• Published 1st Apr 2023
  • 279 Views, 12 Comments

GOLEM - Mokoma

Kindness means to cherish - and to care. Kindness - means defending the ones you love. These are the parameters.

  • ...

Chapter 3 - GOLEM

The blade of the massive beast descended upon the ponies. This blade was meters long and thick - its size was more than enough to be enough - to end all threats in one, powerful strike.

And so did come the loud crushing clang of impact through the entire cave-city.


Darkness was everywhere.

That was the logical part; none would dare to open their eyes in the face of such a terrible attack, one could only wince and shut their eyes in hopes of waking up from the nightmare.

Then, there was silence. Also logical - for after an attack such as this, what sound was left there to emit?


Through the darkness, came a spark of pink.

"...Fluttershy?" Twilight gasped.

The blade never made it to its target.

Instead - it had been stopped by a soft, yellow hoof.

Fluttershy had sprung up to her hind legs - and extended her limb to shield her own face. The massive slab of vibrating metal struck it - but did nothing else except produce myriads of myriads of bright sparks. The blade stopped, unable to go further. Somehow, her hoof stood strong in the face of the more-than-lethal weapon, not damaged at the slightest.

The machine was displeased at its own ineffectiveness. It applied more pressure - its hydraulics hissing obnoxiously as a few dozen kilograms were added onto the blade.

Yet, Fluttershy did not budge. The hydraulic hiss of the attacker indicated rage and fury - for it added more and more weight; ton after ton.

Yet all it did was push Fluttershy slightly back, her hind-legs leaving scratches on the polished roads with a terrible screech. The yellow pegasus did not let this go on longer. Swiftly, her hoof twisted completely; somehow not at the shoulder, but only at the forehoof. Her limb gained purchase on the blade - even if it was just a pinch. That was enough.

With a scream of effort, Fluttershy began to attempt and raise the beast by the blade. The beast, too, applied pressure, attempting to crush its opponent with its sword and not letting its opponent raise it.

Yet, somehow, against the machine that was able to apply tonnes upon tonnes of horrible weight, she was stronger. She applied one last surge of strength, and raised the robot by the sword - forcing it to hang in the air helplessly; while sparks of pink electricity surrounded the pegasus.

With that, several hundreds of tonnes were, almost weightlessly, lifted - and the mechanical beast could not resist, for it was easily swung over by the pegasus. With a grunt, Fluttershy spun it, and used the momentum to launch it into a nearby building - entombing it in gold and metal as rubble descended upon it.

Twilight stood there in total shock - only her eyes and mouth were able to move; so while she stood there frozen, her eyes widely looked at the things the pegasus had just done. It felt like a dream - how was any of this possible? How did Fluttershy do any of that?

Smoke had filled the street they stood on, the building and its ruins were totally covered in dust, and it was impossible to see what happened to the beast.

The alicorn hyperventilated. "Fluttershy? W-What's happening, I...I don't understand--"

"Twilight." Fluttershy hushed her. Something in her voice was now different; almost mechanical and otherworldly. It was no longer quiet and whispery. "Please wait until the situation is contained and you are safe."

From the dust - the beast sprung up again. From its shoulders, several barrels had appeared, each looking several centimeters thick. With an obnoxious hum as they powered up, the barrels began to fire rapidly - blue muzzle flash blasting from them, and thick bullets flew at her.

To block bullets with one's hooves seemed ridiculous - yet the pegasus persisted in making this fact a reality. Somehow, much to Twilight's shock and confusion, the bullets seemed to ever-so harmlessly ping off of Fluttershy's hooves, as if they were simple, mere foam bullets; despite the terrifying and heavy sound of impact they made each.

Yet, Twilight screamed out in terror as for a split second, she saw one of those bullets make it past her hooves.

"NO!" The alicorn desperately screamed out, desperation powerful enough to resist the paralysis, and extend one hoof and reach out for her - but nothing else.

It was a clean shot - the powerful kinetically enhanced bullet was able to slither past the defenses of the yellow pegasus - and made contact with her head. It shattered like porcelain - into fragments that Twilight was unable to compare to anything other than a clock being smashed. It looked more like metal and ceramic was in her head the whole time.

