• Published 12th Feb 2023
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Being The Princess of Love for a Day - Foal Star

Princess Celestia finds a strange bow and a quiver full of arrows then uses them to make ponies fall in Love on Hearts and Hooves Day

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Chapter Four: A Rain of Arrows

Princess Celestia flew towards Ponyville, and there her mouth dropped, and she was utterly exhausted; she came to the village and noticed something was off, already seeing the citizens of Ponyville kissing and chasing each other around. It was utter chaos. Celestia then looked down as some ponies not affected were imploring her to help them. She quickly landed in the middle of the town and shouted in the royal Canterlot voice, "Citizens of Ponyville! A rain of enchanted arrows has fallen upon you, Rainbow Dash, and I will ensure you will be free from their curse! If you can assist in this endeavor would be much appreciated!"

She then snatched, breaking the arrows on the ground and off ponies and placing them into her quiver. Celestia was pleased to see others helping her. Despite the effort to remove the enchanted arrows going much more smoothly than she had anticipated, the princess was so embarrassed and disgraceful for allowing these enchanted arrows to hit so many of her subjects. The princess got over her disgrace, flew over them, and started to remove arrows from her citizens, squeaking out a "sorry" as she levitated the projectiles and placed them into her quiver. Looking up and seeing the many ponies lusting over each other, the princess of the sun couldn't help but think about how when Twilight placed a "want it, need it" spell on a doll and caused the citizens of Ponyville to go nuts. She remembered how furious she was learning how Twilight almost unraveled everything she built over missing a friendship lesson. She also saw that her desire to see her fall in love wasn't much different, if not worse. If anything, this was way worse because she may have caused irreversible damage to their lives.

She then spotted Rainbow Dash across the town square, who was doing the same to the pink earth pony Cheerilee and Big Mac, to who she quickly apologized for snapping the arrows. Upon seeing Rainbow Dash, her worries and doubts about herself started to fall off her shoulders, seeing her fly around quickly and agile. Celestia sat and watched Rainbow, and she couldn't keep her eyes off of her and was enticed by how cute she looked, especially how the daredevil reminded her of a younger version of herself. Princess Celestia stood there and continued to watch the daredevil finish collecting the last of the arrows. She then turned to face her with a bashful look on her face as she placed them in the princess' quiver and looked right into her eyes with a blush spreading across her face as she asked, "So um…why do you keep looking at me like that?"

Rainbow placed her hooves over her face and squeaked, "I'm not sure!? I can't seem to stop admiring how cute you look."

Celestia threw her wings over her face and cried, "Please stop saying stuff like that!"

Rainbow Dash continued her advancements, brushed the wing from Celestia's eyes, and continued, "Come on, those eyes, your wings, that mane. You're the most beautiful princess I've ever laid eyes on!"

"You think so? I haven't had time to bathe."

"Seriously!?" The pegasus looked downward, her cheeks flushing pink, and said, "Well, maybe you can come and bathe at my house."

The alicorn princess raised her hooves over her face and asked, "Would that be ok?"

"Of course! You're the Princess of Equestria, crying out loud!" The daredevil tugged on the princess' hoof and led her into the clouds. As they continued their ascent into the air, the princess couldn't help but admire Rainbow flying and how good she was at maneuvering through the air. She knew these intrusive thoughts were from the enchanted arrows that hit them, but she seemed unable to take her eyes off her. They eventually made it to Rainbow's home, where Celestia was amazed at how big the place was and exclaimed, "Wow, you live here!?"

Rainbow Dash nodded and said, "Yeah, believe it or not, this place was the home of Ponyville's former lead cloudbuster. But when I moved to Ponyville, she retired and gave me a good deal on the place. Trust me; it's way too big for me."

"Well, that explains a lot, but it is a nice house," Celestia whispered as she was then led into the mansion made of clouds and couldn't help but admire her hooves on the soft material. It was so bouncy and soft beneath her hooves, much more comfortable than the hard marble that made up her castle or even the soft carpet in her bedroom. She couldn't help but skip to her step as she pranced inside Rainbow Dash's home and headed to Rainbow's bathroom. The princess then slowly stripped off her toga, took a long shower, and started to let the water rush over her.

