• Published 28th May 2023
  • 441 Views, 23 Comments

A Certain Scientific Twilight - Babroniedad

Sunset and Twilight's Continuing Adventures in Academy City. A crossover with A Certain Magical Index / A Certain Scientific Railgun.

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04 - Sunset - The Goddess of the Hunt (Day 1)

Wednesday, September 10, 8:00 AM Tokyo time.

Sunset woke to the gentle buzzing of the alarm. The window had already opaqued. Twilight stirred gently in her arms.

“Good morning, Sparky,” smiled Sunset.

Twilight’s eyes fluttered open. She smiled. “Good morning, Sunny.” Twilight hugged her tightly, then sat up. “Rise and shine! Hump day! Another day of school.”

Sunset smiled. “What a way to start the day. My love batteries are completely topped off!” she grinned, pulling her into a hug. “Okay, love refills complete. Time to get up, hit the showers, then we start on breakfast.

“Actually let’s do breakfast first, then we can just go in together. It’ll be twice as quick!” grinned Sunset.

“Down girl!” teased her friend. “There is nothing quick about you in the shower.”

“What!?” countered Sunset. “Are you saying I’m slow?”

“More like, distracted,” smirked Twilight. “You think too much. I think the water lubricates your brain until it’s soaked and you have to get out.”

Sunset facepalmed. “Sparky, you are such a dork,” she laughed. “Come on, let’s go make some pancakes for breakfast.” She transferred over to her chair, grabbing her friend and pulling her into her lap. “Sparkle express, coming through!” she called out laughing as she rolled out into the kitchen. “Next stop, pancake junction!”

Twilight hopped off, then turned and took her friend's cheeks, pinching them lightly as she placed her forehead against her friend's head. “Sunny, you are such a dork,” she teased, kissing her friend's forehead. “Okay, let’s make some pancakes.”

Sunset had just rolled into the kitchen when her phone beeped with a message. Sunset read it and grinned. “Better triple the recipe,” she laughed. “That was the concierge. The girls are heading up for breakfast.”

“That’s odd,” smiled Twilight. “I didn’t think we would see them so soon. I thought they were still off on that trip they won.” She pulled out extra ingredients to accommodate their larger breakfast.

“I guess they got back early. Can’t wait to hear all about it,” agreed Sunset, rolling back to the door and opening it as the elevator pinged and four happy girls spilled out, followed by the concierge. “Come on in, girls, we’re making breakfast now,” she called out, smiling and bowing in greeting. The concierge smiled and bowed, then departed in the elevator with a grin.

The girls returned with Sunset to the kitchen. “Have a seat girls while we finish this up. Will just be a few moments.” The girls sat around the table chatting as they waited.

Twilight pulled out the ingredients while Sunset got out the pan, mixing bowl and utensils. Twilight dumped the ingredients into the bowl, handing it to Sunset to mix. She fired up the burner and oiled the pan, placing it on the burner. Sunset started making the pancakes while Twilight set the table and put out the condiments for breakfast.

“Nice nightgowns you two are wearing. No time for a shower today? Too busy with something else?” snarked Kuroko from the table. Twilight immediately turned beet red from embarrassment.

From her place by the stove Sunset turned to Kuroko. “Little sis, I will smite you!” she laughed. “Get your head out of the gutter. We just decided to eat first, and what we didn’t do is nobody's business. Behave girl!”

Kuroko and the girls all laughed.

“We just had quite an adventure! Magical Aztec magicians attacked the island we were staying on. We fought them off, but the island got destroyed. So we came back a little early and wanted to join you guys,” explained Mikoto.

“Wow, that sounds like a real adventure!” smiled Sunset as she rolled over and made two cups of coffee, extra dark as her BFF loved, then added cream and sugar to them both. She placed both cups at their places at the table as Twilight sat down to enjoy her coffee. Sunset brought over the pancakes then started working on the eggs and vegan bacon.

Twilight smirked as she watched her friend work. “You go girl!” She laughed as she raised her coffee in salute. “I could watch you work all day!”

“Slave driver!” teased Sunset, bringing over the tray of eggs and bacon. “You just like watching my moves!”