Yet, as those pieces were scattered into the wind, a glow came from Fluttershy's neck where her head once was. As if time was reversed, each of those myriads of fragments that erupted from her would return to their exact position, flying backwards and reconstructing her head in mere seconds.

"W-What...?" Twilight gasped - tears flowing from the fear of nearly losing her friend, and overwhelming confusion.

As the machine reloaded, Fluttershy found rest - her hooves smoking from the amounts of energy and heat they were forced to endure. Panting for air, the teal eyes of the pegasus looked at the monster in desperation. "Please, stop! It's me! These are my friends!" Fluttershy screamed at it.

And with that, the beast's eye widened. It paused - the mechanical noises coming to an idle, soft rumble. It scanned her once more, and finally, it identified what it was attempting to fight.

It recognized her, as before, she looked much, much different.

The eye that was locked onto her...Now locked onto the other targets. The other creatures. It dashed past her - and Fluttershy gasped, understanding her mistake. She was able to utilize millisecond-based reflexes, and one of her hooves reached for one of the beast's legs.

It recognized Fluttershy - but not the others.

"Please! Stop!" She screamed - her hooves released heavy magnetic waves, which did their best to tether the beast as it tried to madly thrash towards her friends. The magnetic force coming from her hooves was able to hold down the beast entirely, as if it was totally wrapped in a rope.

Yet, it saw what it believed to be a threat. Outsiders - and ones with magic. It persisted. Its sheer power and rage was now too much for Fluttershy to control, her mechanical hooves losing purchase. What magnetic waves she attempted to shape into an impromptu lasso were weakening.

And to her horror, it was able to free one of its claws. It attempted to attack Twilight.

A desperate cry from Fluttershy echoed, before she extended one of the hooves that she used to hold the beast with.

And a beam of teal light pierced the beast completely, blasting it right into its core.


A long, painful silence came. A silence of misery, and fear.

The towering thing finally fell to its side.

"No...No no no..." The yellow pegasus bit her lip anxiously, running over to the guardian. She saw its head - the singular, bright yellow eye, much like a miniature sun, tracked her. It dulled - not to signal that it was powering down, but to signal its calmness. It beeped - mechanical sounds that sounded like the incoherent cries of a broken machine, yet Fluttershy understood them as the most clear words.

She took the machine's head into her hooves, and leaned her forehead against it - hoping to comfort it. "Please, please don't say that. Please, just calm down. R-Reduce the power to your weapons and direct them to your regenerative matrix, then shift your power source from your inner Heart to the central Heart. Please...Just listen--"

"..." It produced another mechanical, beeping noise.

"No...O-Oh no. I'm...No, this can't be...I-I...I positioned my shot correctly! W-Why...How could I have hit so many crucial components!?"

"..." Again, it beeped.

"You...Y-You re-arranged your mechanisms...I...I..." Tears swelled in her eyes, and she shook - pressing her face closer to the machine. "I'm sorry. I...I was so scared, and I panicked, I...I didn't spend a fraction of my CPU on analyzing your structure. I...I'm so sorry, Ruby 01."

"..." Beep.

"Y-Yes..." She smiled past her tears. "That's what your name sounds like with Equestrian phonetics. I'm so sorry I'm speaking this language of our maker's enemies, I...I disabled my native language modules. Just to avoid slipping up so often..."


"I'm so, so sorry..." Fluttershy sobbed, holding the massive beast's head in her hooves, gently rocking to comfort it. "I never wanted it to result in all of this. I...I still remember the day we created you. I-I was there, advising on what modules to pick. T-They wanted to give you complete emotional inhibitors, they didn't want the guardian of Subĉielo to think irrationally...but...I argued that attachment would let you cherish those you protect, and excel at this role..."

Fluttershy's tears hit the plating of the beast.

"And now...Now the last feeling I've generated for you is betrayal. I'm...So sorry. I...I wanted it to be happy."

Within a final moment - the beast released a quick, mechanical sound.