Meanwhile, Princess Cadance was slowly trotting through the streets of Ponyville. She was surprised to see that the tendrils of magic were slowly fading, and it seemed that her search for her aunt was finally ending. But two trails remained, and she slowly flew to Golden Oaks Library. Upon reaching the massive oak tree, she worried Twilight Sparkle was caught up in this mess. She gave a sigh knocking on the door. Twilight opened it and was surprised to see Cadance standing there and asked, "woah, Princess Cadance!? Is that you!?"

The princess of love gave the mare a heartwarming smile and said, "Yes, it's me. It's been so long."

Twilight skipped over and started to do their chant and dance from when she was a filly and, upon finishing, laughed and chirped, "So what brings you to Ponyville?"

The alicorn gulped and was a bit unsure of what to say, seeing she didn't want to worry her soon-to-be sister-in-law about Princess Celestia going said, "Well, it's complicated. I have to ask if you haven't seen Princess Celestia around?"

"Oh no!? Has she gone missing!? Has she been foalnapped!?"

Cadance threw her hooves in the air and quickly replied, "Oh no, no! Nothing like that."

She quickly held up a hoof and said. "She uh…well, she may be out on a stroll by herself, and I'm just trying to make sure she's ok."

Twilight eyed her, seeming not fully to trust her, then said, "Alright…well, I haven't seen her."

"Have you noticed anything else?"

Twilight paused, tapped a hoof to her chin, and said, "I noticed that arrows fell from the sky. I thought that was odd."

"Well, that is strange."

"You think so?"

"Yes, but this wouldn't have anything to do with Princess Celestia, right?"

Cadance paused; at this time, she would have to assume that her aunt had stopped the spread of the enchanted arrows; maybe some spilled out of her bag or were dropped. Regardless, she would assume most ponies don't know what's happening, and for now, it would be best to keep the details hidden from most. But from what she's learned, Twilight seems reliable and whispered, "Um…well…you see, if I tell you this has to be kept a secret."

"Ok, what is it?"

"Well, my aunt Celestia has gone a little cuckoo and has taken an enchanted bow and quiver full of arrows. Whenever they pierce a creature, the moment another arrow hits another being, they fall madly in love with each other."

"Oh, so that's what was going on? I saw some ponies making out earlier and thought they were acting weird because it was Hearts and Hooves Day." Twilight blinked as if something had crossed her mind. She flew back into her library, came back out levitating two arrows with her magic, and said, "Well, I did find these earlier."

Upon taking the arrows, Princess Cadance flew over. She hugged the violet unicorn and squealed, "Thank you so much!"
She broke the embrace and said, "Please keep this between us, ok? I'll have my aunt come to explain what happened to the citizens later."

Twilight bowed and said, "Of course, and um…would you come back? There's so much I would like to talk to you about."

"Yeah, of course, I would love that," Princess Cadance chimed; she threw out her wings and flew off into the sky, wondering if she should tell her that she and her brother would marry soon. But for now, she'll focus on following the magic trail emanating from the arrows. This meant that the last two enchanted ponies might be none other than her aunt and some other unlucky pegasus.

After Celestia came out of the shower, she wore her toga again. She then slowly trotted over to see Rainbow Dash, who seemed unable to take her eyes. "Yo…you feel refreshed?"

"Yes, I do thank you for allowing me to use your shower."

"It's no problem at all! You can use it whenever you want!"

Celestia looked downward, her heart racing again, and said, "I hope you're not just saying that because I'm a princess."

"Of course not! You're well…" Rainbow's voice trailed off as she looked away, seeming embarrassed to finish her sentence.

Growing a bit impatient, Celestia asked, "Well, what?"

"Maybe this is the enchanted arrows talking, but you're so amazing, and how well you keep Equestria safe, how you mentor Twilight, how without you, we may have never met. I mean, you don't snobbish or come off thinking you're better than anypony, and you've never abused your power."

Princess Celestia was starting to feel uncomfortable with this flattery and said, "Well I…Im not perfect."

"Of course not, and what makes you special is you don't try to hide being perfect."

Without realizing it, Celestia and Rainbow Dash slowly approached each other, and now they were face to face. Without warning, the two started to kiss. Then they heard a knock, and they all squeaked out loud as somepony shouted, "Celestia, are you there!?"

The princess quickly pulled away from Rainbow Dash, who whispered, "Who's that?"

"It's my niece Princess Cadance. She probably came here looking for me."

"What should we do?"

