• Published 14th Feb 2023
  • 361 Views, 7 Comments

A Friend's First Kiss - Babroniedad

Sometimes you don't know what you have until it blossoms.

  • ...

A Friend's Fist Kiss

Trixie sat smiling in the back of her mother’s car, thinking of the wonderful time she had just enjoyed with her dear friend Sunset.

She and Starlight had been invited over to help her babysit her neighbor’s children, a young girl and her little brother. Sunset had asked if Trixie would be willing to put on a magic show to give them something wonderful to remember the day by. She even good naturedly agreed to dress up in a bunny suit and be her assistant. The children had enjoyed it immensely, the light in their eyes and enthusiastic responses had been an absolute delight.

Afterwards, Starlight had helped her put her chest of costumes and props into her mom’s car, then left with her mother who had dropped by to take her home. Trixie related to her mother on the trip home how wonderful they had been and how funny Sunset had been playing her part in the show. Her mom listened with a happy smile, nodding and acknowledging as Trixie told her all.

When they got home her mom helped her bring the large trunk back into the house and into her bedroom, reminding her she had school the next day and not to shirk her homework.

“Dinner will be ready in about a half hour. See if you can get some of your work done beforehand so you don’t have to stay up too late trying to finish it dear. I’m so glad you and your friends had a wonderful afternoon, and am happy to hear the children loved your show!” her mother said kindly as she left the room.

“Thanks mom! I’ll get right on it!” promised Trixie taking out her books to study. She had just cracked open her Equestrian History book when her cellphone rang. She saw it was Starlight so she quickly picked it up and answered.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie! Is delighted to hear from you,” she giggled into her phone.

Starlight laughed and answered back. “And the Great and Wise Starlight is delighted to hear that. So what are you doing now? And wow, was that fun or what?”

“Just starting on my homework. I have a test tomorrow so I'm going over my Equestrian History chapter again. And yeah, that was wonderful! I’m so glad to have you and Sunset as my friends. And that Sunset asked me to put on a show for her little charges,” smiled Trixie.

“You looked completely in your element. I don’t think anyone else I know would have put that much effort into a show for that small of an audience,” teased Starlight.

“Hey! It’s not the size of the audience that matters! It’s the size of their hearts,” countered Trixie.

“Wow Trix, that was corny,” Starlight grinned. “Still true though. You really made those kids' day. Heck you probably made their week, or even year. Though Sunset may regret it if she has to watch them again. They may expect a magic show every time.”

“If she invites me, I may give her one every time,” Trixie grinned back.

“Always the showman! That’s my Trixie,” complimented Starlight.

“Thank you!” beamed Trixie. “I aim to please. So what are you doing now?”

“Just chilling. I finished all my studies, and was kinda thinking about you,” admitted Starlight.

“Well here I am,” smiled Trixie. “I was thinking about you too, and how good you were with those children. I could totally see you as a mom someday.”

“What! Where did that come from?” laughed Starlight.

“Well, you were really really good with them,” mused Trixie. “You were able to explain things in ways they understood. You were patient with them. You calmed them down when they got too spun up, and without yelling or any negativity. You were like this teen super mom. It was fun to watch.”

Starlight’s breath caught. Blushing, she stuttered out, “Do you really think so?”

“I know so,” stated Trixie. “Starlight, you were amazing. If I were a kid I would totally love to have you as a mom. You could totally be the mom to my kids if I ever have any.”

The line went quiet. “Starlight, are you okay?” asked Trixie. “You got awfully quiet there.”

“Nah, I’m fine. Just distracted is all. Wow, so mom to your kids, huh?” teased Starlight.

“Any day,” agreed Trixie, “You’re awesome, you’re a natural at it.”

Quiet again. “Starlight?” Trixie prompted.

“Hey, uh, Trixie, can I ask you a question?” asked Starlight quietly.

“Sure Straight! What do you want to know?” answered Trixie.

Do you like me?” she asked.

“Huh?” Trixie responded. “What was that? Uh, yeah! You’re my best friend. I like you alot, I love you dearly. What brought that up?”

“Oh, nothing. Gosh look at the time. I have to get going. Oh wait, before I go, what are you doing tomorrow after school? Want to go to dinner and a movie with me? Don’t have to tell me now just let me know! Okay, goodbye! Thanks!” Starlight rattled out then hung up the phone.