And Fluttershy froze - gasping sharply. The others did not understand what it could've said, but she understood it clearly. It was enough to make her tears change in temperature - and it was enough to let her body release tension...

Yet, more tears began to flow.


Finally, the beast's eye faded into coldness, and the orb in it finally disappeared.

With that, all other ponies had collapsed - except for Twilight. The alicorn looked in alarm - she could move again, and she quickly ran up to check in on them. "H-Hey! W-what's wrong!? Everycreature, w-wake up!" She said, picking up Spike in his hooves and gently shaking him.

"They're asleep." Fluttershy simply said, wiping her tears and sighing; suppressing her emotions as best as she could for the time being. "They've disconnected with Ruby's cognitive-hazard weaponry. This causes unconsciousness if done suddenly, but otherwise has no real ramifications. Short-term memory loss up to a half hour is possible too. You're safe though - I'm emitting the things necessary to keep you conscious."

At these words, Twilight gently but quickly set Spike down, before taking quick steps back, away from Fluttershy. "W-What have you done to her?! Where...Where's Fluttershy!? Who are you!?"

"..." The pegasus looked back at Twilight, and giggled softly. "I'm really sorry for scaring you like this, Twilight. Please calm down."

"No! Who are--!"

"I am Fluttershy." She simply said. "This was really me, this whole, whole time."

"T-That's impossible!" Twilight yelled out. "I saw all of that! A-And the way you were acting...Did you hurt her!?"

"It's really not that impossible for me to be me. If you stabilize your breathing, I will explain everything. But first, reduce your heart rate to around sixty beats per minute. Your body will be in better condition to hear everything I am going to say." Fluttershy coldly said.

The alicorn, stunned, continued to look at Fluttershy...Her eyes gazed at the destroyed creature by her side - and decided to calm herself, it was best to think about other things.

"You...Understood it, right?...What...did it say?" Twilight whispered.

"It said..."My final feeling is happiness. Because I was able to see my beloved friend. One last time."...That's what it said before it...passed." Fluttershy sighed softly, hugging the majestic creature once more. After a minute, she finally stopped and stood up.

"...Give...Give me the simple explanation first."

"Okay." Fluttershy took a moment - to gauge Twilight's calmness. She determined it was low enough. "Welcome to Subĉielo, Twilight. This is where I am from, where I was made - thousands upon thousands of years ago. It was once my home."

"O-Okay, let's assume you are the real Fluttershy...Thousands of years ago? How...How is that possible? What is this place? What is...Subĉielo...?"

Fluttershy sighed softly. This was always the hard part. "Twilight, what do you know about magic? Not only for unicorns - but also the magic of earth ponies, and the magic of the pegasi flight and weather control?"

"That's a very open-ended, difficult question..." Twilight let out a nervous laugh, unable to believe she was conversing with a potential imposter. "I...I suppose that, well...Magic is what Equestria is founded on - our ability to...change the world to make it better, I...I'm sorry. It's such an abstract...concept to take so generally."

"It's a good answer." Fluttershy responded. "Yes - magic is indeed what founded Equestria. But magic isn't what founded life - it's not what founded that which came before Equestria."

"What came before Equestria? But...What was there before Equestria?"

"To answer that..." Fluttershy began. "It's important to consider the role of magic in the world, and the concepts that surround everything that it is - and everything that it isn't."

"...Go on."

Fluttershy began. "The universe must adhere to fundamental rules - laws that constitute the building blocks that form it. The laws of physics, chemistry, biology. Radiation, cells, stars, magnetic waves, temperature - we adhered to these concepts, and knew how to use them to our best advantage. We eradicated illnesses with superior medicine, we made machines capable of flawless servitude, we harnessed the concept of energy and developed a utopia. A utopia where the laws of science guided us to a perfect society without suffering."

"All by using science?"

The pegasus nodded. "Only science. We've answered all the questions we ever could've asked. However, the deeper the venture into science came, the deeper went the curiosity of our greatest minds. Twilight, what do you think? Once you discover the answers to all questions, what is your next desire?"

