• Published 20th Jan 2023
  • 358 Views, 35 Comments

Three Choices - WurkyWilk358 0w0

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Chapter 1

You feel discombobulated. You can’t tell what is up and what is down. You feel like you’re floating, but you can’t fly either. When you finally manage to open your eyes, everything is a blur. There’s barely any light, and your senses slowly begin to return to you. You try to move your arm, but all you feel is a tingling sensation up and down all four of your limbs.

Eventually, your senses return to you and you can see more clearly and feel movement in your limbs. You slowly sit up and as your vision returns to you, you take note of your surroundings. It’s dark but you can tell that you’re outside. The tall brick walls flank you on either side, about three stories high. To your left is nothing but the end of the alleyway you are setting in, the faint scent of garbage in the air. To your right, you see a dumpster with the lid open.

After shakily managing to stand on your feet, you hastily walk towards the opening of the alleyway to find your bearings. In the corner of your eye, you spot something sitting on the ground beside the dumpster. It looks like an old single-strapped backpack. You take the backpack and open the main pocket. Inside are a variety of miscellaneous items. You find a rope, a pocket knife, a flashlight, a pen, a notepad, a horse shoe, a flask, and small snacks consisting of granola bars and a bag of trail mix. Committing the items in the backpack to memory, you sling the backpack over your shoulder and continue on to the opening of the alleyway.

Once you reach the clearing, you’re met with an unexpected sight. The buildings surrounding you are nothing like the ones you are familiar with in your hometown. They’re lavish-looking and even the street lights are just as fancy as the buildings themselves. What’s even more surprising is the large castle in the distance. The castle looks like something you’d see in a children’s fairytale book.

Not wanting to dawdle, you decide to get a move on by walking to the left, away from where the castle stood. The night brings a chill on your very body, but you don’t let it bother you. You look up at the starry sky and see the moon shine down on you. It’s somewhat comforting despite your current situation. There’s not a soul in sight and it almost feels like the town is abandoned. Yet, you get the feeling that everyone is just inside the buildings around you and asleep since it’s so late at night.

When you look up at the moon again, you can’t help but do a double take at it. It could just be your vision playing tricks on you, but you could swear that the moon has somewhat of an outline that looks like the head of a horse. It’s a strange-looking sight, let alone the fact that the moon also looks a bit bigger than usual; even for a full moon. You brush it off as your imagination and continue down the road.

Along the way, you suddenly hear the sounds of someone talking from around the corner up ahead. Your hopes of getting answers to your questions come to light as you pick up the pace in the hopes of talking to someone who lives here.

As you are just about to round the corner, you stop dead in your tracks and quickly hide behind the wall. You blink several times as you try to process what you just saw. Sucking in a big breath of air, you very slowly peak your head out from the corner of the wall.

Standing on two legs are what can only be described as a pair of mutant horse-people. They stood on double-jointed legs, their arms and hands were normal, but they had tails and their heads were exactly like a horse’s. Although, their muzzles looked a little too short to be a normal horse’s, so you distinguished them as a pony’s muzzle. Their attire looked like old medieval armor and they each held a spear in their hands. On each of their foreheads was a long horn that stuck out a few inches. You couldn’t hear what they were talking about since you were too much in shock at the sight of them and you were a fair distance away, not to mention you were also fearful. You look away and try to come to terms with what you’re looking at. Perhaps you were just hallucinating and you couldn’t see properly due to the poor lighting in the dark of night. But you knew better, they were as real as you.

You thought about going the other way but it would mean backtracking to where you started, which would be a waste of time. You look once more from behind the corner and you see that one of the mutant pony-people has left. There was only one pony-person standing by himself with his spear in his hand. As you looked at the creature, you began to weigh your options.

You could just walk up to this creature and simply ask for directions. You have no idea how it will react when it sees you, but you figure it’s the best course of action. Who knows? Maybe this pony-person is nice and can help you with your current dilemma.

There’s also the option of just taking a risk and rushing this creature. You recall that you have a pocket knife in your backpack. You’re just about the same size as the pony-person and he’s all by himself. He probably wouldn’t see it coming but there’s also the level of risk to consider.

If neither of these plans sound optimal, there’s always the choice of sneaking past him and finding your way out of the city. If you were to do so, you’d be leaving without any knowledge of where you are, how to get home, but you would also not bring attention to yourself from the locals.

Author's Note:

Option 1: Ask for directions.

Option 2: Attack.

Option 3: Sneak past.

Choose wisely.