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Only by studying the past can we win the present.

Comments ( 87 )

So this is totally based on a story by Rated Ponystar. Just from the description alone. Even if it's not a copy-paste at least.

It's a damn good story by that author. I will borrow ideas but never steal work and just copy paste. That's fucked up.


call it inspiration.

I don’t know much about the law, but can’t caramel sue for that?

That’s pretty interesting. Fanfics have a lot of ideas and concepts that can be used.

This was so bittersweet.

That’s another word for it.

Most definitely. The first hit could be potentially justified because he wasn't going to his house, but the hits after were definitely illegal.

Ok cool. Wanted to make sure.

"Princess, can I ask you a question?", I asked nervously looking down.

"You just did", she replied.

Trollestia is here.

Years passed and I still think about that day. What could have been different. Maybe if I found Twilight before her fateful night and invited her to sleep over, maybe she'd still be alive today. I know it's unhealthy to push blame onto myself but there's a lot of that going around. None of us ever truly moved on.

That’s actually an interesting concept. Someone with a guilt complex reaction to the murder.

I'm glad you recognized the guilt reaction. Its coming from personal feelings and experiences and I figured at least a few of her friends would feel that way.

... how odd a blue pegasus that looks familiar (not suggesting it's rainbow)

"You think it's kinda gross how many ponies are willingly coming to watch a bunch of other ponies get executed?" Twinkleshine asked.

I wouldn’t say gross. More of new.

It's up to her to tell, not me was the response I got. Twilight sighed and said, now sleep Minnie. Remember I will always love you and watch over you.

Is that really twilight?

When i wrote that about Twilight talking to Minuette, I originally planned it to be Minuette imaging it. And then I changed my mind Twilight being able to visit her friends that way. Now I'm leaning towards leaving it to readers discretion, but in my mind it's really Twilight talking to her.

I leaned in close and grinned, "That's the best part. They all corroborated what the guards said. Roseluck, Lily and Daisy said you accidentally fell into their roses and that's how you got all the scratches. Cheerilee said you broke a leg by having a bookcase falling on it after you offered to help move it. Redheart said she helped fix it up at your house. Lyra said you got a black eye by running into her house. All of Ponyville loved Twilight. Nopony will believe you"

How many people would actually believe that? Some of these are believable, but the black eye thing seems shady. Also, all this happening to one pony back to back?

I would I guess. All the others are too busy dealing with the aftermath so guards assaulting someone would probably slip through the cracks

If that excuse was used I would believe it.

Considering how dumb some of them can be tho

I wouldn’t say they’re dumb. More of oblivious.

I had never felt so alone in all my life. The only time I had came out, was to go watch the ponies involved get their punishments. I didn't bother to stick around after, I just went home to continue my own forced punishment and isolation. Because think about it, I grew up with Applejack and right after we met, her parents died. I met Twilight and years later she dies. I'm cursed. So if I stay away from everypony, no one else will get hurt and die. Everypony stays safe.

I’m pretty sure any cursed person would’ve gotten help.

She's not actually cursed. It's just what she thinks.

I know, but still. Anyone who thinks they were cursed would probably call someone to get rid of it.

Wait haven't any of them seen Twilight in heaven

I’m going to wait to see where this goes, I’m kinda curious, I’d love to see a chapter with Caramel, it seemed like he took Twilights Reforms personally… while I have no doubt the author took inspiration from another story I don’t feel that’s necessarily a bad thing. Just look at the Negotiations-Verse, the noncanon entry’s are fascinating and offer different views and ideas.

I didn't actually plan on one for Caramel but that's a good idea. It'll be the final chapter. Working on Lyras rn

Does Twilight die in this story or not? Or this this just something that I just need to read about to find out?

