• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 181 Views, 3 Comments

Wind and Shadows - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

King Sombra can't find Rushing Winds. Where is she?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Wind and Shadows
Written By KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

King Sombra was very confused and definitely not concerned. Yeah, he definitely wasn't.

The blue pegasus who had taken to visiting him everyday... hadn't come today. Even though she was a little annoying, he enjoyed her company.

He knew that she loved spending time with him, and that even though she was meant to reform him...most likely by torturing friendship into him, though that was unlikely, seeing these Equestrians were peace loving and soft, only resorting to violence when it was the last available option.

I do not care for her, yet I cannot stop thinking of her. Rushing Winds is the one crazily in love with me; it is not the other way round. Yet here I am, worrying about her wellbeing and safety as I am sure she does about me. Why am I so concerned?

He felt restless. Deciding to do something other than pacing and worrying about Rushing, he walked out of the house he shared with the pegasus.

On his way out he saw a piece of paper... Feeling it would give him clues as to Rushings whereabouts, he picked it up.

It bore four letters. CMCC. During his stay with the pegasus, she had made a map for him, so that Sombra might find it easier to navigate Ponyville. All the buildings and shops were labeled and the unicorn had a suspicion that this was one of the places.

Shutting the door and making his way to the living room Sombra looked at the map and read "Sweet Apple Acres, Friendship Castle, Berry Punch's Pub, School Of Friendship... Aha! Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse!"

Seems like there would be answers there. He was about to leave when something hit him. Figuratively of course, not literally.

I should make a copy of this map- it may prove to be useful. And besides, I may find more of these papers and it would be tiring to have to continuously return to Rushing's house. He then used a duplicating spell to create a copy and left.

He shivered upon leaving the warm safety of the house. ...Right. I had forgotten that it was snowing outside.

Now that he was wearing warm clothes, Sombra made his way to the clubhouse, checking the map every so often to make sure he was going in the right direction.

He had just passed Sweet Apple Acres and could tell he was getting closer due to the fact that the snow here was covered with filly sized hoofprints.

When I reach the clubhouse perhaps I should look for clues rather than directly ask about Rushings whereabouts. I should still ask if they have seen her, but nothing apart from that or they will suspect me of being concerned for her.

"Why hello Sombra! Fancy seein' ya out here on a cold day like this, and at our clubhouse as well!" The unicorn looked up to see a bright yellow filly smiling at him.

He tried to smile in an attempt to look less threatening. It appears I have arrived at my destination. And that filly is one of the trio who regularly tries to help me get a cutie mark. "Ah, hello Apple..." What was her name again?

"Apple Bloom," she smiled.

"Hello then Apple Bloom. I apologize for not knowing your name- I had never paid full attention when Rushing had been introducing me to everypony in Ponyville," he said, giving her an apologetic look.

She dismissed his apology with a wave of her hoof. "It's fine Sombra. Yer not the only one. Ponies have called me mah sisters name before."

"If you say so."

"So, what brings ya here?"

Sombra thought his answer over carefully. I should say something believable. "Well... I decided that now is a good time as any to get a cutie mark a-"

"Ya wanted us to help ya? Sure!" The filly smiled before turning around and yelling at the top of her little filly lungs. "Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle! Sombra's here!"

Two fillies appeared out of nowhere. "Hey Sombra! Wha-"

"Sombra wanted us ta help him git a cutie mark!" Apple Bloom shouted to them.

The three fillies smiled, put their hooves on top of each others and then proclaimed to the heavens "Cutie Mark Finders! Yay!"

My ears were ringing from the sheer power of these fillies lungs.

They then looked at me and invited me into their clubhouse.

It was a small room with posters and crayons everywhere.

"So, what shall we do first?" I asked them, smiling out of politeness. The clubhouse had obviously been designed specially for fillies as I was forced to crouch down so my horn didn't scrape the ceiling.

"Painting!" Sweetie Belle answered me.

"Hey Sweetie, I can't find the paints," the orange pegasus whose name was unknown to me said.

"Have you checked under the paper?"

"Where's the paper?"

"In the cabinet?"

"There's nothing in there!"

"Scootaloo! Where didja put the brushes?"

"I don't know! You put them away last time!"

"No, you did!"

Before the fillies could shout anymore, I decided to interject. "Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't we make things a little tidier? It would be a lot easier to find things then."

"That's actually not a bad idea," Sweetie says.

"Hey Sweetie, you know what Ah'm thinking?"

"I know what you're thinking!" Scootaloo says.

I cover my ears as soon as the fillies take a deep breath. "Cutie Mark Tidy-Uppers! Yay!"

