• Published 28th Feb 2023
  • 294 Views, 60 Comments

Student Six against the Imperium - Alank2

Student Six are invited to a royal wedding in Vedina, but danger lurks as ancient evil threatens to fulfill its dark dream.

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Student Six are introduced to royalty


Vedina truly had a fascinating – albeit very sad – history, Ocellus summarized in her head. It was amazing how they meticulously kept written records of events hundreds of years old. For ponies that would seem obvious, they had huge archives of written history. But with Changeling history being lost thanks to Chrysalis and her purge of anything that came before her, it was fascinating to see another culture with such rich history.

“Hey, Ocellus.”

It was sad, though, that most of their history was about battles and wars. It seemed like there wasn’t a single decade without some kind of a battle, or ‘heroic’ fight against something. Sometimes dragons, or some big animals, but mostly against other griffons. Ocellus couldn’t understand this fascination with war, combat, suffering. Having been close to death herself recently, and seeing evil firsthand when living under Chrysalis, she wished to never have another adventure like that again. Unless it was with her friends, of course.

“Hey, Equus to Ocellus! Is your exoskeleton soundproof or what?”

Ocellus jumped in surprise, almost dropping the book she held. Speaking of friends, she thought, looking at Smolder standing in front of her. The dragon was, of course, smiling smugly.

“What?” Ocellus asked, marking the page and putting the book down. “Are we getting close?”

“Nah, no land in sight. It’s about the wedding.” Smolder pointed at Gallus, who was standing next to her. “Me and Gallus were thinking, you’re a changeling, right?”

“No, I’m a flying polar bear with rainbow mane.” Ocellus winced. Recently, she had trouble controlling her emotions, and apparently now she was turning snarky. Great. “Sorry.”

“Huh, who are you and what did you do with Ocellus?” Smolder joked. “I just wanted to ask, you can feel love, right? So you can tell if someone is in love with someone?”

Oh. That. “Yes, but you do realize this is a huge invasion of privacy?” Ocellus pointed out. “I can’t help feeling it, but I’m not going to just go around and tell everyone.”

Smolder thought for a moment, before nodding her head. “You know what? You have a point. Forget it. But I still think they're in love, Gallus. It's so obvious!”

“You know what stereotyping means? I thought you would know better than that.” Gallus answered. “Besides, neither of us can prove it, so I guess no one of us wins the bet.”

“Don’t you think it’s also rude to just gossip about someone’s love life?” Ocellus pointed out. “Or do you not mind me telling everyone else about your crushes?”

Both Smolder and Gallus suddenly decided to drop the topic. Unfortunately for them, it was already too late.

“Crushes? Smolder and Gallus have crushes?” Yona asked, suddenly appearing behind them.

“Wait, what’s going on?” Sandbar asked, taking a break from looking at the sea around them to pay attention to his friends.

“Did I miss something? What's going on?” Silverstream said, landing on deck next to her friends and changing back to hippogriff. “Is it a party? A book discussion? Homework?”

“No, please, no homework, I barely finished all we had to do before leaving.” Gallus quickly said, happy to change topic. Sadly, he failed.

“I heard something about crushes. Were you asking Ocellus about someone?” Everycreature looked at Sandbar. “What? Ponies and changelings are now allies and neighbors, remember? I already know how it works. Besides, ponies don’t need to gossip about other’s love lives, we are much more open about it. It’s you all who are weird about that.”

“How do you know?” Silverstream asked curiously.

“Oh, I asked Ocellus about someone, and she told me she won’t tell. And she was right.” Sandbar admitted. “It’s extremely rude. Imagine we all had some secret crush, and we all told Ocellus and no one else. Would you want her to break that trust?”

Everycreature was silent.

“Everyone except Silverstream has some secret crushes that wants to keep to themselves.” Ocellus finally said. “That’s why I’m not telling anyone, and you shouldn’t ask.”

“Alright, alright, I said I agree the first time. No need to hammer it in my scales.” Smolder shook her head in surprise. “Wait, Silverstream?”

“I never had a crush!” The hippogriff said cheerfully. “It’s fascinating seeing other having them, though.”

“Huh. Is it, like, normal for hippogriffs?” Gallus asked.

“Nope!” Silverstream answered. “It’s just me!”

“Some ponies just don’t have crushes or anything like that.” Sandbar pointed out. “And other creatures, as well.”

