• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 6,758 Views, 672 Comments

An Expression Of Love - Fluttershy20

Twilight's in love with Fluttershy, and goes on an adventure with her to tell her that.

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Chapter 16

Applejack grinned to herself as she looked at the picture for what seemed like the thousandth time that week alone. ‘Oh, Apple Bloom, you can be a mighty silly filly sometimes,’ she thought. In the photograph, Apple Bloom and Babs Seed, along with several other colts and fillies, were running around a tree and making themselves dizzy in the process.

When Granny Smith had tasked her with the organisation and preparation of the Apple Family Reunion, Applejack had thought of improving some of the old traditional games her family had played together. One such game involved the fillies and colts of the family playing the six-legged race, which Applejack ‘improved’ upon by adding new but mostly pointless obstacles for the young ponies to overcome if they wanted to win.

Applejack chuckled to herself as she remembered glancing at Apple Bloom and Babs Seed spinning discs on their muzzles while muttering some nonsense she had made up on the spot. ‘At least they tried to do it,’ she thought. Chuckling again, she turned the page over once more, and her smile grew wider as a result.

It was the original copy of the family photo, taken just after they had raised the family barn and repaired it after her foolishness destroyed it. She was in the middle, lying on her side with a wide grin on her face and a hoof in the air. On either side of her was her family, looking very happy with themselves after they managed to re-build the barn. ‘I’m still not sure how we managed to build that in a few hours and one song, but hay, who cares?’ she thought. All that mattered to her was that the Apple Family Reunion was a great success, and everypony that had come went away with happy memories.

Applejack tore her gaze off the photo album on her lap, and looked out at the day. The sun was just rising over the horizon, heralding a new day, and goading the earth pony into a new day of apple bucking. ‘Suppose I better get back to it. Those apples ain’t gonna come down all by themselves.’

She flipped the pages back to close the book, when a brief look at a picture that made her heart skip a beat made her want to look at it a bit more. She stopped the others falling on top of it with a hoof, pushed them back, and looked at the photo with heavy eyes and a small smile.

At the centre of the photo was Applejack, sticking her tongue out and looking down at her nose, while on either side of her was Twilight and Fluttershy, each with a foreleg around her shoulders and pulling funny faces for the camera. ‘I remember that,’ she thought, sighing. When the winter had come last year, and it was too snowy for Twilight to go and see her parents, Applejack had invited her and Fluttershy over for the weekend with the family, and they had the best Hearth’s Warming ever.

Though she loved all of her friends dearly, and valued their company completely, Twilight and Fluttershy were something else to her. She had known Fluttershy for many years, and had become akin to a dear sister to her. Though she hadn’t known Twilight for as long as she had known the others, she saw her as one of the greatest friends she could ever have. ‘She is always there for me, always willing to give me a hoof and tell me straight when I am wrong,’ she thought. She fell back onto her bed, her belly beginning to growl with worry and her smile fading away. ‘She was always there for me, yet I’m not there for her or Fluttershy.’

“Soup’s up, Applejack, so move your caboose!” Granny Smith called from the kitchen below her.

Applejack sighed, then flipped herself onto her hooves and walked slowly out of her room and down to the dining table. Before she left her bedroom, she looked out at the window one last time with a heavy frown. “Where are you, girls?” she wondered aloud.

It had been over two weeks – maybe more, Applejack had lost count of how long it had been – since Fluttershy and Twilight left Ponyville and set off on their journey together, with the pegasus intent on finding the flower, and the unicorn determined on admitting her feelings of love to her companion. The day after they had left, Spike sent word around saying they had made it to Canterlot safely, and Applejack’s heart leapt in relief.

However, since then they hadn’t received anything from them. No letter, no postcard, not even a photo of anywhere they had been together and – Applejack hoped – Twilight and Fluttershy kissing each other. Not only was she deeply worried about them, but also she was worried about how Fluttershy would take the news of Twilight’s affections, and if she would accept them. ‘I just hope they are right for each other,’ she thought as she clogged down the stairs. ‘They better be, after the effort I went through before Twi came along.’

Nopony else knew it, but Fluttershy had confided in Applejack and told her how desperately she wanted to find a marefriend. The earth pony was surprised, but agreed to help her, and so she started asking around and seeing if there was any mare in Ponyville that liked animals and loved classical music and a bit of quiet time. The response back was unfortunately timid. None of the very few ponies Applejack found were interested in pursuing a relationship with the shy mare, or were in the middle of their own relationships.

She was close to giving up on finding her friend a soul mate, when Twilight Sparkle came to her saying that she loved Fluttershy. On the outside, Applejack looked confused and bewildered by the sudden declaration, but inside, she was ecstatic. Her two best friends could be together in the bonds of a romantic relationship rather than a platonic relationship they had once all shared. At that moment, she swore she would help Twilight out and get them together, even if it killed her.

Unfortunately, Twilight had other plans, mainly involving Fluttershy in a wild flower chase across Equestria in a quest that could endanger both of their lives. Applejack felt frustrated that she was forced to stay behind while her best friends went out into the unknown, without a guide or anything other than their wits to protect themselves should they be attacked. Equestria might be a place of love, but it had many dangers for those that went astray.

She shook the thought away. ‘Twi will protect her, and Fluttershy will protect Twi when she can’t protect herself,’ Applejack reminded herself. Twilight was without a doubt the most powerful unicorn in Equestria, able to lift up an Ursa Minor with little sweat. And even though she would never say it to Rainbow Dash, for she knew the pegasus would disagree, Fluttershy was certainly the strongest – maybe not in muscle but in heart and soul. As well as compassionate and caring to even the greatest and most beastly carnivore, she was able to look down into a dragon’s eyes without fear and able to stare into a cockatrice’s eyes without breaking sweat. Put the two together… and Applejack would feel really sorry for whoever crossed their path with intention to do them harm.

At the thought, Applejack felt her belly begin to calm itself. The two were more than perfect for one another; she did not know the right word but she knew they were made for each other, like they had been moulded together and were separated later so they could find each other again. They would have each other’s backs, and protect one another when nopony else could or would.

She pulled herself out of her thoughts temporarily when she made it to the main floor at the bottom of the stairs, and then turned left to find herself looking into the large dining hall. Apple Bloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith were all sitting in their seats around the main table, and were waiting for her to take her place; it was tradition for the family to wait until the whole family was present before eating.

“Applejack, you look more distracted than a moth around a lantern,” Granny Smith observed, her face expressing her concerns. Her two siblings shared the same looks, too.

Applejack smiled assuredly at her family. “I’m fine, Granny,” she said with a bat of her hoof. “Just thinking ’bout stuff.”

“Well stop the thinking for a bit and have some breakfast,” Apple Bloom said, shifting in her place to show how uncomfortable she was. “I’m starvin’, and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are coming in a mo to help with our latest attempt at getting our cutie marks.”

Applejack raised her eyebrow as she looked at her younger sister. ‘Oh dear,’ she thought. “What ya got planned this time?” she asked, calmly adding, “and please do it out of the way so ya don’t destroy another barn; ya already took out three this year with ya antics, one of which was with a stick. A stick!”

Apple Bloom looked sheepish. “It was a very strong stick,” she muttered.

Applejack glared at her little sister for a long time, before letting out a hearty chuckle; her sister’s defences were usually the cutest things she would ever see. “Ah, take it easy, lil’ sis. I ain’t angry ’bout that any more.” She jumped up on the chair, and shifted about till she felt comfortable. “Now enough chit chat. Let’s eat! I’m starved!”

With the wisest words ever spoken said, the Apple Family started digging into the apple soup Granny had effortlessly prepared for them. Applejack started licking the sides of the bowl, to have the colder and more edible areas of the soup in her belly, before diving her tongue in and lapping up the soup with increasing vigour.

As she ate, she took more time to think about Twilight’s plan, and the idea of leaving Ponyville behind. The more she thought about it, the more it sounded like the greatest plan imaginable.

She could practically see what would have happened if Twilight decided to stay in Ponyville and try to confess to Fluttershy that way rather than the big adventure route she went with. At some point, the others – Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity and herself – would try and help, and subsequently intervene in attempting to get Twilight and Fluttershy together. A lot of running around town would happen, followed by a cyclone of misunderstandings and arguing, and probably some tears would be shed to boot.

Nevertheless, in the end, Twilight and Fluttershy would come together as a couple, everypony is forgiven for whatever they did wrong, and everypony lives happily ever after. ‘I should write a novel if I can come up with a story like that,’ Applejack thought, chuckling to herself. She made a quick mental note to start writing it later.

Though they all meant well, and loved them dearly, she would confess that the others and herself would almost definitely have intervened and get in the way of Twilight’s relationship problems at some point should they stayed. With them together and out in the wilderness, however, they only had each other to depend on, and never having to worry about internal conflicts, such as other ponies arguing or contending with each other.

In all the time Applejack had known them, she had never seen Twilight and Fluttershy fight or argue as heavily as the rest of them do. They usually resolved their matters by discussing them calmly or, especially in Fluttershy’s case, conceding that Twilight was actually right – which in most cases, she was. It was refreshing for her to see that sort of friendship. It made her wish she was the same as them, to be more calm in an aggressive situation unlike she was most of the time with Rainbow Dash when they argued. Half the arguments she had with the brutally brash pegasus came really close to her knocking some sense into Rainbow.

But then again, she considered, stuff like what those two are probably going through can bring out the best and the absolute worst in anypony.

Twilight was usually a charming, kind and thoughtful soul, but when in a foul mood she could get terribly sarcastic, she wasn’t scared to speak her mind, and could turn aggressive quickly. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, was most of the time sweet and endearing, but when she was in a bad mood, it was best to keep away from her, for her temper was like a volcanic eruption – loud, angry, and violent.

Those two were stuck together until they could find a way home, and Applejack started to fear they were going to be coming home separate. ‘What if they have a full-blown argument about somethin’?’ she feared, sweat trickling down her face. ‘What if they leave each other in the wilderness, or work together only to never speak again once they make it?’ If that happened, then nopony would be able to help them.

Applejack sighed drearily. ‘Why didn’t I go with them? I would not have got in the way of Twi’s plans. I would have been there just to see that they’re safe.’

“Applejack, dear, are you all right?”

Applejack brought her head up at the sound of Granny’s voice, and smiled assuredly when she saw the look of worry from not just her grandmother, but from her siblings as well. “I’m fine, Granny. I’m just stuffed, that’s all.”

“But you barely ate a mouthful,” Apple Bloom noted.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh agreed.

Applejack looked down and saw that she had only eaten at least a quarter of the soup. “Well, I had a big dinner with some of the girls last night. I guess that’s still digesting,” she lied, patting her stomach. In truth she had only a few mouthfuls with Rainbow and Pinkie; she had barely eaten a thing since they had left. “Um, Granny, do ya mind if go out and get some air?”

Granny Smith eyed her worriedly for a minute, before letting out a sigh and nodded. “Of course,” she replied.

Applejack pushed the chair back. “Thanks,” she said, hopping out of her chair. Without another word, she trotted hastily out of the dining room, through the living room and headed outside.

She breathed in deep some of the fresh, cool air that hung around, enjoying the relaxing feeling in her chest it was giving her. It was a shame it was only temporary. ‘Come on, AJ, you are just being paranoid,’ she chided herself as she started to pace. ‘Twilight and Fluttershy can work together just fine and you know it. They will help each other out and go through anything; even through a bunch of unexpected krakens during kraken mating season.’

But what if they couldn’t? That terrible little voice plaguing her with doubts was now yelling at its highest voice. What if Twilight and Fluttershy were unable to work together due to Twilight confessing her feelings too early, and Fluttershy didn’t like it, said no, so they argued and had a falling out? Applejack’s belly growled even more, so much that she collapsed onto her rump, a hoof clutching her belly. ‘Oh, come on, girls, give us something! Let us know that you are both okay!’

“AJ?” The younger earth pony spun her head around, only to quickly look away when she saw Big Mac coming out of the house, a heavy look of concern on his face. “You should take the day off, sis,” he advised.

“No!” Applejack yelled adamantly, glaring at her older brother. She looked away with a sigh and rubbed her forehead. “No, that’s not necessary, Big Mac. I need something to keep my mind occupied. Need to stop thinking about such things.”

Big Mac sat next to his sister, and then wrapped her in a one-legged hug. “I know you’re worried about Twilight and Fluttershy. I’m worried about them, too, Applejack. Fluttershy is like a sister to me and Twilight is a good friend. But though I may not know those two as well as you, I know for certain that they are just fine, cause they’re together, and they will work together, no matter what comes their way.”

Applejack sighed, hearing the same words she had tried to assure herself with a few minutes earlier. For some reason the words did not sound as comforting when they came from her. When they came out of her brother’s mouth, however, she felt a little bit better. Big Mac rarely spoke wrong about anything, so to hear him sounding so confident in their abilities made her feel happier than she was originally.

She looked up at Big Mac, and smiled. “Thanks, Big Mac,” she said. She broke out of her brother’s hug, leaping out like a deer, then spun around with a more genuine, cheerful grin across her lips. “Come on, let’s get some bucking done!” With that, she spun away and galloped into the orchards. “Race ya to the orchard!”

Big Mac guffawed, then took off and charged like an elephant after her. Applejack grinned when she glanced behind and saw her big brother racing after her. ‘Today’s gonna be a good day, I just know it. A full day of apple-bucking to look forward to,’ she thought, as Big Mac shot past her, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake and momentarily blinding Applejack.

“What do ya mean we’ve done them all?” Applejack yelled in surprise an hour later.

“All the trees are empty, AJ,” Big Mac repeated, wincing at the sound of his sister’s raised voice. “There are no more apples to take down. We’re done for the year.”

Applejack planted a hoof on her face and groaned. She had hoped that she would have a full day of bucking apples and feeling the soreness of her hind legs later before dinner, which would keep her mind off her two best friends being out in the wilderness. However, to her dismay, there was only an hour’s worth of work behind Big Mac in their largest cart, and it was not even lunchtime yet.