“Guilty as charged,” admitted Twilight with a grin. “I like watching you, period.”

Sunset rolled back over with the last of the food, and lightly punched her friend on the arm. “Such a dork!” she teased. She took a sip of her coffee. “Mmmm, just what I needed.”

“Anything for you, dear,” smirked Twilight.

Kuroko appeared right in front of Sunset. “You guys are so cool!” she chirped happily.

“Ah, that's so sweet of you to say,” smiled Sunset, pulling her into a hug. “Thank you little sis!” Kuroko beamed.

Twilight plated up the pancakes, eggs and bacon for the girls and BFF and passed their plates to them. When everyone had their food, Sunset led them in Harmonic grace.

Twilight and Sunset ate quickly. Sunset turned to the girls. “Girls, please clean up the kitchen so Twilight and I can finish getting ready. Arigato!” She turned to her friend. “Okay Sparky, shower time! Let’s see if we can do this in under ten minutes.” She rolled into the bedroom, grabbed her bathroom bag and school uniform, then headed out to the bathroom.

Twilight met her at the bedroom door, laughing and shaking her head. “Sunny, I swear you are such a dork. Do not make us late!” She grabbed her uniform as well then followed Sunset out and into the bathroom.

Sunset had already started her daily ritual, so Twilight closed the door. Sunset explained, “I guess it’s time for the mask to come off. No more secrets from you, Sparky. This is what I have to do every day.” Sunset completed her program while Twilight got into the shower and started bathing. Sunset rolled over to the shower. Twilight helped her finish getting undressed, then she transferred to the shower bench. Turning back on the shower, Twilight bathed her friend's back and legs while Sunset worked on her hair and the rest of herself she could more easily reach.

Twilight finished scrubbing up herself as well, then rinsed them both off. She stepped out of the shower, grabbing towels for them both, and handing one to Sunset, who proceeded to dry herself still sitting on the shower bench. She wrapped her hair in the towel, then transferred over to her chair from the bench and dressed in her school uniform.

Twilight, finished with drying, dressed in her uniform as well. She looked into the mirror, then flashed a minor spell, setting her hair in the style she liked. She then took out her makeup and touched up her face for the day.

Sunset, now dressed, smirked at her friend. “Such a cheater!” she laughed. She then proceeded to use the same spell, setting her hair as well.

Twilight smirked. “What’s that you always tell me? Pot, kettle, black?” She finished her makeup. Sunset rolled over and joined her.

“How are we doing on time?” asked Sunset as she applied her mascara.

Twilight checked her phone. “Wow, we are good. See how quick we can be when someone doesn't mess around?” she grinned. “We still have three minutes to spare.”

Sunset gathered up her kit, putting everything away. “Go us!” she laughed, rolling out of the bathroom and into their bedroom.

Oh, la la!” teased Kuroko as she passed them by.

Stuff it, little sister. We were good,” laughed Sunset as she rolled into her bedroom, trading her bathroom bag for her daypack.

Twilight grinned as she walked by Kuroko and the girls. “She’s always good!” she smirked. The girls all burst out laughing.

“Do not encourage them, Sparky!” called out Sunset as she exited the bedroom. “You are filling their young, delicate heads with silly thoughts!”

The girls all laughed, lining up by the door to go. Twilight led them all out, Sunset bringing up the rear, the door locking as it shut. They entered the waiting elevator and descended to the main lobby where they bid the customary good morning to the concierge.

They dropped off Ruiko and Kazari at their middle school, then rolled quickly to their academy.

As they headed to their school they were blocked by a line. Sunset was about to just teleport them past it when Mikoto excused herself seeing someone she knew at the front of the line. Grabbing Kuroko, Sunset teleported the three of them to their school gates, where after entering they said goodbye to Kuroko and headed to their homeroom. They rolled into their homeroom and took their seats just as their teacher entered.

“Welcome students! Please take your places for attendance,” she called out. When everyone was seated, she called roll. They then took out their books and began studying. When the bell rang, Sunset hugged Twilight goodbye, and they parted for their classes.

Classes were uneventful. Even Kuroko was well behaved today. After class they joined Twilight and Mikoto in the cafeteria. The pair had already picked up box lunches for Kuroko and Sunset so they sat down to join them in eating.

