• Published 15th Feb 2023
  • 299 Views, 10 Comments

Moondancer's Memories - InfiniteDreams

  • ...

The best friends in the world

I knew things were going too well, Moondancer thought to herself as she made her way through the hallways of Crystal Prep. Things could be alright, though. She would just give Indigo's homework to her, and hope that she didn't ever have to deal with it again. However, she knew that was unlikely. As Moondancer opened her locker to get her things, she noticed Sugarcoat was doing the same a few lockers down. She smiled to herself. Maybe Sunny and Sour hadn't tried hard enough, and Sugarcoat was just waiting for someone to reach out, much like Moondancer used to.

Moondancer approached Sugarcoat nervously. She stared for a moment, then Sugarcoat noticed her and made eye contact. "Um, hi." Moondancer greeted her.

"Is there something you needed?" Sugarcoat asked. "I'm busy at the moment getting ready for class."

"Just wanted to say hi," Moondancer said. At least she had gotten an answer. "See how you're doing. But maybe it's not the best time."

"It's obviously not," Sugarcoat replied as she closed her locker. "And it's never going to be. I have my days planned very well and I don't have time for nonsensical chatter."

"Understood," Moondancer nodded. "Well, let me know if you want someone to talk to. I'm here, Moondancer." Sugarcoat didn't say anything in response, just walking away. Moondancer sighed, then walked around the corner to get to her class. She stopped when she saw Indigo Zap walk up to her. Oh, great. Moondancer thought. At least there are other people around today. She can't keep me for long.

"Hey, give over," Indigo whispered. Moondancer fumbled around in her bag for the papers and after making sure no one was looking, she handed Indigo the papers. Indigo grinned and looked down at the homework.

"You're welcome," Moondancer said sarcastically.

"Huh?" Indigo asked as she looked up. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Never mind," Moondancer said. "I was awake late you know, but it's all done correctly."

"Better be," Indigo replied. "I'm sure you've got nothing better to do with your free time anyway." She laughed. "See you after class, I'll give you the next round." And with that, Indigo walked past her. Moondancer stood there in disbelief. Indigo was going to keep using her?! She debated telling someone, but if they didn't believe her, and Indigo somehow found out...Moondancer would probably end up regretting it.

She sighed and looked around for Sunny and Sour, walking to the first class. She opened her phone on the way and noticed a message from Sunny earlier that morning.

Moondancer deary, we're going to the mall this afternoon, would love for you to join us! – Sunny Flare

Moondancer smiled. She should have some time to stop by.


The Canterlot mall was not too busy that afternoon. Sunny, Sour, and Moondancer walked through slowly, looking at all the shops. They were still in their uniforms, as they had gone directly from school. Sunny had a rather large bag from her favourite shop, Fashion Forward. Sour Sweet had a couple small bags from the make-up shop. Moondancer hadn't found anything of her interest yet, as she wasn't a big shopper. Unless there was a book store.

"You don't shop much, I take it?" Sunny asked as they continued walking.

"No, not really my thing," Moondancer replied. "But I do like to hang out with my friends."

"Aww," Sunny clasped her hands. "That's so nice."

"So, gotta mention something," Sour Sweet started, looking at Moondancer. "I saw you talking to Sugarcoat today, how'd that go for you?"

"You guessed it," Moondancer said. "She said she didn't have time for 'nonsensical chatter' and kind of sent me along my way. Doesn't she ever get lonely? I mean, what a life."

"We wouldn't know, and we're not gonna try," Sour Sweet told her. "She would be a help with studying since she knows a lot of crap, but she refuses to help us most times. You aren't that far behind her though, Moony!"

Moondancer laughed. That was the nickname she wasn't very fond of, but she didn't correct them. "I try my best."

"So do I," Sunny said, losing her smile. "I guess it just has a different meaning, my best isn't as good as yours."

"Hey, don't feel that way," Moondancer comforted her. "Why don't you just focus on shopping? Take our minds off of it for a while." As she looked up ahead and notice a book store, her face lit up. "I like that store myself."

"Wow," Sunny laughed. "Well, if a store impresses you, then it's got to be good. You haven't glanced at a single store yet today! Let's try it out!" the girls walked together to the book store, and as they got closer, Moondancer ran inside excitedly. Sunny and Sour laughed to themselves. As much as they didn't like books or reading, they joined her.

There was a small coffee shop in the book store, so Sour and Sunny sat down to wait for Moondancer, getting some hot chocolate. After about half an hour, she returned to them with a shopping bag containing 5 or 6 books. She sat by them and put her bag on one of the chairs.

"I didn't want to keep you waiting too long," Moondancer explained. "I would have looked a bit more, but I know books are not your thing."