Twilight paused. "I...I will want to find new questions. Or maybe...I will try to find out if some answered questions had a better solution. Maybe...discover answers that never even had a question posed. Find the questions that...never or don't exist? I-I'm sorry, I'm rambling, but--"

It appeared like a confused reaction - an illogical one.

Yet, Fluttershy smiled. It was exactly what she wanted to hear. That made Twilight pause - seeing that Fluttershy was merely waiting for her to finish.

"Once you know everything there is to know about reality, what stops you from seeking the answers outside of reality?" Fluttershy asked - her voice ever so soft and gentle...

"...Nothing." Twilight flatly said.

The pegasus nodded. "Indeed. That's how magic was discovered. That's what led to the bringing of magic. The concept of magic, Twilight, isn't as esoteric as it may appear. Or if it is, its origins are rooted deep in what we understand as science. To explain with a scientific analogy, this is something that we can compare to the concept of matter and antimatter."


"Twilight..." Fluttershy chuckled. "Magic is an inversion of science, and abides by this inverse. It cannot be anything it wants to be - but it can be anything science cannot be. Magic allows us to do the unthinkable. The impossible. However, there is one extra component to magic."

"That is?"

"It cannot unshackle itself fully from our laws of physics. Energy cannot be created; but it can be converted. Magic borrows, and amplifies its energy from the one source of energy that we cannot physically gauge. Our emotions and mental state. Friendship is magic Twilight - because our mental state is our fuel for magic. And what gives us a better state of mind than good friendship?"

"...I..." Twilight looked at the ground, deep in thought. Thoughts raced - scattered ideas were finally connecting, even if weakly. "I see...Things such as mental clarity, inner happiness, determination, desperation...I've never considered that my emotions don't merely affect magic, but that they also power it..."

The yellow pegasus giggled. "It's a simple logic, but it applies to the otherwise complicated construct that is magic. Now, look around you. All of this - is the opposite of magic. Everything here was built on the principles that existed long before magic. It was the way of science - the way of logic. Maybe it was cold, maybe it was...well, definitely not anywhere close to friendly, but it stood here. An entire civilization dotted the planet, but only few undergrounds cities such as this one, Subĉielo, stood. At-least, the buildings and machinery did."

"...But, what happened?"

"Outcasts in the civilization were able to find ways to exploit that which went outside logic. They were able to apply magic - a concept that was, at the time, unproven and volatile. My civilization, my...creators...They were against what magic stood for." She said, "If magic was chaos, if it was the exploitation of the loopholes and inconsistencies of the universe, then my creators strongly believed that the world must adhere to the logic it is within, and strictly follow the sciences present. Magic was considered dangerous. And they did not tolerate its existence."

Fluttershy looked at Ruby's lifeless body once more - and then looked around to gaze at the empty, deserted streets.

"But ironically..." Fluttershy laughed. "Their attempt to eradicate what they considered dangerous, led to their downfall."

"What do you mean?"

"They attempted to wipe out magic." She pointed at the orb in the sky. "...Do you see that, Twilight? That is known, to translate to Equestrian, as a "Heart". Hearts are universal tools - all in one, they are computers, power sources, heat sources; even healers, for they allow for the near instant regeneration of organic matter. It is a genius blend of radiation and complex engineering; all of it based on the power of a star. After the whole magic crisis however, Hearts were modified for one additional feat, however. They were also enhanced to suppress magic."

"So that's why our horns aren't working...?" Twilight asked.

"And why a pegasus couldn't fly here - or why an Earth pony wouldn't have their strength here." She explained. "The Heart worked as intended; but each heart was only big enough to power a city. Otherwise, they would become much too unstable. Much too volatile, and dangerous. Yet, that didn't stop my creators from making the biggest Heart of all."

"...You don't mean..."

"They attempted to fully convert the Sun into a Heart."


"I don't want to go into details, Twilight - I can tell you for a fact that the now destroyed essays on the theories that covered this process would take a year to read - if you'd read five hundred pages a day. However Twilight, have you ever wondered why the sun must be "raised and lowered" manually?"

"I..." Twilight quieted down.