“Thanks, Sparky! Sorry we ran late. The teacher ran over, so she didn’t let us out at the bell. I guess she figured we could miss some lunch time to hear what she had to say,” explained Sunset as she scarfed down her rice.

Twilight looked at her friend askance. “You weren’t that late,” she commented. “You have plenty of time to eat. No need to try to shove it all in at once.” She ate her meal at a more normal pace.

Sunset nodded, taking smaller bites. “Yeah, good point, sorry about that. Just really hungry today.” She finished the last of her rice and moved onto the rest of her lunch. “I think I may go back in line and get another soup.”

“No need! I’ll get it for you!” chirped Kuroko. “Mikoto, do you want more too?” she asked her friend sweetly.

“Nah, I’m good. Thanks for asking, Kuroko,” grinned Mikoto, finishing the rest of her lunch.

“Okay, Twilight? Anything for you?” she asked.

“If you’re offering, yes please, I would like more miso soup as well. Thank you,” grinned Twilight.

“On it! Two more miso soups, coming up!” She ran over to the lunch line, taking her place at the end.

Mikoto laughed. “I don’t know what you’ve done to my roommate, but thank you!”

“She is just on her best behavior to impress you and her big sis,” grinned Twilight. “Sunset is a good influence on her. Mostly.”

“Oh har de har har,” grinned Sunset. “Mostly, Kuroko is a sweetheart. She just needed some encouragement to live it.”

Mikoto grinned. “She does have her moments,” she smiled. “Kind of like you two.”

“Hey, we have more than moments,” laughed Twilight. “We’re much more sophisticated than that.”

“If you say so,” grinned Sunset. “If I got any more sophisticated, you’d think I was Rarity.”

Twilight smirked. “We can’t have that! I fell in love with you, dork, not some suave sophisticated lady. Don’t go changing on me now.”

“No chance of that at this point,” agreed Sunset with a grin. “I may just have to get out my booty shorts, tie off my flannel shirt and wear my straw hat so I can do a little line dance for you.”

“I so regret ever telling you about that,” groaned Twilight. “Sunny, do not tease your BFF!”

“I think you would look good in that outfit,” smiled Kuroko, balancing three soups as she sat back down at the table with a gleam in her eyes. “I’d be happy to join you,” she offered.

“Do not encourage my beloved roommate, Kuroko. And for myself, do not put such silly thoughts in my little sister’s head,” Sunset admonished. Mikoto shook her head, grinning at their inane banter.

Kuroko passed the soup to Twilight and Sunset, keeping one for herself. “I decided I was still hungry too,” she noted. “Do you want to share it with me, Mikoto?” she asked her friend sweetly.

Rolling her eyes, Mikoto grinned at her roommate. “Sure, Kuroko, I’ll split it with you,” she laughed and scooted next to her friend. “Here, we’ll even share the same bowl. Happy now?” She asked, scooping up some soup and slurping it up.

“Oh, sissy! You’ve made me so happy!” chirped Kuroko, hanging on her roommate's arm.

Boundaries, Kuroko. Respect your friend,” reminded Sunset, enjoying her soup as well.

Kuroko straightened up, still holding on to her friend's arm. “Sorry, sissy! Sorry, big sis!” She smiled and took her own spoon, sharing her soup with Mikoto.

“Ah, you two are so cute together,” grinned Twilight. Mikoto blushed while Kuroko beamed happily.

“Thank you so very much for the soup, little sister,” thanked Sunset. Twilight nodded as well.

“It was my pleasure,” grinned Kuroko, enjoying her moment sharing with her roommate.

Outside they could hear the sound of more rockets taking off. The sound and light of the rockets’ takeoff was hard to miss.

“So what’s up with that? Those rockets have been doing that since this morning,” asked Sunset.

“It’s probably rockets launching for the venus probe contest,” replied Mikoto. “They started launching this morning.”

They finished off their soups and cleared their places. Sunset and Twilight excused themselves, and with hugs all around the girls parted for their afternoon classes. “See you both at Judgment!” called out Kuroko as they parted.

