• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 378 Views, 120 Comments

Star Trek Equestria: Reformatted: Wild Access - Captain_Cosmos

The Crew of the USS Equestria continue their quest to find Cybertron. Hot on the first clue, on a planet with a wild side

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Episode 21: Blast From the Past

Final hours of the Romulan Star Empire...

“The Impossible has happened. The Empire we loved has fallen. You know what must be done.” Said a Romulan officer to another.

“Understood sir.” The second officer replied.

“The men and women we selected to undertake this matter are the finest the Empire has left. You must go find a new home, begin a new Empire. Far away from the likes of those Federation fools that are the cause of this.” The first officer said. “Far enough away that they don’t encounter you until it’s too late.”

“Understood sir.”

“Good luck Commander. The fate of the Empire rests in your hands.”

“Good bye sir...”

Milky Way Satellite Galaxy...

On the bridge of the USS Equestria, traveling at High Warp under cloak, all was normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Harmony was at her regular communications station redirecting mail to their destinations when a red exclamation point popped up on her screen. “Ah. Incoming urgent message from the Federation.” She announced.

“Who’s it addressed to?” Shron asked.

“Captain Maxima.” Harmony responded.

“Let her know.” Shron ordered.

“Aye sir.” Harmony responded. “Captain Maxima.” She paged the captain. “There’s a communication coming in from the Federation. Redirecting it to you now.” She said.

“Thanks Harmony.” Captain Maxima said.

In a lower deck of the vessel. Proxima and Baker stood in Proxima’s quarters and watched as a DOT introduced itself to Rider and Skye. Proxima’s new foals. “I programmed this DOT with all the latest foalsitting information and equipped it to be able to handle taking care of a pair of foals that have wings.” Baker explained to the captain.

“And you’re sure they’re safe with the DOT?” Maxima asked. She had spent the last week on Maternity Leave to get accustomed to being a mother, and all the sleepless nights that entailed with newborn foals. Now, she was due to get back to work. Which meant she needed to find someone to take care of her foals while she was busy captaining the ship. Enter Baker and something she called the Nanny DOT.

“Positive. I also equipped it with High Powered Phasers to fend off against any potential Terrorcon boarders.” Baker responded. “Trust me, they’re just fine.”

Proxima took a deep breath, before nodding. “Alright. Thanks Baker. I owe you for this.” She said as she approached her foals in the Nanny DOT’s arms. “Alright you two. Be good for the Nanny DOT you hear?” She cooed. Ryder and Skye both giggled and reached out for their mother. Proxima responded by nuzzling the both of them and smiling. “I promise I’ll be back later. I love you.” She said as she planted a motherly kiss upon their foreheads, and she and Baker left Nanny DOT with the foals. After going their separate ways in the corridor, Proxima pulled up her HUD and checked her mail Harmony had directed towards her. “Alright...Let’s see what came in the mail...Oh. Something from Family Services. Finally.” She said to herself as she opened up the mail. It had been one week since she sent her inquiry about documentation for her foals. And it seemed like she finally got a response.

She didn’t get to read much though when she heard Sela page her through her combadge. “Cmdr Sela to Captain Maxima. You better get up here as soon as possible. Long range sensors just detected something interesting.” Sela responded.

“On my way Number One.” Proxima responded. She filed the mail under read later and tapped her combadge to insta-beam up to the bridge.

On the bridge, Norman shook his head. “It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s there.” He said.

“It is curious indeed.” Sela responded as the bridge crew stared at the viewscreen to what they detected in long range sensors.

Proxima beamed onto the bridge a moment later. “Report.” She said simply.

“Long range Sensors picked up something. We just entered visual range.” Norman responded, gesturing to the viewscreen.

Proxima turned her head to look at the screen, and her eyes widened in shock. “What the hell?” She asked.

(Start to about 1:24)
Space: The final frontier. This is the story of the USS Equestria. A ship fresh out of construction, with a crew fresh from the Academy. Together they will embark on a mission of discovery, and evolution. They will explore a strange new frontier, seek out new life and a new civilization, and boldly go farther than anyone has ever gone.

“Ship’s Log Stardate 32120808.09. We picked up something along our route to Jungletron. Something that should be impossible.”