"My creators failed. They did not convert the Sun into a Heart. However, what they did manage was to severely damage the physical properties of our planet, and it forced it into a tidal lock. For some days, parts of the planet remained under constant sunlight, and constant night - causing severe ecological and geological damages. Only when magic was bound to our planet and the surrounding astronomical objects, did the ancient magic-users stabilize the crisis."


"My creators knew they were about to kill the planet, so they opted to help the magic users. Yet, it came at a cost. The sacrifice led to a disaster that destroyed all of my creators with the power of the sun. All of their members who did not have magic were eradicated. It's...not something I'd like to talk about. This was long, long ago anyway..."

Fluttershy gently coughed. "A small thing to add, by the way. It's not that Celestia and Luna "raise" the sun and moon. It's more so that each day, they must apply a level of magical force to prevent deceleration of the planet's rotation. But since astronomy isn't well documented as Equestria hasn't quite reached for the stars, it really does appear that the Sun orbits the planet, rather than vice versa. Just...a fun little fact."

Twilight only listened in total silence - in the end, this was much to take in. Perhaps the better action was for her to ignore this, to think about other things...And yet, one question bothered her the most.

"Fluttershy, why do you call them...Your...c-creators?"

The pegasus smiled. Sadly - with her eyes staring into nothingness...But she looked up at Twilight, and upon seeing the alicorn, her smile was one of warmth.

"In the Equestrian language, Twilight, the best word that can describe me...Well...I am what you may call a Golem."


"Not quite the same Golem as you might read in stories - after all, it took me a little more to make than some stone and runes." She giggled. "And as you know, magic was not involved in the process. To describe what I am made of isn't simple. What I can tell you is that there are a variety of materials and components that went into my creation. And what I can tell you is that I am powered by my own "Heart". My own...miniature "copy of the sun"."

"You mean..." Twilight's hoof pointed at the large orb at the top of the cave. "You...Have something like this...Powering you?"

"Yes." Fluttershy smiled wider, adoring Twilight's brilliance. "My creators had mastered such levels of technology - the types of which one could never dream of. Like I mentioned, they discovered how to use the power of the stars - learning how to manipulate, miniaturize, and even copy them. They learned how to use these powers to power all of their technology. Ruby had a tiny "Heart" powering her, too. My own Heart is compact, but very potent - based on a supergiant star. It is molecular in size - but the power is more than sufficient. It powers all of my components."

"Your components, what do they...allow you to do?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Well, apart from the super complicated computing that gives me sentience? Many things. Of the most crucial is my ability to shapeshift - but I've limited the capacity of that module for the time being to increase my efficiency in this form." She explained. "Furthermore, for example...I possess nanomachines that give me total shielding of my body - a regenerative matrix if they fail, a-as you saw with that little freakshow which I apologize for..." She giggled. "Further on... I have several types of weaponry, hypersonic flight, different types of reflex and sense enhancements. Another cognitive element I have a hypercomprehensive component that gives me access to great knowledge and understanding."

"Wait, and the fact you can understand animals, is that...?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Yes, it's something I was made with. This is the role of component CC251. That would be "Cognitive Component number 251", responsible for the interpretation of foreign languages, and also various frequencies. Animals fall into this component's ability, even if it's not a language exactly, but it's focused on picking out specific signals and intonations in an animal's sounds."

"Fluttershy, I...I'm not sure how to ask this - or what's the best way to do so, but...Why...Why did they make you?"

"I was made to bring my creators to greatness. To protect them, assist them; to vanguard them and lead them. But...my parameters were much more open-ended than that. My parameters were not to merely help and protect my creators. They were to help and protect those that I cherish. Those that I consider my friends. After they disappeared all those centuries ago, I had nocreature to call my friend. But now...Now I have friends. My parameters are followed - and I've gone beyond my original invention. Now, I understand that to protect the friends I have, the family I now have - I must shield them from danger. The danger that could have been left behind by my creators. I'm sorry I didn't use my power when you faced all the other threats - but I couldn't. I...I must be prepared for the case of emergency - or if my creator's creations threaten you."

