• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?


Cinnamon works for the Inter-Creature Bureau of Metareality, an organization dedicated to communication and cultural exchange between other realities. She doesn't expect much beyond the scope of her interfacing occupation with other worlds.

But the end of one of these realities—and a chaotic refugee desiring her presence—seek to upend Cinnamon's expectations.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 2 )

The plot points of this story are esoteric. The emotions are not.

I’m not privy to most of the meta surrounding this fic. I can guess that the Inter-Creature Bureau has precedence in a fic previously published by either you or your friends. Same for Generalissimo Wallnut, the protagonist, and other, overtly specific AU depictions of canon characters.

Really though, all of the cameos and nods to parallel stories are simple window dressing and easter eggs. The surprising mention of my own OC included. The core context that is necessary to connect with this story comes from the supplemental blog post. That info being the meta gravity surrounding Cookie, Oakley, and Ann.

I’m in an odd position to comment on Cookie, since I only know her (or at least, one version of her) from Near The Tree. She was a serene, un-uplifted pony in that story, so it hit me hard to see this version of her speak, inquire, and suffer a complete emotional breakdown when blindsided by the news of the tragedy. To put it simply, I understand what it's like to be that person.

I’ve read enough of your stories to have picked up on a trend in your protagonists. Macario, Garlan, Spiral Star, Jinglemas Sunset Shimmer… all of them are stoic, composed professionals. Each of them also loosen up and emote as their stories go on, though the speed and intensity varies. Garlan had the slowest, most understated shift. Cinnamon has the most intense in every catagory. Bare minimum, she’s tied with Spiral Star, who dealt with a similar ‘death of a universe’ catastrophe. Albeit as a victim rather than a bystander.

Still, Cinnamon still has a leg up because it’s not a fictional ending she must confront. This is the real life goodbye to NinjaDeadBeard, which is laid achingly bare in the climax as the fourth wall falls away. Corny as it is to point out, our OCs carry a piece of us, the creators, within them. Cinnamon choking on her grief while Ann finds satisfaction and peace at the end of existence… it speaks for itself.

one more hug resting on top of a mountain of a million hugs missed.

Rest easy, NinjaDeadBeard. You are missed just as much as you are celebrated.



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