• Published 2nd Apr 2023
  • 670 Views, 11 Comments

The Many Secret (and possibly true, but probably not) Origins of Cozy Glow (inspired by The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo) - Saiyan Cartoon Champion

Twilight releases Cozy Glow from her imprisonment and wants to learn her origins. Problem is, Cozy drank a memory wipe potion before enacting her plan. But their are some possibilities for what her origins may be they can look into...

  • ...

What do you mean you don't remember...

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends waited round the map on their crystal thrones in anxious silence. Well, except for Pinkie Pie of course. She a going on about the good time they're going to show their new little "friend-slash-former-enemy-that-they-thought-was-their-friend-originally-but-now-is-going-to-be-their-friend-for-real!" as she herself put it. While the others mostly tuned her out.

"Do you think her old classmates will want to come to her "Welcome back, we forgive you, but please don't betray our trust again. P.S We're really sorry we let them throw you in Tartarus, then turn you to stone, and didn't get around to helping you till now" party?" Pinkie asked out loud. Rubbing her hoof against the bottom of her chin. "Also, do you think we should shorten that? It might be kind of hard to fit it all on the banner…"

"Pinkie," Applejack cut in. "maybe we otta wait an see how tis goes, fore we start makin plans like that."

"Yeah. Probably a good idea." Pinkie conceded with a shrug. "Besides, I can just ask her when she gets here. It shouldn't be long now!" Pinkie beamed with excitement, despite knowing just as well as the others who they were waiting for.

"Yea…" Applejack fidgeted around in her seat. She had been doing that more than the others. As she thought over exactly what the pony they were waiting for did. "Speakin of, shouldn't she be here by now?"

"Any moment now." Twilight said plainly. While apparently reading a book that she held in her magic. Though in reality, she just wound up staring at the pages in a futile attempt to take her mind off of things.

"Why are we even bothering with this anyway!" Rainbow Dash called out while throwing a foreleg in the air. Before slumping down in her throne and crossing her forelegs. "Can't we just drop her off at juvie or something? Or track down her parents and let them deal with this?"

"We've been over this Rainbow." Twilight closed her book and let it fall to the table with sigh. "Me and the other princesses have already ruled out Equestria's regular means for dealing with underage offenders as inadequate for this situation. And the background information we had on file for her turned out to be forgeries and no parents or other family members have come forward to claim her. So that's not an option. Even if that was considered any more adequate." Twilight was making frustrated gestures with her forelegs as she listed off all the reasons for why they had to do things this way. "Besides… You know we didn't handle this quiet as well as I would have liked."

All of her friends turned away uncomfortably at that. Even Rainbow Dash.

"And I need to make this right," Twilight finished. Trying to ease herself into a calm sitting position.

Soon enough, they heard a knock on the door. Which slowly creaked open, as Starlight Glimmer poked her head thru it… with a black eye poked through.

"She's ready," Starlight said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Very good Starlight. Please send her in," Twilight called back in her most dignified "regal voice" she could muster. Choosing not to comment on her pupils black eye for now. As concerning as it was to her.

Starlight nodded and pulled her head back behind the door, as it was shut. Only to be reopened a minute later, as a light pink, little pegasus filly with red eyes and a disheveled, seafoam blue mane came through. Flanked by Starlight Glimmer and a whole squad of guards. At least one of which also had a black eye, while another walked with a subtle limp, and Starlight and a couple others had bandages on their legs. The filly's wings were bound and her legs shackled.

The group stopped upon reaching the end of the table. Where the filly was now under the uneasy eyes of the Elements of Harmony. As Twilight stood up, flaring out her wings and holding her head up high, in a totally not rehearsed display of the seriousness of the situation.

"Cozy Glow. It is good to see you… are well," Twilight spoke. Trying her best to invoke her teacher's gravitas when speaking to an old enemy. But not quite finding the right words, despite countless hours practicing in her head.

"Nice to see you too, Princess, headmare Twilight!" Cozy Glow greeted back in an overly chipper voice, that may have been mistaken for sincere excitement, if all present didn't know better. Accompanied by an attempt to wave at her former teacher. Made difficult by the chain pulling up one forehoof with the other. Almost causing the filly to fall out from under herself. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie waved back enthusiastically, Fluttershy waved cautiously, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Applejack looked upon her with suspicion, and Rarity did not seem to know how to react to seeing her.