“Am I seeing things?” Shron asked as he looked at the viewscreen and saw what he, and the entire bridge crew, recognized as an old Romulan warbird from the history books. It looked to be powered down and just drifting aimlessly through space.

“It’s an 827 year old Romulan D’deridex class warbird.” Prestine reported.

“Shouldn’t that be impossible?” Harmony asked. “Didn’t they decommission the class centuries ago?”

“They did. When the old Romulan Star Empire collapsed after the Hobus star went supernova.” Sela responded.

“So how the hell did one get all the way out here?” Shron asked.

“And considering it’s 827 years old, there’s no way they got past the galactic barrier without help. It woulda been destroyed.” Norman pointed out.

“Agreed.” Proxima responded. “Norman, contact Starfleet, tell them of our discovery, and also inquire about any missing D’Deridexes in the last 800 years.” She said.

“Aye captain.” Norman responded as he went to work.

“Captain.” Prestine called out. “You aren’t gonna believe this. But I’m detecting lifesigns on that relic.” She announced.

The whole of the bridge turned their heads to stare at Prestine in shock. “Lifesigns?” Norman asked in disbelief.

“Confirm.” Proxima ordered.

Prestine nodded and did a quick check, the lifesigns did not go away. “Confirmed captain.” She said. “And they’re Romulan.” She added.

Proxima and Sela shared a glance with each other, before Proxima responded. “Paris, alter course to rendezvous with that relic. We have to find out what the hell is going on.” She said.

“Aye captain.” Paris responded and altered the ship’s course.

While he did that, Sela spoke up to the Captain. “Captain, Considering this thing is 827 years old, it is possible that the Romulans onboard might not be happy to see a Federation Starship.” She said. “The Romulan Star Empire was a constant thorne in the Federation’s side.”

“There’s a chance this could be a Romulan Republic Vessel.” Proxima countered.

“Still, I advise we take no risks. Especially considering our precious cargo.” Sela recommended.

“Sound logic Number One. Go to Yellow Alert.” Proxima ordered.

The USS Equestria altered course, and they arrived at the relic ship moments later. A larger vessel compared to the Equestria, the warbird looked like a dead husk that floated aimlessly through space. Harmony, as well as the rest of the bridge crew, stared at it like they were seeing a ghost. “I’ve only ever seen one of those things in a museum.” Yamik commented.

“By all accounts that’s the only place one of these relics should be. Not far outside the galactic barrier.” Paris responded.

Harmony glanced at her console, and noticed something. “Captain.” She said, doing a quick analysis. “You’re not going to believe this, but that thing’s sending out an automated distress signal.” She reported.

“An automated distress signal?” Shron asked. “How is that even possible?”

“I am detecting minimal power output from the ship. If I had to guess, I would say it’s only got power for life support and sending out a distress signal.” Prestine responded.

“Can you play it back Harmony?” Proxima asked.

“Aye captain.” Harmony replied before she hit play. There was a cackling before a voice came through.

“This is the I.R.W. Salvation to anyone out there. We are in desperate need of assistance. Please, anyone.”

The message repeated but Harmony cut it off, the crew having heard what they needed to hear. “Sounds like they might need help.” Harmony commented.

“Yes. But didn’t you hear the prefix? I.R.W. Imperial Romulan Warbird. That confirms this is a Star Empire vessel.” Yamik pointed out.

“As such. I recommend no one goes over there without a phaser.” Shron recommended. “If we board the thing at all, that is.” He added.

“We’re definitely checking it out. Commander Sela. Take an away team over there and learn all you can.” Proxima ordered.

“Aye captain.” Sela responded as she left the bridge to gather a team.

Yamik meanwhile had a bright idea. “Captain.” He spoke up. “With your permission. I’ll take JWO CyberSpark and hack into their computer system. Their logs and such would be able to tell how they got out here.” He said. “Would be good experience for her to learn how to hack when the need arises.”

“Agreed.” Proxima responded. “She’s all yours.” She told Yamik.

Yamik smiled as he got up from his station and he and Harmony set for the Turbolift. “Hacking sir?” Harmony asked Yamik as they entered the Turbolift.

“It’s a technique that allows one system to interface with another. Bypassing security and encryptions.” Yamik explained.