“Yona happy to have crushes!” The yak declared. “Yona will find bestest creature to be with, and they will have the best yak wedding!”

“Please tell me yak wedding doesn’t include ritual combat or something.” Sandbar joked.

“No, yak wedding best! Yaks smash a lot, and have food, and drinks! And drinks make yaks smash more!” Yona explained happily.

“Now that’s something I’d like to see. Am I invited?”

“Of course Smolder invited! And all friends!” Yona said happily.

“Oh no…” Gallus already knew where this was going, and tried to discreetly move away in time. He failed.

“Yona has best friends. HUG!”

After few moments of not breathing, hug ended, and Sandbar managed to ask a question. “Speaking of wedding, do you know who the Princess is marrying? It doesn’t say it on the invitation.”

“No idea.” Gallus answered, looking at his invitation. “I wonder why there’s nothing on the invitation about him. But it’s probably some wealthy and influential Vedinan prince.”

“Or a princess.” Sandbar added.

“In Vedina? Nah. The Queen has to have children, so it must be a prince.”

“Wait, what does it have to do with…” Sandbar started, only to be interrupted.

“Oh, I can’t wait! I have never been to a wedding before!” Silverstream was almost jumping in place with excitement. “And I’ve never been to Gryphus, too!”

“Vedina is a backwater, poor country.” Gallus answered with brutal honesty. “You won’t like it. It’s closer to Griffonstone a few years ago than anything else.”

“Pessimistic much?” Sandbar asked.

“He may be right.” Ocellus said in a sad voice. “The world outside Equestria is not as nice. Wars happen. Bad creatures exist, and often have power to do much evil.”

“And it can be scary.” Silverstream added. Others looked at them both, knowing that out of all of them these two had it worst last summer. “There is good everywhere, but sometimes it’s really hard to find it.”

There was another moment of silence.

“Yona not worried! Yona smashed stupid prince, and if Yona finds more stupid, Yona smash them too.” The yak said with utmost certainty. “And now, Yona will hug the sadness out of her friends! HUG!”

And almost all was well among the friends, as they approached Vedina.

Their ship docked in the port city of Turhamn few days later, allowing them to see Vedina with their own eyes.

It was much different than Equestria. Buildings were much less colorful, and more practical. They had much thicker external walls, and were designed to be built without magic, last long, and withstand harsh weather. The city itself was also walled, and had a big, imposing castle on a small hill next to town. Even if the city itself were to fall, the castle would still stand, ready to withstand any attack.

The same applied to ships. Griffons built their vessels with much more practicality in mind, and they were all made of brown wood, with only colors being the flags and some colorful emblems here and there.

As the group of friends slowly left the ship, everygriffon around was looking at them. Of course, even in Equestria, such colorful group would get much attention, but in Vedina it was much, much more pronounced.

This interest including guards stationed at the docks.

“Halt!” One griffon said, coming closer. He was holding a short spear, and wearing slightly rusted chainmail armor. “Welcome to Turhamn, foreigners. What is the purpose of your visit here?” He was visibly suspicious.

Gallus was the first to react, quickly taking out his invitation and showing it to the guard. “I am Gallus of Griffonstone, me and my friends were invited to the royal wedding by Princess Lycklig. Here is my invitation.”

Gallus’s assured demeanor, and the invitation in front of the guard, convinced the armed griffon to relax a little bit. “Of course, sir Gallus, forgive me. Princess did warn us you may arrive. May I ask the names of your companions?”

Everycreature introduced themselves, and the guard slowly nodded. “I see. We were expecting you, if you could wait here for a moment, please.” He bowed and quickly left.

“Gallus of Griffonstone? I thought you didn’t have any fancy titles.” Smolder said, smiling. “Sir Gallus, right? Do you need me to bow to your greatness?”

“Stop it, please.” Gallus sighed. “It’s on my invitation, not my idea. The princess seemed to think we’re more important than we actually are.”

“Said the future advisor to the Emperor of Gryphus.”

“Said the Hero of Equestria and the first dragon ambassador to Haukland. I think your current tittles beats my possibly future title.”

“Someone’s coming.” Silverstream interrupted the friendly bickering. Indeed, another griffon was approaching them. This time, however, he was not armed or armored, and was wearing a visibly high-quality, but not overly luxurious, clothing.

“Welcome, honored guest.” He said, bowing slightly. “I am sir Johan Jönnson, one of the Princesses’ advisors. Let me welcome you all to Vedina on this momentous occasion. If you would follow me, I will happily show you to your quarters in the castle.”