"Are these really necessary?" Cozy lifted up her shackles. I mean, it's not like I'll-"

"Yes! It's necessary," Starlight cut in, while she and the guards gave the filly death glares. Cozy responded with a childish pout. While most others present looked at the security detail with raised eyebrows.

"She convinced me to unshackle her before we left," Starlight said nonchalantly. "You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get her back in these." She pulled at Cozy's shackles with her magic for emphasis. Much to the filly's annoyance.

Rainbow Dash gave the group a skeptical look over. "But, she's just a kid? How much trouble could she have given you?"

One of the guards answered her with, "Even little creatures can put up a surprising fight when cornered. So it seems." He gave Cozy the stink eye, while Starlight rubbed her aching horn. And Cozy just gave him the biggest, most innocent smile she could muster.

"Cozy!" Twilight cut in. Regaining everypony's attention. "Would you please explain to me why you tried to escape, after you promised you would cooperate? And I made it clear how on the fence ponies were about this deal already."

Cozy's head dropped down and her fore hooves began fidgeting on the crystal floor adorably. "But pwincess, I wasn't twying to escape. I had evewy intention of coming to see you. I just wanted to have some fun with Counciwew Stawwight and your guawds first." Her display almost managed to pull Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's heartstrings. But their better judgment prevailed.

"Oh horse apples!" Rainbow budded in as she leaped up from her throne. Landing right in front of the smaller pegasus. Who backed away cautiously, but still tried her best not to look intimidated by the larger pegasus glaring down at her. "We all know you're just waiting for the first chance to fly off and plot your next evil scheme."

For a brief second, Cozy's cool demeanor faltered and a drop of sweat began to form on her brow. But she quickly regained her composure. "Oh, but Professor Rainbow Dash, it's true. Just ask Headmare Twilight. She knows I'm being honest."

"Oh, please." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Like Twilight would still fall for your little act. Right Twi?"

"No, Rainbow Dash. She's telling the truth," Twilight responded calmly with sigh at the end.

"What?" Rainbow asked while turning to look at Twilight in disbelief. Along with all but one of the other ponies present.

Twilight kept a cool air about her and opened her mouth to explain. But was cut off by another pony.

"She knows, because she placed a subtle, itsy bitty, little spell on me last time she visited. Which compels me to tell the truth," Cozy said in a faux upbeat manner, but venom was clearly dripping from every word she spoke. "And she thought I wouldn't notice. But I did. Ha ha. You know, some ponies would question the ethics of using such a spell. But that's far from the most unethical thing that's been done when handling little ole me."

Twilight grimaced slightly as Cozy's words struck a nerve. But she tried her best not to let it show. "Enough. We need to get back on track. Though I would advise you not try anything like that again, Cozy Glow."

"Will do princess headmare," she said with mock enthusiasm and a slight roll of her eyes.

Rainbow gave the filly a long, angry, and silent glare before leaping back to her seat.

"First things first, Cozy, if we take off your bonds, I need you to promise me you won’t try to escape?" Twilight gave the filly a stern look.

"Yes, headmare. I'll be a good little filly and not run away." She gave Twilight a smile. "Or try to hurt anypony?"

"Princess Twilight, I couldn't hurt any of you if I wanted to." Under her breath, she added "At the moment."

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Starlight, Spike, Applejack, and the guards all glared at her. Earning them a sigh from the filly, before she threw in "And I wouldn't, even if I somehow got the opportunity at this particular moment".

Figuring that was about as satisfactory of an answer as she'll get, Twilight turned to the lead guard. "Captain, remove her shackles and wing restraints, please."

The guard gave her a concerned look. "Are you sure that's a good idea, your highness?"

"I'm sure it will be alright. She's not going to try anything for now at least." Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Cozy giving the guard a smug smile. "But leave them on the table. Just in case." With that, Cozy's smile faltered, as the captain moved to unshackle her.

Cozy stretched her now freed wings and rubbed her fetlocks. While the captain turned back to Twilight. "Do you need me for anything else, your majesty?"

"No, thank you Flash. Though you can still stay if you'd like."

"Nah, but I'll be outside patrolling the halls if you need me." She gave him a nod, as he turned to take his leave. Only briefly turning to give the filly a "don't you dare try anything" look. Which she responded to by sticking her tongue out at him.