“Are ya sure there’s no more work to do?” Applejack asked desperately, sweating as her unoccupied head started to come back and haunt her with troubled thoughts of her friends.

Big Mac shook his head. “I’m sorry, sis, but that’s all for the day,” he said sadly.

“But why don’t I sell the apples in the market this afternoon instead of you?” Applejack questioned hopefully. “I know how much ya hate doin’ that.”

Big Mac tilted his head. “Nice of ya to offer, AJ, but I want to do it today,” he said.

Applejack’s eyes bulged in wonderment; it was all she could do to stop herself from screaming. “Why today?” she asked curiously.

“Cause I… Well, I…” Big Mac trailed off, a pink blush on his cheeks as he looked away.

‘Hmm, I was right, red ponies can blush. You owe me fifty bits, Rainbow Dash,’ Applejack thought, slowly smirking. “Oh, I see. Well if ya want to do it today then ya gotta tell me who the girl is,” she demanded, surprised and ecstatic her brother was finally meeting his special somepony.

“Oh… well, she’s…” Big Mac murmured a name so quietly Applejack could not hear it. Before she could ask who it was again, Big Mac exclaimed, “Behind ya!”

Applejack spun her head around in alarm. When she saw nothing, she turned back with a grunt, only to discover a cloud of dust where Big Macintosh had once been remained. She looked right and saw the large earth pony galloping through the orchards, intent on getting away from his sister.

Applejack chuckled as she watched her brother gallop into town, the dust from his hooves and wheels shooting into the air before falling gently like snow to the ground. ‘It is quite funny to see him all flushed like that,’ Applejack mused. Her smile faded slowly like evaporating rain when she realised Big Mac had just run off with the apples, leaving her with nothing to do – not even any chores to do around the farm. “Oh nuts,” she cursed, kicking the ground lightly in irritation.

Realising that moping around the farm would do no good to her mind or her body, she decided to turn away from Sweet Apple Acres, and began trotting. She didn’t care where her path took her, or her ultimate destination – she just wanted to trot and enjoy the day without worrying.

She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of birds cheeping in the trees around her, and the calming breath of the wind brushing against her coat as she trotted. ‘Fluttershy would love this,’ she thought, her smile fading a bit as she thought about the pegasus. When Fluttershy had stayed at the farm when she was a filly, she and Applejack would take an hour or so walking together around the farm and enjoying each other’s company with small talk, and listening to the birds singing blissfully around them.

When Fluttershy moved into her cottage, the pair stopped having their walks, finding themselves too busy with new responsibilities and jobs to get together. ‘Oh, how I miss those,’ Applejack thought, sighing sadly.

That’s when it hit her. Though she was worried about them, she missed their company even more. The laughs they shared, the quiet, peaceful moments where they settled down, and the times they talked and cried – something she could never have with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, or even Rarity – she missed them more than anything, and she felt terrible for it. ‘Shouldn’t I love all of my friends equally?’ she wondered briefly.

She broke out of her thoughts when she found herself just in front of the familiar little bridge leading to Fluttershy’s cottage. Even with its owner away, it still looked like a place of tranquillity, a place a pony could stop and reflect on life, or just relax and let the day go by without a care in the world.

Applejack would not say she was jealous of Fluttershy’s home; she would say she was envious of it. ‘Aren’t those meaning the same thing?’ She shook the question out of her head when she felt herself walking over the bridge without command and towards the front door of Fluttershy’s cottage.

She quickly saw the familiar form of Angel Bunny, standing prone on the other side of the window and gazing into the distance for Fluttershy to come bouncing home with a carrot for her favourite little rabbit. ‘I really don’t know what Fluttershy sees in him sometimes; he can be a right little pain in the backside to her.’ Nevertheless, she found herself relating to the little fella. ‘He wants her home, and I don’t blame him; we all want them back.’

“Howdy, little fella,” Applejack greeted Angel politely, tipping her hat in his direction. Angel didn’t respond; he continued to stare blankly into Ponyville with those cute little black eyes of his. “Um, so, has there been any letters come by for Fluttershy?” Angel simply pointed to the letterbox, his gaze never shifting from the road leading into Ponyville.

Applejack started to think this was getting a little awkward. ‘A little? I’m talking to a rabbit, for goodness sake. It’s not crazy when it’s Fluttershy, but me, then that’s a whole other story,’ she chastised. “Much obliged,” she said, tipping her hat again in thanks.

She walked over to the letterbox, opened it up, and began rummaging through the various letters. “Bill. Bill. Bill. Hmm, a letter from Cloudsdale. Who could that be, I wonder?” she asked herself; she certainly did not recognise the sender address, and there was no name to go with it. ‘Probably a letter from a fan.’ She put that one behind the others, and then continued looking. “Bill. Bill. An advertisement, and that’s it.”

Satisfied, she found the key she knew Fluttershy kept as a spare under the mat, opened up the cottage and chucked them onto the floor, only taking a second to realise that it smelled terribly in there. She slammed the door shut again, a hoof over her nose to keep the smell out of her nostrils. ‘Looks like Spike hasn’t been cleaning out the house like he promised he would,’ she thought. She turned away, waving goodbye to Angel as she walked over the bridge again and towards Ponyville. ‘Better go and remind him.’

It did not take her too long to find herself outside the library, with the branches filled with tasty green leaves and the familiar buzzing of the bees that made their hive perched on the highest branch. She could also hear the sound of Spike cussing loudly in frustration for some reason, prompting her to speed her trot up to find out what the issue was.

“Howdy, Spike,” she called as she opened the library door and stepped inside. She opened her mouth to speak again, but stopped and let it drop when she looked around. “What in tarnation is goin’ on here?” she whinnied.

The library floor was covered in mountains of books going as high as the ceiling. The little dragon himself was too busy diving into the book pile that he failed to notice the earth pony standing there. He reappeared a second later with a large purple book in claw, then got up, walked over to the only shelf with a few neatly arranged books on them, and set it along the line.

He spun around to find the next one, only to jump in surprise when he saw Applejack standing perplexedly in front of the door. “Applejack!” he exclaimed. “You could have at least knocked!”

“Uh, thought I didn’t need to,” Applejack objected, gesturing to the door. “That door creaks louder than a haunted house. Thought ya would have heard. Anyway, what are ya doin’ with all these books lying around?”

“Oh, these?” Spike asked, pointing at the piles around him.

‘I don’t see any other book mountains in Ponyville,’ she wanted to say, but bit it back before she could utter it. “Yes, Spike, these. I expected this sort of thing from Twilight but not from you.”

“Ah, yes, well, you see,” Spike stammered as he bent over, dug his arm into the pile and fondled for a book. “I thought about doing this for ages. I wanted to get all the books off the shelves, then put them in their correct categories and put them in assembling order, oldest to newest from left to right. That way, ponies would be able to find a book a lot easier, and Twilight would find her books quicker as well,” he explained as he ran to the shelves with another book, and then set it beside the growing line.

