• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 1,123 Views, 9 Comments

A Redemption of a Bug Queen of Royal Circumstances - Chrysalesbian

Princess Cadence helps Queen Chrysalis redeem herself

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A Changeling Queen’s Change

I fell on the floor, the back half of my body hitting a marble statue. What happened? I tried standing up, but I felt stiff, I stretched my hooves and looked around, a bench, a fountain. Now I remember, those ponies froze me and my allies, then they built a park around us, I remember so many ponies gawking at me like I wasn’t a living being. I looked back and saw a scared filly and a cowering centaur. Why aren’t they free? I stood up, looking at my petrified allies. Going through a hell no creature should ever go through. I turned around, only to hear a voice beckoning me.

“Chryssi!” My eyes widened. It was her. That bubbly voice can’t be mistaken. The one I was supposed to go through everything with.

I walked up to her, her pink coat glittering in the moonlight, her hair was covering her left eye, she was in her prom dress, sitting on the stairs. “Cadence?” I said, slowly walking towards her, I should just kill her now, she’s vulnerable.

She turned towards me, her eyes widening. “Chrysalis!? What are you doing here!?” She stood and tensed up. “Stay back!” She yelled. I backed up, my hooves were shaking, and I slipped, falling. I looked into her eyes, I recoiled and looked down, seeing my reflection in a puddle. I saw another figure come into view. I looked up and Cadence looked down at me, she extended her hoof, and I just took it. “Shining didn’t come.” She sighed.

I stood up and brushed myself off. “So that’s what happened. You’re getting all soaked.” I muttered. “Why don’t you just go to your castle.” I asked her. “Surely you have some creature to pick you up. You can’t stay out in the rain.” I muttered.

“I’d rather not. I’m fine here anyways.” She uttered.

“You’re lying.” I said. “You don’t look fine. I’ll be honest. I’m not fine.” I said sternly. “Your turn, what’s the matter.” I insisted.

She sighed, her eyes started watering and she looked away. “Today was supposed to be the day Shining and I were supposed to have our love solidified. I waited for hours; he didn’t show up. How do I tell that to my mom and dad.” She sobbed.

“Where is he.” I barked. “Only a coward would back down from an important moment like this. Your date is a coward.” I jeered.

“He’s no-“

I cut her off. “He is. Don’t excuse this action, what would be in it for you.” I scolded.


“Nothing, that’s what’s in it for you. Since you’re the Princess of Love, he should know not to abandon you when it comes to romance. He should be charged for treason.” I said.

“Wh-What!? Treason? That’s absurd! I shouldn’t have talked to you in the first place!” She yelled at me, then she turned around and walked away, not before looking back for a moment.

My hair is wet.

“You… Why are you here!? To shove your victory in my face!?” I yelled, looking around for her. “Show yourself, you can’t hide in the bushes like a coward!” I stomped my hoof, charging up magic to obliterate everything in the surrounding area.

“Calm down Chryssi!” She snickered, walking out, and standing in front of me.

“Don’t call me that.” I snarled. “Never call me that again.” I hissed.

“Warm up Chryssi! You’re being such a negative nancy!” She joked.

“Why are you here.” I lowered my neck to be on an even level with her. “Do you want to rub your victory in my face, do you want to mock me more? Is that it?” I growled in her face, glaring into her soul.

“I’m here to redeem you!” She cheered.

“Redeem… REDEEM!?” I started chuckling, grinning, I started cackling for a good minute, wiping the tears from my face when I was done. “Redeem me, the QUEEN of the changelings. What could you do, what those naïve ponies did with 𖤀ꛈꕷ𖣠ꛕ𖦪𖤀 won’t work on ME. You may as well abandon your mission NOW.” I cackled.

“Alright, I’ll just tell Celestia and Luna to freeze you again!” She was toying with me.

I sighed. “Fine. I’ll play into your little game.” I coughed out. “What are you going to try, the magic of frriendddshippp?”’ I taunted, smirking at Cadence, but she just smirked back, then turned away and started trotting. “Where are you going.” I said.

“Follow me!” She skipped happily; it angered me. I begrudgingly followed her, shifting my form to a normal pony. I felt a hoof smack the back of my head, making me recoil forwards.

“WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?” I yelled, glaring at her.

“Well, you can’t be fully reformed if everypony thinks you’re not you!” She pushed her hoof on my muzzle.

“Don’t.” I gritted my teeth. “Fine, I’ll follow your rules, only because I don’t wanna go through that torment again.” I hissed.
I walked beside Cadence, I was shivering.

“Want a coat, Chryssi?” She smirked at me.

“I’m fine.” I said.