After school, they all met at the Judgment branch 3 offices. Kuroko got their assignments from Mii then they departed to their assigned patrol. At Sunset’s request, they were assigned to patrol together, which Mii agreed to readily as she was also concerned for Sunset and Twilight’s safety after the attack on Twilight earlier.

Arm badges in place, the girls, joined by Mikoto and Ruiko, left for their customary patrol in the entertainment district. They stayed together loosely, in three groups. Sunset and Twilight took the lead, while Kuroko and Kazari worked the opposite side of the street. Mikoto and Ruiko trailed them, watching both sides for anything suspicious and reporting anything they observed via the girls' cells.

The evening wore on, with the usual busy work of clearing up budding arguments, finding lost parents for concerned children, and the occasional thwarting of a purse snatcher or running sneak thief. Sunset was beginning to think that maybe it was too soon to expect the coven to try anything again.

Sunset received a text from Mikoto. “Suspicious individuals spotted. Two tracking teams seem to be trading off, letting you pass them, then reappearing ahead of us a short time later. Pictures attached.” Four slightly grainy long range full body shots of student-aged young women appearing to be busy shopping or otherwise engaged, all while facing the street in the direction of the person taking the shots.

“Excellent work, Mikoto,” sent Sunset back. “Did they see you taking the pictures?”

“I don’t think so,” replied Mikoto. “I had Ruiko pose for them, and pretended I was photographing her. We’ve been acting like ditzy shopping school girls the entire time.”

Sunset smirked. ‘Not too much of a stretch for Ruiko,’ she grinned.

“What’s that look for?” smiled Twilight, leaning over from behind her friend to whisper into her ear. “Good news?”

“You could say that,” agreed Sunset, looking ahead and smiling. “It appears our unbanded helpers have found our tail and marked them. Today could end up being a very good day.” She turned and grinned at her friend. “Time to get some coffee. When we get to the StarBurst Coffee shop up ahead, let’s go in and rattle some cages.”

Twilight smiled. “So you spotted them?”

“Yup. One of them is sitting in the shop now. Time to join them for some coffee I think,” Sunset quipped.

Twilight grinned ear to ear. “Your wish is my command, Sunny.” She took hold of Sunset’s chair, and announced loudly, “Coffee break, Sunny. Let’s go, I’m buying,” then proceeded to push her towards the coffee shop then into the shop. Following Sunset’s glance, she parked her at a table next to one of the only other girls in the shop. “Wait here, sweety. I’ll go get us some coffee.” She got into the line to order.

Sunset took out her phone, playing with it for a few moments. Looking up, she smiled at the other girl at the next table over. “Hi! How’s it going?” she asked nicely. “Come here often? I’ve never tried this place myself, what would you recommend?”

“Oh, no, I just stopped in to get a quick energy boost while I’m shopping,” covered the other girl with a smile. “My friends went ahead without me. I just needed to take a break from all the shopping.”

Sunset laughed. “I can relate to that. My girlfriend will shop me to exhaustion if I let her. I admire her energy.”

“So you’re shopping now?” asked the girl.

“Nah, on break now. We’re with Judgment, doing our afternoon patrol. You know, breaking up fights, finding missing parents, the usual. Boring but busy,” Sunset answered. “So what school do you go to?”

“Sakugawa Middle School,” replied the girl, sipping her coffee calmly.

“Oh wow! I have some friends that go there!” responded Sunset excitedly. “Do you know Toma Kamijo?”

The girl laughed. “I think everyone there knows Toma, and his silly roommate. Some nun or something. I swear every time I see her she’s eating.”

“Yup! That’s him. Yeah, I swear that girl is going to eat him out of house and home,” laughed Sunset. “Hey, want to sit with us? Unless you need to go or something. We were just taking a quick break anyway.”

“I have to leave when my friends finish, but sure! I could use some company while I wait for them to finish their shopping.” She got up and took a seat next to Sunset. “My name is Sally, by the way. Nice to meet you.” She bowed.

Sunset bowed back. “Sunset, and my friend heading back with my coffee is Twilight, my girlfriend.”