"It's quite alright, deary," Sunny said, taking a sip of her hot chocolate. She reached in her backpack and pulled out some papers, placing them on the table. "So, while we're here,
Sunny started. "I thought maybe you could look over this assignment I had."

"Oh..." Moondancer looked a bit disappointed. "School work? Now?" Even she liked to take breaks occasionally, and just not think about the assignments. She was also reminded that she had her own homework, and Indigo Zap's as well.

"If it's okay," Sunny said. "I mean, it'll only take a minute. I don't see why it would be a problem, you know to help out a friend."

"Oh, it's not a problem," Moondancer reassured her. Sunny was right, just a minute would be alright. "Not a problem at all. What questions did you have?"

"I also have a couple," Sour Sweet spoke up as she got her homework out and handed it to Moondancer. "If you wanna help out, that is. Just a little bit of friendly guidance. Yes, or no?"

Moondancer paused. As much as she didn't want to, she would not let down her friends when they needed her. "Let me look at Sunny Flare's first." She said, taking the papers.


It had been 45 minutes by the time they were finished. It turned out they had more questions than they had planned, and those questions led to other questions. Finally, Sour and Sunny took the papers back and put them away.

Moondancer looked at her watch. It was 5:00, she had about another hour until she had to get home and started with the other homework. "Hm, do you want to do something else?" she asked her friends. "We could go have some ice cream or something."

Sunny looked a bit surprised. "Oh, uh..." she trailed off as she and Sour looked at each other.

"We've got a lot to do," Sour finally replied.

"But we just did 45 minutes of your homework in the mall," Moondancer pointed out. "What have you got to do?" she didn't want to accuse them; she really was just curious.

"Chores," Sour replied a little too quickly.

"Watching my little um, sister," Sunny said nervously. "My parents are going out."

Moondancer thought they were behaving a bit- well, more than a bit strangely, but she just couldn't figure out why. "Oh, I see," she said. "Maybe another day?"

"Yeah, definitely," Sour Sweet nodded, smiling sweetly. "Tomorrow maybe, we'll see. Later." They got up and grabbed their bags, then headed for the mall exit. Moondancer stared after them, only then remembering that Sunny had mentioned she had no siblings. She would ask her about it later. Maybe she had step-siblings. There had to be some reasonable explanation.

She got up and started walking home carrying her shopping bag, it was about 10 minutes from the mall. She was excited to organize her new books, her room was turning into a library at this point. But that was a good thing in her eyes. She sighed.

If only I wasn't the one who did 45 minutes of homework. Now with my own and Indigo Zap's as well.


Moondancer trudged through the halls of Crystal Prep. She had slept well, but still felt emotionally exhausted. She knew she would have to see Indigo Zap again today, and she wasn't looking forward to it at all.

She must have looked off, because her mom had asked if she slept well. I can't tell anyone what's going on...

Sunny Flare approached her, waving cheerfully. "Hi, Moondancer," she greeted her, but as she got closer her expression changed to one of concern. "You look really tired. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Moondancer lied.

"Good," Sunny replied. "I never got to thank you for all your help yesterday at the mall. You really are a rare friend to come by, you know? I really feel a lot better about getting up and coming to school these days knowing you're here to help me whenever I need it."

"Of course," Moondancer said. Then she remembered what they talked about at the mall yesterday. "So, how about ice cream this afternoon?"

"I still have to uh...decide," Sunny replied nervously. "Sour Sweet is out sick today, so we need to take her homework to her." She frowned. "It's a shame she has to do so much school work while she's sick with such a bad cold."

"Yeah, it is," Moondancer nodded slowly, hoping this wasn't going where she thought it was. "Sorry to hear."

Sunny stared off in thought for a moment, then gasped as she got an idea. "Wait!" she exclaimed. "You know what would make her the happiest girl in the world?"

"If we bring her ice cream?" Moondancer suggested. "Sing her songs? Have a girls sleepover night?"

"Yeah yeah," Sunny waved her hand, dismissing the ideas. "But I was thinking maybe if her homework was all done for her! Oh my gosh, I hate to ask you, but do you think you could help me? You and I together could finish her assignments for her, and we can do ours at the same time."

"Actually, um..." Moondancer hesitated. Maybe now was the time to speak up, and tell her the truth. Well, not the entire truth. As she was about to speak, she thought against it. Sour Sweet was sick, and if she said no, then Sunny might try to make her feel guilty. Sunny was right, and Sour Sweet could use the help today. Just once more. "Well, I guess so." She agreed.

"Lovely!" Sunny exclaimed happily. "We can do it at the ice cream shop, then I'll take it to her place and surprise her."

"And we can take her ice cream, too," Moondancer added.

