• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,929 Views, 129 Comments

Warhorse - Hypnotwist

Sunset is struggling with the betrayal by her so called friends, the aftermath of Anon-A-Miss only makes things harder for her. She struggles with rekindling her friendships with the ones who hurt her the most.

  • ...

Panicking over thinking you're going to be late for school is not fun

It took a few hours and many breaks before we got everything cleaned up, neither of us had a strong stomach and that made things a lot more difficult. When we did eventually clean the fridge it was already close to nine at night so I asked Rarity if she just wanted to stay the night, and if she did then to ask her parents.

Surprisingly they said yes and we both had an impromptu sleepover, the cause of the sleepover wasn't that fun but we did make it a fun night nonetheless, we both went to bed at around one in the morning and she was the first to get up, she didn't wake me up until she made breakfast for the both of us. In hindsight it was incredibly dumb of us to go to bed at one on a school night.

I hated having to get up, but I was hungry and she had graciously made breakfast. I sluggishly got my ass off the couch and I went to the kitchen, I'd taken the couch for the night since I wanted my guest to be comfortable, it took maybe ten minutes straight of convincing for me to get her to agree to take my bed.

"Mh.. Morning." I mumbled and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, "Thanks for making breakfast."

Rarity jumped and looked over at me from her seat at my table, "Goodness darling- You were quiet as a mouse. But it was no problem, thank you for letting me stay overnight."

"Mh, it was no pr-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I yawned. "No problem."

"School doesn't start for another hour, so we have some time to get ready if we're swift enough. I need a shower, but I assume so do you since we both probably smell.. Not the greatest.."

"Go, you take one first. I'll be fine, I can skip a shower. Not like it'll end the world."

"And you go to school smelling like a dumpster? Sunset I simply will not allow that to happen."

I whine and feel a headache coming on, "Rarity please, I'm not in the mood to argue. Unless you're open to taking a shower with me I'd say just take yours, I can wash up in the bathroom at school."

She looks at me and her lips form a thoughtful o , "Sunset?.. Are you serious about your suggestion that we shower together?"

I look at her and blink a few times, the pounding headache that was a little ways off was now here in full force at the realization that I had actually suggested it. "I.. Guess? I mean it's not that bad, we're both girls and it's platonic."

"Mhm.. It's only because we didn't shower last night and we both smell gross."

I nod and start to make my way up to the loft to get a change of clothes when I freeze, I had an idea. I turn around to share it with her. "Rarity, how about we set a timer for ten minutes and we both shower as quickly as possible, one of us will wait outside the door for the timer to go off and we swap places?"

I hear her sigh in relief, she was evidently just as uncomfortable about the notion that we shower together as I am. "That's brilliant! I just have one problem and that's I don't have a change of clothes. Mine likely smell, but I'm not really able to tell."

"Hah, that rhymed at the end. But just get in there and smell your clothes once you've got them off, you should be okay though."

Rarity nods, "Which way-"

"Second door on the left."

"Thank you."

"No problem, now hurry up please. I really need to clean myself up."

She chuckled and walked off to go shower. Maybe two minutes later I hear the shower turn on, I grab my phone and set a timer for ten minutes and press start. "Y'know what, my clothes are probably fine." I whisper to myself, I still wanted to change but it was nice to know that I'd have probably been fine.
I get up and decide to spent the ten minutes I had to wait spending time way Ray. I go over to his habitat and throw in some crickets for him.

Fluttershy had really been an angel, she came and took care of him while I was in the hospital. I felt a pang of guilt when I remembered how I treated her the first time we spoke again in my hospital room.
I'm still incredibly hurt about the Anon-A-Miss mess.

I'm slowly making progress in forgiving them, or I think I am, I don't really know. I already consider Rarity a friend, and Fluttershy a sort of friend, acquaintance maybe?

I sigh and look at Ray eating his crickets, he looks so content and I'm sort of jealous, I wish I could sleep all day and eat whenever I felt like it, alas I had responsibilities in life that I had to keep up with.
I found it entertaining to watch Ray vibe and so I spent the whole ten minutes staring at him creepily, he didn't seem to care that I was watching him, he was just happy to have food.