“The castle? We’re staying in the castle?” Sandbar asked, surprise.

“Of course. It is only fitting for personal guests of the Princess herself.” The blue-feathered griffon answered, leading them through the city. “It would not be fitting for you to stay in some inn, like guests of lower standing.”

“We thank you for you hospitality.” Gallus answered formally. “We hope we can thank the princess ourselves when she has time to meet with us.”

“She is obviously very busy, with all the preparations for the wedding. But I am sure she will find some time for her personal guests.” Johan answered.

As professional as he was, it was obvious that he was barely holding back his curiosity, and Silverstream decided to help. “Do you want to ask us something?”

“Forgive my curiosity.” He apologized. “I am sure you are tired after your long journey, and I do not want to bore you with my questions.”

“It’s alright. Hit me. Metaphorically, with question, that is.” Sandbar quickly added, eyeing the sword on griffon’s hip. Seeing this, the noble smiled.

“Worry not, if I hit one of the wedding’s guests, I am sure the Princess would have my head. She seems to hold your opinion in high esteem, in fact. Princess Lycklig brought many things from her visit in Equestria, among them many farming techniques and tools. As a royal advisor, I was very impressed by them. Is it true that in Equestria, even the poorest dine like the nobility?”

“We don’t really have that much nobility in Equestria, but yes, they don’t really eat any better than average pony.” Sandbar answered.

“Fascinating. Although the idea of commoners dining so well seems very unusual.” The griffon answered diplomatically as they approached the castle gate, with two guards standing outside. “These are the personal guests of the Princess, they are free to leave and come back at any time. Treat them with all respect.” He said to the guards, who bowed respectfully.

Johan led them to their rooms – as it turned out, they were each given a separate, spacious room – and then excused herself and left. Of course, they all just dropped their baggage in their rooms and gathered together to talk.

“I thought it would be colder.” Silverstream said, looking around. “And more stone.”

“Just because we’re not ponies or hippogriffs, doesn’t mean we live in primitive conditions.” Gallus answered, looking at the wooden walls and floor, and at the warm fireplace. “Would you like to live in a cold, stone room? It’s much nicer with some wood.”

“I thought Vedina is a poor country?” Sandbar looked at the thick, decorated tapestries on the wall and high-quality curtains around the bed.

“Oh, it is. It’s just that nobles live like kings, and the rest barely survives.” Gallus looked outside, through the thick glass window. “Every winter, you will have hundreds, if not thousands, griffons freezing to death or dying from hunger. Only peasants, of course, while nobility have more food than they can eat.”

“Gallus, are you alright?” Sandbar asked worryingly. “In the last few days, you seem unhappy all the time. Did something happen?”

“No, it’s just…” Gallus hesitated.

“It hurts, seeing place like this, and knowing that it could be better.” Silverstream said quietly. Gallus looked at her and nodded slowly. They both understood that well. “Especially when it looks just like your home could have.”

“Yeah. That.” Gallus said, still looking outside. “You know, living in Griffonstone wasn’t nice. But at least I had food, and a bed. Many griffons didn’t even have that. And Griffonstone isn’t even the worst place on Gryphus.”

After a few moments, Gallus turned around, putting on a brave face. “But let’s forget about it for now. We have a wedding to attend.”

Sandbar looked at his friend with doubt, but decided to let it slip. “Alright. But if you need to talk, you know we’re here for you, right?”

“Nah, I’m fine. Really.” Gallus looked around. “Wait, why are you all in my room?”

“We needed a place to talk, and we all unpacked before you?” Smolder pointed out. “Somehow, you procrastinate even when it comes to unpacking your things.”

“Hey, not fair. I had to unpack my sword and all my clothing.” Gallus protested.

“You had half the baggage of Yona, ad she unpacked long before you.” Sandbar said, smiling. It was good to see his friend feeling better.

Ocellus just shook her head, leaving her friends to talk. Honestly, she was just tired. All this attention, everycreature looking at her, and now this discussion making everyone sad. She just wanted to go to bed, honestly.

However, before she could excuse herself and go to her room, someone knocked on the door. Moments later, a knight in full plate armor, with a sword in talon, entered the room, looking at each and every one of them with suspicion, his eyes lingering for a moment longer on a sword Gallus was just unpacking.