"Sounds like a plan," Sunny said, hugging Moondancer. "She's going to feel so relieved."

The hug lasted a few seconds, then Sunny let go and smiled at Moondancer, but she noticed Moondancer was not smiling in return.

"Sunny, um..." Moondancer began. She could at least express how she had been feeling. Sunny Flare was her friend! She would understand. "I really need to ask you something that's been on my mind."

"Of course, deary," Sunny said. "I'm all ears. For the next 8 minutes of course, then we need to hurry off to class."

Moondancer paused for a minute, then laughed nervously, adjusting her glasses. "Please don't take it the wrong way," she started. "But...I feel like you and Sour Sweet sometimes...you know, care a lot about homework." This was coming out all wrong. "And of course, I do too, but..." she took a deep breath. "That's not why you made friends with me, is it?"

Sunny Flare gasped, surprised her friend would even think such a thing. "What?! No, no, no, don't even say that. We love you, bestie!"

"That's what I thought," Moondancer said, relieved. That was not so hard. "Just making sure. So...if I say, stopped helping you with your homework...nothing would change in our friendship?" There was a long pause.

Sunny stuttered a bit, before answering. "Why is that even a question? The answer is yes, of course, but I know you wouldn't do that. I mean, friends help friends so that would make it kind of...I don't know, weird. You know, for all that we do for you for you to just quit helping us with something we really need, and you can easily help us with."

Moondancer blinked. She thought Sunny Flare had understood. "You think it's...easy?"

"Yeah," Sunny replied. "You're a genius."

Moondancer took a deep breath, taking a moment to find the right words. "...I wasn't born that way, Sunny Flare." She explained. "I work very hard every day to be at the top, well, almost top of the class. I completely believe that I'm not succeeding by chance. I work hard to get where I am, and where I have."

"Okay, I get it," Sunny said, though Moondancer wondered if that was true. "But that question you asked, that was just like a 'what if' question, right deary? You wouldn't really leave us to do something we struggle with, would you?"

Moondancer paused. "No. I wouldn't."

"Great," Sunny said. "I'm gonna run to the ladies' room, and I will see you in class. I really value you as my friend, in every way Moondancer. Don't forget that!" Sunny hugged her once more before walking away. Moondancer didn't know how to feel. Sunny could just be saying that, and there was only one way to know for sure if they were loyal friends or not.

Moondancer was just about to get her books, when she noticed someone walking towards her. She glanced over and was suddenly confused. It was Sugarcoat, and she looked like she had something to say. There was a moment of silence, then Moondancer spoke up first.

"Um...hello?" Moondancer greeted awkwardly.

"I've decided to take your offer," Sugarcoat told her.

"What? Really?!" Moondancer exclaimed, completely shocked.

"Well, my parents think I need more social interaction," Sugarcoat explained. Now it made more sense. "My mind went immediately to your offer of friendship. Does it still stand?"

"Yes, it does," Moondancer said, smiling. "I'm glad to hear that!"

"And it seems like we share a lot of the same interests," Sugarcoat continued. "Studying and being successful. I was listening, by the way. We share similar ideas on life. I think a friendship between us has a strong chance of success. So, let's do it." Moondancer hugged her tightly, not getting a hug in return, but she hadn't expected it.

"Okay, then," Sugarcoat said, waiting for the hug to end.

Moondancer let go. "It's what friends do!" She laughed slightly, and saw Sugarcoat smile for the first time since meeting her. "Did you just...smile?"

"Yes, seems like I did," Sugarcoat stated. "I am a person too, you know, despite what Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet might have been telling you."

"I knew there was more to you," Moondancer said. "You just needed someone to reach out. Let's walk together-"

"Hey!" a voice cut her off...that voice. Indigo Zap walked up to the 2 girls and looked at Moondancer nicely. "Can I talk to you?"

"I'll see you in the classroom," Sugarcoat told Moondancer as she went around the corner, leaving them alone.

"It's right in my bag," Moondancer whispered, searching through her backpack.

"I know, give over," Indigo said, trying to hurry her along. Moondancer gave her the papers once again. This had been going on for 4 days now.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Moondancer asked.

Indigo laughed. "What kind of stupid question is that? I thought you were so smart. I don't have time for all this lame stuff like school work. I'm practicing for the big basketball game this weekend. That's what you're here for."

Moondancer took a deep breath. This had been going on for too long. She had to try. "This isn't allowed, you know."

"Okay," Indigo said casually, flipping through the pages. "And your point?"

"I could tell on you," Moondancer said quietly.

Indigo looked up from the papers, and Moondancer knew she had done the wrong thing. Indigo trapped Moondancer against the lockers, placing her arms on both sides of her. "I don't think you wanna do that." Moondancer's heart was beating rapidly now, and she was just hoping someone would come to her rescue.

