• Published 19th Mar 2023
  • 187 Views, 23 Comments

The Ghost of Coltistrano: Phantom Eulogy - EthanClark

He is a hero. He's looked to as a shadowy example of fortitude, honor, and courage in the face of true evil, but all souls have their limits. Tonight, the wrath of his greatest foe will either break him, or make him something more. Something worse.

  • ...

Chapter 3: “You face it.”

“Yo, Kindle! Ease of the throttle, will ya? We wanna land, not crash.”

“Got it!”

Kindle flapped his wings and leaped towards the airship’s central engine, wrapping his hooves around one of its many levers and pulling slightly. The powerful jet of flame diminished. As Gilda looked over the raining to the world below she could see the rows and rows of thatch housing and sparse towers of crystal. Empty fields served as her airport, hardly a concern for her expert claws as they gripped the wheel and gently guided the vessel along the perimeter of the city, finding an especially flat patch. Then, with a grin, she spun hard. Kindle held on for dear life as his captain sent their ship into a tailspin that sent loose crates sliding to the railings with a firm thud, but with tensed muscles and a jerk of the wheel, the Tornado slid to a halt right atop the field, facing towards the city.

“Wa-... was that necessary?” Kindle never released his hold on the engine, panting hard.

“What? You don’t like a little fun?” Gilda teased, strutting down from the helm as the captain’s cabin opened.

Kindle wobbled on his hooves and shook his head once. “I… whoa, never been in a maneuver like that.”

“You get used to it,” Silver stated as he emerged from the captain's cabin, perfectly poised and smiling at Gilda. “Having fun scaring the newbie, feather face?”

Gilda squealed out a laugh, reaching over to one of the discarded crates and lifting a bag from it, throwing it over her shoulder. “Just a little hazing, guys. Thought you military types would be used to it.”

“Not like that,” Kindle mumbled, prying his hooves from his support, but once his senses finally caught up with the spinning in his skull his ears perked up. From beyond the ship he spotted a crowd beginning to form, filled with smiling ponies and a few city guard. “Hey, Silver? I think we’ve got company.”

Silver followed the noise to the railing. Once he was revealed, the ponies below began to wave and cheer, and the guard began to form a pathway as the Tornado’s gangplank came down onto the grass.

“Good morning, sir!” One gray-haired mare piped up. “We saw the spectacular entrance and had to come see. Is this really the Tornado? The Ghost’s vessel?”

Gilda nudged Silver in the ribs, smiling, as he cleared his throat. “Well, yeah, that’s the ship’s name. Was there something we could help-”

“Why don’t we help secure your ship? Will you be staying long?” The pony waved some of the guards over, grabbing the ropes to moor the ship. “I’m sorry for being a little forward, but, well, you don’t get to meet heroes everyday, right?”


“For saving Princess Twilight. It was all over the news, how those traitors broke into her palace and the Ghost fought them off. On behalf of Ponyville, I want to say how grateful we are to all of you, and to him.

Kindle finally made it to the railing, sighing sharply, as he shot a sideways glance at Silver. “Guess you have some fans.”

Silver gave a breathy chuckle. With a wave of his hoof, he ushered the crowd of ponies forward to help secure the ship, all the while bombarded with statements of thanks and questions about himself, the vessel, and the whereabouts of the Ghost, all of which Silver laughed off as the three were led through the field and towards Ponyville proper, touching down on the stone road as a wave of bustling sound hit them. Two of the guards carved a path through the crowds as the onlookers began to take notice. Smiles, hushed whispers, long stares.

A bright pink filly stared up at Silver as he passed, her long and lopsided black cape catching his attention. She pushed through the crowd towards him. When she finally made it, just steps away from Silver, her large sky blue eyes trapped him in a gaze of pure joy, one that even Silver couldn’t help but smile at as he pressed the tip of his hoof to his lips and gave a gentle shush. She beamed, watching the group pass down the street towards a familiar pink and powder blue building. The Carousel Boutique was in sight. Silver brought his hoof to the door three times as he approached, and once the door opened the boutique’s occupant was greeted by not only Silver’s grinning face, but by a gathered crowd of ponies lingering around them.

“Hey,” he chirped.

“Darling, you didn’t happen to bring the entire town, did you?” Rarity stood on the tips of her hooves to glance over the many ponies outside her home.

“Just the excited ones,” he returned, looking at Gilda with a nod.