“Was it something I said?” mused Trixie. Shrugging, she ended the call, putting her phone down and reopening her history book. She poured over the chapter for the next twenty minutes until her mom called her down to dinner.

Before she went to bed she texted Starlight back that she would love to go to dinner and a movie with her, and that her parents had given her permission to do so even though it was a school night, if she still wanted to go.

The next morning on the way to school she got a text reply back from Starlight stating it was on and she would come by after school to meet her. Trixie responded with a thumbs up, then headed into the school.

After school she was surprised to find Starlight waiting for her outside next to her mom’s car. “Trixie! Over here!” she waved, smiling at her friend as she ran over to them.

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting a ride,” smiled Trixie, getting into the back seat when Starlight opened the door for her. “Hi Mrs. Glimmer! Nice to see you again!” greeted Trixie as she slid to the far side of the seat.

“Nice to see you again too, Trixie,” smiled Starlight’s mom. “What’s it been, like, two days?”

“Mom, don’t be a dork,” laughed Starlight as she got in herself, shutting the door and buckling up.

Her mom laughed. Trixie grinned, “I don’t mind. I know I spend a lot of time over. You’re my bestie.”

“And you're mine too,” agreed Starlight, lightly patting her knee.

Trixie’s eyebrow went up a bit. “So,” said Starlight’s mom. “I’m going to stop by your house first Trixie so you can drop off your things and change if you want, then we’ll head over to our house so Starlight can do the same. When you girls are ready I will drop you off at the mall. Have fun, then call me when you are done so I can take you home.”

“Thanks Mrs. Glimmer!” acknowledged Trixie. “That’s very kind of you.”

“No problem dear, anything for my daughter and her friend,” smiled her mom.

Starlight blushed, her hand over her face. “Mom!” she fussed. Her mom laughed.

They pulled up to Trixie’s house. The girls scooted out of the car and ran into the house. “Hi Mom! I’m here with Starlight! We’re just dropping my stuff off then we're off on our outing!” Trixie called out.

“That’s wonderful dear! You two have a good time! Don’t stay out too late, it’s a school night!” her mom called back. Trixie rolled her eyes as they ran into her room. Dropping her book bag on her desk she turned to Starlight.

“What did your mom mean, I could change? Is this too informal or something?” Trixie asked, looking down at her usual school clothes.

“Nah, she’s just making a bigger thing out of this than it is. It’s a parent thing,” laughed Starlight.

“Okay… If you say so. Did you have something you wanted to see me in?” asked Trixie, turning to her friend.

Starlight turned beet red. “Ah… what?” she asked. “Sure, just something comfortable. Anything you want,” she amended with a nervous laugh.

“Okay… Well then, I guess I’ll just change into some jeans and a blouse,” Trixie commented. She pulled off her shirt and dropped her skirt, then picked them up and tossed them onto her bed.

Looking up she saw Starlight was beet red again. “What” she asked, confused. “I’ll put them away later. It’s fine.”

She turned back to her closet, picking out a comfortable blouse and faded pair of straight legged jeans. She slipped them both on then slid into a comfortable pair of sneakers. “Ready freddy!” she called out, turning back to her friend.

Starlight was bright red and smiling ear to ear.

“Okay then,” Trixie said, rolling her eyes. “Let’s go, don’t want to keep your mom waiting.”

She grabbed Starlight’s hand, pulling her out of her room and towards the front door. “Bye mom! See you tonight!” she called out as they left the house, shutting the door behind her.

They ran over to Starlight’s car piling into the back seat. “I hope I didn’t take too long,” apologized Trixie. “I decided to take you up on the suggestion to change.”

“No worries dear,” Starlight’s mom smiled as she backed the car out of the driveway, resuming their trip. “I don’t mind.”

“I didn’t mind either,” mumbled Starlight with a grin.

“What was that dear? I couldn’t hear you,” replied her mom.

“Nothing mom! It was nothing,” Starlight amended loudly, embarrassed.

“If you say so dear,” smiled her mom.

A few minutes later, they pulled into Starlight’s driveway. Her mom turned off the car as the girls piled out of the back.