Twilight handed Sunset her coffee, and took a seat next to her. “Who’s your friend, Sunset?” she asked. Turning to the girl, Twilight bowed and smiled. “Hi! I’m Twilight. Who might you be?”

The girl smiled and bowed back. “My name’s Sally. I was just chatting with your friend here while I waited for my friends to finish shopping. Personally, I was done shopping hours ago.” She laughed.

Twilight laughed. “A girl that hates shopping as much as you, Sunset? Oh no! I better keep my guard up!” She quipped. “Personally, I’m with your friends. Shopping is fun.”

“If you say so,” smirked Sunset, sipping her coffee. “Thanks Twilight, this hits the spot.”

Sally smirked. “Yeah, if you say so. You would definitely get along with my friends.” She sipped her coffee.

Sally’s phone buzzed. She checked the message and frowned. “Well, that was brief. Sorry, I have to join them, they’re done. It was nice meeting you both!” She finished up her coffee.

“Oh, hey, if you have to leave, I’ll clean up for you. Don’t want to keep your friends waiting.” Sunset reached for her hand with the cup.

“Nah, no worries. It’s just one cup. I’ll just toss it on the way out. Nice meeting you two!” She got up, waved, and headed out the front of the shop, throwing her cup out as she passed the trash on the way out the door. She met up with three friends, and they continued down the street.

“Should we follow them?” asked Twilight, going to get up.

“Nah, I got a tracker on her. Mikoto has it covered,” answered Sunset, pulling Twilight down next to her. Sunset turned up the volume on her phone.

“We’re blown, I was made,” they heard Sally say. “Let’s head back.”

Twilight’s eyes got big. “When the heck did you get that on her? You never even touched her.”

“I misdirected. While she thought I was trying to lay a tracking spell on her hand taking her trash, I landed a tracker on the bottom of her blouse. She never saw or felt it,” grinned Sunset.

“Dang girl, you're good!” nodded Twilight.

They watched Mikoto and Kuroko trade pairs. They headed out down the street after the girls, keeping to the edges of the crowd and out of sight. “Now there’s a pair to watch. Look at the smooth way they cover for each other. They clearly have more practice at this than they let on,” noted Sunset with approval. They finished their coffees and followed from a distance, Ruiko and Kazari now on the opposite side of the street marking them.

Ahead of them, they saw the girls dart down a side alley. “They’re making their move! On them!” called out Sunset. Twilight grabbed the back of Sunset's chair and started sprinting down the street, Sunset holding on tightly to keep from getting pitched from her chair. Kazari and Ruiko ran down the street, then down the alley after their friends. Sunset and Twilight rounded the corner to the alley just in time to see the amber flash as the four girls teleported away, Kuroko and Mikoto right on their heels. Mikoto was left holding a black sweater. Kuroko reappeared a few moments later, covered in frost.

“Damnit, I missed them,” she groused, slamming her fist into the wall at the back of the alley.

Sunset rolled up to them. “Hang on a second, I can still sense their ethereal trace. It hasn’t completely faded.” She held her arms out, closing her eyes. A teal glow surrounded her, lighting up the alley they were in. Her eyes opened, completely white and glowing intently. “Got ‘em. The trace comes out in the Northern Kingdom,” she said, electricity crackling from her outstretched hands. She pulled her hands together, and a beam of pure light shot from her straight up into the sky, lighting up the alley and the surrounding city.

“Well, if they had any friends watching, that wasn’t subtle,” noted Kuroko, still out of breath and covered with frost.

Sunset blinked, her eyes returning to normal. “No, that was me being the opposite of subtle. I dropped a little door prize on their coven. Just a little calling card to let them know I’m coming for them,” Sunset smiled. “Nothing they can do about it now. Too bad for them.”

In northern Scotland on the grounds surrounding the Coven of the Sorores Deorum Veterum, the sisters of the elder gods, now burned into the acres surrounding the manor was the outline of a blazing phoenix. An angry goddess had left her mark. Mars was coming. The hunt was on and her prey had been marked.

The girls returned to the coffee shop, Sunset treating them to a well deserved rest after the action they had just seen. As they quietly sipped their lattes and ate their danishes, Sunset recapped.

