• Published 16th Feb 2023
  • 391 Views, 12 Comments

GARO: Canterlot Wolves - Kamen rider accel 2

Where there is light shadow's lark and fear regains, yet by the blade of knight , man kind was given hope.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Finding Answers.

Flash was right now standing in a throne room. Infront of him was a beautiful women who's beauty would make men quiver in lust as she wore a white dress over her body. She had beautiful white hair and golden yellow eyes. She was right now looking at the young Makai knight as he was called hear.

"Young Golden knight, You know very well you are called hear." She spoke as she looked at him calmly.

"Yes I do Lady watch dog." Flash said.

"Good, So would you kindly explain to me why you decided to reveal your self to the other human girls who we have been monitoring these past few months." She asked him as he looked up.

"I didn't mean to actually. They were there that time when I was hunting for the beast horror. The horror couldn't let them go and desided to lock the whole place so they wouldn't escape. I needed to act quickly before he could have harmed them." Flash explained.

She understood the situation where he was in."While I understand the situation, I don't get is. Why didn't you erase there memories there so they wouldn't remember on what really happened?"

"Firstly, I couldn't cause I didn't had a makai priest with me to help. And the second reason was because,... We have been monitoring the girls for a while and we scene what they can do. But keeping our self hidden from them isn't a good idea... Since we may have to introduce our plan to them in the future." Flash told the watch dog. He was hoping to let them monitor them without being watched by the shadows.

"The plan for them is still under process. If we reveal our self now. Who know what the enemy might do once they hear about this. We have been keeping the horror away from the portal leading to the other world for a while. We need more time so that they'll wouldn't mess this up!" She strictly told him. While the girls have magic with them. Its useless for combat against the horrors. But the horrors have a taste for there power and are coming in a lot for them.

"That's why I propose a deal miss watch dog." Flash quickly suggested. This got her intrigued a bit. She signaled him to continue then."You see, While the girls can't come or know about our plans. They'll still get in the horror mess even if they don't want to. As I and many other had to slay horrors who were after the girls. They even went for the rogue magic that was leaked from the previous incident. On that incident, the horrors were almost a lot when they felt the magic aura of them. So I suggest this then. Let me and the my two fellow knights help in monitoring them."

She raised a brow at that."So your suggesting about The Makai knight of the west Dan and The Beast knight Giga of east to assist you in this."

"Yes, Miss watch dog. We can keep the girls under check while you can continue with the plan to take care of the portal. The girls won't be any trouble then if there to busy with us." Flash explained to his superior."Plus, There is a chance that the Horrors are still after one of the girl in particular."

"I can see which one. But are you really certain that you'll be able to keep them under check."

"Yes, I'm certain that I can. I give you my word." He told in determination as he was not going back.

The watch dog looks at him and nodded then."Very well. I'll send out a message and call for the others to send in the Knights. Once it's done, I'll inform you about them then."

Flash smiled and nodded. He then took his leave and went off. He was glade he was able to convince her but now the hard part has come. How will he explain it to them. As he left the watch dog eased up a bit as she looked on where he went."Idiot boy. Your doing just the thing your Baka Father would do. Let's just hope it doesn't back fire. The full moon will come this year and we can't take any other chances."

Flash just exit from a secret door that turned back into a wall. He went on his way and signs. The deal went swiftly as he thought it would and now he got permission form the watch dog to monitor the girls. Then the hard part has started now.

"I can say, Your not very confident in your promise there Flash." Zaruba said to his partner.

"I am. I'm sure we could keep them safe from harms way. But that's not the reason why I'm down. The reason is about keeping Twilight away from the truth." Flash said.

"Which would be very hard by our perspective. She needs to know about our her heritage."

"She can't still. We promised that we would keep it away as far as possible. You remember her words didn't you." His toon got a bit down. Zaruba didn't say anything but he agreed with him."Now, Let's hope that we could talk to the girls in peace before something bad happens."