Just gotta wait and see. 😛

I'll never forget how different Ponyville was when we arrived. We made damn good time considering how far the two towns are from each other. Stepping into Ponyville, Royal guards were everywhere. Standing guard at the castle, pushing ponies into their homes. Twilight's own guards played a prominent role in establishing order. Not many ponies knew that Twilight had her own royal guard. Because there was so few of them. Rainbow Dash and Applejack personally hired the guards. Applejack did the interviews, Rainbow did the trainings. The guards looked pretty impressive I must admit, purple armor with Twilights cutie mark emblazoned on the front of the chest plate and a purple plume on the helmet. Everypony in town stared in wonder at them, of course before trouble started.

Yeah some royal guard, maybe instead of having your friends hire them and I don’t know have some actual former military or security personnel and some from the military like oh I don’t know your brother twilight instead of your two friends who don’t know nothing about royal guards and training. And just b/c rainbows in the wonderbolts doesn’t mean she qualifies as an instructor to train them.

Plus while twilight was in canterlot did these morons or any of them go along with twilight to provide security for her in case something happens. Oh wait they probably did b/c if freaking equstria and the only guards I would trust with my life are the lunar guards since they actually understand the meaning of security and what to actually do.

Spike died ten years later, his kids buried him in between Twilight and Cloudchaser, his beloved wife. As he requested. He and Cloudchasers kids passed down Twilights story to their kids and so on as he also wanted. Twilight's acts and memory was never forgotten. If you look closely in the castle, you can see Twilight, her friend's, Spike and Cloudchaser and hear laughing and conversations if you listen close enough.

So twilight I have a few questions for you

"Oh" was all we got as she slumped deeper into the couch. I knew inside she was heartbroken. I knew she had loved Twilight more than friends would. I was still surprised she trusted me to randomly tell me out of the blue one day but I supported it.

Wait so spike would have had another mother.

Oh my dear Luna this, this is sad

I still remember when I met Twilight at her party when she first came to Ponyville. That was also the day I first met Lyra. Probably the second best day of my life. The first, of course, was being married to Lyra and later adopting a orange flightless Pegasus that Lyra had adored.

Did they adopt scootaloo?!!!

Yeah I’m betting twinkle shine was also involved with twilight death just so she could have minttue all to herself

Celestia and Luna ensured Twilights memory was never forgotten and her ideas were fully implemented in Equestrian society and culture. Twilight Day was a somber yet favorite national holiday throughout Twilights beloved country. Luna and Celestia hid their selves from their former subjects till they were forgotten about. That way they could both move onto the afterlife and be reunited with their beloved friend and student.

Ack , my heart it hurts.

But Luna and celestia I will never forget about you too I still have there pictures

So are we ever going to find out what twilight was thinking… actually now that I think about it she probably set this whole thing up.

That's a good guess but I'll explain it in Twinkleshines chapter

But my theory still stands that that’s actually the human twilight aka sci twi and the real twilight is on the other side.

.....I did not see that one coming. When I read this I figured Twinkleshine knew something about the guard involved but I figured it was like her brother it being her father....that's just....wow, poor Twinkleshine

.... well damn now we now who and that they didn’t last long after

If she found out that my own father had murdered my best friend.

Dang, that’s just dang. But still it’s the guards faults all along.

The days after, I went to the Royal Guard daily and tried telling them about the plot I uncovered. They always sent me away and said I was lying and that nopony would get past them to even get close to a princess. Guess they found out the hard way they were wrong.

And I was fucking right and called it it’s the guards fault that’s twilight dead in the first place maybe, they should be. reliving the guards of there duty’s for fucking up big time.

Again worse guards and military ever

I always did wonder if that's how immortal beings die

Ach my emotions.

And now I’m crying that twi doesn’t get to see there child.

I still remember when I met Twilight at her party when she first came to Ponyville. That was also the day I first met Lyra. Probably the second best day of my life. The first, of course, was being married to Lyra and later adopting a orange flightless Pegasus that Lyra had adored.

Scootaloo got adopted? Doesn’t she already have guardians?