“Okay, that turned out much better than I expected. We have them tagged, we know who they are, and they know not to mess with us. I think the display I left them will give them pause. We can regroup for a bit. That said, don't let your guard down. I do not want to lose any of you, especially not when we are this close to wrapping this up,” Sunset directed. “Everyone, keep your wits about you. No one is alone from this point forward. For now, you girls are moving in with Twilight and I until I say otherwise. We’ll make the calls to make that happen.”

Kuroko did a little fist pump, Mikoto grinned, and Ruiko and Kazari hugged happily.

“What about Toma and Index?” noted Twilight.

“Good point. I’ll get a hold of Toma and find out what he thinks. They are welcome too if they feel threatened,” agreed Sunset.

Kuroko scowled. “Really? Tell me he isn’t going to live with us?” she groused. Mikoto looked conflicted.

“No, we don’t have enough beds for everyone in the apartment. But I have a solution for that if it comes to it,” responded Sunset. “We’re not leaving anyone exposed at this point. Anyone they might try to hurt to get to us, we protect.”

“We need to let Necesarius know what happened. Especially as you just stirred up a hornets nest in their backyard,” added Twilight.

Sunset nodded. “True that. Okay, I’ll call them right after Toma. I can do that while you file the action reports.” Twilight nodded in agreement.

Everyone finished their snacks and cleaned up. Kuroko led them on one more sweep of their patrol, then they all retired to the Judgment Section 3 offices to file the reports for the evening before heading back to the girls’ apartment.

While they worked on the reports Sunset called Toma.

When he answered, Sunset replied, “Moshi Moshi. Sunset desu. Toma san wo onegaishimasu.”

Toma replied, “Hai, Toma de gozaimasu.

Sunset switched back to English. “Toma, the coven that tried to kill Twilight may come after you and Index. Do you want our protection?”

“What do you think they might do?” asked Toma.

“I have no idea at this point. I did a light attack on their Coven grounds, just to let them know we know where they are and mean business. They may do nothing at this point, or they may come after you two and our other friends. I’d rather play it safe and have you both come stay with us than be sorry later,” Sunset admitted.

“So things are escalating. We’ll see then. I’ll call back later if we can go,” Toma replied.

“We’re going to bunker down. We have the tokens to get to you in an emergency, but with your track record on magical artifacts, I’d rather not depend on them at this point,” Sunset responded.

“We’ll see. Sounds like fun if we can. I’ll let you know,” Toma grinned.

“Okay. Shitsurei shimasu.” Sunset hung up.

Sunset waved to Twilight, giving a wrist roll. Twilight smiled, gave a thumbs up, then went back to the reports with Kuroko.

Sunset dialed Kaori. “Hi Sunset, what’s up?” Karoi answered.

“I tracked down and attacked the coven that tried to kill Twilight,” answered Sunset.

“Damn girl, that was fast. What happened?” Kaori asked, concerned.

“We noticed a team of them shadowing us during our patrols. So I confronted one of them, without letting on that I knew anything. They spooked, bolted, and teleported to the coven. I followed the trace and left a three acre calling card at their doorstep,” related Sunset. “Basically, I burned a Phoenix onto the grounds surrounding the coven. I didn’t want them guessing who had tracked them down, so I made it easy on them.”

Kaori laughed. “Sunset, you don’t disappoint! Wow.”

Sunset groaned. “Yeah, I may have overdone it a bit. Whatever.”

“A bit,” agreed Kaori. “So what’s next?”

“Well, Twilight and I invited Toma and Index to come stay with us for a bit in case the coven decides to attack them to get at us,” related Sunset. “And we invited Mikoto and her friends to stay with us as well.”

“Toma and Kuroko in the same apartment? Hope you have good insurance,” quipped Kaori.

“They promised to get along, and I have some ideas that might help there,” noted Sunset.

“I’ll come join you, maybe I can help out as well,” agreed Kaori.

“Okay, see you for dinner then,” noted Sunset. “Shitsurei shimasu.” She hung up.

“Kaori will be joining us for dinner as well,” she called out to Twilight. Twilight nodded and gave a thumbs up.