“Alright, fanboys, wrap it up!” She squawked. “This isn’t a live show, so scram, we’re here for work not pleasure. Well, he might be.”

Successful as her cry was in dispersing the crowd around them, Gilda still felt Silver’s stare upon her as he huffed silently, summoning Gilda’s signature coarse laugh as she followed him inside, joined by Kindle. Once the door was shut and the eyes of the city were no longer upon them, the company allowed themselves to fall into the nearest seats available, surrounding a large coffee table in Rarity’s kitchen as a platter of cups gently clacked onto the surface between them.

“I hadn’t expected a visit so soon, but I’m hardly complaining,” Rarity stated, floating a cup to herself.

“You can blame the pretty boy, Shining,” Gilda said, slurping her tea. “Came all the way from the Crystal Empire to give us bad news.”

“What? Do you mean… oh, this is work, isn’t it?”

“There’s been an incident in the palace, Rarity,” Silver began. “Enemy agents invaded and stole King Sombra’s horn. You remember it?”

“Yes, I remember the vile thing, and I assume he was housing Alate, too? It would’ve been prudent of him to inform us.”

“She was working for him and Cadence in finding where the Night Guard ran to after the battle.”

Kindle collected his own tea as he spoke. “Glint’s involved, took the horn right off of Alate’s head. And wherever Glint goes…”

“Right,” Rarity huffed. “Did they leave anything behind? Any evidence of their next move?”

“Nothing. Disappeared as quickly as they came.”

“Of course. Well, if that’s the case, then we know they’re willing to expose themselves, which means they have a plan.” Rarity sighed, drawing heavily from her cup and sitting beside Silver. “It’s the first real lead we’ve had, isn’t it?”

“Regrettably,” he replied. “But if we’re fast enough we can find Glint and recover the horn before anything happens. This won’t be another wild chase like with the Ragged Mare.”

“Goodness, I hope not, but I fear it will without proper direction.”

“We can probably find some here,” Silver suggested. “We’ll head over to Twilight’s palace and inform her, see if she knows anything. Considering what happened last time I want her to be prepared.”

“Silver, we should at least do a sweep of the city. I think if-” Kindle’s words were silenced by Gilda’s powerful foreleg around his neck, pulling him away from the table.

“Nah, I’ll go on recon with you. These two need their kissy time, isn’t that right?”

“Still jealous because a headlock is the only way you can keep a guy around, huh?” Silver shot back, with stifled laughter rising from the others as Gilda’s feathers ruffled, shooting him the middle digit of her claw before ducking out of the kitchen.

Trained ears followed the steps of his companions out the door, and in a moment Silver and Rarity were left alone in the boutique. His hoof was still on hers. Gentle breaths graced her neck as he slowly leaned in to kiss her cheek, tensing in a smile at his touch while she stroked his shoulder. Their tenderness, however, soon dissolved.

“You’re worried,” he stated.

“When am I not, especially with your gallant nature?” She placed the tea onto the table and turned to face him. “I want to ask something, but I’m scared you… I’m scared you’ll hate me for it.”

Silver paused. He shifted his full body towards her, taking her other hoof in his and kissing it gently, giving her space in the silence to prepare the words building in her chest. Silent breaths escaped as she mumbled, but with each failed word Rarity summoned more and more of her resolve, comforted by Silver’s soft expression.

“When we… when we find them, and him, what will you do?” She lingered on the silence, desperately peering into Silver’s eyes as his face grew firm. “I’m sorry, maybe that was-”

“No. No, you… you’re right.” Silver’s firm timber hid a slight tremble. “I’ve been thinking about it, too. I know with him, and me, nothing is simple, but… well, it has to end. I want to move on, move on with you, but I can’t just…”

“And I wouldn’t ask you to, but I want to move on, too.” She placed a hoof to his cheek. “Doing this is who you are, I won’t rob you of that, but every time he shows himself he nearly robs me of you, and I’m scared one day he’ll do it. I… I want him stopped, my love, for good. I don’t want to wake up alone.”

He could feel the welling tears behind his cheeks, but Silver pushed through and brought his lips to hers. “I promise you won’t, especially tonight.”

A chorus of giggles escaped Rarity’s throat as he kissed her again, rapid-fire along her neck as she pawed at him in feigned terror. There they rested for a while, taking time to confide their fears in one another through hushed words as the world turned dark with the nighttime sky.

