• Published 10th Apr 2023
  • 376 Views, 7 Comments

Spike Dates Everypony - TheKing2001

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Spike and Cherry Berry

Spike was cleaning up the library when a gentle knock drew his attention away. Walking over, he opened and was greeted by a beautiful earth pony with a pink coat and a yellow mane with cherries as a cutie mark.

"Uhm hello?" She waved a hoof in front of Spikes face confused.

Spike shook his head. "Sorry I got uh distracted. How can I help you?"

She shot a knowing smirk his way.

"It's easy to get distracted, it's a beautiful day out isn't it? Can I come in please?"

Spike quickly stepped aside. "Yeah sure sorry. You're right it's uh totally the weather I was admiring. What can I help ya with?"

"I'm looking for a book about flight, weather patterns the works", she said.

Spike nodded and walked to a shelf and picked up the books she requested.

"Okay, here you go, Miss....?"

She giggled. "Cherry Berry. And you don't gotta call me miss, Cherry is fine".

"Alright. Well here you go Cherry. Twilight is on official business in Canterlot and I got to stay behind so I'll be here all week. Just bring them by whenever you're done".

"Thank you Spike," Cherry trotted foward and gave a quick hug.

Blushing, he returned the hug.

"You know my name?" He blinked in surprise.

Cherry looked surprised.

"Of course I know your name. Everypony in town does. Remember, your little rampage the other day?"

Spike winced. He almost forgot that he became a giant rampaging dragon for a while.

"Thanks for the reminder", he said flatly.

Cherry gasped. "Sorry I forgot it must be a sensitive topic right now. I'm just glad your back to your cute little small self", she grinned and rubbed his head with a hoof.

Did she really just call me cute? Spike wondered.

"Thanks. You're cute as well".

Cherry started playing with her mane and stared at the ground blushing.

"Well thanks Spike, I gotta get home. See ya around". She took off like a bullet and Spike waved.

"Yeah see ya".

Spike sighed and shut the door.


A knock made Spike hop up and run to the door.

"Cherry! Hi," he greeted enthusiastically.

She grinned down. "Hey Spike". She ruffled his head and walked in. "I got the books back".

"I see", Spike carried them to the shelf and tossed them in their spots.

"So Spike", Cherry began making a circle with her hoof. "Are you seeing anypony?"

Spike stared at her. "Uh no, no I'm not".

"What about Rarity?" She pressed.

Spike rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Does everypony really know about that?". He grumbled.

"Well yes. You were very open about it, silly", Cherry giggled.

"Rarity is just a friend now. That whole thing crashed and burned". He sat down on the steps.

"Well, if you aren't busy tonight, do you wanna maybe go out." She nervously asked. Spike raised an confused eyebrow.

"Sure, why not." He shrugged. She clapped her forehooves and smiled.

"I'll come get you around seven?" She eagerly asked.

"Sounds good to me." Spike smiled at her. The mare grinned happily and tossed her hooves around his neck, hugging him. He returned it confused as to why she was hugging him. Letting go, she gave him a head pat.

"I'll be back then." She promised as she shot off out of the library. Spike rolled his eyes smiling and closed to the door. That mare had a tendency to take off like a bat out of Tartarus.

"Is this a date or just friends. I hope a date. Wait, why do I hope for that?" He thought to himself.


Spike stood in front of the mirror, putting on different bow ties. He ended picking the black one. A knock on the door got his attention and he opened it. Cherry stood there in a deep purple dress with light purple accents. Spikes eyes widened and stared. "Definitely a date," He thought to himself.

"You like it?" Cherry asked. Spike nodded numbly.

"You look very pretty." He mumbled. She gave a soft giggle.

"Why, thank you. You look nice as well." She blushed.

"Thanks. Shall we go now?" Spike asked.

She nodded as he stepped out and shut the library door. The two made small talk till she lead him to a small picnic blanket next to an inflated balloon.

"Did you really put this together on your own?" Spike asked in awe.

Cherry nodded smugly.

"Yeah. My sister watched over it to make sure no one messed with it." She explained. A plum colored earth pony with purple and red grapes for a cutie mark popped out of a bush. She gave a wave and a grin before disappearing into back into it. Cherry sat down and tapped her hoof for Spike to sit down. He complied and sat down across from her. She pushed a bowl of gems towards him.

"I didn't know your favorite so I just got a bowl full from a friend." Cherry blushed as she picked up a daisy sandwich and took a bite. Spikes eyes lit up at the bowl in front of him.

"Sapphires are my favorite, how did you get these?" He asked in awe. She gave him a smirk.

"Amethyst owed me a favor so she sold me them for a discounted price." She explained. Spike tossed a sapphire into his mouth and chewed. She gave a soft wince at the sounds of crunching.

"Doesn't that hurt your teeth?" She asked before biting the handle of the lemonade pitcher and pouring two glasses full. She gently nudged one to Spike with her muzzle and he gratefully took it. Taking a sip, he smiled at her.

"It doesn't hurt my teeth. Dragon teeth are made for chewing diamonds and meat." He pointed out. She frowned at him slightly.

"You don't eat meat, do you?" She asked nervously. He shook his head to her relief.

"I tried it once but I didn't like it. I was raised by Twilight my entire life so I'm used to pony food." He admitted.

"I've only ate daisy sandwiches. And roses but don't tell Roseluck or her sisters that. They would have a fit over it." She rolled her eyes. "It's already bad enough that I have to live next door to them.

Spike gave a chuckle at that.

"I remember when I first moved here with Twilight, they ran away screaming." He rolled his eyes as well. "Kinda hurt at first but I got over it. So did they at least."

Cherry gave a smile as she stood up.

"Was this just a friendly hang out or?" Spike asked nervously.

"It was a date." Cherry clarified. She packed up the blanket into her basket and tossed it into the balloon. "Which isn't over by the way." She folded her legs under her and nodded at Spike. "Hop in." She jerked her head to the balloons basket. Spike carefully climbed on her back and she boosted him inside. She climbed in her self and pulled the weights inside the basket. She carefully pressed a pedal with her hoof and fire shot up into the balloon as it started to rise. Soon enough, Ponyville became a dot beneath them and Spike stared in awe at the town. To their was rolling hills and a sparkly dot of the local beach.

"This is beautiful," he muttered. Cherry smirked at him.

"I've given hundreds if not thousands of balloon rides and I never get tired of the view from up here. The pegasus are lucky." She sighed.

Spike nodded.

"They are, aren't they?" he agreed. "I probably will never get my wings."

"So. I think it's fairly obvious I like you."Cherry turned red as she looked at the significantly smaller creature in her balloon.

"Why me? Why not anypony else?" he asked.

"You're just so you. You don't really care what other ponies think. You read comics, collect action figures and like to bake and cook. None of the stallions I've met do that. Plus, you're cute." She admitted, blushing.

"You really are okay with me collecting action figures and reading comics?" He asked incredulously. She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Well, duh. Everypony has their hobbies. I enjoy flying and being on the swings. Pretty much anything air related." She giggled. The two gazed over Ponyville together and Spike sighed happily.

"Was this a good date for you? I've never taken anypony on a date before." Spike admitted.

"This was amazing in all honesty. I've only been on two dates before. This is my second." She smiled at him.

Spike played with his claws nervously.

"I like you too." He announced suddenly. "Could we do this again sometime?" He asked nervously, turning red. "If you want of course." He hastily added.

Cherry beamed at him. She folded her legs under herself and gave him a kiss. Spikes eyes widened before he returned it.

"I'd love that." Cherry said as Spike gave her a hug. Together, the two sat hugging till the sun set.