When the reports were finished and submitted, they checked out for the day, returning to Sunset and Twilight’s apartment. Twilight let the concierge know they would be entertaining the young girls for the foreseeable future, plus one more adult. She arranged for a large traditional Japanese dinner to be delivered, along with several orders of large pizzas and drinks. Twilight thanked her with a bow, then returned to join the girls as they entered the elevator.

“Dinner is sorted. We even got extra pizzas to keep everyone happy,” smiled Twilight as the doors closed.

When the doors opened, Twilight led them over to the apartment and let them in. The door closed behind Sunset as she rolled in. “Everyone pack up! We’re moving the party to the bunker. Gather what you need for the night and tomorrow, then we’ll go,” informed Twilight, heading into the bedroom to pack her things. The girls ran into the guest bedroom to gather anything they had left, then sat on the couch waiting for Sunset and Twilight to be ready.

Mikoto ran up to Sunset. “I have to get our things from our room. I’m just going to run over and get them then be right back. Start without me please?” she requested.

Sunset agreed so Mikoto left the apartment and took the elevator down to the lobby, off to run her quick errands.

Sunset rolled over to Twilight as she finished in the bedroom. “Can you go ahead with the girls to the bunker? I’ll wait here for Toma, Index, Kaori, and Mikoto, then join you with them and our dinner. Sounds like a plan?”

“Sounds good to me, Sunny,” Twilight agreed. She walked over to the girls. “Okay girls, who’s first? Time to head to the bunker.”

Kuroko took Twilight’s hand. “I'm ready!” she grinned.

Twilight pulled her close. “Okay, on three!” And they disappeared in a flash of magenta.

“She didn’t even let her count!” gasped Kazari.

With a magenta flash, Twilight appeared before Kazari and Ryoko. “Boo!” she called out, pulling them both into her arms as they shrieked in shock. With a flash of magenta, they all vanished.

Sunset facepalmed, laughing hysterically. “Oh sweet Celestia, you are horrible!” she laughed. While she was still laughing the door opened. The concierge let in Kaori.

“What did I miss?” grinned Kaori.

“Twilight just pranked the girls with a surprise teleport. I’m surprised you couldn’t hear the terrified screams from the hall,” she laughed.

“Damn, sorry I missed it!” laughed Kaori. “So, who are we waiting on?”

“Just waiting on the food and Mikoto, and Index and Toma if they are coming,” noted Sunset.

“The food’s been ordered. It should be ready in another twenty minutes or so,” noted the concierge as she went out the door.

“Thank you!’ called out Sunset as she left. Sunset’s phone rang. She answered it then hung up after a brief conversation. “Sounds like it’s just us. Toma and Index are staying to help Stiyl.”

“I just hope Toma and Stiyl can get along. I know Stiyl still isn’t exactly fond of him,” laughed Kaori.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Sunset laughed. “Now we just have to wait for the food and Mikoto.” She took out her phone and started browsing through her messages, laughing at several from Rainbow Dash relating the pranks she and Chang’e were playing with the base staff.

Eventually she received a text message from the concierge. “The food is here. Bringing it up now,” she read. She rolled over to the door and opened it as the concierge rolled two large carts full of food out of the elevator.

“Wow, that’s a lot of food. Thank you!” she said as the concierge rolled it through the door and into the living area. “Okay, I got this. Domo arigato!” The concierge bowed and left, shutting the door behind her.

Sunset resumed reading messages on her phone as they waited for Mikoto. Sunset got a ping from the concierge, rolling over to the door as Mikoto stumbled in with a full backpack.

“I ran into Toma and Index. I reminded them about the curfew then raced back over,” she informed them as she caught her breath.

“Good! Grab ahold girls, and we'll head out,” advised Sunset. Mikoto and Kaori both placed their hands on her shoulders as Sunset took a cart handle in each hand, then in a flash of Teal, they and their food disappeared.

With a flash they appeared in the bunker control room. She wheeled out of the room and into the main room. “Food’s here! Come and get it!” she called out.

Twilight went into the control room and brought out the carts, setting the serving trays on the table. Everyone took a place at the table where Sunset led them in harmonic grace, then they all dug in.