Along the glimmering starways above Ponyville fluttered a pair of leather wings, accompanied by piercing yellow eyes scanning the world below. Ponies walking the darkened streets were oblivious to his presence. Indigo fur and a dark mane blended perfectly with the night sky as he soared. Eventually, though, he was assaulted by a powerful yawn. He fluttered down, skimming along the radiating light of torches and streetlamps towards the Ponyville clock tower, touching down just within the bell chamber above the clock face. Again, he yawned. With a weary gait he sauntered over to the ledge and sat upon it, gazing out over the city, and he keen eyes spotted another flying shape in the night, this one broad and powerful with its wings.

Kindle watched Gilda from afar, in awe of the way she spiraled and curved in the air, effortlessly resisting nature with each beat of her mighty wings. Then, he turned his sight to the boutique, off from the center of town. Two familiar ponies danced around each other as they approached the towering shop, violet curls bobbing with each step as her partner playfully chased her, rushing towards the door before being trapped within his forelegs. They kissed and shared words imperceptible to Kindle. He watched as she entered the boutique, leaving her suitor alone in the night, but to Kindle’s surprise he turned his gaze towards the clock tower, directly at him.

Kindle jolted and blinked, but in the precious moment of lost contact the pony was gone, vanished without a trace. Kindle’s head swiveled from left to right in search of him, smiling and shaking at the same time. It was only a few moments before his ears detected the subtle sounds of fluttering cloth. Before Kindle could turn, a shadow loomed over him, even in the darkness.

“Whoa!” Kindle lept where he stood, grasping his chest at the sight of flowing limbs of shade. “Okay, you gotta teach me how you do that!”

The shade stepped into the failing light around the clock tower, revealing Silver’s smiling face. “It’s called cardio, Kindle. Darrox would have me run laps around the island for hours.”

“Uh-huh, and the magic cape has nothing to do with it, right?”

“Oh, it has plenty to do with it,” he chuckled, sitting beside Kindle. “You’d be surprised how much speed this thing can pick up. Nearly wiped out a few times.”

Kindle laughed at the thought, imagining the terrifying shadow he’d heard legends of face planting into the dirt, but soon the silence of the night returned to them both as they looked out across Ponyville.

“So, uh, you two are pretty serious, huh?”

“Ah, a voyeur, I see?”

“W-What? No! I was just doing recon, you know?”

Silver erupted into laughter. “I know, Kindle, it’s fine.”

“Right.” Kindle let his own staggered laughter join Silver’s, echoing through the night. “How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“This, the whole three lives thing. Aristo is filthy rich and donates to charities, the Ghost fights evil, Silver Spade gets the girl, and no matter what you always do the right thing. Make the right call.”

“I don’t know about that one,” Silver stated with a snort. “Aristo is just a name on a check, and if anything he’s the only real mask I wear. The Ghost is… he’s what I became. Like an instinct, but it’s all still me, Kindle. There’s no ‘three lives’ about it, anymore.”

“Just second nature, huh?”

“Believe me, it wasn’t easy in the beginning, but over time you get the hang of it, living with those urges. Always watching, ready to move at the drop of a hat.”

“I wish I were more like you.”

Kindle’s words made Silver pause, peering over to the sullen bat pony on the ledge as he continued. “I spent years trying to do good in the Night Guard, but when Glint told us all how wrong we were and how Shield was the one to follow, I just fell right into it. Bought it like half-off oats. The best thing I ever did was betray my unit.”

“The best thing you ever did was help save a nation, Kindle,” Silver corrected.

“But my comrades, my friends, most of them are now gone or arrested, and Glint… I can’t believe I just left him behind.” Kindle peered down the tower, a slow sigh escaping his nose. “If I were smarter, or stronger, maybe I could’ve helped him see how crazy Shield was before it was too late.”

“Being like me doesn’t help, Kindle. The Ghost couldn’t save Abby from Shield Wall, and the Ghost wouldn’t be enough to save Glint, either. Only we can do that. Silver and Kindle.”

“Then why don’t I feel it?”

Silver smiled, looking upon Kindle’s forlorn expression, nudging him firmly towards the soaring gryphon in the distance. “Look up there, at Gilda. What do you think of her?”

“Come on, Silver, it’s not-” Kindle’s voice hushed as Silver peered into his eyes, and he sighed. “She’s pretty cool. Never known anyone to be as fearless, or just plain crazy, as her. She’s rough, but she’s got my back.”