Applejack chuckled as she watched Spike work. “Twilight will be mighty impressed when she comes home,” she said proudly.

Spike chuckled as well. “If I can get this all done before then,” he said. He stopped suddenly, his ears drooping sadly as he let out a sigh. “Applejack?” He looked up imploringly. “When will they come back?”

Applejack shook her head numbly. “I don’t know, sugarcube. I really don’t know,” she said. She sighed. “I take it ya haven’t heard anything from them, then?”

Spike shook his head. “No, I haven’t. I’ve been thinking, should I write a letter to Princess Celestia to see if she can find them?”

Again, Applejack shook her head. “I don’t think we should waste her time, Spike,” she explained regretfully. “Though it would be nice, I doubt she could personally take any kind of action. Sorry.”

Spike waved the apology away. “No, it’s okay, you might be right,” he said, though his tone stated he wished that she were wrong. He turned away and began rummaging through the piles once more with a sigh. “Better get back to this.”

“Don’t ya want some help?” Applejack asked, not wanting to leave Spike alone sorting out a ton of books.

“Nah, it’s okay,” Spike replied, shooing her away with a claw. “I don’t want to waste your time with something as tedious as this. Go on, I’m sure you have something else to get on with.”

Applejack tried to come up with an excuse to help, but with him busy with sorting out the library, then she was able to go and clean up Fluttershy’s cottage before it stunk like a skunk. “Al-all right, Spike,” she said, turning away towards the door. “I’ll be at Fluttershy’s if ya need me.” She opened the door and walked out. “Catch ya later, Spike.”

She closed the door behind her, and sighed. ‘That’s a shame. I was hoping something would be heard from them.’ She shook her head of the thoughts before they could entrench themselves, and then started to trot back to Fluttershy’s cottage. ‘Better do something ’bout that place.’ She just hoped it wasn’t as bad as she thought it was.

An hour later, Applejack smelled fresher than a ripe apple after a deluge. ‘I really should change our bath for one like Fluttershy’s,’ she mused as she trotted through town.

When she had arrived, the cottage smelt as though something had died. Thankfully, nothing had died – Fluttershy would never forgive herself if that happened – but a lot of mess stained the chairs, the floor, the kitchen, the bedroom and the bathroom. It took a while, with a lot of cussing and pushing out animals that had returned in Fluttershy’s absence, but the earth pony was able to clean it all up and make it look as though its owner had never left. Afterwards, she had a quick rinse in Fluttershy’s bath, and after clearing it up and washing the towels, she left the house clean and tidy – just how Fluttershy would have left it. ‘I will have to pay her for a new shampoo bottle, though,’ she reminded herself.

Ponyville was unusually quiet today, she noticed upon having a look around. She passed the street where the market was usually held, which contained just about two-dozen ponies walking around and conversing with others. She quickly walked by, not sure where she was going but feeling eager to get there. The street outside Sugarcube Corner, which was usually full of ponies eager to get one of Pinkie’s delicious snacks, had only several at best. Above, a few clouds were being pushed into position by several weather ponies, and Applejack could make out a rainbow trail race across the sky, heading to the western side of town.

She turned a corner and trotted into another street flanked by large thatched-roof cottages, and stopped when she saw at the far end the Hay Café she remembered Twilight used frequently to practice her magic. Looking closer, she saw Rarity sitting regally on one of the haystacks outside with a cup of tea in her magic. Delighted at seeing a good friend, Applejack started trotting over.

Rarity appeared to notice her before she could speak a word, for she set down her cup, turned to look at the earth pony and waved her over, grinning sincerely. Applejack mused silently that the grin of her face was once as false as her eyelashes when it came to Applejack; it was no secret that the two never got along before Twilight came. “Good afternoon, Applejack,” Rarity greeted her delightfully as the earth pony sat down on the opposite haystack. “How are you feeling?”

“Not too bad, thanks,” Applejack replied, shifting her hind end about until she felt comfortable. “How about yourself?”

“Oh, I am feeling fabulous, thank you, darling. I think I have to be after what I’ve been through.”

“What do ya mean, Rarity?”

“Well, do you remember those awful shivers I had back on our little camping trip, and again when I was helping you prepare for your Apple Family Reunion?” Applejack nodded. “Well, yesterday afternoon I had some terrible shivers. The worst I had ever felt. I thought for a second I might have to go to the hospital, but after a while they stopped and I felt better.” She shrugged as she daintily sipped her tea again.

Applejack slowly raised an eyebrow, before letting out a low chuckle. “I told ya before, it’s only a little thing,” Applejack said, rolling her eyes at the unicorn’s over-dramatic response.

“Yes, I know, but you know how much I worry about something I never felt before,” Rarity defended herself. She sipped her tea once more. “So anyway, I haven’t seen you since your family came around. How did your little reunion go?”

Applejack shrugged. “Eh, it was okay.” She proceeded to tell the unicorn about the day’s events, and how the main barn was destroyed because of her foolishness.

Rarity placed her hooves over her mouth in shock when Applejack came to that moment. “Oh my goodness! I hope nopony was hurt.”

“Everypony was fine, sugarcube,” Applejack assured her with a wave of a hoof. “The only thing that was injured was my pride. But hey, we got the whole barn back up and in mint condition before dinner time, so that was something to remember.”

Rarity widened her eyes in surprise. “Oh, really? How did you manage to get that done so quickly?”

“Ya would be surprised by what the power of singing can do,” Applejack replied with a wink. “Oh, and, uh, thanks for lending me your sewing machines and the fabric. They came in quite handy.”

“And did you get your quilt done by the end of the day?” Rarity enquired.

Applejack shook her head, chuckling. “No, Rarity, we did not. But that, along with everything else that happened, taught me a lot about family and… well, making up some fun activities without losing the fun part.” She let out a breath of fresh air, followed shortly by Rarity as they maintained a companionable silence. While around them, ponies trotted past and continued their everyday lives.

“So what about you, sugarcube? Been up to much?” Applejack asked, shifting in place. She sniffed the air, managing to catch the sweet aroma coming from Rarity’s refreshed coat. “Cause it smells like ya been to the spa.”

“Why yes, I have, darling. I had a few big commissions to finish and when I finished the last one last night, I felt simply horrendous. I just had to go for my usual,” Rarity explained. She took another sip of her tea. “I couldn’t dream of turning down my weekly trip to the spa, even without my favourite spa buddy in tow.” After a short pause, Rarity sighed as she set her cup down. “I am missing them, you know. Fluttershy and Twilight. I miss our little conversations, our gossiping times, and most of all their company.”

“As do I, Rarity,” Applejack said, resting her head on the table and her ears flopping. She looked up at Rarity again with wide, worried eyes. “Do ya think that they’re all right?”

Rarity licked her lips nervously, her eyes slightly narrow as she tried to think of an answer to what Applejack had asked. After a moment, she sighed calmly. “I think they are just fine,” she said soothingly.

“But how can ya be sure of that, Rarity!” Applejack pleaded desperately. “I keep thinkin’ that they are fine, and then another minute I fear they’re in a worst-case scenario! I don’t think I could go on without hearing a thing from them,” she said, the tears in her eyes starting to show.