Celestia gulped; she wanted to run, hide, and pretend she wasn't there. But that would be like a child trying to hide after they broke something. So instead, she will face the consequences of her actions and say, "We don't have a choice."

The alicorn princess then trotted towards the foot and slowly opened it, revealing an angry pink alicorn. "So, Auntie, what are you doing here?"

"Well, um, you see…I um…"

Cadance smirked, then asked, "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything between you and Rainbow Dash."

The daredevil stammered, "No…nothing at all."

Cadance then came into the house then showed them the two arrows. "I assume these belong to you two?"

Celestia squealed, "Yes…thank you…we were looking for those!" as the white alicorn reached for them, her niece lifted the arrows and said, "Well, before I break these and break the enchantment on you two. I want to know everything."

Rainbow Dash led her and Celestia across her home to her kitchen. They then sat together at Rainbow's dinner table then sheepishly told her everything from stealing the bow and arrows with the toga to making Luna and Blueblood fall in love to trying to find somepony to hook up with Twilight. But she ended up getting arrows stuck in herself. After finishing her tale, Cadance sighed and said, "Well, the good news is that we have picked up every enchanted arrow. And I hope you learned a valuable lesson in not messing with my stuff."

Princess Celestia bowed before her niece and apologized, "Of course, it was foolish of me, and it will never happen again."

"Well, you don't have to be that formal," Cadance then held the arrows out in front of her and snapped them, and they dissipated, and Rainbow and Celestia gave sighs of relief. The love princess rose and said, "Well, you look exhausted. I would suggest taking a nap before heading back to the castle. Also, before I leave."

She held a hoof, and Celestia blushed as she wanted the toga back. But she started liking it and asked, "C…can I keep it? Just for the Day?"

Cadance rolled her eyes, "Fine; you're also going to need to tell everypony what happened. So be ready for that."

"Of course, I will make sure that happens before returning to Canterlot," the princess of the sun whispered, feeling like a foal being scolded. Princess Cadance then rose and shook Rainbow's hoof, "Well, it was nice meeting you as well, Rainbow Dash."

"You as well, princess," Rainbow Dash squeaked out, seeming to be abit overwhelmed with all of these alicorns visiting her.

Princess Cadance then took he leave and flew back down to Ponyville, and as soon after her niece left, the princess fell back into her chair and gave an exasperated sigh, "I screwed up big time. I don't know how I can tell everypony about what happened."

Rainbow Dash flew over and helped her up. "Yeah, from the sounds, your curiosity just got the best of you. That's all."

"True, but I should've had more self-control."

"Well, I did learn a few things, like you look great in a toga, and you're a good shot with the bow and arrow."

"You think so?"

"Yeah! You are!"

"Thank you," Celestia patted her mouth and was escorted to Rainbow Dash's bedroom. As they came in, Celestia was astounded by the Wonderbolt posters plastered on the walls and smiled as she said, "Well, I see you're a big fan of the Wonderbolts."

"Yeah, they're only the best flyers in Equestria."

"Well, that means you'll be one in no time."

Rainbow Dash got bashful again and snapped, "Are the arrows talking? Is one stuck in your butt?"

The alicorn princess laughed, thinking about the daredevil's performance at the Young Flyers competition. She said, "I mean it. Do you know how long it's been since somepony performed a Sonic Rainboom?"

Rainbow smirked at Celestia and said, "Alright, that was pretty impressive."

The daredevil helped the princess remove her toga, slowly slipping the white fabric from her body. Despite the two no longer being compelled by the enchantments of the arrows, Celestia noticed Rainbow Dash being bashful, despite knowing full well the pegasus had seen her fully naked before her plenty of times and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"What, no, of course not!" Rainbow squeaked; she quickly stowed the toga aside and helped lay the solar princess in her bed. The pegasus then tucked the princess under her Wonderbolt-designed comforter.

As Rainbow Dash left, Celestia whispered, "I apologize for all of this; if you require anything from me, I'll make it so."

The daredevil turned back and said, "Letting you sleep in my bed is a reward in itself! Have a good rest, ok princess?"

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I won't forget your kindness," Celestia yawned, then laid back on the pillow and closed her eyes, feeling much better now that they averted a disaster. But the princess was still worried about what she will have to do in confessing to the citizens of Ponyville what caused them to go love crazy.