“You’re lying!” She chuckled and turned directions, I followed her as she walked into a clothing store, bumping my horn against the doorframe, making her giggle. “Are you too tall?” I stayed silent, just glaring at her, lowering my neck, and walking in. The shop’s owner looked in shock as I entered, I smiled at the fear in her eyes.

“Yes, fear the qu-“

“Chryssi here is cold.” Cadence interrupted me. “It’s too cold for her, so can you find something to keep her warm?” She smiled at the shop owner, calming her down a bit.
“Y-Yes Princess.” The shop owner started putting measuring tape around me, seeing my size.

“HOOVES OFF M-“Cadence frowned at me. I stayed silent and let the shop owner do whatever she needed, eventually she came out with a dull blue coat, mittens, and a little cap. “I won’t wear this.” Cadence glared at me again and I sighed. “Fine, thank you for your service.” I whispered under my breath; Cadence waved to the owner as we left.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it? And look, you’re not cold anymore!” She was right, it wasn’t.

“Thank you, Princess Cadence.” I said, looking at the snowy ground.

“Now for what I actually planned!” Cadence said happily. We walked into a restaurant. Cadence guided me to a booth, and we sat down across from each other. “Wait here, I’ll order for us.” She said to me, then she walked off.

I sat there. The edge of what will be my hive, looking at the hoard of my brothers and sisters flying away. My mother told me I was too important to be hurt while searching for sustenance, lest we end up like the last time we encountered Princess Celestia. I scarred my entire race due to a simple mistake. It’s a miracle I was only exiled for a night. I kept looking at the ground, it was so bright compared to inside the hive. It almost hurt to look at. I rubbed my eye with my hoof, putting it down on the edge of where I was sitting, making me lose balance and fall down. Too quick to start flying… I closed my eyes, preparing for impact.

I stopped. It didn’t feel like the rough ground, it felt more like… I opened my eyes, seeing pink hooves, looking up I saw Princess Cadence. “Wh…” I could barely mutter anything out. “Why…?” That’s all I could think. Why. Why did she save me…? “Wha-“ Cadence cut me off.

“I couldn’t let you fall. It’d be irresponsible to let you fall when you were so high up.” She smiled down at me and slowly flew down and set me down on the grass. “Why didn’t you just start flying though?” She asked.

“Why were you walking near my hive.” I said coldly. “What is your business here. Shoo.” I scoffed, looking to the side, and flying up towards my hive’s entrance.

“You’re not gonna thank me?” She looked up at me, her eyes were so wide and… disgusting.

“Not until you answer why you were near my hive, pony.” I snarled.

“I’m here because… Well, I thought about what you said a while ago… The night you visited my school.” She sighed. “What you said about Shining Armor. I’m thinking about that. Maybe you weren’t being so… Irrational, well of course he doesn’t deserve to be charged with treason but, you’re right. I didn’t deserve what he did to me.” She said.

“Frankly, I don’t care.” I said, my voice quivering ever so slightly. “You said I was right, now you have no reason to stay near me. We’re enemies.” I jeered.

“We’re supposed to be enemies, Chrysalis.” She gave me a sly smile and flew towards me.

“That’s what I said.” I scoffed and tried walking deeper into the hive.

“No, you said we are. I’m saying we’re supposed to be enemies.” I turned back, staring her in the eyes. “We aren’t enemies. We’ve just been made to think we are.” She smiled at me. “If we were enemies, you wouldn’t have consoled me that night.” She said softly.

“CONSOLED? DON’T FLATTER YOURSELF! I PITIED YOU! That’s why I didn’t take your life on the spot.” I yelled at her, my face scrunching up.

“Then try, do it right now.” She stared me in the eyes, as if she was daring me. “What’s stopping you, we’re both alone right now.” Cadence walked closer to me, going face to face with me.

“I… I find creatures like you amusing, your sheer stupidity entertains me. The nerve you have to go face to face with the future queen of the changelings is amusing.” I tried cracking a smile, letting out a nervous frown instead. Did she like this? Did she like being in danger? “Now go away, if you stay any longer, you’ll be killed.” I said, my voice shaking, as if I was out in the cold.

“You won’t kill me.” She sighed and turned away. “See you soon Chrysalis!” She waved and flew away.

My hair doesn’t glow quite like her’s.

Cadence walked back towards me, bringing me a cup of water and her plate full of food. “Thank you for remembering.” I sighed, looking at my reflection in the water.

“Oh well I know changelings can’t really eat normal food, but you guys still need water, right?” I looked up and nodded, making her smile brightly. “Well, I can go refill your cup whenever you’re done then.” She looked down and started eating her food. “So…” She said, before I cut her off.