“What is the meaning of this?” Gallus was the first to speak. “We’re guests here, do you just barge into your guest’s rooms fully armored and with weapon drawn?”

The knight ignored him, but reacted to a voice from the corridor. “Wilburg, please, don’t be so suspicious. These are my guests, and they had many occasions to harm me in Equestria.”

The knight, instead of responding, gave each of them one more look before slowly walking out of the room without a word. Princess Lycklig sighed as she entered the room. “Forgive him; he takes his role as my bodyguard very seriously. Welcome to Vedina, everycreature.”

“Thank you for inviting us, princess.” Gallus bowed. Before his friends decided to follow him or not, they heard a second voice.

“You must be the creatures I heard so much about in the last few months.” Said a griffon who entered the room. “Lycklig told me a lot about you.”

She had the most unusual-looking fur they had ever seen. Her face had white fur on it, while the rest of her head was covered in grey fur; however, three white freckles were visible on her forehead, shaped like flower petals.

Ocellus felt a strong feeling coming from both of the royal griffons and her eyes opened wide in surprise, but she didn’t say anything. However, Princess Lycklig noticed her surprise and, visibly amused, winked at her in a very non-royal way.

Smolder was, of course, the most direct, and this time she was the first to react. “Nice to meet you too. I’m Smolder, what’s your name?”

They heard a sound like a choking knight outside, but the newcomer only smiled with amusement. “It is refreshing to not be recognized sometimes. I am Princess Sköldsvärd, heiress to Vedina.”

Gallus bowed again, this time even deeper. Silverstream, Sandbar, and Ocellus did so moment later. Yona and Smolder hesitated but bowed slightly in the end.

“We are… honored, um, your highness?” Sandbar tried, and failed, to say something. Not because he was that impressed – for someone living in Ponyville, Princesses were quite a normal thing – but rather because he actually wasn’t sure what to say.

“Yes, we are honored by your presence.” Gallus said, trying to salvage this situation. “As you are probably aware, Princess, your… advisor?” He guessed. “Invited us to your wedding.”

“Advisor.” Princess Sköldsvärd slowly raised an eyebrow and looked at Lycklig, who was heroically trying not to laugh. “Oh yes, she advises me a lot, in many different ways. My dear, I think you forgot to put something on the invitations you sent out.”

“Oh, you know me, I had so many things on my head, I just forgot.” Lycklig answered, smiling widely.

“Wait, are you… Oh, wait, you are getting MARRIED!” Silverstream almost shouted in happiness, jumping in place. “Oh my ohmyohmyohmy congratulations!” She continued to jump in place. The knight, still standing guard outside, looked inside and then continued to guard the door, visibly shocked by this reaction.

“You are going to be a Queen?” Smolder asked, now also amused. “That was a nice prank. I need to think of a way to pay you back now, Queen or not.”

“Smolder, no!” Gallus protested instantly. “You are NOT pranking a Queen of Vedina!”

“Yona happy! Princesses seem nice.” Yona said, causing Gallus to groan and almost faceclaw. Why were his friends so horrible with basic etiquette? It wasn’t some random griffon on the street!

“Congratulations.” Ocellus said quietly. “You seem to truly be in love, and really happy together.”

Sköldsvärd’s cheeks seemed to be growing a tiny bit red. Lycklig smiled. “Thank you.” She said, looking at her beloved with adoration. “We are truly happy together, and it’s also thanks to you all.”

“Wait, us?” Silverstream asked, still full of energy and happiness.

“Let’s just say that she helped open my eyes to a lot of things.” Sköldsvärd said, looking at her beloved. “Including having dragon as an ally.”

“Cool.” Smolder said. Gallus groaned inside, and decided that asking headmare Starlight to cast a spell on his friends to make them act with some tact could be a good idea. He was at least thankful they weren’t on an audience in the Empire with the Emperor himself, otherwise it would end up as a serious diplomatic incident.

The knight outside loudly cleared his throat, and Sköldsvärd looked at the door. “Forgive me, but I sadly do not have much time now. These few days just before the wedding are really busy. I hope to meet with you all again.” She left, leaving Lycklig alone with the students.

“Seriously though, good prank.”

“Smolder, just stop… please…” Gallus groaned, causing everyone in the room – including Lycklig – to laugh.

“You need to relax a little, Sir Gallus.” Smolder said, smiling happily. “Perhaps you should spend some time sharpening your sword to relax a little?”