Rarity stared at the earth pony sympathetically. “Oh, darling,” she said daintily as she leaned forward and softly hugged the earth pony. They remained in a hug for a long time, knowing that they should have parted by now, but none of them cared – they had been friends for too long and had been through so much together to consider each other as just friends.

“Do you believe in them, Applejack?” Rarity asked, gently pulling away from the frailly earth pony.

Applejack’s eyes bulged in shock from the sudden question. “Of course I do.”

“There you go, my dear,” Rarity said as she settled back down on her stack, smiling demurely. “Twilight and Fluttershy are intelligent, strong of heart, and when thrust into something difficult they are determined to see it through to the end, and if you want examples then I can give you plenty. They will see wherever they are going to the end, no matter what gets thrown in their way.” She chuckled before she sipped her cooling tea once more. “And besides,” she added, “Twilight will not let any harm come to Fluttershy – she would defend that pegasus with her life if she had to.”

Applejack felt her heart beat a little quicker at the suggestive tone in Rarity’s voice. “What do ya mean, sugarcube?”

Rarity giggled cheerfully, possibly relishing the bit of gossip Applejack knew already. “Well, it has taken me awhile and a lot of thought. But I think I have managed to discover the truth.” Rarity leaned forward to the point their muzzles were merely inches away, and then hissed loudly, “Twilight has a crush on Fluttershy!”

Applejack leaned back, a knowing look on her face. One which Rarity did not fail to notice. “Oh, so you know Twilight has the hots for Fluttershy, then?” she huffed, visibly deflating a bit. “Seriously, did everypony in this town know about it except me?”

“Um, no, actually, it’s just you and me at the mo,” Applejack said, chuckling at the pouting face the unicorn was pulling. “I only knew about her crush on Fluttershy when Twilight came to me about it.”

Rarity’s head shot up from her moping. “Twilight told you and not me?” she yelled. Applejack nodded calmly, prompting the unicorn’s jaw to drop. “Now why did she tell you about her feelings for Fluttershy and not me?” she whined.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at this. “Tell me, Rarity, how many relationships have ya been in throughout your whole life?”

Rarity pressed her lips tightly together in thought, and then looked up at Applejack with wide eyes and a bright smile as an answer came to her. After a second, the face went away as Rarity shook her head and pondered once more. After a minute, the cheerful answer face came up, only to go back to the pondering face once more. Applejack shifted about and rested her head and hooves on the table, waiting patiently for the unicorn to answer as she switched faces about a dozen times.

After a while of pondering, Rarity replied meekly, “None.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and sighed as the answer finally came. Although if she was honest to herself, which she was since she bore the Element of Honesty, it was not the answer she had expected. “There ya go. While you and the rest of our friends had no experience in true relationships, I have had one relationship in Manehatten when I lived down there for a bit,” Applejack explained. “Twi knew this and decided to come to a pony who knows what that feels like.”

“Ah, yes, I see. Good point,” Rarity conceded, pointing at her. Despite the newfound knowledge, it still didn’t do much to lift Rarity’s pout from her face. “I’m still upset about why she didn’t tell me for the sake of it.”

“Cause ya a gossiper and would spit it out the moment you feel like it,” Applejack said, smirking wryly.

Rarity huffed and looked away. A minute later, making the grin on Applejack’s face grow longer, she looked at the table and sighed. “I suppose,” she admitted. She then pointed accusingly at Applejack. “But you’re a gossiper, too, you know! All those neat little things you have heard around town, you passed on to me.”

“Yeah, but were any of those about our circle of friends?” Applejack queried, tilting an eyebrow. After a moment to think about it, Rarity reluctantly shook her head. “I would never throw gossip around about our friends, no matter how sweet it is. It might damage our friendships with them.” She shook her head again, and swiftly turned back to the subject at hoof. “So anyway, how did ya figure out Twilight likes Fluttershy the romantic way?”

“Oh, a lady never reveals her secrets when it comes to the affections of other ponies,” Rarity replied with a hoof wave.

Again, Applejack raised a bemused eyebrow. “Care to clarify?” she asked flatly, her tone clearly stating she was not going to leave until she knew.

Rarity giggled. “Oh, darling, you are no fun at all. As for you question, it became so blatantly obvious after a while,” she replied, before gulping down the rest of her tea. She let out a pleasured sigh as she set the cup down, and then pushed it to the side. “At first, I didn’t notice any change. Though Twilight tended to see Fluttershy more than she used to after the dear had that dreadful experience in the Everfree Forest with that cockatrice, I saw nothing different in how Twilight acted around her.”

“Well it is Twilight, I mean, she is pretty good at hiding her true feelings,” Applejack pointed out.

“Yes, but only when she needs to. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes! It was not until our little trip to the Crystal Empire that I finally saw Twilight’s feelings for Fluttershy. Do you remember after we went around and asked a few of the crystal ponies about the place and how we can defend it?” Applejack nodded briskly. “Well, when Rainbow and me appeared and told her we found nothing, she looked so down, the poor thing. Then Fluttershy came along – or, well, Pinkie in a Fluttershy costume – and I saw her face brighten up almost instantly at the sight of her.

“Even though that was not the real Fluttershy, the very sight of her eyes, her mane, her wings, her tail, just Fluttershy in total was enough to put a bright smile on Twilight’s face. Only a pony in love can create such a reaction, so it didn’t take me much longer to finally figure it out.”

Applejack looked at Rarity with amazement. “Yeah, that’s pretty spot on,” she said, remembering the feeling the young colt she had gone out with as a filly gave her when she met up with him.

Rarity sighed dreamily and rested her forehooves on the table, lowering her head to rest it on top of them. “Oh, I do hope Twilight tells Fluttershy of her affections, for those two would be simply adorable together.”

Applejack sighed; she guessed it would not hurt a little if the unicorn knew a bit of the truth. “That’s sort of why Twilight and Fluttershy are gone, Rarity,” Applejack confessed, prompting Rarity to bring her head up again in surprise. “Ya see, Twilig–”

She was cut off when she, and Rarity, by the look of it, heard the sound of heavy panting and the little patter of running dragon feet. The pair looked left to see Spike racing towards them with a panicking look on his face. At the sight, Applejack felt her heart lodge itself into her throat.

“Spikey Wikey, you should slow down or you might get ill,” Rarity warned him playfully once he got into hearing range.

Spike skidded to a halt, and looked between them with worried eyes. “Doesn’t matter. You both have to come to the library right now! Something’s happened to Twilight and Fluttershy!”

Spike hadn’t finished his last sentence before Applejack was up and galloping with all the speed she could muster towards the library. She barely heard Rarity getting up and following her, Spike trying to keep up behind her.

For some reason, it felt more difficult for Applejack to run, as every breath heaved out from between her lips and every stride ached, telling her to stop even as she pushed herself faster. While inside, her belly and head was screaming in fear. ‘What has happened to them? Are they okay? Oh Celestia, please tell me they’re okay!’ she thought, tears in her eyes at the images coming into her head.