“Do they know we’re going to hack their system?” Harmony asked.

“No. A hack is more a secretive endeavor.” Yamik responded.

“Then why are we doing it?”

“Because there's a good chance these Romulans onboard are going to try to make up a fib. And Starfleet, long ago, regularly got blindsided by the Romulans.” Yamik explained. “Now we can easily ensure that doesn’t happen this time around.” He said.

“Alright. If you say so sir.” Harmony responded. Not entirely understanding what was going on but deciding to go along with it.

Some time later, over in the Romulan Warbird, Sela, Boimler, and Baker beamed onto the bridge of the ship, phaser pistols armed and set to stun. After a quick visual scan of the room, they lowered their pistols, seeing the room was empty. “Away team to Equestria. Bridge is clear.” Sela reported.

Baker went directly to one of the consoles. Looking it over really quick before getting to work. “Ancient Romulan technology. Primitive by today’s standards.” She commented.

“Can you restart the power to this vessel?” Sela asked.

“Child's play.” Baker responded before tapping the console a few times and powering the ship back up.

With the ship powered up again, Boimler proceeded to another console and accessed its medical systems. “Looks like the crew are in cryo sleep.” He reported. “Would explain the life signs we detected.”

“Where are they located?” Sela asked.

“Deck 10. Section 28.” Boimler responded. “2000 personnel.” He added.

“Weren’t these things typically crewed by 75% of that number?” Baker asked.

“Indeed.” Sela responded as she looked around. “If I had to guess. This vessel became a generational ship at one point.”

“Want me to go wake up this ship’s captain?” Boimler asked.

“Yes. They should be able to provide some light on this situation.” Sela responded. “Baker. Remain here. And keep nonessential systems offline.” She added.

“Smart move commander.” Baker replied as Boimler and Sela proceeded off the bridge to Deck 10 section 28.

Back on the Equestria, in the security office, Yamik and Harmony sat and worked on hacking the computer system of the Romulan Relic. “Trivial encryption techniques by today’s standards. We should be in lickity split.” Yamik commented.

“Could we not just ask them for what we’re wanting to know?” Harmony asked. “Not sure I see the point in hacking their systems.”

“We could ask them. But here’s a little history lesson for you Harmony. During a time where the Romulan Star Empire was a superpower in our galaxy, they were a secretive, illusive, and mistrusting people. Nothing like today’s Romulans of Ni’Var. They regularly clashed with everyone else. And for the Federation in particular, they were always trying to bait us into starting an all out war. As well as trying to drive the Federation and the old Klingon Empire apart.” Yamik explained. “They routinely blindsided us every time we’d try to offer them a hand in friendship. So now. Whenever we deal with Romulans, it’s become policy to trust but verify. That’s what we’re doing. Verifying.” He said.

“Hm. Well they don’t sound anything like the Romulans we know from NiVar. They sound more like…like decepticons during the War for Cybertron.” Harmony made the connection based on Yamik’s description and remembering the time Blitzwing hijacked her.

“I suppose you could say that. Yes.” Yamik responded. “However, you should know that not ALL the Romulans from that time were like that. There were few who genuinely wanted what we were offering. But they were in the very minor minority.” He told her.

“Well good to know that there were good eggs back then.” Harmony said.

“Every race has their good and bad eggs. It just varies in ratio from race to race.” Yamik said.

“Seems to be apparent.” Harmony responded.

At that moment, they managed to gain access to the Salvation’s databanks and the knowledge contained within. “And we’re in.” Yamik announced as he and Harmony looked through the data.

“Hm. According to this, the last mission this ship ever received was to go out and find a place to start a new…empire…I don’t get it, didn’t they already have an empire?” Harmony asked.

“At the time, yes.” Yamik responded. “But there are reasons why someone might want to start a new Empire. Based on everything we know so far, I’d theorize that either this ship was sent out because its occupants were unhappy with the current state of the Empire, or this ship was sent out in the wake of the Hobus Supernova of 2400 that destroyed Romulus and Remus.” He concluded.

“Could the data in their system give us the answer?” Harmony asked.

“Assuming the Romulans dated their logs. Should be trivial.” Yamik responded.