“Girls, just let me know when you’re ready, and I’ll drop you off,” called out her mom as they raced ahead into the house with Starlight’s books. Running into her room, Starlight tossed her books onto her bed.

“So, are you going to change too?” asked Trixie.

“What?” Starlight asked in surprise. “Do you not like what I am wearing?”

“If you want to go out wearing your crystal prep uniform it’s fine by me. But if you want to wear something else, I’m happy to wait,” answered Trixie.

“Uh. Well… okay. I guess I could wear something that matches what you’re wearing,” agreed Starlight. Trixie went over and sat on the bed watching her friend.

Starlight went over to her closet, pulling out a light blouse and her own pair of faded and ripped straight legged jeans. She turned to get changed and saw Trixie smiling, staring at her.

“Uh, why are you staring at me,” asked Starlight, feeling suddenly very self conscious.

“You’re my best friend,” snarked Trixie. “I stare at you all the time. What about it,” she grinned.

“Okay… I guess I’ll get changed then,” she said.

“Yeah, please do,” agreed Trixie, grinning.

Turning around, Starlight grumbled with a grin. “Wow Trix,way to make it awkward,” she mumbled. She pulled off her Crystal Prep uniform, hanging it up.

“What was that?” asked Trixie. “Oh wow Starlight? Have you been working out? Nice glutes!”

Starlight spun around blushing madly. “Trixie!” she said, stomping her foot.

“Yeah, that! You definitely have some tone there!” Trixie commented with a grin. “Please, finish,” she made a twirling motion with her hand indicating Starlight should turn back around.

Starlight glared at her friend, clothes still in her hand and blushing from head to toe.

“Wow Starlight, I never realized when you blushed it covered your entire body. Well as much as I can see of it,” Trixie teased. Starlight wheeled back around and quickly finished dressing.

Buttoning up her jeans and sliding on her sneakers, she spun back around. “Trixie, you are Such. A. Brat!” she called out laughing.

“What, you teased me when I was getting dressed. Turnabout is fair play!” Trixie grinned. She took her friend's hand and pulled her from the room. Starlight grabbed her phone and purse as they passed her desk.

“Hey Mrs. Glimmer, we’re ready to go when you are,” called out Trixie from the hallway.

“Wow that was fast,” said Mrs. Glimmer, stepping out of the kitchen. “Okay, give me a moment to get this roast in the oven then I’ll drop you both off.” She popped back into the kitchen to finish up.

A moment later she returned, purse and car keys in hand. “Okay girls, let’s go,” she smiled, leading them back out to the car.

Trixie sat next to her best friend in the diner, waiting for their dinner orders to arrive.

They had bought their ticket first, Starlight surprising Trixie by insisting she wanted to see one of the new romantic comedies now showing. Usually Trixie was the one wanting to watch those, and it was like pulling teeth getting Starlight to agree to see one. Her usual fare was action adventure shows or a good mystery.

They bought tickets for the evening show, as the earlier ones were already sold out, then decided to eat at the 50s style diner in the mall. Despite the restaurant’s popularity and the hour they didn’t have to wait too long to get a seat. They had placed their orders, hamburgers, fries, coleslaw and shakes with a soda each, and were now waiting for their food.

“So, what made you decide you wanted to see a rom-com this time?” asked Trixie. “Usually I have to beg to get you to see one of those.”

“I just heard it was really good is all,” smiled Starlight. “A girl can change her mind, you know.”

“Change her mind. Yeah, okay,” grinned Trixie. “Starlight, something seems different about you today. What’s on your mind?”

“Nothing!” assured Starlight. “Nothing on my mind! I’m just happy we got a chance to go out today.”

“You know, I’m surprised the mall is so busy now. It is a Monday night. I would have expected less of a crowd,” mused Trixie looking around.

“Well, it’s probably because of what today is,” nodded Starlight.

“Monday?” asked Trixie. Starlight gave her the stink eye. “What?” Trixie asked, confused.

“Trixie, do you really not know what day it is today?” asked Starlight.

“I guess?” prompted Trixie. “What day is it?”

“Trixie, it’s Valentine’s Day! It’s Hearts and Hooves Day! It’s the day for love!” laughed Starlight, resting her face in her hands. “How can you not know this?”

“Okay, and?” prompted Trixie.

“And what?” asked Starlight, peeking out from her hands.