They begin putting stuff away, and I volunteer to take care of the huge pile of paper, as there may be a clue in there, but of course I don't tell them my reason.

I look through the papers. Most are drawings, half baked plans to get cutie marks, roll calls, notes about improvements that need to be made...

I put all those in another pile and continue looking. Hardly anything of interest is found until... Aha! There it is! I would have danced on the spot with joy but the ceiling is so low that I cannot even stand.

There is a small note with the letters COF written on it. I put the note into my saddlebag (which I had put on at the last minute before dashing out of Rushing's house) and then continue tidying.

We are finished in half an hour and the fillies are disappointed to see that I still haven't got a cutie mark.

"What can we do now?" Scootaloo asks.

"Perhaps go for a walk? We may find something of interest," I say, intending to go to the next location quickly as possible.

"Not a bad idea Sombra," Apple Bloom says.

I go out first and groan in pain as my legs stretch.

"Are ya fine Sombra?"

"Of course he's not. Look at the pained expression on his face," Sweetie Belle says.

"Just stay there Sombra, we'll join you after getting all the things we need."

I take this opportunity to take the map out of my saddlebag. COF...

Castle of Friendship.

According to the map, it's not too far from here, I just need to turn left, walk straight ahead for a while and I'd find it.

I vaguely remembered seeing it on many occasions, of course never going in there, just looking at it from the outside.

"Look Sombra, there's the Castle of Friendship. It belongs to Princess Twilight. I learnt about it in school, and it appeared out of the ground from a chest after Lord Tirek's second attack."

I remember Rushing telling me about it. My heart hurts a little. I miss her. Where is Rushing...

What if someone kidnapped her? They could be leaving clues so I'd find her...

And they'd want something in return. If that is the case, unlikely as it is, I should find her quickly as I can.

What if something bad happens to her? A wave of fear goes through my gut.

"Hey Sombra, let's go," I am brought back to this world by an orange filly tapping me.

"Sombra? Are you fine?"

I stand up slowly, putting the map into my saddlebag quickly. "Worry not, I feel fine."

After walking around Ponyville for a bit we finally reach the Castle of Friendship.

I pretend not to know anything about it and ask, "What's that? Is it the Castle of Friendship or something? Rushing once told me about it but I fear I may have forgotten."

The fillies look at me with surprise and then give an explanation about it.

I tune out most of it. "And you know, we once took lessons from Princess Twilight and she's actually kind after all! I mean, we thought she'd been converted into some sort of cruel Princess after, because Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are really scary!"

"Scootaloo, we had lessons from Twilight before she became an alicorn."

"No, Ah'm sure it was after."

"Yeah, it was after."


The fillies fight. I interrupt them. "Might it be possible to meet this Princess Twilight? I never had the chance to apologize for all my crimes."

"A'course Sombra! We were gonna go and visit Twilight sooner or later, 'cause we signed up fer free lessons."

We approach the castle. My gut twists into panic. What am I doing? Meeting a former enemy of mine?

I'm saving Rushing, that's what, I tell myself.

While I am panicking inside, the castle door opens and a dragon sticks his head out. "Twilight," he calls into the Castle. "The cutie mark crusaders are here! And Sombra too."

He is pushed out of the way by a certain purple alicorn. "Come in, fillies." The fillies go in and Twilight faces me. "What are you doing here, Sombra?"

"I had wanted to apologize for my past crimes as I never had the chance to. I decided that today was a good day as any to finally say sorry, so here I am," I reply nervously. My heart threatens to leap into my throat.

Her face softens. "Come in."

Once I'm in, she shuts the door. I turn to face her. "Princess... Is there anything you would like me to help you with? I would feel bad if you just forgave me like that."

"You want to help me? Okay... Well, I guess that my library is a little messy, perhaps you could tidy it a little while I teach the crusaders?"

"If it helps you Princess, I would be pleased to do it."

She blushes. "Please, call me Twilight."

After going to a couple of places and finding clues, here I am, at a place called 'Sleepy Hollow'.

I have never heard of it, so I am unfamiliar with the place. I feel lost.

I take in my surroundings as I get off the train.

It seems dark and dull, and empty. It feels like a ghost town and I wouldn't be surprised if it were.

I feel a great worry in my gut as I leave the train station.

I walk into the town. There are houses all around me, and a few shops too.

I decide to get a little familiar with the place and make a map as I go around.

After making a map out of magic, which I stored in my saddlebag for safekeeping, I knock on one of the houses.