“There was a time when she wanted nothing to do with me, you know? Her only concern was a clean bed and a bag of bits as pay. She didn’t want anyone. No friends, no family, no one, but now look at her. From mean and cold to strong and free, never afraid to speak her mind. She’s taught me more about who I am than I ever learned on that island. She taught me it’s not the cloak who saves people, it’s me, and it’s you, too.” Silver placed a hoof on a smiling Kindle’s shoulder, who chuckled as he spoke.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just…” Kindle’s gaze trailed downwards, his voice low and cold. “Shield Wall’s taken a lot from me. I’m a traitor, Silver, so are all my friends, and it’s all his fault. He lied to us, killed us, and… what do I do, Silver? What do I do when I’m filled with hate?”

Silver froze. Chilling nighttime air brushed along his fur as he gazed at Kindle, following each minute change in his expression. His words echoed in his mind and evoked images of another night, long ago, and Silver felt a tremor begin to surge through his limbs at the thought, but instead he smiled.

“You face it,” he said. “Just like you are now.”

His steps were illuminated by the glimmering rays of sunlight, beaming down from the afternoon sky as a wave of light across pearlescent towers and pristine streets. Behind him, following close behind as they trailed through the streets, walked a blonde pony with spectacles, hovering sheafs of paper and all manner of baubles with him. The lead pony nodded to passersby. The city around his was a buzz of activity, with ponies coming out in droves to enjoy another night of finery and jubilation in the finest city in Equestria. Canterlot was slowly coming alive.

Fancy Pants led the pony through Canterlot’s famous Restaurant Row, assaulted by all manner of scents from sticky sweet to savory and everything in between, but much to the disappointment of his rumbling stomach, the poor assistant was force to maintain his pace as Fancy trotted through the bustling thoroughfare towards the estates, beyond the city center. Here, they approached a tall, gated mansion. The gate bore his cutie mark, and with a clap of his hooves it swung open and welcomed the two onto the grounds. Tall oaken doors were their only barrier to the home, and when pushed aside they were met with the eyes of others inside the lobby.

“Ah! Ms. Twist, Lord Donnahugh, how lovely to see everyone’s made it. Nimble, do fetch the housemaid and tell her we’re ready.”

Panting, struggling to stand, the blonde unicorn by his side gently deposited his load onto a side table before rushing off, leaving his master alone with a dozen more ponies as dapper as he was, save for a few. Fancy pushed past the majority of the crowd to a turquoise pegasus mare with a firm expression. He bowed, offering his hoof.

“Vice General Stratos,” he stated. “I’m glad to see you’ve come.”

“You wouldn’t stop pestering me about an invite, but I suppose this is for a good cause. You’re running your assistant ragged, though.”

“Ah, Nimble Quill is far more capable than he appears, and I wouldn’t think of you to begrudge me a little firm experience for the boy, yes?”

Stratos scoffed, allowing herself the smallest semblance of a grin. “I hope you have something substantial for us, tonight. Racer over there’s been losing his patience.”

“Yes, I’m well aware, but tonight we… ah, Nimble! Excellent timing. Everyone, shall we begin?”

The crowd of noble ponies discarded their conversations in favor of following Fancy through one of the large hallways flanking the lobby, lined with paintings on one side and a large row of windows along the other. Through expertly carved doors they entered a study, decorated with a welcoming glow of red carpets and dark wood bookshelves. He directed everyone around a large round table in the middle. Just as everyone took their seats, the housemaid entered and deposited tea and snacks for everyone present as Nimble took a seat beside Fancy. With a wave of his horn the curtains were drawn shut.

“Yes, excellent. I would like to begin by addressing a legitimate concern by apologizing. Our previous meetings have been somewhat lacking in any real material to discuss, ever since the events in the Crystal Empire, but tonight there are truly delicate things we must discuss.”

“I hope so,” a crimson pegasus piped up.

“Yes, Racer, and I trust we have all brought our ledgers?” At Fancy’s request, each member produced a small red ledger and placed it upon the table. “Excellent, then take note of this: there was a break-in at the Crystal Palace not a few days ago. My agents believe the former Night Guard commander was involved, which means so, too, is another.”

“What was the target?” Stratos asked.

“A dark artifact from within the palace. The horn of King Sombra, dug up from the frozen earth and placed into the hooves of the Ragged Mare. I trust you all remember her.”

Affirmative nods and grunts rose from the table as Fancy continued. “As well, we know Prince Shining Armor has made an appearance in Coltistrano recently. I suspect he’s on the hunt for the commander and his compatriots.”