"Don't even get started with me," Indigo warned her. "You know what I'll do to you if you get me in trouble. Your stupid glasses won't be the only thing that's broken. Well, I don't need to say any more, do I?"

"No," Moondancer choked out. "I won't tell." She was just grateful Indigo wasn't going to hurt her in that moment.

"It's for your own good," Indigo reminded her, releasing her and leaving for the classroom. Moondancer stood there regaining her breath, then she heard footsteps from behind her. She turned around quickly, but relaxed when she saw it was only Sugarcoat. Hopefully, she wouldn't notice Moondancer's panicked behaviour.

"You're doing Indigo Zap's homework for her."

"Ssh!" Moondancer shushed her, looking around to see if Indigo was still in the area. "Oh my gosh, if I tell anyone-"

"You didn't tell anyone," Sugarcoat pointed out. "I overheard. She was talking way too loudly. This is illegal, and it needs to stop."

Moondancer started tearing up, wondering if she should open up or not. After a moment, she decided it was okay. "We can't, it...I mean, it's too late. I've already been doing this for a whole week, and they'll ask me why I didn't tell them sooner-"

"And you can tell them the truth," Sugarcoat explained. "You were scared of her."

"But do you think they'll believe me?" Moondancer asked, even though she probably wouldn't believe Sugarcoat if she said yes. In that moment, Sunny Flare came in with Sour Sweet not far behind her.

"Hey, Moony!" Sunny greeted her. "Ready for class?"

"She needs to talk to you," Sugarcoat told Sunny. Everyone was silent for a minute, then Sugarcoat looked back to Moondancer. "Tell them first. Your friends will believe you if anyone will."

Moondancer felt like she couldn't breathe. Maybe that was more of an excuse. She was so disappointed in herself, and she knew they would be, too. "No, I can't." she said, her voice sounding much shakier than she intended.

"What's wrong?" Sunny asked worriedly, taking Moondancer's hand. "Moondancer, why are you trembling? Have you been crying?"

Moondancer finally let herself cry, tears streaming down her cheeks. "It's a long story," she said, wiping her tears.

"Come, you need to sit down deary," Sunny instructed her as they walked a little ways. Sunny helped Moondancer to sit down on a bench and held her close. Sour and Sugarcoat stood next to them. "Did someone hurt you?" Sunny asked.

"No," Moondancer answered quickly. "But she...she's been..." she looked up at Sugarcoat and sniffled. "Sugarcoat, can you?"

"Alright," Sugarcoat nodded. "Indigo Zap has been using Moondancer to do her homework for her." The other girls eyes went wide.

"That jerk!" Sunny exclaimed. "How long has this been going on?" she asked Moondancer.

"About a week," Moondancer replied. "I had no choice, and she said if I told anyone she would..." Moondancer couldn't repeat the words. She sighed. "Well, let's say it's not very pleasant. And I feel so horrible about it."

"This is not your fault," Sunny reassured her. "Do you understand? We're going to make sure she never comes near you again. Come on, let's go, we can tell the principal about it." She got up from the bench, taking Moondancer's hand to help her up.

"Yeah," Sour Sweet agreed. "Indigo is gonna be in big trouble. Serves her right."

"But if she ever is alone with me," Moondancer trembled. "And she's gonna hate me so much after this...no, we can't tell anyone."

"You can't keep doing this," Sunny said firmly. "We're going to fix this sweetie." She pulled Moondancer into another hug, and Moondancer hugged her back. She was so grateful to have friends like this, who were always looking out for her safety. Even when she thought she didn't need it. They really were the best friends in the world.

"I'm so sorry this is happening," Sunny told her. "The only thing I wish you did differently...was tell us sooner. Instead of bottling this all up. you don't need to deal with it alone anymore."

"I- I just...I didn't know if you would believe me," Moondancer stuttered. Then another thought occurred to her. "You aren't gonna tell my parents?"

"The school will most likely be contacting your parents," Sugarcoat answered. "And Indigo's too."

Moondancer started to panic again. That couldn't happen! Then her mom would find out she lied, they would know she had been doing something illegal. Moondancer's breath sped up again. "No, no, no...they'll be so disappointed in me-"

"Why would they be?" Sunny interrupted. "You did the best thing for yourself, and your safety. We all know Indigo well enough to know that she would follow through with any threats she makes. Come on, we'll all be right there with you."

Moondancer looked at the 3 girls, and took a deep breath. They wouldn't let anyone hurt her now. She nodded slowly. "Okay."


Author's Note:

I know Moondancer seems a little out of character right now, but this section of the story is about her early life, and she will change more as she gets older.