"But...What about your parents...Your family, t-the time you met Rainbow Dash when she was a filly?"

"Unfortunately..." Fluttershy nervously chuckled with a guilty look, rubbing her neck. "In my previous "incarnation", after which I simulated death via aging, and activated total invisibility once my remains were "buried", I roamed to find a suitable family for the incarnation I would most like to possess. Then I generated an appearance based on the parent's genetics, s-shaped my form into a foal, and hypnotized them into thinking I was their child. Then I gradually simulated growth via the aforementioned shapeshifting module, a-and met Rainbow Dash. Everything from there on, is, well, what you know about me."

Twilight cast a look at the ground - reflecting on the idea that her friend was...something like this. Fluttershy just said it herself - that she was, apparently..."artificial". But Twilight truly believed the mare before her - even if in the end, she was a creation. Something akin to a machine. Her lingering and thoughtful gaze painted a picture to Fluttershy.

"...Twilight, please don't let all of this...don't let all of this change our friendship. Don't let this change anything between us." Fluttershy smiled softly at the purple unicorn, approaching her to place her yellow hoof on her cheek. "You are my friend. And I cherish you, so, so much. This is more than mere programming. This is more than mere instruction. I've never felt as if I had some mechanical obligation to be there by your side."

"It's...really a lot to take in..." The purple alicorn chuckled. "I'm not sure how we'd break it to anyone..."

"Ah, about...that...there's...one thing." Fluttershy softly whispered, shame making her lower her face.

"...What is it?"

"I regret doing this again, but...Twilight...I...I must..."


"...I must remove everypony's memory of this event." Fluttershy whispered.

"W-What? But...W-Why?" Twilight's eyes opened wide - yet she refused to act in any way. She was willing to listen to her friend, albeit she was baffled at the suggestion.

"...Please." Fluttershy whispered. "I must. F-First of all, what you saw here today may have terrible consequences. I do not wish my creators nor their remnants to endanger Equestria. But worse is...I don't want to be seen as different. Please - let's just think of this as a dream. Make this a strange case of déjà vu. Nothing else. Please. It's all I will ask for."

"I...I understand." The alicorn softly sighed. "But, before that...Just one thing I wanted to ask..." Twilight whispered.


"You said that...you regret doing this again. Have you...removed my memories before?"

"..." Fluttershy softly smiled. "Twice. The first time, I had to make you forget that I used my powers to save you from an accident that I had no other way of preventing."

"And...the second?"

"...I think I let my emotion CPU get the better of my inhibitors." She giggled. "I said a few things I shouldn't have. Nothing bad, just...very sincere. I wondered if..." Fluttershy paused. "...If you'd accept me for who I am - knowing this is the real me. And I suppose I asked if that extends to acceptance beyond just that, too."

"...Oh." Twilight blushed. "...What did I say?"

"You said that which keeps me operating to this very day." Fluttershy smiled. "I repeat that conversation before I set myself to sleep. But I want those words to remain in my database. The megabytes occupied by that recording are some of the most precious." She softly spoke.

Twilight gazed at her friend once more, and gave her a big smile. "No matter who you are Fluttershy, and no matter whether or not I am aware of it, please know that nothing matches even a fraction of the preciousness of our friendship. I cherish you with all my life, and until the very end."

"...Thank you, Twilight. That's another one added." She giggled. "I'll...begin. It will be as if none of this happened. Ready...?"

"...Ready." She nodded.

"Thank you. And...I'm sorry."

Fluttershy leaned in close to her dear friend. They embraced each other and hugged; and tears streamed down their faces.

Fluttershy closed her eyes.


And the other ponies opened them - each waking up under the sole bristlecone pine. All the memories they had - remained.

But like any dream, the memories were fleeting. As if when one attempts to write down the dream in their journal, by the time they sit up and reach for it - the memory melted away; into a bittersweet nothing. Those weren't memories - they were just dreams. Right?

Among the flowers, Fluttershy stood - softly speaking to the golden butterflies that adorned her.

Noticing that the others woke up, and noticing that they were looking at her...

Fluttershy smiled back wide, happy to see her friends.