• Member Since 5th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen Saturday

Drunk Luna

Everypony’s favorite alcoholic alicorn.


IMPORTANT NOTE: This story takes place in an alternate universe where Nightmare Moon never existed, so Luna was never banished.

During her four-year sabbatical in Ponyville, Princess Luna unexpectedly becomes pregnant and gives birth to a daughter, a little blue unicorn she names Trixie. Though the princess loves the filly dearly, she worries about what will happen if Celestia discovers that her sister is the mother of an illegitimate foal. Desperate and heartbroken, Luna reluctantly surrenders the foal to an orphanage, swearing that she will one day return for her daughter, and that Luna will always love her—no matter the cost.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 19 )
Comment posted by Rachel69 deleted Jan 18th, 2023

Damn... Luna will do anything to protect her child. Even bitchslap Celestia

Great chapter, wish it was a little bit longer though

Comment posted by Mechanist1138 deleted Jan 19th, 2023

What the fuck!? That came out of left field

Comment posted by Mechanist1138 deleted Jan 19th, 2023

That escalated quickly. I wish there had been a bit more build up to that abdication. I got emotional whiplash from that.

I like the concept of your story, but holy shit I wish that you had built up these reveals better. You could have at least hinted at it.

Well that escalated quickly so much for understanding among siblings.

Great chapter keep it up

“Celestia is little more than a tyrant,” Luna said. “While I was pregnant and taking my sabbatical, she disassembled parliament, began to execute ponies simply to show her power and scare everypony into submission. She had unwed mothers killed, but not before their foals were cut from their wombs and had their throats slit in front of them. Something inside my sister has snapped. She has no desire to kill me; she only wishes to take my daughter’s life and leave me to suffer an eternity of misery, which is a far worse fate than death.”

That escalated quickly.

Why is this on hiatus it's a great story with a lot of potential, not to mention a whole lot of cuteness and a very unique idea.

Because I’m busy with several other projects at the moment

You really don't like Celestia do you,can I ask why? If you were to ask me why I don't like Celestia it's for a number of reasons she doesn't take any time to consider her actions and treats almost everything like a joke on top of that she's a stalker and expects way to much out of certain individuals.

Hey it's no longer on hiatus does this mean it's going to continue? Because I would like that.

Oh boy I wonder who Celestia will send to kill Trixie my money is on either Twilight Sparkle or Sunset Shimmer hopefully they won't succeed but it might be more of an interesting story if Trixie gets hurt.

dw its just a regular sibling fight

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