. When I read the first chapters, I thought that your character would be a killing machine that does not divide changelings and ponies into good and bad, but I was wrong. The character himself is also not clear as a person, on the one hand, he kills soldiers for fun, but in the next chapter he decided to act nice and make friends with everyone for no reason. I'm not saying it's a bad story, it's just a huge negative that I can't ignore.

It's a result of him always having to remain "covered" when among civilians, so much so that it distresses him to be unable to do so now.

That's valid criticism, although he's not inherently evil(or heartless) and deep down is a human, which is what I wish to portray rather than make him out to be a mindless slaughter machine. He kills and will kill a lot, but not for "no reason", he's a soldier after all.

For him, ponies were a means of getting back home, but with that impossible, he's better off accepting their hospitality. I suppose I haven't gotten that across as well as I thought I did.


Still, it was a little too much. I mean, he fought battles way worse that this. And he is a scary cat over just being out in the open in the crowd? :ajbemused:

He'll get over that at some point, he just needs time and a few other things

So from my interpretation of Rex and his character... he's unabashedly broken... he is super violent but amazingly docile the next second... vulnerable to what I've globally assume is the internet 'pony mind control' and bent to Celestias will with MINOR objection... if he was lab made or had so many cybernetics installed where is the government failsafe in his programming? Where is his weapons that he had in flight? What about his survival tools that'd be in his ship? Why would he break what I assume should be protocol that he should've had ingrained into him... there's just to many holes in the current chapters...

He's a soldier, not a maniac. The camp slaughter was a rather unfortunate incident and his extreme combat brutality stemms from a certain augment (and his combat training) which I plan to touch upon (much) later.

I plan for him to recover his weapons at a later point in the story, but not quite yet.

He doesn't have any failsafes in him, note that he and others were left relatively alone in the Artic. There was no need for those nor "programming".

Protocol goes out the window when you don't have the supplies to wait forever and get attacked by wildlife.

Will Sunset Shimmer appear in this story?

I'd say no. While it'd be interesting to bring her in, I prefer not risking writing her badly. Even then I'd probably have to put her much later in to find a spot for her in the story itself and learn how to write her.

I am confused, because I thought that mc was a super soldier.
But with how much remorse he shows I now doubt it. Because he throws up after eating a sapient bug thing, and well that just doesn't seem like a thing a "super soldier" would do I mean like there not human.
is he like, the opposite of a psychopath where he feels extreme empathy.
The only time I feel empathy to a non-human is when they are cute for example a cat or a dog. But not a bug horse thing.

He feels remorse for killing innocents, he has no qualms about killing bandits, enemy soldiers and such. He's a super soldier, but not a psychopath. He fought similar looking bugs back home, so he acted like instincts told him to, which is what made it so regretful for him.

Man it was starting to get good 😭 i hate cliffhangers

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