Everyone sated, Sunset suggested they enjoy the spa for a bit while they let their food settle. She and Twilight cleared away the leftovers and cleaned up while the others changed for the spa. The girls all piled into the bedroom to grab swimsuits if they wanted, then ran into the bathroom to change and bathe.

“I got this, Sparky! Go ahead and join them. I’ll join you as soon as I’m finished,” smiled Sunset as she shifted trays around to fit into the fridge. “We really need to eat more of this. Not that it’s going to go bad with the enchantments we put on it, but we are running out of room,” she laughed. “And I refuse to hammerspace our fridge!”

Twilight laughed. “Good point. Okay, see you in a few!” She gave Sunset a hug then ran in to join the rest of the girls in the bath. Sunset combined a few trays, managing to get everything in the fridge to fit that way. She washed out the extra trays and placed them onto the carts, then wheeled them into the control room to return later.

Finished, she wheeled into the bathroom. Half the girls were already in the bath, while the rest were finishing scrubbing up on the stools. Sunset wheeled over to her stool, stripped down, putting her uniform into the basket, then transferred over to the stool. She then filled the bucket, sprayed herself down and started scrubbing up.

“Hurry up, slowpoke!” teased Twilight, sitting in her usual spot. “I’m saving your space, but this bath is filling up fast!”

“Hey, you can’t hurry perfection,” snarked Sunset back. “Almost ready!” She finished scrubbing then dumped the bucket of water over herself, rinsing her hair and body. Ready at last, she transferred back over to her chair and rolled up to the rig to lift her into the spa. Buckling herself in, she nodded to her friend, who swung her out over her seat and down into the warm spa. Settled, she unbuckled from the rig and set it on the side.

“Ah, that’s what I needed. Warm water, a good scrub, and my dear friends,” she smiled, eyes closed.

Twilight pulled her into a side hug. “You and I both, Sunny,” she agreed. Sunset snuggled into her hug, nodding, eyes still closed.

Kuroko squeed quietly. Hearing her, Sunset opened one eye, and smiled at Mikoto with an evil grin.

“You know, it’s too bad Toma couldn’t join us, then you could have snuggled with your boyfriend,” she teased.

“Shuddup! Toma’s a jerk!” yelled Mikoto, blushing fiercely.

Kuroko shot an evil look at her big sissy. “I hate you so much right now,” she groused.

Sunset reached across the spa and pulled her into a hug. “Ah, but I love you so much, Kuroko! I never want to share you with anyone!”

Still grumbling, Kuroko snuggled into the hug. “Still hate you,” she grumbled as she snuggled up to her big sister. Mikoto laughed, still blushing madly.

Twilight chuckled. “I swear, you three are absolutely adorable,” she teased.

“You’re one to talk,” teased Sunset back, pulling her into the hug too.

“People pile!” shouted Ryoko, snuggling up to Twilight. Mikoto and Kazari joined her while Kaori just laughed.

“Oh my gosh, your herd is adorable,” she teased, alone on her side of the spa. “What a pair of mama bears you are.”

“Hey, who said you could sit this one out?” snarked Sunset from the middle of the pile of people.

“Raincheck,” snarked Kaori back. “I’m getting enough of a sugar rush just sitting here.”

“Whatever. I’ll get you later,” promised Sunset with a grin.

The girls sat snuggled up for the remainder of the soak, Kaori smirking the entire time. When it was time to get out, they reluctantly got out of the spa, dried off, and got dressed for bed.

Kaori decided to bunk in the middle room. The herd moved into Sunset and Twilight's bedroom, snuggling around them in the bed as they usually did. Sunset grinned happily as she laid in bed with her dear friends. “I love you all so much,” she said with a happy smile. Kuroko snuggled up closer, smiling back. “I love you too, big sis,” she said, closing her eyes and falling asleep. Twilight, snuggled up with Mikoto, Ryoka and Kazari at her feet, drifted off to sleep smiling happily as well.

Author's Note:

And we start the next arc, just as the Venus Probe contest kicks in on the Road to Endymion. Looks like Stiyl, Toma and Index will have their own thing to do with some occasional interaction from their friends.

And our little newly minted redheaded goddess is on the hunt. No one hurts her friends. No one. :trixieshiftleft:

The Hunt begins.