Back on the bridge of the Equestria, Norman’s console lit up with a notification. “Incoming transmission Captain. Labeled…the Office of the Representatives of NVar.” He told Maxima.

“Put it on the viewscreen.” Maxima replied. Inwardly shivering instinctively since the last time she dealt with anything related to that office was when Sela’s parents were still the representatives.

Norman nodded and tapped at his console until the viewscreen changed from the outside view to an office, where a nicely dressed Reman sat at their desk. “Captain Maxima.” He acknowledged. “A pleasure to finally meet you.” He said.

Proxima stood up and took a few steps closer to the screen. “Pardon me, but to whom am I speaking?” She asked. Not recognizing the caller.

“Representative Harlok at your service.” Harlok responded. “I have been appointed as one of N’Var’s representatives pending new elections.” He explained.

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Proxima responded.

“I received your report about your discovery. I am curious to hear how an 827 year old vessel managed to make it so far outside our galaxy.” Harlok said.

“Their logs should be able to tell us what happened. Assuming they weren’t deleted for some reason.” Proxima responded. “Is there anything special about the Salvation we should be aware of?” She asked.

“The only thing I can ascertain that the logs might not say outright is that the Salvation is listed as a Tal’Shiar vessel.” Harlok responded.

“The old Empire’s intelligence agency?” Proxima asked. Remembering what she was taught in school.

“The very one that terrorized the galaxy after the Hobus Supernova.” Harlok replied with a nod. “And based on what our records show. The very mention of the Tal’Shiar is cause for serious concern.” He explained.

“We shall warn our crew onboard the Salvation.” Proxima replied.

“I’d appreciate it if you kept me apprised of the situation. My colleague and I will bring this to Nivar’s President and discuss what should be done about this discovery.” Harlok requested.

“Aye sir. We’ll keep you apprised.” Proxima replied. “Equestria out.” She said before the connection cut.

Silence on the bridge for a second, the bridge crew glancing at each other. “Orders captain?” Shron asked.

“Norman, hail our away team, inform them of this development, and have Yamik post security in our cargo hold and in Engineering. If what we’ve read on the Tal Shiar in school is accurate the moment they learn about our special cargo and the Harmony Core, they’ll be plotting to take them for themselves.” Proxima replied. “We need to ensure they don’t fall into the wrong hands.”

“Aye sir.” Norman responded as he relayed the appropriate information. “Away team this is Equestria, we have some more info on the Salvation.”

On the Derelict, Sela and Boimler had just breached the Cryo stasis chamber that held the Salvation’s captain’s pod. Sela heard Norman through her combadge. “Go ahead Equestria.” She replied.

“One of N’Var’s new representatives just relayed to us that the Salvation was listed as a Tal’Shiar Vessel.” Norman announced.

Both Sela and Boimler stopped in their tracks at the news. “Tal’Shiar?” Boimler asked.

“The Romulan intelligence agency that terrorized the galaxy after the Hobus Supernova broke the Star Empire apart.” Sela said. “They were a pain in everyone’s side for a long time.”

“With that in mind, caution is advised.” Norman told them.

“Sound advice Norman. Away team out.” Sela responded as she cut the connection. She and Boimler proceeded to where the captain’s cryopod was. Boimler had his medical HUD up.

“All two thousand of them are in Cryo sleep alright. They have steady heartbeats of about 1 best per minute.” Boimler commented.

“Do you believe you will be able to bring the captain out of Cryo sleep?” Sela asked.

“Shouldn’t be too much of a problem. This is primitive tech by our standards.” Boimler responded. “But these people have been in Cryo sleep for over 800 years. Cryo sickness is a real possibility.” He said.

“Have a hydrospray ready.” Sela concluded as they reached the captain’s pod.

With a nod, Boimler approached the controls and started the awakening and thawing process. “Vitals are stable. Heart rate increasing…” Boimler reported as he worked.

Sela meanwhile took a closer look at the pod. She noticed a strip of metal with some words on it and she curiously read what it said. “Commander Verak…” Her eyes widened when she saw what the surname was, surprised as she was, she took a step back. “Boimler stop!” She ordered.

Boimler heard Commander Sela start to say a name, before her order came. He paused the process and glanced at Sela, who he found had a startled look in her eyes. “Commander?” He asked. “Is there something wrong?”