My phone's alarm goes off and I'm reminded that it's my turn to shower. I go to my bathroom door and knock. "Yo Rarity, time's up."

"I'm aware, I'm getting dressed. You were right darling, my clothes are okay. Not the greatest but they don't stink too bad."

I roll my eyes and move away from the door, I move over right next to the door and I lean on the wall to wait for her to leave the bathroom. She doesn't take long to do so and I go right in, I make sure the door is locked before I get ready to shower.

I make sure the water is cold, I don't want to be tempted to stay in longer than I have to and I take my shower in record time.
The water was ice fucking cold and I didn't like it one bit, it did work in making me not want to spend a lot of time in it.

I go over and grab my shirt. I bring it up to my face and sniff, it didn't smell too bad so I was okay. I put my clothes on while I was still soaking wet but I don't care, I am not going to spend twenty minutes drying off in here. I have important places to be and I can't be late because I had a meeting with the principal before school. Speaking of, my stupid ass forgot I had a meeting and I panic. I'm going to be late and she's going to be so mad at me. Fuck me I need to hurry

I throw open the bathroom door in a panic and practically run over to where I kept my jacket and backpack, calling out to my friend who seemed startled at my sudden rushing. "Rarity I'm going to be late for a meeting with principal Celestia that I forgot I had!"

I rush to put my jacket on and check that everything that I need is in my backpack, my body is still very sore and it comes back to bite me in the ass by making every one of my swift movements considerably more painful than it should be.

"Come then, I'll drive you. I don't want you to be too late for your meeting."


"I won't accept no for an answer darling."

I know trying to argue with her is pointless, I nod and grumble a bit under my breath, we make our way out of my apartment hurriedly, I stop to double check that I have everything I need for the day and that I've locked my apartment door.
I'm in a hurry but I'd rather not have my home broken into while I'm away. That would suck so bad, and honestly it would probably send me spiraling downwards into a second mental break.

We both rush to her car and get in, Rarity waits until we're both buckled in to start the engine and peel out of the parking lot.
The song on the radio finishes and the next one they play is Ride of the Valkyries, it's hilariously fitting for the current situation and I want to comment on the perfect timing but I manage to hold my tongue because I notice that Rarity looks mildly stressed.

I'm pretty sure she speeds a little to get us to school and me to my meeting with principal Celestia, I idly worry that she's going to get a ticket later. I really do appreciate her, I'd have never made it on time to my meeting and without her I also wouldn't have cleaned my fridge. That shit was disgusting.

We pull into the student parking lot and I unbuckle while the car is still in motion. "Thanks so much Rarity! I uh.. I hope we never have to rush like that ever again. I guess it was really dumb to go to bed that late huh?"

I hear her snort and choke on air, coughing immediately after, "The last day or so has been very eventful, and it's not a problem at all darling. I agree with you on that last bit, going to bed that late on a school night was not the brightest idea either of us have ever had."

"Hah, well we're slightly wiser now." I open the car door to get out, "I'll see you either in class or at lunch, depends on if today's an A or B day."

"I think today's an A day."

"So I'll see you in class in maybe abouuuuut thirty to forty-five minutes."

She nods as I get out, I look over at her and she's pulling out a makeup kit and hairbrush. "Always prepared for makeup emergencies?"

"Of course darling, I mustn't be unprepared so I always carry a makeup kit and brush in my car."

I chuckle and close the door, walking towards the front entrance so I could meet with Celestia and ask if she knew any good therapists. My anxiety spikes as I get closer to the front doors, it's going to be incredibly hard to do this.

But as princess Luna said, it will be worth it when I look back and wonder what would've happened if I never asked for professional help. I know she's correct but it's still an intimidating task.

Author's Note:

Sorry everyone but I don't think I'm going to be posting a chapter tomorrow, I got only maybe 3 hours of sleep tops today and I'm gonna be out like a light pretty much all day I'm afraid.

03/08/2023 edit: I'm pretty sick right now, so I don't think I'm going to be posting much for the next few days because I'm going to take the time to rest and recover fully before I pick up where I left off. Sorry everyone. :twilightblush: