• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 2,660 Views, 350 Comments

My Little Pony: Make Your Mark In Love - SamSwordsman123

After everyone thinks they're a couple, Pipp and Hitch realize their feelings for each other and start dating. Meanwhile Zipp, Sunny and Izzy also search for love. Unknown to them, Opaline continues her attempts to take all magic for herself.

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Chapter 6: Sprouting Remorse

Author's Note:

Okay time for another chapter. I figured it was probably a good time to have either Sprout show up so we can begin a redemption story for him, or have Izzy and Rufus start their relationship. Or both? We’ll see. I’m just gonna see how things go as I write. And… yep its gonna be a bit of both.

On a related note, there was apparently a bug on fimfiction that caused about 13 of my likes to vanish. I know at least one person said he thought he put a like but it vanished. Now if anyone unliked my story for some reason, that’s okay, but I would like to know your reason for doing so. I’m open to constructive criticism and the chance to improve. If anypony is acting out of character here or you see anything else you think needs changing let me know and I will take it under consideration.

The next chapter of Make Your Mark is now just two days away. Less then half an hour of this day remaining. Based on what I’ve seen it looks like Misty will likely be redeeming herself as she apparently gets a new design and cutie mark. This won’t affect my story though, and we’ll see if it ends up being similar. Though I very much doubt they will give Opaline a son like I did here. I also had an idea I could maybe use for the final battle with her that I got from the latest Tell Your Tale episode where Misty’s necklace corrupts the Mane 5, but I won’t say more.

Zipp and Pipp rose brightly and early in the morning. They had breakfast and then it was time to head back to Maretime Bay.

“Promise me you’ll stay connected with your suitors!” Queen Haven said as she walked them outside with Alphabittle by her side.

“I will Mom!” Zipp said. “I have them all in my contacts and we’ll be setting up a series of individual dates.”

“Wonderful, good luck Zipp,” Haven said before turning to her younger daughter. “And good luck with you and Hitch, Pipp.”

Pipp blushed. “Thanks, Mom.”

The two Pegasus sisters spread their wings and took off. They headed back to Maretime Bay.

Hitch emerged from his station with Sparky on his back.

“Ah, another beautiful day in Maretime Bay, huh Sparky?” Hitch asked his dragon.

“Uh-huh,” Sparky mumbled.

Hitch looked around. Everything seemed peaceful, though he knew from past experiences that could change at any second.

“Hitch!” a voice called.

Hitch looked in the direction of the voice and saw to his immense surprise Phyliss Cloverleaf was making her way to him.

“Phyliss? What’s wrong?” Hitch asked.

“It's Sprout! He needs some help!”

“Why, what’s he done?” Hitch asked warily at the thought of his former deputy turned war criminal.

“He hasn’t done anything, that’s just it!” Phyliss said. “He’s not been doing anything! He goes out to do his community service and then stays home! He doesn’t interact with other ponies hardly at all.”

Hitch felt a wave of concern. Despite the fact that Sprout had tried to kill him, Sunny, their friends, and start a war with Pegasi and Unicorns, he had not formally arrested him. Had Sprout actually succeeded in killing somepony, that would not have been the case. Sprout had been a product of the long generations of prejudice and lies that Hitch and many others had been fed since foalhood. Hitch had hoped that Sprout would be able to become a better pony, and the judicial system of Maretime Bay (which had included a Pegasus and Unicorn Judge since Sprout had attempted to kill members of their kind as well) had given him a year of community service. They’d let him off easy since they had all come to believe similar things about different pony species that they had all learned were wrong.

Even though he wasn’t a close friend anymore, Sprout was still just a pony who had lost his way following the path laid out before him by his elders, especially his mother. But she too had seen the error of her ways and shut down the Canterlogic Protection program aimed to combat other pony species.

“What do you want me to do?” Hitch asked.

“Talk to him, get him to come out of his shell,” Phyliss said.

She led him to her mansion on the outskirts of Maretime Bay. Hitch had been here plenty of times but it had been nearly a year. He noticed that many of the anti pegasus and unicorn contraptions were gone. Hitch made his way inside and walked to Sprouts room. It was practically empty now, Hitch remembered it used to be filled with posters from the old propaganda. Sprout himself lay on his bed.

“Sprout?” Hitch asked.

Sprout slowly looked up.

“Oh, hey Hitch,” the red stallion said in a glum tone before correcting himself. “Sheriff Hitch, I mean.”

“Your mom says you’ve been feeling rather… under the rump these days?” Hitch said.

“Just go away, you probably don’t want anything to do with me. No pony does,” Sprout said. “And who can blame them? I nearly caused a war with Pegasi and Unicorns.”

“Yeah, but you know now that was wrong,” Hitch said. “You’ve seen we can be friends with Pegasi and Unicorns.”

Sprout nodded with a sigh. “Yeah. But the damage has been done. Everyone knows that I made the big robot to try and- you know.”

Hitch nodded. “That doesn’t mean nopony will want to be your friend. I mean, I’m willing to forgive you, and I’m sure Sunny and the others are to.”

He led Sprout to the Smoothie Stand.

“Oh hey Hitch, will it be… Sprout?” Sunny asked as she saw her former childhood friend.

“Hey Sunny,” Sprout said.

He looked around. Several ponies looked at him, their eyes narrowed.

“It's been a long time since I’ve seen you,” Sunny said brightly. “How have you been?”

“Not good,” Sprout said honestly.

The last time they’d spoken had been after Sprout made a giant blubberberry go rolling down the street the first time. That had made a mess. The second (and last time) had been close to being much worse. Three little fillies that Sprout didn’t know the names of had gotten themselves trapped when the Earth Pony Member had created a plant that restrained them. The incoming berry had nearly rolled them over and would have if not for Sunny and her friends.


Sprout watched the group of heroes, two of which were his childhood friends, get in front of three fillies that were restrained. They stopped the berry and then got the fillies down. But Sprout felt incredible guilt as he thought of what could have happened if not for Sunny, Hitch, and the others.

“My magic is too powerful, and dangerous,” Sprout said. “I need to stop using outside where it could hurt ponies.”

Hitch had lifted the ban on Earth Pony magic, but Sprout would not be using his anymore. At least not anytime it could hurt other ponies. From then on he’d sticked to performing his Earth Pony Magic at home in his family estate. It was a good distance out so there wasn’t much chance of his magic hurting somepony.

He’d rarely left the house after that except for shopping and his community service. He’d been doing that for over half a year now and he’d been sentenced to a full year as punishment for his attempted murder of the Queen of Pegasi, Chief of Unicorns, and the indirect attempt on the rest of their species as well.

End Flashback:

“I’ve kind of just been staying at home,” Sprout said.

“He’s been isolating himself,” Hitch said.

“Why?” Sunny asked. “You shouldn’t shut yourself out from the rest of us.”

“I don’t think anypony wants to be around me. Especially not any of them,” he said pointing to a nearby pair of a Pegasus and Unicorn.

Sunny looked at him. “But you feel sorry what you did, right?”

“Yes,” Sprout admitted. “All my life I’ve known only that Pegasi and Unicorns were our enemies. But I was wrong.”

“You were taught that,” Hitch reminded him. “We all were, and we all believed it. Except for Sunny.”

Sunny put a smoothy together, it was Sprout’s favorite.

“Thanks,” Sprout said as he took it and prepared to hand her some coins.

“Take it… one house. Or Brighthouse, I guess!” Sunny said with a smile.

Sprout retracted his hoof for a moment then shook his head. “No, I don’t deserve a free one. Take the bits I insist.”

“You feel down,” Sunny countered. “Nothing cheers me up better then a free smoothie… except for being around my friends. Why don’t you come and hang out with us?”

Sprout looked at her. “You sure they would be okay hanging out with me? After I tried to destroy them.”

“I’m sure they’re over it by now,” Sunny said. “You never actually managed to destroy any pony.”

Sprout nodded but still maintained his glum expression. “I suppose so.”

Sprout accompanied Hitch on his patrol.

“So how are things going at Canterlogic, I haven’t heard of any new projects going on there in a long time,” Hitch said.

“Yeah well, with unicorns and pegasi not as our enemies anymore, we need to look at new horizons,” Sprout said. “My mom took down the old slogan To be scared is to bed preprared as well. We still have our fashion branch but we still haven’t figured out anything to replace the protection branch. I mean, its not like there is anypony out there plotting against us now right?”

Hitch hesitated. “Uh… I wouldn’t be entirely sure about that.”

Sprout’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

Hitch happed his hoof nervously. “See, me and my friends found some sort of recording when we were in the brighthouse one time. It was a recording of Twilight Sparkle.”

Sprout’s eyes grew wider. “The Twilight Sparkle? Like the one Sunny used to love as a filly and have action figures of?”

“She still loves her, but yeah,” Hitch said. “The recording that said that there are evil forces out there that want to exploit it. That a pony once tried to steal magic all for herself. That was what caused magic to disappear in the first place.”

“A pony tried to steal magic for herself?” Sprout repeated. “Then, do you think that pony is who caused all of our kinds to be separated?”

“Maybe,” Hitch said. “But I don’t know.”

If that guess was true, then Sprout knew that it wasn’t just the work of his mother and all the ponies who’d taught him through up that had turned him into a wanna be homicidal maniac. But somepony else might have had a hoof in it. Still that didn't absolve him of any guilt. He had to be held responsible for his actions, he understood that now.

“There have been some strange things going as well,” Hitch said. “Sparky and Sunny’s lantern both went missing a while ago. We still don’t know what the cause of it is.”

“So, you think somepony is behind it?” Sprout asked.

Hitched nodded. “Sunny’s lantern for sure. Somepony had to take it. And Zipp suspected somepony also dragonnapped Sparky, but we didn’t find anypony with him when we found him. Though I might have been focusing too much on him and didn’t look thoroughly.”

“Is there any way I can help?” Sprout asked. “I know I’m not a deputy anymore but I do wanna make up for the things I did.”
Hitch nodded. “Well, if you see anything suspicious it could be helpful of you to report it.”

Sprout nodded. “I will.”

“Hitch!” a voice called from above.

The two stallions looked up and saw Zipp and Pipp flying above. Pipp increased her speed as she saw her… well, he wasn’t her coltfriend yet, but the pony she’d started dating. She wrapped her hooves around neck as she got low enough. Hitch smiled and hugged her back then she landed in front of him closely followed by her sister.

“Hey! How was the race? I mean… I know I saw it on TV and it looked pretty cool but how did you think it went?” Hitch asked.

“I thought it was great!” Pipp said. “Zipp even managed to enjoy it.”

“Yeah, it wasn’t so bad,” Zipp said. “Now I got three suitors. Though I’m not sure the next time will be as enjoyable. My mom’s talking about looking into candidates from Unicorns and Earth Ponies as well. But I think I’d definitely prefer somepony I can fly with or at least have something in common with.”

She smiled at Hitch for a moment then looked at Sprout.

“What is he doing here?” Zipp asked glaring at the red stallion.

“Oh, his mom Phyllis asked me to help him out since he’s been depressed lately,” Hitch said. “She asked me to talk to him and get him to come out more often.”

Zipp’s gaze softened. She sighed. “I guess we should probably let bygones be bygones. This is an era of peace after all.”

Pipp smiled at Sprout. He managed a smile back sheepishly. Hitch frowned slightly at that, was Sprout developing a crush on Pipp? Then again she was a pretty princess, literally. It was probably only natural a few stallions would like looking at her.

“Why don’t you come hang out with us at the Brighthouse tonight?” Hitch asked.

Sprout’s nervous expression returned. He had steered clear of the brighthouse since he’d been the one to destroy in the battle with his giant robot. But Sunny had forgiven him so he’d probably be welcome.

“Alright, as long as Sunny doesn’t have a problem with it,” Sprout said forcing a smile back on his face.

“She won’t don’t worry,” Hitch said.

Sprout nodded and began walking back home. Hitch led Zipp and Pipp back to the brighthouse as well.

“So Pipp, wanna go on a second date tomorrow?” Hitch asked. “Or would it be a third if we count the one where we went to Zephyr Heights?”

Pipp shrugged. “We can say its our second official date! I’d love to!”

“I’m supposed to meet Right Light that night!” Zipp said.

“Oh my glitter! Maybe we can double date sis!” Pipp suggested.

“Uh, I think I’d rather have my dates alone,” Zipp said. “You two just enjoy each other’s company. What are you gonna do?”
Hitch thought for a moment. “Maybe we could have dinner and then a dance? I know you like singing Pipp. How about dancing?”

She smiled. “I love dancing too!”

She nuzzled him, and Hitch blushed. Zipp had to resist the urge to throw up.

As they walked to the brighthouse, they spotted somepony. Or rather two someponies. Izzy and Rufus, who wore his magician outfit. Plants around him juggle balls as Izzy and a couple other ponies watched. A few claps echoed and some poney bucks were handled to him.

“Thank you thank you!” Rufus said with a bow as his plants retreated underground.

“Hey Izzy!” Zipp called.

The hyperactive unicorn looked over her shoulder. “Oh hey friends! You’re back!”

“Izzy, we’re gonna hang out in the brighthouse tonight!” Pipp said. “Of course most of us live there but Hitch will be there and so will Sprout, we decided to invite him!”

“Oh, uh… I actually have plans! I’d love to though!” Izzy said. “I just asked Rufus out and he said yes! Isn’t that exciting! My first date!”

“That’s right!” Rufus said as he came up and put his foreleg around Izzy. “This magical unicorn and this Earth Pony magician are going to have a magical night together!”

“Oh come on Rufus, I’m not as magical as you!” Izzy said.

“I beg to differ!” Rufus said. “But anyway, I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful night!”

“Yes,” Izzy agreed.

Pipp flew over and grabbed Izzy.

“Come on Izz, we need to get you pampered for it!”

“See you tonight!” Izzy said as Pipp dragged her off.

Rufus waved goodbye, smiling as he thought of what they might do tonight.