It did not take much longer for her to get to the library, with the front door wide open in Spike’s haste to get the rest of them. Applejack pushed the door further open, nearly breaking it off its hinges, and galloped into the room. She stopped just short of crashing into the main table when she saw the pony she least expected to see at the far end of the main room. “Princess Celestia?” she gasped.

The majestic winged unicorn had obviously been pacing up and down the library before Applejack arrived, for her left foreleg was up and ready to walk onward. When she saw the honest and faithful earth pony standing before her in shock, the clearly worried look on her face turned to relief. “Oh, thank goodness you came so fast, Applejack,” Celestia said as she turned around to face her.

“I could not walk ’ere casually when Spike comes up to me telling me something like that,” Applejack said as she marched up to Celestia, her ears flat across her head. “Please, Princess, tell me what’s wrong? Are Twi and Fluttershy safe? Are they alive?”

The worried look on Celestia’s face came back. “For the moment they are still alive,” she answered with a shake of her head. “As for their safety, I am not sure.”

“Not sure!” Applejack repeated in a screech. She could see her worst fears coming true.

Celestia nodded. “I’ll add more detail when the rest of the Bearers gets here,” she said as she continued to pace.

Applejack collapsed onto her rump and wiped her cold face with a hoof, breathing heavily with worry. ‘You fool, Applejack! You should have gone with them!’ She could feel tears emerging from the corners of her eyes as regret washed over her.

Her breathing calmed a little bit when she felt a leg drape itself across her heaving shoulders. “Shh, it’s all right, Applejack,” Celestia said softly, draping her wing around her for good measure. “It’s all right.”

“Is it?” Applejack asked. “I should have gone with them, Princess. I should’ve put my hoof down and gone with them no matter how bad their reactions were. Now they’re in terrible danger out there, and with nopony to help them.”

Celestia tilted her head a little. “That is not true, Applejack. They have each other, and they will need each other if they’re going to survive.”

Before Celestia could elaborate, Rainbow Dash shot through the main window, did a loop, and landed heavily in front of the two ponies. “I came as soon as I heard,” Rainbow explained quickly, her eyes wide with concern as they flicked between the two ponies. “Are they all right? Where are they? Are they safe?”

Before Celestia could answer her questions, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Spike raced through from the other side of the door. They hastily came in and shut the door behind them, prompting the Princess to release her hold of Applejack and began pacing once more. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” she said amiably, smiling bravely as she gazed at their anxious faces. “I assume you all know what this meeting is about?”

The four ponies and one dragon nodded. “What’s happened, Princess?” Spike asked imploringly. The looks from the four ponies beside him shared their anxiousness for news.

“Please tell us that they’re okay,” Pinkie said quietly, looking more deflated than the rest.

Celestia sighed, and brought out from behind her a rolled up scroll, the golden ribbon once binding it together now dangling in the air. She unfurled it and gave it to Applejack. “Just this morning, I received this letter from a dear friend of mine, who lives on another continent on the far side of the western sea,” Celestia explained as Applejack’s eyes trailed along the lines.

By the look of the writing, it was done hastily with no care about grammar or other formalities usually found among letters between friends. Yet, the writing was clearly in Equestrian, and Applejack was able to get most of it and what it was about.

After reading through it again to be sure, Applejack cleared her throat and read it aloud to the others:

‘Dear Princess Celestia

‘I am sorry that I have not written to you for so long, and that this letter is only to be a bearer of bad news. Nevertheless, I believe that I must inform you on this matter. I am afraid I have to leave this short; war is everywhere, and I do not have much time to write this and deliver it to you before I must move again and help bring about peace.

‘Two days ago, two of your subjects, Fluttershy Whisperwing and Twilight Sparkle, arrived at our fair city and were treated warmly and accommodated a room at the palace. However, after an unfortunate number of events due to the Prince’s desire for your student, and the war now escalating here, they have been forced to leave the city and venture further west to continue and finish what they had started.

‘I wish I could do more for them, but all of my efforts are now solely fixed on bringing about peace once again. All I could do is to send this letter to you in the hope you would act, and to ask you for this one simple request.

‘Save them, Princess. Their very lives depend on the swiftness of your actions.


‘Welara, Merchant Prince of Esperius.’

Applejack stopped reading, allowing the echo of the last few words to flow around the library. She slowly turned her head towards her friends, who all stared back at her with confusion and concern. After a moment of silence, Applejack turned back to gaze at Celestia, who started to pace once more.

“Welara is one of the most magically gifted ponies I have ever come across, mostly for the fact that he wasn’t born with a horn,” Celestia explained. “When he first started sending me letters, he told me that when the last Merchant Prince of Esperius came to power, he forbade magic in all its teachings.

“Welara, however, believing that such power should not be forgotten, taught himself in secret, and later sent me a letter through the powers that he had learnt. I was surprised at first, if not a little bit scared, but after a while I mustered up the courage and replied, and after a few introductory letters explaining himself and who he was and how he knew who I was, we started talking through these letters.”

Celestia smiled. “Finally, I had somepony to talk to as if we were equals. We talked about everything, from events in Equestria as well as in Esperius, and I even mentioned your names and the Elements of Harmony, to random subjects such as what we like and our favourite hobbies. He became the friend I have always longed for.”

Celestia paused to let out a sigh. “After a while, though, the letters stopped coming. I feared that he had been discovered and put to death for the use of magic.” She looked at the letter in Applejack’s hooves with sullen eyes. “I only wish this latest letter were a bearer of goodwill and well wishes. Not… that.”

Rainbow Dash looked confused. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down for a second, please? Firstly, Twilight and Fluttershy are on the other side of the planet? What the hay are those two doing there? And finally, what the heck is Esperius? That’s no city I have ever heard of before.”

“Oh, oh, I know, I know!” Pinkie exclaimed, hopping on the spot. Without an explanation, she rushed over to the bookcase with the books starting with M, picked out a book with a wide grin, and then tossed it to Rainbow. “‘Myths and Legends of Terra’. Page one hundred and twenty two,” Pinkie explained as Rainbow caught it with her hooves.

Rainbow snorted. “Yeah,” she chortled as she opened the book up, “as if this is gonna have something like a legendary city in a…” She trailed off when, sure enough, a two-page article about the ancient city appeared in front of her, along with artist’s depictions of the city.

Applejack turned to a beaming Pinkie with a baffled look. “Let me guess, did your Pinkie Sense find it?”

Pinkie frowned at Applejack. “Don’t be so daft,” she said, much to Applejack’s confusion. “I just tend to borrow that book a lot and read about all the myths and legends in it. It’s a good read, I should lend it to you sometime.” She finished with a squee grin.

Applejack continued to stare at Pinkie strangely. “Thanks, Pinkie,” she said, before turning to Rainbow and Rarity, who were reading the book with parted lips.