"So… do I get a comfy little seat too? Or do you just want me to stand in front of the table I can barely see over?" Cozy Glow asked. While on cue, Starlight slammed a simple wooden chair right behind the filly. Spooking her into nearly taking off in the process. She gave a quick scowl at the pink unicorn as her hooves touched back down onto the crystal floor. Before climbing on the chair and putting on her friendly mask.

"Alright, Cozy, you agreed to tell me everything about your past and what led you to do the things you did."

Cozy rolled her eyes at this, while leaning back in the chair. "Yes, I know. Everything I know." A slightly mischievous smile appeared when she finished that sentence. For only a second. "Though this really seems like something you should have asked at that trial I never had," Cozy added while giving a sardonic grin.

Twilight looked down slightly, before shaking it off. "Right, sorry about that, but we're going to make that right now." A glint of determination could be seen in Twilight's eye. "Ok Cozy Glow, I have a lot of questions for you…"

'This is it. I'm finally going to find out what Cozy Glow on the path of evil and drove her to betray everypony I thought she cared about.'

Several Minutes Later

"What do you mean you don't know?! How could you not know anything!?" Twilight asked in complete disbelief. She had asked Cozy Glow why she did the things she did, what in her life drove her to that point, where she was from, who her parents were, exactly how old she was, was Cozy Glow even her real name. All of her answers were variations of "I don't know". If not for the truth spell Cozy was under, and Twilight did check to make sure it was still on, she would have simply written this off as Cozy Glow lying. Which wouldn't be a surprise. And she would just have to put more work into getting the truth out of her. But no. Somehow, someway, Cozy really just didn't have any answers for her.

Cozy laid with her belly on the chair and her hind legs dangling off, ideally looking at her reflection in the crystal floor and trying to fiddle with her mane the best she could, while Twilight tried to wrap her head around this conundrum. Spike patted Twilight on the back and reminded her to use her breathing techniques, before she stressed herself out over this. While the others looked between the alicorn and the little pegasus with varying degrees of curiosity as to how Cozy couldn’t know anything about herself.

Finally, Starlight spoke up. “Ok Cozy, start talking. How could you not know anything about your own life or why you tried to steal all the magic in Equestria?” She demanded to know. Stepping right in front of the filly’s face.

“I drank a memory wiping potion,” she responded casually. Not even bothering to look up at the mare.

The room went silent for a moment. “You… drank a memory wiping potion?” Starlight asked.


“W-Why?” Starlight asked in confusion with a dab of frustration.

“Don’t remember. But I’m sure I had my reasons,” the filly said with a shrug and gave them the most smug smirk she could muster.

Starlight looked back at Twilight, who stared at Cozy, who was just lounging in her chair, looking at her hoof in boredom, in disbelief at the bombshell she just dropped. Then looked to her friends to see if they heard what she just thought she heard. Spike and Rainbow Dash just sort of shrugged, not really knowing how or caring to react to this revelation. Applejack looked the child over with suspicion and possibly, a small, shred of concern. Fluttershy was the only one that definitely looked at least somewhat concerned by this. Rarity didn't seem to know how to react to all this. While Pinkie was leaning her chin against her fetlock in deep thought.

Then Pinkie suddenly jumped up onto her throne with a foreleg held high. "I know! Maybe Cozy didn't want to be left out of the feeling of surprise when we learn why she did those awful things!" Everypony, including Cozy, looked at Pinkie Pie. "I know if I was a super evil mastermind, I would want to share in the surprise when I reveal why I did my dastardly deeds to my enemies!" Pinkie declared dramatically while playing with an invisible mustache that would have undoubtedly been on her face, if she had thought to have a villain costume ready. Before she shifted into a more quizzical expression. "But how would she be able to reveal it, if she didn't remember what the reveal was?"

Pinkie looked around at the ponies and baby dragon, who just stared at her. Before Cozy Glow herself shrugged. "Seems as good a theory as any." She then went back to trying to fix her mane.

"I don't suppose you remember what kind of memory potion you took, do you?" Starlight asked. Cozy didn't even bother giving her an answer more than a slight shake of the head.

"Of course," Starlight said dejectedly. While Twilight sighed from her throne.

"I guess with no way of finding out if she has any family that can help us with taking care of her, we're going to have to go straight to plan b," Twilight spoke disappointedly with chin resting on her forehooves. To several groans and a couple concerned gasps.

