• Published 24th Feb 2023
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Daring Do and the Legend of the Kirinstone - TheLegendaryBillCipher

When A.K. Yearling receives a mysterious letter, she embarks on an expedition that will take her from the jungles of the Peaks of Peril to the very depths of Tartarus.

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Chapter 1: The Crimson Letter

A.K. Yearling sat down at her desk and stared at the typewriter seated before. Her hooves itched with the desire to write, perhaps the start of her next novel, perhaps just an exercise, as long as it was something.

Things had been quiet for far longer than she liked. No new sources of information about artifacts, no word on Caballeron or any of his henchponies. The adventuring world and its great temples and tombs were all quiet.

The spinning gears in her mind were interrupted by a knock on the front door. With a huff, Yearling got up and flew to the front door.

“Yes? Who is it?” she asked, peering through her peephole. Experience told her never to trust any knocks on her door – opportunity or otherwise.

“Mail call, Miss Yearling!” came the friendly voice of Derpy Hooves, the local mailpony.

“Alright… um, anything fragile, Derpy?” Yearling asked, nibbling her lower lip.

“Nope! Just some letters,” Derpy replied.

Yearling sighed with relief – the first time the mailpony had delivered an artifact, Yearling had spent hours putting the pieces back together. She’d been sure to secure safer means of transport for her artifacts, but sometimes there were slip ups.

She cracked open the door and Derpy held out a small stack of envelopes with her usual cheerful smile.

“Thank you, Derpy,” Yearling said gratefully as she took the stack in her wing.

“You’re welcome, Miss Yearling! Have a nice day.” Derpy gave a salute and took flight from Yearling’s porch. The crash that followed after Yearling had shut the door behind her signaled that she had met with a tree or another obstacle.

Shaking her head, Yearling walked back to her office, sorting through the letters one by one with a quick scan of the addresses on them.

“Fan mail, fan mail, more fan mail, publisher…” She stopped and stared at the last letter in the stack.

It was an expensive-looking envelope, the material old and weathered. Yearling’s address was in a cursive font and written in a blood red ink. There was no return address for her to see who it was from.

Setting the other letters on her desk, Yearling reached for her letter opener and carefully cut the envelope open. She flinched back, but no sort of enchantment sprung forward. Inside was a folded up letter, the paper as old as the envelope had been.

Carefully extracting the letter and tossing aside the envelope, she unfolded and skimmed across the paper. Much like her address, the writing was in a fancy cursive and written in blood red ink:

Miss Yearling,

It has come to my attention that you are a foremost expert in artifacts and their recovery. And unlike others in your field, you have a more noble heart and, shall we say, clean soul. I have a job for you, “Daring Do.”

I am concerned about an artifact, lost countless years ago, that may now be unearthed by those with less noble intentions. You most likely know who I speak of. The object in question is known as the “Kirinstone.” It was last seen in the deep jungles of the Peaks of Peril.

The best place to start your search would be with the chief of the kirin, Rain Shine. She may be found in the Kirin Village of the Peaks of Peril. Inquire with her about the Kirinstone, and I am sure she will be able to guide you.

Once you locate the Kirinstone, this part is important: bring the relic to the depths of Tartarus without delay. I am afraid the museums will have to miss out on this find – it is far too precious to be left out in the open.

I implore you, Miss Yearling, that this is a mission of utmost importance to not only me, but the kirin themselves. I trust you to keep your usual discretion with this endeavor. I would handle this myself, but it would mean Hell on Equestria, and we can’t have that now can we?

I suggest setting this letter somewhere safe when you’re done reading it. I can’t afford to leave evidence behind.

My best of luck to you, Miss Yearling. May it be an unforgettable book.

-Concerned Party.

Yearling’s eyes widened. Casting the letter down to the ground, it suddenly burst into bright red flame along with the envelope. It was a quick, intense burn, enough to erase the paper trail while only leaving minimal scorching behind.

Yearling stared at the scorch marks for a minute, running over the words of the letter in her head again and again and tried to make sense of them.

She’d never heard of the Kirinstone, but then again, that was on par for what the rest of Equestria knew about the kirin. She’d heard of a story shield from the great Rockhoof of his encounter with them and their nirik sides. They’d only been rediscovered by the Element Bearers recently.

And that had to coincide with the letter – this “Concerned Party” seemed insistent that this concerned the well-being of the kirin as a tribe. And that if she didn’t get started on this, Caballeron or others like him could beat her to it.

And if what the letter said was true, the entire tribe of kirin could be in danger.

It didn’t take her long to make up her mind, racing upstairs to pack.

But before she left her office, she plucked her pith helmet off its hook on the wall and slapped it on her head. She had a feeling she would be needing it.

Author's Note:

Date of Creation (D.o.C.): 11/02/22

And so it begins.