I wait for about five to ten minutes before I can hear bolts and chains being opened. The door opens a crack, and a mare looks cautiously at me. "I suppose you must be the detective sent here?"

She opens the door. "Come in, but quickly."

As soon as I'm in she redoes the locks and I look around. She finishes the locks and I say, "Madame, I am not a detective. Rather, I have come here in hopes of finding a friend of mine. Her name is Rushing Winds." I showed a picture. "Have you perhaps seen her?"

She casts a suspicious glance towards me before levitating the picture in her magic. "Now, I can't exactly remember, but I may have seen a pegasus of that description. I'm not sure though, so don't get your hopes up."

I give her a nod of gratitude. "Thank you for the information Madame, I suppose I should get going now."

She stops me before I even move. "Get going? At this time? Why, Sir, have you gone insane?"

"I assure you Mademoiselle, I am perfectly sane. It is only the night, I doubt anything bad will happen."

"You really aren't from here, are you?" She shakes her head and sighs. "Here in Sleepy Hollow for the past fifteen years or so, it has become common to find a couple of murdered ponies in the morning. Every full moon He comes and murders them.... Those poor souls."

"Might you elaborate? Who is He?"

Terror crosses her face as she says, "The Headless Horseman of course."

I had heard of this Headless Horseman quite a few times while reading books. A terrifying stallion who had been able to kill hundreds of colts at once, and rumors were that he had filed his teeth down to sharp points.

He had a lust for blood and his manner of killing was by chopping the heads of his victims off.

Ironically, he was killed in the same manner, and with his own sword.

"Madame, surely you are joking. The Headless Horseman is only a myth."

"I swear by Celestia I am not joking. This is very real, and if you don't believe me, just wait 'til tomorrow morning. You'll get your proof then."

I sighed. "I suppose that I must stay here for the night then."

"Indeed. You can sleep in the guest room upstairs, it's the third door to the left."

I was awoken by a beautiful young mare who seemed quite similar to the mare I had seen last night.

"Hello," I began some conversation. "My name is Sombra? What might yours be?"

...We talked for a while and then she said her mother was waiting downstairs. I assumed she meant the mare from last night and went immediately.

There she told me where to go to get my proof and I went at once.

It was a rather grisly sight. There were three bodies, and one of them were foal sized. The heads were missing.

I inspected the bodies from afar. The neck wounds seemed cauterized...

Slipping away from the crowd, I was going to find a place to sit and write my clues, but I was stopped by a tall, dark furred earth pony. He asked me what my business was, and I told him why I had come here.

"Have you seen this pegasus, Sir?" I asked, showing him the picture which he took and stared at.

"Why, I think I might have seen a pegasus of that description, about two nights ago. I had just been making sure that everyone was in their houses, and then she appeared, wearing a cloak to cover herself. Her hood slipped for a second and I was able to see her face."

"Do you know where she went Sir?"

"Unfortunately she ran away as soon as I saw her. It was in that direction." He points to the West and I nod.

"Thank you Sir." With that, I run off.

Will I finally be able to find Rushing Winds? I hope so... When I think about it, this is a sort of mystery. First Rushing disappears, then I'm led to this village where ponies are murdered every full moon, by the 'Headless Horseman'...

If it actually is the Headless Horseman.... Wait! Someone would have had to summoned his soul back, as he died a couple of centuries ago...

Sweet Tartarus, I know that only a few days ago I was complaining about how bored I was and that it would be a miracle if I was given a mystery to solve... Curses, I'd better be careful about what I wish for.

Having been deep in thought I pay no attention to my surroundings as I run and I bump into something. It's a tree.

I look up to see it's no normal tree; it just doesn't look natural. I put a hoof on it.

This isn't a red herring, is it? I wish I could just have Rushing back. Even if I've only been complaining about how much she annoys me, it's like we complete each other.

If only I hadn't taken her for granted...

I punch the tree multiple times, cursing myself, Tartarus, the Crystal Empire, Amore, Hope and a whole lot of other things and ponies.

To my surprise, the bark of the tree comes off to reveal...

I take a few shaky steps back and gag. A few seconds later I vomit.

There are the missing heads stashed in the tree.

Millions of them, of all sizes.

I cover my muzzle and step forward. Perhaps the heads are covering something?

I'm about to move them with my hooves but then remember I have magic so I could just use that.


I step back and look at the portal. I put a hoof on it. It threatens to suck me in, and I run a safe distance from it.

I don't think I want to go to the ghost world just yet.

I fall to my haunches. How is any of this helping me find Rushing?

My ears prick up. Someone's coming. I duck behind some bushes just as a figure approaches the tree.