“Oh, now I remember this legend,” Rarity said suddenly, pulling away with a surprised look on her face. “I heard it is a city made entirely out of gold, and beneath it lay the largest gems a pony could lay eyes on.” She pouted once more. “Now I am jealous of those two.” She collapsed onto her rump and crossed her forelegs over her chest. “They get to go to a legendary city full of riches and I have to stay here making dresses.”

“The city of Esperius is not as grand as the legend dictates, Rarity,” Celestia said serenely, though it did little to raise Rarity’s spirits.

“But it says here that Esperius is just a legend,” Rainbow Dash pointed out, poking the book. “How can it be real?”

“Every legend ever created has at least a seed of truth within it,” Celestia replied with a wink. “I knew about the city for a long time, and was there thousands of years ago when the Esperians were re-building the old city into their image. It’s been a while since I visited it again.”

“But why is it in a book about myths and legends?” Spike asked as he looked at the pages over Rainbow’s shoulder. “Why is it not on the map of the world?”

Celestia frowned, and then looked out the window facing westward. “Because relations between Esperius and Equestria cannot be fully realised just yet. Though generally peaceful, the Esperians are frail in the mind and would immediately take threat to anything that they have never seen before, including me. Not to mention the sea journey to Esperius is too risky beyond the Iron Pony Islands. The safest way to begin trading with them is to use airships, but so far the designs to keep vessels in the air with so much weight has not been fully finalised yet.”

“But Fluttershy and Twilight have managed to get across safely,” Pinkie pointed out. “Surely it must not be so bad.”

“Well for starters, they are Twilight and Fluttershy; of course they’re going to be fine getting over,” Spike replied.

“Um, hello, is everypony missing the main question here?” Rainbow demanded as she hovered above them, swinging her forelegs widely. “Why the hay are Twilight and Fluttershy all the way on the other side of the planet when Twilight said they are going to stay in Equestria?”

Celestia shook her head lightly. “I do not know, Rainbow Dash. That is why I came to you girls,” she explained. “You are all Twilight’s closest friends. Surely she must have told you all where she and Fluttershy were heading, and what was their goal.” Celestia did not seem to notice Applejack look up at this.

“Didn’t she tell you, Princess?” Rarity asked, cocking her head a bit.

Again, Celestia shook her head. “No, Rarity, she did not. Apart from saying Fluttershy and herself were off to study flowers, I know nothing about their ultimate destination.”

“Well, she came to us all about them leaving to go on a journey, but she did not tell us much,” Rainbow Dash replied. She turned to Spike questionably. “You were with her last, didn’t she tell you about where she was going?”

Spike looked at all of their questioning gazes with worried eyes. “Hey, don’t look at me, she talked to Applejack about this more than she did to me,” he quickly replied. Applejack shot him a scale-piercing glare when she heard her name being mentioned.

Applejack wilted upon seeing all of their gazes fixed on her. She returned her composure and sighed deeply, looking at the floor before her. “Well? Come on, then, Applejack, spill the beans so we can get over there and save them!” Rainbow demanded. “Why the heck have they gone to the other side of the ocean?”

“I’m not sure why they’re both on the other side, Rainbow,” Applejack responded. “Twilight told me that they would be staying in Equestria only. But I do know why they’ve gone and… it’s a bit hard to explain.”

Celestia sat next to her, and quickly draped a wing over her back. “I just need to know the basic details, Applejack. Nothing too fancy,” she said softly. She shook the earth pony in her winged embrace gently. “So please tell us, why did they leave?”

Applejack sighed as the words finally came to her. When she felt ready, she blurted out quickly and clearly, “Twilight came to me because she loves Fluttershy and she thought the only way to show that love is to take Fluttershy on a journey to find this flower that sings a love song in the full moonlight and shines silver!”

Probably for the first time in its existence, the library was deathly silent. Pinkie Pie stared at Applejack with her lower jaw on the ground and her eyes bulging out of their sockets. Rarity simply stared at her for a long time, her lips not giving way to shock or joy, but her eyes began to sparkle with delight. Spike stood casually, looking around at them all as though he knew all along.

Rainbow Dash broke the silence by coughing awkwardly in her hoof. “Um, I don’t know if I have misheard or something, but I swear you just said that Twilight loves Fluttershy.”

Applejack looked up at her with deadly serious eyes. “That’s what I just said, sugarcube,” she said quietly.

Rainbow fell from the sky and onto her rump, her eyes wide as she tried to take the information in. “Wow. I mean, I knew Fluttershy was a lesbian, but I didn’t know Twi was as well. I always thought she was more into books than other ponies.”

Applejack ignored the blunt comment from her brash friend, and looked at Princess Celestia once more. “So that’s why they’ve gon–” she stopped when she finally noticed Celestia’s paling coat, retracting wing and horrified eyes. “What’s wrong, Princess?”

“Applejack, are you absolutely certain that this flower shines silver and sings in the moonlight?” Celestia asked hastily, as though she were eager to get away but also wanting to know the facts.

Applejack took a minute to recollect the conversation between her and Twilight, and then nodded. “Yeah, she did say that.” She tilted her head, her eyes widening in worry. “Why? What’s wrong?”

Celestia took a shrilling intake of breath as she shook her head in disbelief, backing away from the five friends, who exchanged worrisome looks. “I have to find them,” she said, more to herself. Without a thank you, a good bye or even an explanation, Celestia raced past the group and galloped into Ponyville.

“Wait, Princess, come back!” Rainbow called, bringing up a hoof to stop her. But the Princess was already out of earshot. “Blast,” she muttered, and then turned to the group. The ponies and dragon traded looks at each for a moment, before fixing their gazes knowingly at Rainbow Dash. “You really don’t think I am gonna sit on my rump and let Celestia go on her own, do you?”

Applejack nodded. “We know, partner. That’s why I’m coming with you,” she said, making Rainbow smile. She turned to the others. “How about it, ya’ll?”

“Oh, of course I’m coming too, darling,” Rarity said.

“Me three,” Spike said determinedly.

“Me four!” Pinkie exclaimed, jumping on the spot. “But I’d better go and get a photo in case Twilight and Fluttershy have forgotten who we are and what we all look like.” The group collectively sighed and rolled their eyes.

“Um, guys, shouldn’t we be going after Princess Celestia before she leaves us in the dust?” Spike asked.

“Oh, Spikey Wikey, I don’t think that is probable,” Rarity said as she started to walk out of the library. “Though she is the Princess of Equestria and raiser of the sun, I do not think her… physique, is built for quick running. We’ll catch her up, you’ll see.” With that, she went through the door and galloped down the street. The others shrugged, and quickly went after her; Spike leapt onto Applejack’s back to keep up with the others.

True to Rarity’s word, the group found Celestia sitting by the corner of a street, gasping for air. Thankfully, there were no ponies aside from Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Spike nearby to see her in such a state. “Are you all right, Princess?” Rainbow asked.

Celestia’s head shot up and turned to face them with a look of surprise. She smiled when she saw the dedication in their eyes, the determination to find their friends as much as she wanted to. “I’m fine, thank you, Rainbow Dash. I just need… a quick stop… phew… I should really run around a bit more.”

“I take it you eat more than you run, huh, Princess?” Pinkie asked blatantly.