It was morning time as Twilight was scene going on her way to school. Despite being her test day. Her mind was back on the previous night. The fight in the art museum and the boy turning into a golden knight and fighting a monster. The image of the monsters face. It was haunting to her as it didn't escape. She was up all night and was trying to find any clue on what that thing was.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she accidentally stepped on a cat's tail making the cat scream in pain."Oh! So sorry for that!" She quickly apologized as the cat gave her a growl and went off."Guess I'll have to keep my mind in check. Can't focus cause of this." She muttered to her self.

"Which is an understanding, Considering your habits of course on discovering things that are unknown." She heard a voice and looked back to see Flash standing behind her in his normal attire but had his Skull ring in his hand."So, Shall we go to school or are you just gonna stand there looking at me like I'm some sorth of alien."

Twilight snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at him."It's you! Your the one from the art museum!"

"Yes it's me. I can say that you have been having many questions in your mind on what happened back at the museum am I right." Flash said like he read his thoughts or something."But that's gonna have to wait. We could talk in a more private place so no one could ease drop on us."

Twilight couldn't help but agree on that as she wanted answers and was going to get them."Ok then. So.... Shall we go then."

"Already ahead of you." Flash called out as he was walking Infront of her without her knowing."So you coming or not!"

"Hey! Wait up!" Twilight yelled as she ran after him.

At an alley way a drunken begger was scene lost in his own thoughts as his mind was at bliss. He was unconscious that he didn't notice a dark figure enter the alley.

The figure was a young boy with purple skin and green spiky hair as he wore all black combat suite with a dark trench coat that had the Makai order Symbol on the back and a bracelet on his arm that had a face on it. He also had two small swords that were handing on his waist. He went towards the drunken man as the man didn't know what was happening before the boy kicked his leg waking him up.

The man got up as he looked at the boy in anger."Hey! You got a death wish or something kid! Why did ya pull me.out my nap!"

"Sorry about that. I was lost and didn't know direction on where to go. So I was hoping you could tell me." The boy asked the man."Of you do, I'll give you something in return. How about it?"

He thought about it as he was a bit of hungry."Fine then deal, So what do ya wanna know there brat. Lets hurry this up. I was gonna go take my nap then." He told aggressively.

"Oh nothing much. Just wanted to know what that direction leads to." He pointed to the right to a dead end as the man got confused."Kid that's a dead end. Why? You can't see thi-!"

He stopped as the boy held a lighter infront of him which showed blue flames as the begger eyes reacted to it showing he was a horror. Before he could attack the boy gave him a swift kick on the face making him fall back. The horror growled as he claimed the wall and launched at him but he avoided and have a punch to its stomach and grabbed him in mid air. He then proceeded to throw him towards the wall and give it kick on the stomach. The horror grabbed his foot and twisted it but the boy twisted with the foot and kicking it on the face with a heavy kick as the horror let go and made his hand in to claws and launched an assault at him.


The boy in an instant pulled out his swords from the shelt and blocked the claws as the two faced off. The boy pushed the horror back a bit but it was stronger in strength as he was being pushed back. He was pinned to the back of the wall as the horror smiled wickedly as it was winning.

"Got You Now Makai knight!" The horror told as another hand suddenly came from his behind and came at the boy. The boy smirked as he used the wall behind and jumped up avoiding the attack and then jumping behind the horror.

He gave the horror quick slashes as he cut off the arms of his. The horror screamed in pain. The boy didn't give him time as he delivered the final blow by cutting the horror in half leaving nothing but dark dust as it went in his swords. The boy shelted them back as he smiled. "That was faster then I thought it would go. Must have beaten my old record."

"No, Your last record was 2 and half minutes before you beat the last horror. This one was a bit back since you took him down in 3 minutes." His madu partner told him.

"3 min, That was like two to me?" He muttered."But still that counts as my 56 kill. And there still more then Rens kill count."

"His is one number short then yours spike but he'll catch up to you in a minute if you let him."

"Not a Chance! He always gets behind me and everyone know that when he sees a." Spike stopped in his rant as he sense something.