“Please tell me that was not a double entendre.” Gallus said, resigned.

“You know what, it wasn’t, but now it is.” Smolder said, proud of herself.

Everyone continued the conversation for a while longer, including Lycklig. Ocellus could feel her happiness, and love. It was a healthy, deep love, not just duty or lust, and it made the changeling smile. Even in a place like this, love could still bloom between creatures.

Because of the delay with delivering the letter to them, they only had two days until the wedding. It was fortunately enough for them to rest after the journey, and (hopefully) enough time for Gallus to make sure his friends know how to act during the ceremony.

He tried his best, with mixed result. Ocellus already knew the etiquette, but she was not a very social creature and hoped to just avoid talking too much, or at all, during the wedding. As much as the changeling looked forward to the relaxing feeling of love and happiness all around her, she was a little anxious about such large gathering of creatures.

Silverstream also knew how to speak with nobility, but had the opposite problem; she was just too enthusiastic and happy for the local nobility to handle.

Yona, well. Gallus could only hope she wouldn’t do something crazy. Like, for example, pushing somegriffon important down the stairs or something.

Sandbar was the only person who had no trouble adapting to this situation. As always, his pony friend proved capable of adapting perfectly to any culture very quickly, and took to learning Vedinan etiquette with enthusiasm.

Of course, while outwardly despairing over the fact that most of his friends were more likely than not to cause international incident, inside he was happy. It was a perfect distraction from the bleak reality of Vedina. And besides, he loved spending time with his friends, and they knew he doesn’t really mind their antics.

While Gallus was trying to teach them basics of noble etiquette, some of his friends had their own adventures.

On the second day of their stay in Vedina, Ocellus was just walking through a corridor, lost in thought. The griffonian country was definitely different then she expected, but she also learned a lot here. She was already writing some friendship reports, and learning more about the differences between their cultures.

In Vedina, the knights mostly referred to chivalry and camaraderie in battle as a great source of friendship. Others were friends since childhood, or were distant family. However, everygriffon had a very limited circle of friends and family, and everyone else was treated with nothing more than distant courtesy.

Of course, guests were treated with highest esteem. It was often said that the way guests are treated reflect the lord (or lady) and their ability to rule. Family gatherings were large, and special occasions like weddings or birth of an heir were an occasion to meet and make a great feast.

But no noble would ever invite a ‘peasant’, and even among nobility the distinction between ‘family’ ‘friends’ ‘guests’ and ‘strangers’ was very visible. Unlike Equestria, or Changeling Lands.

Her internal musings were brutally stopped when she hit something metal.

“Watch where you are going, foreigner.” A voice colder than the metal she just hit said. Ocellus looked up, and saw a griffon in a chest plate, looking at her with contempt.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She said, quickly getting up and moving aside, allowing the griffon to pass. He did not, however, instead studying her intently. “Um, can I help you?” She meekly asked.

“I know you. You are Ocellus, am I right?” She nodded, unsure why he asked. It’s not like there were many changelings in Vedina. “I see. A coward. Pathetic.”

“W… what?” Ocellus asked, shocked.

“I heard about you. You are a coward, Ocellus.” Suddenly, the changeling felt the air grow slightly colder. The corridor seemed darker than before, or was it just her imagination? The griffon stood above her menacingly. “You should go back home, before you…”

“Hey! Leave Ocellus alone!” Suddenly, the feeling of cold dissipated, and the light was no longer dimmed. The griffon took a step back, and then another, putting his right claw at the hilt of his sword. Yona stood protectively in front of Ocellus, visibly angry.

“How dare you command me?” The griffon demanded in a cold voice. “Do you know who I am? I am Prince Ondska, ruler of Borasland, heir to the Vedinan North!”

Yona ignored him. “Is Ocellus all right?”

“Y… yes, thank you.” When did she fell on the floor? She didn’t remember doing that. Why was she shaking? What was going on? Ocellus got up, and found she was shaking a bit. She was afraid, she realized.

“Ocellus, wait a moment.” Yona said, turning to the armed griffon. “Now, you! Meanie griffon!” She said to the noble with anger.

“…What did you just call me, you animal?” The griffon answered angrily. “How dare you come here and talk to me, defending this pathetic coward! I am a great knight of…”

“Ocellus is brave. Very, very brave.” Yona said without any hesitation, interrupting the monologue. “Yona thought griffons honorable, but prince acts like a meanie.”