“I was a statue for years. I’ve been horrible.” I snarled. “Don’t even bother asking, you didn’t even other to show up when I was petrified. You did nothing to stop it.” I sighed, pushing my cup of water to the side.

The sound of the crowd in the restaurant chatting was all that filled the gap of silence between Cadence and I. Their faint voices being muffled by the thoughts invading my mind. That felt rude. I should apologize.
No, I shouldn’t.

“Cadence.” I walked up to her and swallowed my saliva. “I’m sorry for how I treated you.” I looked at the back of her head and sighed. “Thank you for saving me.” I sat down next to her. “What are you even doing here, near my hive still.” I fiddled with my hooves while saying that.

“Its nice around here.” She replied. “Not too wet, not too cold. A perfect damp area. I understand why changelings stay here.” She sighed and faced me. “Like I said, if I didn’t save you, what kind of princess would I be? It was really my duty.” She chuckled and leaned on me. “Why didn’t you just spread your wings though…?” She asked.

“I couldn’t. It wouldn’t matter anyways, I’m a failure, that’s how the hive sees me. I can’t even kill you right now.” I sighed. “I won’t be the queen. A special changeling was born and now she turned out to be a failure. Changeling queens are born every millennium, 17 years ago I was born. That millennium was wasted.” I looked over at Cadence. “I don’t expect you to get i-“

Cadence interrupted me.
“I do get it, Chryssi. Shining abandoned me, the princess of love can’t even find a special somepony. The colt I’m supposed to marry decided I wasn’t good enough for him. Some princess I am.” She muttered those last words.

“I’m sure you’re a great princess.” I scooched closer to her and leaned over slightly. I shouldn’t be saying this. We’re enemies. Why do I feel bad for her. This is wrong. I made some distance between her and I. Looking at the ground.

“Thank you.” Cadence looked at the sun and sighed. “I better get going, see you Chryssi.” She gave me a slight smile and spread her soft wings, the gradient felt bright and beautiful. I watched her fly away, her mane and tail flowing in the wind.

A feather fell on my muzzle. It’s a pink one that flows into a purple color. I held it in my hoof and put it up to my chest. “Thank you…” I muttered under my breath.

“I… I apologize for the outburst.” I uttered. “You didn’t mean to be hostile.” I put a hoof on Cadence’s.

“What’s with the change in your demeanor, Chrysalis? It just seemed like you didn’t even wanna be around me. Not anymore though. Why?” she asked, sighing, and allowing my hoof to rest on hers.

“It’s nothing, just a time I should’ve forgotten by now.” I quavered. I say this. But I enjoy being able to remember… Remember when things were so simple. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Why do I have to be around her and remember everything so crystal clear? Everything is coming back to me… The night she was alone, and I came to her, when she decided to try to comfort me after I was left alone, and when we both encountered each other near my hive. Like they happened to me yesterday. I could feel the rain, the sensation of falling, and her feather on my muzzle. I looked at Cadence. “Thank you.” I whispered.

“For what… I left you to be petrified and wasn’t even there to protect you.” She sobbed, tears falling on the diner’s table.

“You’re here now. I’m here now. I… I forgive you.” I closed my eyes, Cadence’s hooves interlocked with mine. It felt like there wasn’t a single other soul in the world right now. We stood up and walked out of the diner, trotting together and eventually stopping near somewhere familiar, I looked over and saw the new hive of the changelings.

Cadence pushed me towards it, smiling at me but I frowned and shook my head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’m ready for this.” I sighed. “Why so abruptly too… I mean, for all you know I could still hate you and every pony. The truth is. I feel distain for that traitor still, I still hate Starlight Glimmer. I don’t know if anything can change that, Cadence.” I jeered, looking at the soft grass. “I’m sorry.” I spread my wings and started flying away, till I came to an abrupt stop.

“Chryssi! Come on! It’s okay! Change never comes immediately! I know that! I just wanted to see if you were ready!” Cadence smiled at me and held my hoof in both of hers. “You’re not, I get that.” She wrapped her wings around my body.

“I…” My eyes started watering. “Thank… Thank you Cadence.” This feeling. It’s so strong… It’s taking over my body… “What is this…” I started crying, my tears sinking into her soft feathers.

“It’s love Chrysalis.” She smiled warmly and held me tighter.

“But… I’ve felt love before, I’ve consumed it. Why does this feel so different…” I took my hooves and hugged Cadence back.

“It’s true love Chrysalis, that’s why it feels different.” We stayed in the air, locked in each other’s embrace.

Author's Note:

everything has been edited and rewritten!! say goodbye to the old story cuz it SUCKED.