He jumped up using the wall as support and reached the roof of the building to see for any sitings of an intruder or spy. He was on guard as he scanned the area. He quickly ducked from a swing from behind and delivered a backhand fist to the attacker but it was caught by the figure.

Spike looked to see who it was to reveal a girl with purple hair and orange skin with violet colour eyes. She was also around spike age and hight. She wore a makai priest outfit fit with her brush and knief in the pouch. She smirked as she got back."Almost got you off guard there,Spike."

"Please, I've been trained by the best teacher in finding out Hiden enemies or scene surprise attacks from any direction. What made you think that, WOW!" He was tripped by her as he fell on his butt.

"You forgot, I was trained by the same masters as yours. So it isn't really difficult to get the jump on you once you start monologuing." She gave him a cocky smirk.

"Oh~, She got you there partner. She knows you well."She then looked at his partner."Hey bliz"

"Hey there Scootaloo. Why the sudden drop by. Shouldn't you be at school?"
Bliz asked her.

"I got a off day today. Sensei told me to go on sealing off gates in the morning as she said and I quote,'Ready for a bigger challenge', So she send me off hear." Scootaloo explained to them as she helped him up.

"So why are you hear then? I was on a horror hunt my self as I didn't needed any help." Spike stated as she rolled her eyes."I'm not hear to help you. As I was dealing with the gates. I figured I gotta need a bit more help in this. Since your the only Makai knight available hear.... So I thought I'll drop by and ask for a bit of help."

"Oh, So you want my help in your job. Which you are told to do. Hah. Wow, Didn't know you were this lazy." He taunted her as he blocked another strike."Fine, I'll help you. Since I've done with this then I'll help dealing with the mess then before it goes out of hand."

Scootaloo smiled at that."Thanks then. The sooner we finish this, The after I can go back and help Apple bloom and Sweete bell on there shopping supplies."

"Girls and there weird way of shopping things is what I'll never know. How do men deal with this is, It's torture to be precise." Spike muttered

"Oh, Like your the one to talk mister stylish. You take way to much time even before me to get ready. While your jelling your hair, I'm already combat ready and prepared." Scootaloo argued back as they went there way.

"Hey, Don't mock hair design or anything. I take way to much time to get ready you know! Also it's not a crime to look charming."

"Please the only one who would ever fall for you is totally gonna be blind or out of her mind to go out with you." She fired back with a confident smirk."And let's not forget you were having a crush on sweetie bells sister that one time."

"Oh, You mean like your imaginary boyfriend of yours who you like to cuddle with when sleeping or talking." Spike shot back not backing down and making her blush in embarrassment.

Both of them started to argue with one another on the way as Spike Modu partner signed at there petty fights."Love birds. These two would be on each other in no time."She quietly muttered out of ear range.

Twilight was waiting patiently at her chair and was waiting for the period to end. She looked at the clock and then back at Flash who was sitting Infront just a few seats forward. When this is over she wanted answers from him then.'Come on, Come on. How long would this period take. Can't believe I want the class to end quickly.' She mentally told her self as she waited. Soon the bell rang signaling that the period is over.

The students went out of class as Twilight went straight at Flash desk, But to her surprise he wasn't even there."What the?! I didn't see him move, Where did he even go!" But just then she saw a note attached to the seat.

"Meet me on the roof of the school. Don't let anyone else nor your friends know right now. I'll explain later on why."

"As much as I want the girls to know about this." Swi-Twi muttered."I really need to know about those things that we saw." She said as she quickly went to the roof on her way her mind was still playing the last night fight. The beast she saw wasn't anything she has scene in her life."I'm sorry girls. I talk to you about this later."

Twilight finally reached the school roof and looked around. She thought she would find the blue hair boy but he wasn't hear in sight at all. Was she tricked again or something.

"So you finally came." Flash said as she looked to see him sitting on the upper entrance of the roof. He had his legs crossed as he was looking at her."Didn't really thought you show up without the other girls coming aswell to help you."