“Honor. You dare come here and lecture me about honor? It is worthless, a remnant of an old fairy tale that somegriffons believe in for no reason.” Prince said coldly. “Not that primitive creature like you would ever understand it.”

“So, prince has no honor and is a meanie.” Yona slowly nodded. “Yona thinks he needs some good smashing.”

Prince drew his sword. “You dare to challenge me? My ancestors fought and slayed many dragons and monsters beyond your comprehension. What can an animal like you hope to achieve by challenging me?”

Yona looked at the griffon. Then she looked behind him, and again at him.

Then she smiled mischievously. “Griffon wants to fight Yona?”

“Fight?” Prince Ondska looked at her with contempt. “I will destroy you. I will make you quiver with fear at the very mention of my name for the rest of your sad life.”

“Yona accepts! YONA SMASH!”

“You threw him down the stairs.” Gallus said, exasperated.

“Yes!” Yona said happily.

“Why would you do something like that?”

“Meanie griffon said he wants to duel!” She explained.

“… did you call him a ‘meanie’?”

“He was a meanie, so I called him a meanie griffon!”

“And then he challenged you, and you threw him downstairs.” Gallus summarized. Then he faceclawed. “Worse, you did it to Prince Ondska, one of the most powerful griffons in Vedina.”

“He was a meanie to Ocellus.” Yona said without remorse. “He said Ocellus was a coward, and it made her sad. No sadness allowed. Is friend Gallus sad?”

“Wait, Yona, that’s not…”

“Alright, but if Gallus needs Yona hug, she will happily help!” She said, leaving to check on Ocellus. Her griffon friend groaned, but then joined her. After all, he also cared about Ocellus a lot, he just wished his friends wouldn’t try to make an international diplomatic incident.

Fortunately for everyone, Ocellus was mostly alright, just shaken a little. Seeing her, Gallus changed his mind and quickly (and quietly) decided that Yona made a right choice. Poor Ocellus was shaken still, even now, among her friends.

After hearing her side of the story, it was obvious that Prince Ondska was, for some reason, looking for a fight. Gallus had no idea why – hurting her guests would only made Princess very, very angry – but whatever his reason was, a quick trip down the stairs should be enough to cool his head a little.

Ocellus thanked her friends, and when they left she just went to sleep. She had enough attractions for today.

But her dreams were full of cold and darkness. She felt as if a looming figure of darkness was watching over her, and while sometimes it had the face of Prince Ondska, most of the time it was just darkness incarnate.
Ocellus did not sleep well that night.

Silverstream found herself too excited for the wedding to fall asleep that night. While she felt sorry for Ocellus, she knew that everycreature did all they could to make the changeling feel better. And now, she was mostly focused on the wedding. It was so close! She couldn’t wait.

Realizing that she wouldn't be able to fall asleep no matter what, she got up, stretched, and left her room. It was a cold night, and she had to put some extra clothing on herself, but she decided that she needs some fresh air for now.

She made it to the walls without problems, guards noticing but mostly ignoring her. Vedina was at peace, and no one expected an attack during the wedding, even guards were more relaxed then normally. Silverstream found a secluded place at the top of one of the towers, and stood there, looking at the stars. The sky was clear, and she could see the occasional yellow lights of city below, contrasting with the white stars above. It was quiet, and relaxing.

“Can’t sleep, young lady?” A voice asked from behind her. An old, white-feathered griffon walked to her, looking at the city below. An ornamental scabbard with an old-looking sword was hanging at his belt. “Or are you just amazed by the city?”

“It is definitely something I haven’t seen at home.” Silverstream answered diplomatically, to which the old griffon only smiled sadly.

“You do not need to lie, young lady. I know that where you come from, the smallest village is more impressive.” She tried to protest, but the old griffon just shook his head. “I am too old to lie to myself, young lady. I was once proud of Vedina, and looked upon it every day.” Ha looked at the city below with sadness.

“It is still a great city.” Silverstream said with conviction. “Things can be better, yes. I do not know much about Vedina myself.” She admitted. “But I know it is a proud country, with a long history.”

“And what did our history gave us? We are poor, young lady. We can barely maintain our ancient castles, with some of them abandoned and falling apart. Our neighbors in the East are growing in strength, and if they wanted to, they could conquer us easily.” The old griffon sighed. “Maar must be laughing at me from his dark throne.”