The others shot her aghast looks. “Pinkie!” they yelled.

Celestia chuckled, much to their surprise. “No, Pinkie Pie is correct, I don’t run very often. I eat cake more than run.” She took another deep breath, and then got up and carried on galloping, this time slower than before. The others followed close behind. “I take it I can’t dissuade you all from joining me?”

“Sorry, Princess, but orders or no orders we are going to get Fluttershy and Twilight with you,” Rainbow said, flying beside her.

Celestia smiled proudly at her. “Twilight and Fluttershy are lucky to have friends like you.” Celestia’s smile quickly faded to a large frown. “We need to move fast if we have any chance of reaching them before they make it to the flower. If we fly west from here and keep going at full speed, we could make it to the gates of the valley before they even reach it.” She paused to whimper in worry. “I just hope we get there in time.”

“Why so, Princess?” Applejack asked. “Is it about the flower? What’s the problem with it? Is it dangerous?”

“The flower is said to have been created by a powerful unicorn who wanted to express his love to a mare named Aphrodite,” Celestia explained. “Unfortunately, the flowers failed to create a love song as he had hoped, but instead wiped both of their minds clean of their memories. When I first heard of the flower, and what it can do, I ordered to have any piece of information about it brought to me, and when enough was gathered I personally destroyed them.”

“But why would ya do that, Princess?” Applejack asked, shocked the Princess would take such action.

“Because I care, Applejack,” Celestia replied. “The flower is dangerous and should never be found or seen by anypony, less they lose everything they hold dear.”

Applejack looked at the ground as the information sunk in, and when it did, she felt angry – angry that Twilight would take such a selfish risk and drag Fluttershy along with her. “Would Twilight have known about this?” she asked through gritted teeth.

Celestia shrugged. “I do not know, Applejack,” she answered sullenly, sounding annoyed that even she did not know the answer.

“I surely hope she doesn’t know, or I am going to say a few unpleasant things to her,” she said, mostly to herself. “Oh what the heck, I’m just gonna shout at her anyway for dragging Fluttershy across the sea and endangering her life.” The others heard her, and grunted and nodded in agreement, all except for the Princess. If Celestia felt the same way, she didn’t express it.

A quarter of an hour later, the group of ponies and one dragon moved onto a large meadow just outside of Ponyville, and were standing in front of the largest airship they had ever seen. If Applejack could guess, the ship was about two hundred feet long, and looked like one of the ancient Mare O’ War sailing ships that once defended Equestria’s oceans and her international interests, with about four decks riddled with windows, a large forecastle and sterncastle at each end and was coated in a bright white. The air envelope itself was painted like a giant blue whale, though the whale was a golden sun colour amidst a background of white and blue.

“This is my personal airship, the Serenity,” Celestia explained, smiling as she saw their stunned faces. “It is the fastest way for me travel around; certainly better than that chariot, no offence to the guards that pull it. When I read the letter the first time I just knew I had to get it ready for flight.”

Applejack looked up at her and grinned. “Own up, Princess, ya just wanted to bring us along, didn’t ya?”

Celestia stared at Applejack blankly for a long time, making the earth pony feel as if she had done and said something wrong. Suddenly, the Princess of the Sun let out a hearty chuckle. “Okay, you got me. I knew it wouldn’t be fair if you were all kept behind, so I had to find you all, let you know what had to be done, and then let you decide. I am glad you chose this, if I am honest.” She walked forward a bit more, and called out in a thick pirate accent, “Bring down the plank, me hearties!” She giggled girlishly, blushing in embarrassment when she caught the perplexed gazes of the four ponies and one dragon. “I always wanted to do that.”

At once, as if waiting for her voice, the ramp came down with plonk against the ground, spraying up bits of mud from the rain that had hit the town a few nights back. Afterwards, the group except for Rainbow formed an orderly line and walked up the ramp and onto the ship; Rainbow scoffed and simply flew up onto the top deck, where about half a dozen pegasi and unicorn guards saluted her upon landing. “Uh, thanks, I guess,” she said awkwardly.

Not much later, Celestia, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Spike arrived on the top deck. The guards on station bowed before the Princess, which Celestia simply replied with a fickle hoof wave to get them back up. “Are we good to go, captain?” she asked, turning to a large orange earth pony dressed in battle armour.

“On your orders, your Highness,” he replied.

“Then head west immediately, double time,” Celestia commanded quickly. The earth pony dipped his head, and then spun around and bellowed orders to the rest of the crew. With a low roar of the magically powered engines at the bottom of the ship, the Serenity launched itself up into the air and moved rapidly westward, flying over Ponyville with speed and grace accustomed to the ships of the Equestrian air fleet.

Applejack sighed as she looked down at the town she called her home, and then looked westward where two of her best friends were. At least, one of them was. She didn’t want to believe Twilight would pull off such a selfish and possibly dangerous action just to win Fluttershy’s affection. However, she couldn’t believe Fluttershy would make such a choice herself, so it had to have been Twilight that made the choice. ‘I don’t know what I’m going to say when I see them again, but I’m not sure if speaking to Twilight will be pleasant.’

“Oh, Applejack, I have been meaning to discuss something with you for a while, but I have not had the right time to do so,” Celestia said as she walked up to her. “About one of your letters, to be more specific.”

Applejack gulped as she knew exactly what letter Celestia was going on about. “Uh… well, you see, the thing is, Princess, I–” She was cut off by the soft sounds of the Princess laughing through her hoof.

“Oh no, Applejack, I just wanted to thank you for giving me quite a laugh when you delivered it to me,” she said warmly. “That was a horrible morning for me, so seeing that letter really brightened up my day and allowed me to go through the afternoon with a grin across my face.” she lowered her head and nuzzled Applejack’s cheek. “Thank you, my little pony.”

Applejack felt her cheeks blaze as Celestia pulled away, chuckling as she looked at the earth pony’s expression. “I, well, they, her, him, them, I…” she stammered. She abruptly stopped blabbering and let out a sigh. “You’re welcome, Princess.” Applejack’s smile faltered as she looked westward again, where two of her best friends were.

Behind her, she could hear the others talking about what they were going to say to Twilight about her actions and putting the meek pegasus in harm’s way. Despite the angry and happy words that were going to be said, she knew they were going to bring them both home, no matter what.

‘We’re coming for ya, girls,’ she thought. ‘Just hang on tight.’

Author's Note:

Well, here it is, just an ordinary day in Ponyville... or is it? Now that the gang are on thier way, can they make it to the two lovebirds before they get to the flower?

This chapter has been part of the plan all along, though originally it only involved Applejack and Celestia. But that felt wrong, so I added the whole gang into the throng as well. I also wanted to do something where Celestia actually does something rather than let the others do it alone. I believe that Celestia made a promise to Twilight's parents that she would protect her and make sure she stays away from harm. Over the years, she relaxed a bit upon seeing the young unicorn able to take care of herself, but felt the need to jump in when she sure she needed to. This moment is one of them.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you will follow the story in its final few chapters, as I have only four or five more to go before journey's end.