“Is the Ragged Mare involved?” An aged, yellow mare spoke up.

“It is difficult to say at this time. Our last reports from within the Crystal Palace assured us she was in Princess Cadence’s custody, or care, depending on how you see it. For now she seems indisposed.”

“And what of the mastermind? Has there been any sighting of him, too?”

“I regret, the deceased Midnight Gavel held the proper insight into his particular movements and strategies, but for now we are confident he is still beyond Canterlot.”

“But for how long?” Stratos turned to Fancy. “We all know enough to suspect he’ll try to infiltrate the capital if he’s plotting something. We should alert the princesses.”

“I agree. It’s safe to assume Princess Twilight has already been made aware of the situation, but once we have adjourned for this evening a missive should be sent to Celestia and Luna promptly. Are we in agreement?”

A round of unanimous affirmations was given and Fancy nodded to Nimble Quill, who began to scribe the message upon parchment.

“What of the Ghost?” A stallion in blue asked, sipping his tea. “This mysterious crusader seems to always appear when our enemy does, too. Can we not at least entertain the notion they may be in cahoots?”

“Again, Lord Grey, no,” Fancy declared harshly.

“Taking the side of a masked vigilante is unbecoming of you, Fancy. We are all grateful he saved your life, but you must admit the coincidence is striking.”

“Fancy, have you looked into the Ghost’s identity?” Stratos asked, watching as Fancy averted his gaze.

“It’s not something I wish to pry into. The Ghost has done more to thwart Shield Wall than any of us have in our lives, and that, alone, should grant him at least some credit.”

A knocking came from beyond the door. Fancy took the opportunity to escape the tension of the room by walking over and opening the door a crack, met with the face of the housemaid.

“Sir, I’m sorry to intrude, but a final member of the meeting has just arrived.”

“A final… but, we’re all here. Who are you-”

In an instant she was ripped away as powerful hooves kicked open the door and knocked Fancy down. Everyone inside shot up from their seats, spilling their drinks across the floor as four tall, burly soldiers entered the room, corralling the members of the table. They shouted back at their aggressors, until the eyes of the room fell upon a fifth pony. Poised stride, red hair, and a face like ice whose glare dug into all who looked upon her. Fancy froze as he locked eyes with her.


“A secret cabal? Really?”

Lord Grey stepped forward, puffing out his chest. “I demand to know just who these hooligans are! And you, countess, how dare you show your face here in Canterlot. By the powers that be, your aunt-”

A powerful blow from one of Abby’s escorts sent Lord Grey tumbling against the floor. She looked away, instead following Fancy as he recovered and returned to his seat before addressing the crowd before her.

“Since you already know who I am, and apparently much more than that, I’ll make this as simple as I can: your authority now serves me. Refusal is not acceptable.”

She spoke with a firm, but diminished tone, something Fancy could detect through the pumping of his own blood to his skull. Members of the table mumbled to themselves while others held their tongues, but Fancy took a deep breath and braved the harsh stares from Abby’s bodyguards.

“I’m relieved to see you alive,” he began. “When we heard what happened in the Crystal Empire we feared the worst, though I must admit, this is hardly the warm return we all hoped for.”

“Please, Fancy, spare me the charisma.”

“It is uncharacteristic, though, this display of force. It’s far more akin to another, wouldn’t you agree?”

“If you already know, then you know what happens if you refuse.”

Fancy peered around the table, locking eyes with Stratos. “Yes, I’m keenly aware.”

“Then make this easy and submit, for everyone’s sake.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Stratos barked, her teeth bared. “If you’re working for him then you’re no more than a traitor, and I won’t bow to him again.”

“I am working for him,” Abby confessed. “And I’m the only thing saving all of you from a far worse fate than bruised dignity. Please, I can’t ask again.”

Stratos’ lips were sealed, but beside her Fancy looked on in deep contemplation, sizing up the unicorn mare holding everyone’s attention hostage. Her posture was flawless, but her gaze would flutter downwards. Subtle bags hung beneath her eyes. The commands she sent to her followers were made wearily, a dainty wave the only effort she gave, allowing the brutes to do the rest. Exhausted. The only word to enter Fancy’s racing mind as the silence of the room began to grow, and the soldiers slowly closed in. With a deep breath Fancy made his move.

“Fine, we submit. Tell us what you want.”