“I can’t really say I know if Maar is laughing or not.” Silverstream said after a moment of silence. “I never met him, and from what my friends say, his priests are more scary then laughing types. But I think you are too harsh on yourself. I heard that Vedina today is much better than it was before, and Princess Sköldsvärd seems to be an amazing griffon and great future ruler.”

“She is.” The old griffon agreed. “I had doubts once, but now I can see that she can lead Vedina to a better future. But what about me?” He looked again at the city below. “What will I say to my ancestors when I come to them? What were my great achievements? How will I look in the face of the First King when he asks about his kingdom?”

“That you did all you could, Your Highness.” The old griffon looked at her without surprise. “That you left the kingdom in competent claws, and you believe in your daughter. That you managed to secure peace for a long time. Sometimes, we can’t change things as much as we want to.” Silverstream looked at the stars, remembering her own adventure. “But we can start it. And if we all just try our best, even if we do not fully succeed, what we started will continue long after us.”

“I see you recognized me, young lady.” King Wingstrom said. “I cannot say I am surprised.”

“I did not.” Silverstream answered. “I just had a hunch. You know, we tend to meet important people wherever we go. I guess it’s the Tree of Harmony doing that.”

“Ah yes, your Harmony. I almost forgot about it. Do you know that many of nobles consider you all heretics for your beliefs? Is it true that you worship no gods?” He asked with curiosity.

“Well, I can only speak for myself, honestly. Me and my friends come from different places, you know.” Silverstream pointed out. “But we, hippogriffs and seaponies, do not believe in anything like that. There are some who believe in ancient deities of the depths, but they are a tiny group and not one else cares about it much.”

“What do you think happens after you die, then? Does your Tree take your souls?”

“I… don’t know, honestly.” She answered. “I'm not even sure if souls exist.”

“Truly. What a terrifying idea. How will you know then, that what you started will come to fruition?” The old griffon asked.

“I trust in my friends.” Silverstream answered with certainty. “I know that they will succeed. They are my friends, and they have their own friends, and we all do what we can.”

The king of Vedina chuckled silently. “I do not know if I should pity you, or envy you. I sometimes feel gods watching me, judging me already. I am old, and my death is coming soon. I wonder, how will they judge me then?”

“Well, I hope they are reasonable. You don't deserve the harsh thoughts you have about yourself.” Silverstream smiled. “I know how it feels, worrying that you are not enough. That you will fail people who depend on you. But as long as we try, it is enough. I hope your gods can see that too.”

“You are truly a dangerous creature, young lady.” King smiled in return, for the first time in what felt like forever. “You give this old griffon hope, just like that. I see why my daughter holds you in such high regard.”

“Some of my friends have doubts as well. I have them.” Silverstream admitted. “But we are always there for each other. And thanks to that, we can also help others with their doubts and fears.”

“Is this the magic of friendship I heard so much?” King wondered aloud with a smile.

“You can see for yourself. Do you want to be my friend?” Silverstream asked.

“Do you just expect the King of Vedina to become your friend, like that?” Wingstrom laughed, an honest laughter that made him warm inside. “Why not. I look forward to seeing you again, young lady. Now, if you forgive me, I need to go back to bed. My old bones don’t take kindly to these freezing temperatures tonight.”

“Of course! I also can’t wait to see you again. Goodnight!” Silverstream answered and waved, going back to stargazing.

Upon returning to his chambers, the King of Vedina prayed silently. For his daughter, for she needed all the help she could have as a ruler. And, after some hesitation, he prayed for her foreigner guests.

They may not have all been griffons, and they did not share their faith, but he had a feeling they would bring a good change to his kingdom, just like his daughter would. He hoped he could watch over them from above; he would miss speaking with Silverstream.

And with that thought, he went to sleep. And while he could still feel the touch of Maar on his soul, he slept soundly for the first time in months.

But not everyone slept soundly that night. Prince Ondska, ruler of Borasland, heir to the Vedinan North, and currently a laughing stock of certain nobles, was fuming in anger. The news of his humiliating defeat at the hands of a little Yak girl spread amongst the wedding guests, and he had no doubt they were mocking him even now.

Fortunately, he thought bitterly, it would not last long. They would see, all of them.

And especially that girl.

Author's Note:

I am sorry for the delay with all my stories recently; sadly, with my current health issues there will be months of activity and updates, and months without. I will do what I can to write in advance if I can, so there is always some update available.