“And so what? I know it’s Valentine’s Day. I’m not oblivious, I saw everyone passing out cards and candy at school,” she answered, taking a sip of her soda.

“So that’s why everyone is here at the mall. They are out with their special someone enjoying some time together,” continued Starlight.

“Huh,” mused Trixie. “I didn’t realize it was such a big thing.”

Starlight looked at her gobsmacked. “What?”

“What do you mean, what? It’s not like I’ve been inundated with romantic attachments or anything. I didn’t know it was such a big thing,” reiterated Trixie, still nursing her drink.

“Okay… Trix, I haven’t exactly been girlfriend material either, it’s not like I have dates lined up around the block. But even I know it’s a special day,” said Starlight.

“Well any day I get to spend with you is special to me,” Trixie said. “I don’t need some calendar to tell me today is the day it gets to be special.” She smiled at her friend and sipped more of her soda.

Starlight blushed profusely. “Uh… wow. Yeah, I can agree with that. I think every day I spend with you is special too.” The waitress arrived with their food. The girls both dove into their burgers, eating and smiling, and both stealing glances at each other with a blush.

The movie was every bit as good as Trixie had hoped. Both of them laughed all through it at the romantic hijinks the lovers got embroiled in as they slowly realized they were really in love with each other.

At some point during the later half of the movie she felt Starlight reach over and take her hand. Surprised, Trixie held her hand tightly, one eyebrow raised but smiling as she gently rubbed her thumb across the back of her friend's hand.

When the movie ended and the lights came up, Trixie stood, pulling her hand away to stretch, then bending over to pick up her and Starlight's purses.

“Here you go Star,” she smiled, handing her friend her purse.

“Thanks Trix,” Starlight said wistfully, placing her purse over her shoulder and fidgeting her hands awkwardly before her as she looked around the theater.

Trixie put her purse over her shoulder, and with a grin rolled her eyes. Reaching out she took her friend's hand again. Starlight’s eyes went wide, turning back to Trixie with a hopeful grin.

“Come on, silly. Let’s call your mom to pick us up and wait for her outside.” Still holding her hand, Trixie led her friend out of the mall, where they sat by the front entrance to wait. Starlight called her mom to come pick them up, Trixie holding her hand the entire time.

Her mom arrived shortly, stopping in the loading zone at the front of the mall as the girls strolled over to the car hand in hand. “So girls, did you have a good time?” she asked kindly as they climbed into the back seat.

Starlight looked over to her friend. She took her hand and smiled back. “It was wonderful mom. We had a wonderful time.”

They pulled into the driveway to drop Trixie off before heading home themselves. Starlight left the car with Trixie. “I’ll be right back mom. I’m going to walk her to the door.” Her mom smiled and nodded.

Hand in hand again the girls walked to the door. Stopping before it, Trixie turned back to her friend, a wide smile on her face. “I had a wonderful time, Starlight. Thank you for going out with me,” she grinned.

“I had a wonderful time too, Trixie. Thank you for going out with me,” replied Starlight, squeezing her hand tight.

“So, uh… Starlight. Did we just go on our first date?” asked Trixie.

Maybe?” replied Starlight pensively, squeezing her friend's hand and smiling coyly. Trixie smiled back. “That wouldn’t be too weird for you, would it?” asked Starlight.

“Nah. I'll go on a date with you anytime!” Trixie smiled. “You’re my best friend.”

“And you’re mine,” agreed Starlight happily. She pulled Trixie into a hug, then as she was about to pull away, leaned forward and quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek then pulled away and headed back to her car.

“Good night Trixie!” she called out, waving as she walked away.

“Good night Starlight!” Trixie waved back.

Smiling, she touched her cheek, gently running her fingers over where her best friend had kissed her.

With a happy grin she turned and entered her house.

Author's Note:

A Valentine's Day / Hearts and Hooves Day side story to Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart. Happy Valentine's day! :raritywink:

Comments ( 7 )

<old meme>diiaabeetuus</old meme>

Wait, so she WASN'T oblivious the whole time? Clever girl...

Happy Valentine's day! check the date of this comment. This is the correct date for this comment post.

Nice edit on your cover art.

Awww! There so cute! I love this ship so much! 😍💜💙

Me too! (Obviously! :raritywink: ) :pinkiehappy:

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