Twilight looked at the teen boy."I'm hear ok. Just like you requested, Now that no one can ease drop on our conversation or anything. I was hoping to learn what I saw last night." She asked him. .

"It's quite simple really." Flash said with a serious look on his face making Twilight tense."You saw things with your eyes last night that's all." He answers with a smile making her almost trip.

"That's not what I asked for!" She almost shouted before calming down as Flash laugh a bit."Gomen na, I know on why you hear and I promised on that I will answer your questions." He said getting serious again as he got down from the entrance. He came towards her as she stiffened a bit seeing his gaze. He stopped Infront of her as she could feel the seriousness in his eyes."Tell me, How much do you know about human civilization."

"What?" Twilight blinked at teh question asked."What does that had to do with on what happened last-"

"Just answer the question." Flash cut her off as he aggressively said to her.

"Well... The human civilization from the very past has been involving in the old era to the new. People of the past have discovered fuel taht powers this era vehicles, Houses and even cities. They have also discovered the wonders of the heart hidden secrets that are deal below the earths core and hidden away. The people of this area have been discovering it since in this time aswell." She answered on what she could have leaned."It's alo discovered that the people of that era had know Alchemy and used it to make medicines and many more things, Which also included the bending the laws of nature aswell."

She finished and waited for Flash answer, He gave her a hard gaze and soon dropped it."Very good on your perspectives. But, What if I told you there was more to the past then you could think."

"The monster from before, Am I correct." She asked.

"Yup, The beast you saw from last night is know as a Horror." Flash declared.


"Hai, Since the dawn of mankind, There were ancient beast who feed on the human beings and there souls." Flash told her the history behind the horror."The hope of humanity was on a loosing bridge. Nothing was working on harming these beasts. But, As all hope seemed lost there came the Makai order. We were made to combat with the horrors amd keep them away from harming humanity. With our skills on weapons and Alchemy we were able to bring down the Horrors."

Twilight was very much taken back by this."Wait, These beast you call horror have been around like from the stone age right. Then why haven't we know about them, If they were hear for this long, Then that means that there would be history about them right."

"That's were we come in again." Flash told."It's very much crucial to even let anyone else out side the order to even know about the horrors or our existence. If they do.. then there be a conflict." He said making her take back. But, As she could check with her magic and her state she's in, She could under that now on why this is kept a secret.

"If I guess right, If the people know about there existence then..."

"They won't trust one another on who is real and who is not. There be a huge gape between the humans as they will try to find out who is who and if there horror or not. They would fight and even kill in fear to why away from the horrors." Flash told as he looked at her dead serious.

"Which in turn will attract more horrors to enter our world." Twilight heard a voice as she looked around to find no one. Flash raised his arm to show his skull ring."Hello Miss Sparkle. It's certainly nice to meet you."

The ring talked. It's what went in side of Twilight head as she try to think on how it's possible. Then her mind finally processed on this as she answered."T-The ring.... It talks."

"That I do, Hello my name is Zaruba." Zaruba finally introduced him self to the young teen girl."As you can see, Horrors actually feed on negative emotions of a person. The emotion includes anger, Jealousy, Fear, Envy, and hate. Theres more of the problem but the negative emotions that is made can create a gate. Which allows the Horrors to enter our world."

"So, with the cause of our own feelings. The Horrors have a pass to get hear then." She asked as she avoided thinking about the ring for now. She'll have to brainstorm that later.

"Exactly, I see your catching in this quiet well." Zaruba complemented as it was odd to get compliments from a magic taking ring."But, There's also this. The horrors who have entered this world are out for one thing and that is to feed of human flesh and soul. They possess the nearest person with Inga and take over there body to pass around the human worl without any one knowing."

"What.... What happens to the possessed person they take over?" She couldn't help but ask, As she felt dread in her stomach on hearing his answer."Do they.. Do they at least survive after you slay the Horror."