She nodded. "It's justice". I personally had zero interest in watching but I wasn't about to let her go alone. I sighed.

I don’t know about that. Sometimes there’s a thin line between justice and revenge. I kind of starting to wonder which one this is.

Twenty five years later, I lost Lyra. Definitely the hardest thing I ever went through. The whole town showed up and said good words. Everypony loved her music. I think what I will miss about her the most was her weird sitting positions and her obsession over the mythological humans. I can still hear her music if I listen hard enough in our house. It sounds lovely. In a way, I'm glad she died before me so that way I didn't have to worry about leaving her alone. We both made an agreement to each other whoever died first would wait for the other in heaven till the other got there. I bet she's sitting on that bench outside the gates right now, playing her lyre for everypony. I remember finding out what Twinkleshine was hiding. I knew it would break Lyra and everypony else so I kept it a secret, I regret that.

That’s very sweet.

So sweet

I despised how ponies talked about her. I despised what they did to her. I made them pay. I for justice for Twilight. Yet why do I still feel empty inside? I thought getting revenge would have made me feel better. For making them suffer. I know she cried often at night to her brother about how ponies talked about her. It broke her heart. To see the citizens she saved countless times just throw her ideas aside and stomp on her heart like it was nothing. I'd honestly never been so disgusted in all my life. The only thing I'm grateful for, is she never saw it coming. She was asleep when it happened. She didn't suffer. She didn't feel a thing. I would have burnt this world to the ground if it was otherwise. And trust me, being in control of the sun makes burning this world very possible. The only thing that stopped me was Luna.

This is kind of what I talked about in one of the previous chapters.

Discord even quit being chaotic for a while there until he slowly started to fade from existence. Discord is like us in a way, if he quits being even a tiny bit chaotic, he'll die and fade away. It took Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to get him to act how he used to. Even then, he never truly was the same. I think Twilights death broke him more than he was willing to admit.

That’s very interesting.

I know he didn't feel like they were truly his friends, but they really did love him. In their own way. Some ponies need tough love and I'm sad I didn't intervene when it went a bit too far. I'll have to add that to my list of regrets.

When what went too far.

Celestia and Luna ensured Twilights memory was never forgotten and her ideas were fully implemented in Equestrian society and culture. Twilight Day was a somber yet favorite national holiday throughout Twilights beloved country. Luna and Celestia hid their selves from their former subjects till they were forgotten about. That way they could both move onto the afterlife and be reunited with their beloved friend and student.

That’s bittersweet.

Before you lecture me on my drinking, don't. Everypony else has. It's my body and I can put in whatever I want in it. We all have our coping mechanisms. Even if mine ends up with me being in a guard stations drunk tank and throwing up all morning.

She’s not wrong, but that argument goes out the window when it affects others.

I didn't always use to be this way. I remember being a semi happy mare who loved spending time with her friends and studying. Now I can't go near Joe's donut shop. I don't go to that side of Canterlot anymore. Too many memories. Of her. The whole friend group. I used to drink socially with friends back then now I just get drunk everywhere: bar, my house, public. I have countless arrests on my record for public intoxication but I always only get stuck in jail for a week at most. I remember the one time me and Minuette got Twilight drunk. Now that was a show. Never forget the Drunk Twilight Incident of Canterlot. Where she stumbled all over town looking for her stuffed animal, grabbing a random cardboard cutout of Fleetfoot and stumble running down the street. Good times.

That is amazing.

What in Equestria happened here? I wondered. Oh yeah that's right. When those two guards ponies told me the news, I got really drunk after they left, ordered a bunch of pizzas, threw the picture off the wall and punched a hole in the wall in a drunken depressed rage snd cut my hoof on some shattered and tried to bandage myself up. A noise upstairs startled me and I instantly started to head up them. I'd be the first to die in a horror movie I decided. Everypony else would run away and I'd just walk up to the killer and be like "whats up".

I want that happen so bad.

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