They are wearing a black cloak that seems familiar to the one Rushing had at last Nightmare Night.

The figure looks at the scattered heads and then at the portal.

The hood slips back a little to reveal a purple and brown striped mane that I know all too well.

A grin is on Rushing's face.

I want to go and hug her, say how much I missed her, but I hold myself back.

Something bad might happen if I just revealed myself.

She looks to the shrubs that I'm hiding behind and chuckles.

"Sombra~" she calls out softly. I freeze. "I know you're there~"

She walks closer. "Come out; there's no need to be afraid ~"

I don't move. I don't even dare to breathe.

"Sombra ~"

She appears right behind me. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

I jump up in fear, scream and run for my life. Sadly, I don't make it far before I trip over my hooves.

I try to scramble to my hooves, but Rushing has caught up with me. She pins me down and holds a knife with her wing.

I gulp. "R-rushing..."

"Sombra." She looks disappointed. "Why did you run away from me? I've waited such a long time for you... Even if it was only a few days, it felt like years. And then when I finally find you, you run away..."

My eyes are focused on the knife she's holding. I gulp again.

I feel dizzy as she places the knife above my throat.

"I love you Sombra. I've been madly in love with you ever since I was first given the task of reforming you."

I say nothing.

"Every day, my love for you grew. I did things so you would notice, but you never said anything. When Hearts and Hooves day went by without you even giving me flowers, I knew that I would have to make you fall in love with me."

She gets up and pulls me to my hooves. She drags me for a few minutes, and I'm too full of fear to struggle.

I've always had a fear of knives for some reason...

"So look what I've done for you." I avert my eyes from the knife and retch at the sight before me.

The heads I had seen earlier were now here, and they were arranged into a sort of ...throne.

"You've always told me how much you missed your old throne. There's no need to be sad anymore; I've made you a throne right here!" She giggles. "See how much hard work I've done? It wasn't easy to kill all these ponies... But luckily, I was never suspected! I've been coming here every full moon since I've met you, and guess what? The reason I was never suspected was because... They thought it was the Headless Horseman! Like honestly, everyone knows that's a myth. I would've used the bodies in the throne as well... But it was so fun to see the ponies fear, I decided I should pretend to be the Headless Horseman."

She continues talking, and I slowly step back. She wouldn't notice. I continue on my way out... And then I step on a branch.

"Oh fuck..." I curse as her head turns in my direction.

"Sombra..." She flies towards me before I can even move. "Didn't you like it?"

"Rushing, you're... You're... You've gone insane," I say.

She laughs. "I've gone insane? No my love, you've gone insane! I've done so much hard work for you, and you don't even appreciate it!"

"Sure, I liked thrones, but they were made of crystal, not ponies heads!"

I continue stepping back, but she backs me up into a tree. Great...

"If you don't like this... If you don't love me... I don't know what to do. My heart won't stop pounding every time I look at you. Seeing your face, hearing your voice... It sends butterflies into my stomach."

"Rushing, I did love you, even if I didn't admit it... But after seeing this, I can't. You've taken the lives of thousands of innocent ponies, just for-"

"Now don't act like you've never killed anyone, Sombra."

"At least I regret killing them. You don't even-"

"So what if I don't regret what I did? I did it all for you. You know... I can't let you go. You'd tell everyone and I'd be killed. No..."

She puts her knife to my throat again, but this time presses hard. "Goodbye Sombra."

I cast every spell I can think of, but for some reason nothing affects her.

She's irritated. "Your spells will do no harm to me. So stop."

I continue struggling. She takes a deep breath, and slits my throat.

"I loved you, and still do. And now we can be together. Forever."

With this said, she slits her own throat and as my vision starts to fade, she lets go of my body, letting me fall to the ground.

She lays beside me.

The world ends.

Author's Note:

I was supposed to have finished this...last year. I can't believe it took me so long...

I know the pacing had been totally murdered here, but... What You See Is What You Get.

I was really panicking when I saw how long ago I started working on this and the original date I was going to publish it, so I can't really be sorry for the pacing.

And last of all...

Happy super belated Birthday Bride of Sombra!

Comments ( 3 )

Thank you so much! This is going to be awesome! :pinkiehappy:

You're welcome! I hope you enjoyed it!


Well, this is mess up. And how did Sombra die that easily? Why didn't the Mane Six or Princesses notice and stop this psychopath yandere bitch!? I hope she is burning and tortured in hell, while Sombra is actually in heaven or in purgatory for redemption. So they, can be permanently separated as a cruel joke from the universe!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

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