Flash shook his head sadly."Unfortunately no. Those who have been taken over by a horror have already lost there souls and are dead the second there possessed. Because of that we have to slay them to end there suffer and pain."

Twilight gasped on hearing this. So that meant that the manager back at the museum was already dead then. But, Couldn't there have been another way for him to save him."I know what your thinking. And I'm sadly to say that there isn't a way to separate the Horror from the victim." Twilight looked at him shocked."So it's our job as the executor to eliminate them. So at least the person could finally rest from all there suffering. It not easy to accept this but you have to." He told her with a serious expression. He saw her distain look and try to put a hand on her shoulder to ease her up. But he backed away from him in fear.

She looked at him with a scared and fear look and kept her self away."Get away from me!" She shouted as she quickly made a break for it and ran away. Flash saw her run out as he signed.

"Don't worry, She's just shocked by news thats all."

"I hope your right Zaruba. Cause there is a lot at stake hear. And I don't just mean about the girls powers, But The Full Moon coming this year." Flash said to his Madou tool as he looked back on where she went.

It was night time now as the city was at dark. In the street a man was going back to his home as he just got out of his work."Ah man. Who knew the boss was this mad as his wife was cheating on him. Glade I didn't came at his way or else I'll lose this job aswell." He said to him self but soon stopped as he spotted a book lying Infront of a street light as the light shines on it. Curious, So he went to investigate the book. He looked to see it as it was quite old and the title confused him 'The Hungry Hungry Book' "Hah, Why is this lying around hear? It looks quite old and doesn't seem in well state. But it looks quite eye catching still."

He picked it up and opened to inspect it. But as he did two black hands came out of the book page and grabbed him. He couldn't get a chance to scream as he was being pulled in, His bones were cracking and being twisted in as blood flew out and soon he was pulled in whole as the book dropped down. After a few seconds a figure came out of then shadows as he picked up the book in his hand."Another successful meal secured. This one tasted a bit rash but still good." The Horror said as he went on his way.

But just then someone landed behind him making the Horror take stance."Who's there?! If your a makai knight then you made a wrong move on coming hear at me!" The horror shouted as he wiped his claws out.

The other figure merely chuckled as he came to view. He wore a all out black skin type suite with a stylish leather red jacket and had white hair with a scar on his left eye."Easy there, I'm not hear to cause a fight. It's quite the opposite my dear good sir. I was a bit fang of your work and seen quite well on how you do it. So I was hoping that if you could, You know. Deliver a few books to a 'friend' of mine."

The horror heard this and then knew that this man Infront is hear for business and not to cut him down. So he eased up a bit but still had his guard up incase if he does something hostile cause he still smell of soup metal."So, What kind of 'friend' is it on who I need to send this book to?" He asked.

"Just a girl in question. Nothing special of her just she has something that may get your interest in it you know." He told the horror as he smirked a bit."You heard about some magical girls around hear, Who are stopping a bit of magic happening around town."

This got the Horrors full attention as he eased up."Of course I heard of it. It's been years since magic had disappeared from this world as only a handful of few had it. But they were of the Makai knight and Priests not any other as I couldn't feel it. But then these girls came in to view I heard so much about on how there magic is and what they can do." The Horror said in excitement as he was hungry for the equestrian magic the girls had and there Flesh.

"So it's seems. I was hoping that you'll make a deal with me then. It'll be benefit for the two of us then if you take my offer." He said making the Horror confused a bit.

"What's the offer?"

He chuckled a bit."It's quite simple really. You go after the girls who have the Magical powers and draw out the golden knight." The Horrors eyes widen as he heard this."You mean the golden knight Garo?! But I thought his bloodline was taken down years ago!" He said in shock."That's what we all thought. But looks like one of his blood holders were saved as the new Garo has taken the title. But he's a bit of newbie in this so it will give you a upper hand. What I want you to do is get the Golden knight to show his power and skills to see if he's a threat to us or not."