“T’Pala…” Sela whispered, feeling her PTSD kicking in a little.

Boimler couldn’t quite hear Sela, but he could tell something was bothering her. “What was that Commander?” He asked.

“The pod…it has a name on it. Commander Verak T’Pala.” Sela managed to let out loud enough for Boimler to hear, having by this point raised her phaser at the pod.

Boimler’s eyes widened when Sela said the surname, along with her raised phaser, he realized what was happening. “Commander, remain calm.” Boimler told her calmly as he slowly approached Sela. “We do not know for sure if Verak is in your family tree.” He tried to rationalize with her. “Just because you two have the same last name does not necessarily mean you two are related.” He told her.

Sela heard Boimler’s words, and they managed to get through because Sela calmed down from her momentary mini panic attack. She lowered her phaser and composed herself. “Apologies.” She said. “Call it a knee jerk reaction to finding or hearing about the surname.” She said.

Boimler nodded in understanding. Knowing what Sela meant by her statement. “Do you want to beam back to the Equestria? I can call it a medical recall.” He offered.

Sela considered it for a moment. Weighing her options. Part of her wanted to power through it in an attempt to not let her PTSD from her past rule her, but on the other, more prominent hand, she knew that if she were to accidentally pull a phaser on someone like she did just now, it could spell a disaster. So she took a deep breath and made her choice. “I believe today is our scheduled appointment for a neural scan.” She inquired.

“Meet me in the medbay after I’m done here and we’ll do a full neural checkup.” Boimler responded as he tapped his combadge. “Boimler to Equestria. Sela’s beaming back due to a sudden medical recall. Advise that she stay away from the derelict for the time being.” He reported. After which Sela tapped her combadge and beamed back to the ship. With the commander now safe, Boimler walked back to the console he was at and restarted the awakening and thawing process. “Bad enough we need to watch our backs because this is a Tal’Shiar vessel. Now we need to worry about a potential link to Sela.” He commented to himself as he awoke the captain.

To be continued…

Author's Note:


Yes. I know it's been a while since I last updated. RL has become busy.

But fear not, I have not forgotten about this story. And here is the next thing. Another discovery. Seems to happen a lot lately.

Speaking of Discovery: Because ST Disco season 5 has now come and gone, I should clarify it's canon status in STR.

Star Trek Discovery season 5 is canon to this story, but with two major exceptions which I will be spoilering here in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.

Change Number one: The Short Trek Calypso did not and will NEVER happen in the timeline of Star Trek Reformatted. It is now officially a dream by Zora in the present.

Change Number two: The Season 5 finale Epilogue, AKA the SECOND WORST FINALE IN STAR TREK HISTORY! Is NOT happening.

To put it simply, my response to them just tossing Zora aside and exiling her is this:

"What you're doing here, is immoral. I'll fight it." And also the logic and wisdom of a beloved Vulcan. "Go to hell."

The ONLY reason it is only the SECOND worst and not the WORST in my eyes boils down to two things.

1: Burnham and Book get their happy ending. Love them or hate them, everyone deserves a happy ending.

2: We get an epic fleet shot of Several ships seeing Zora off as she is jumped to her completely undeserved prison sentence.

That in my eyes saves it from overtaking "These are the Voyages..." As the worst Finale in Trek History. What they did to Zora was immoral, unethical, and just overall evil and I will decry it to the end of time.

THX for reading, and if you read the spoiler, feel free to hit me up to discuss how they coulda done it a MILLION times better.

Comments ( 5 )

interesting. makes me wonder how the power supply lasted for so long

Yeah right. not just standard sneaky Romulans but the Romulans so neaky even romulans didnt like them.

That ship and everything on it including away teams are suspect. Permanently because I have no idea how you proove youre finally out of the holodeck dreams.

Theyve had how long to be picked up by Terrorcons, conned them into assisting with the terror and got a whole bunch of extra nasty stuff like silent transporters etc?

All I’ll say is, keep reading to find out what happens.

knowing the Tal’Shiar it would be best to just walk away and let the ship drift.

Unfortunately that’s not Starfleet policy.

Even if there is a high likelihood said policy will bite them in the ass. Again.

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