The Horror thought about it but was unsure. He has seen the last Garo and they were no joke."You really think I'll be able to even stop this new golden knight. What if his as strong as the last one."

The figure chuckled and waved his finger at him."Now now, Don't go doubting your self just yet. Beside, You think I'll send you out there without a bit of back up." He said pulling out a green orb of light. The horror smelled magic coming from it as it gleed with excitement at this."Hear, Take this or and use it on an item of thing. With the lose magic coming out, Those seven girls will definitely come out to stop it giving you the chance to see your prey. And when they come, The golden knight will fallow behind them." He smirked as he gave the Horror the orb who took it and nodded leaving the place. Now that he was gone the person cracked his neck a bit."Let's see what you got New Golden knight. Hope you won't disappoint me like the last user."

The next day at Canterlot High School, Twilight was in the science lab as she worked on a formula in the vile. She was busy writing on the note book as she does her experiment.

"Swi-Twi, Hey Swi-Twi you there." She was called out of her thoughts when she heard Rainbow dash voice and looked to see he friends just came in to view.

"Wow, No need to be so jumpy now Swi-Twi, We just came to meet ya," Rainbow dash assured.

"Yeah, Where were you yesterday. We were looking for you all around campus and couldn't find you. We got worried and asked your mom about you and found out you came in early." Pinkie pie said."That's not like you or your character."

Twilight breath in a bit as she calmed her self down."Sorry guys, I was just... Not feeling well yesterday."

"You seem fine right now." Fluttershy said as she looked at her friend expression."Did something happened yesterday?" She asked in concern.

Twilight shook her head quickly trying not to make her look suspicious." No actually, I'm fine just got a bit of headache from yesterday as I couldn't sleep last night." She quickly lied but it wasn't technically a lie as she didn't get quite enough sleep last night.

"Let me guess. Is it because of the previous night Monster attack at the art museum." Sunset said making Twilight nodd at her."We understand, Some of us had nightmares because of the monster we saw back then. It was a whole nightmare fuel back there."

"Your telling me darling, Because of that I couldn't even get my beauty sleep. I fear because of that I'm getting wrinkles!" Rarity overdramatic again.

"I sleep fine last night. Didn't have any problems what so ever and slept like a log." Rainbow dash boosted.

"The constant trashing around your bed room and locking your door shut tends to differ." Pinkie pie told making her give her a look."What? Just guessing that's all."

"Any way, Y'all find anything on that thing and the boy turning into that Armor wolf back then. Seemed to me like that was some thing out of a Light noval or something." Applejack continues the conversation making Twilight tense."You got anything on that Sunset?"

Sunset shook her head in dismay."Actually no. I try to ask Princess Twilight for anything but fir some odd reason the connection didn't work."

"Didn't work?" The girls minus Twilight asked.

"Yeah, That got me in a worried state. I can't contact her or anyone back home on the matter. It's like something is blocking my connection to equestria." 'I think I know on who it is.' Twilight thought."I think something just happened there back at home that is causing this."

"Well, We hope it's nothing to drastic there. But Anyway where were you Swi-Twi. Yesterday we went at the address the Boy name Flash gave us but it turned out to be a Restaurant of some sorth." Rainbow dash asked her friend as she remembered there yesterday encounter.

"They had good milkshake thought." Pinkie pie said... While drinking a strawberry milk shake she got from somewhere.

Twilight knew for a fact that it had something to do with the makai order that Flash told her about yesterday. He told her they have been keeping tabs on her and her friends for a while and there magic. Meaning they had a hand behind the connection between sunset and her world. Just as she was about to answer. They heard screaming coming from outside.

The girls quickly ran out to see the students running from the library in panic."What happened! What's going on and why are you all running?!"

One of the students stopped to answer."There's an attack as all of the books in the library are floating around and attacking the others. We think it's your magic problem or something!" He answered and ran off.

Sunset looked at the girls."Well looks like we can deal with that problem later. Right now we have a job to do." She said as they soon ran off to the library area.But little did they know. They were running right towards a trap made for them.