"Plan b?" Cozy piped in.

"Do we have to!?" Rainbow called out in exasperation. "Why can't we just dump her off at juvie and let them deal with her?"

"Now Rainbow Dash, we all agreed to this," Twilight replied as she rose up.

Rainbow forehooves hit the table as she countered, "Only because you agreed it would only come to that if they're was literally no one else around to deal with her."

"What's plan b?" Cozy asked again, only to be ignored.

"And as far as we know Rainbow, there is literally no one else."

"Well it's still a bad idea!" Rainbow pointed a hoof towards Twilight. "And you know it! Or do you think it's smart to just have her running around our homes?"

"She does have a point Twilight," Spike voiced in support of Rainbow as he turned to Twilight.

"I concur," Rarity said in agreement with them. "I'm all for helping her reform if she's willing to put in the work, but I simply am not comfortable with the idea of taking her directly into our homes."

"Ok, what are you all yapping about?" Cozy asked, now standing up in her seat and flared out her wings. Trying to look as tall as she could.

They didn't seem to notice.

"Now ya three, we all talked bout tis. And ya agreed to it," Applejack spoke up. "Now I don't trus her either and certainly ant comfortable lettin her get tis close ta my family. But we all need ta pitch n, like we talked bout."

"What are you all talking about!?" Cozy finally seemed to get their attention. As they all looked at her. She waited impatiently for an answer.

"I'll tell her." Fluttershy volunteered and walked over to talk to the filly while the others went back to debating amongst themselves. Giving the filly a friendly smile as they met face to face. Who replied with an expectant glare. Though Fluttershy didn't seem to let it bother her.

"Well, what's this plan b?" Cozy asked bluntly.

"Oh, since we didn't know how to get in contact with you family… since your paperwork turned out to be… forged." Fluttershy shifted uneasily, but pressed on. "And no one has come to claim you…" She gave the filly a sympathetic look, that only seemed to anger her. "Well, we were hoping you can tell us who your family was and we can work with them to help you, while they took care of you. That was plan a. But if you don't remember… we may have to use plan b."

Fluttershy stopped, apparently waiting for Cozy to ask again. And with a roll of her eyes, she did so in a faux innocent tone. "And what may I ask is plan b Ms. Fluttershy?"

At that, Fluttershy hesitantly put a hoof on Cozy's shoulder. Trying to separate the villainous little hellion who betrayed all of Equestria, from the troubled and confused, but still decent little filly she hoped was in there somewhere. "Since you have nowhere else to go, and we were planning on taking turns teaching you anyway, we decided that if we can't find anyone else to take care of you… we would also take turns looking after you. Which means you will be staying with a different one of us every night"

Cozy looked at her silently, as Fluttershy gave some spil about how nice it will be for them to get to know her more personally or some such thing, that Cozy was only half listening to. The gears and cogs in her twisted little mind were busy processing this new information and she began to evaluate it:

'On one hoof, depending on who I'm rooming with at the moment, I'll have much more freedom to move around and potentially, a gullible little pawn to help me.' She gave Fluttershy a small, genuine looking smile to see how she would react. And just as she was hoping for, Fluttershy gave her an affectionate, if somewhat apprehensive pat on the head and a warm smile of her own. 'Yes, a potentially very gullible and useful pawn… but' Cozy turned her head towards the other ponies. Specifically, looking at a certain rainbow haired pegasus and a blonde cowpony. Then looking down in thought.

'It would also mean having to stay with Applejack and even Rainbow Dash. The two who likely hold the most vitriol towards me, considering their elements. As well as the most stubborn, brutish, and hotheaded of the Elements. They'll not only want to keep me on as tight a leash as possible, but they might actually be willing to physically hurt me if I get on their bad side… No.'

“Miss Fluttershy…” She said sweetly.

“Yes Cozy?” Fluttershy asked.

“I think I know a place where we can start looking for answers.”

Author's Note:

There it is. My grand come back after months of being MIA from this site. Hopefully I can get things going with this story. I really do have a lot of cool ideas for it.

One thing I really struggled with was trying to give all the ponies present something to do. (I don't think Rarity gets to do anything at all in this chapter.) I even considered rewriting it so it's just Cozy and Twilight at first. But that should be less of an issue as we go on and all of Twilight's friends get to tell one of the stories.

Comments ( 11 )

Nice, cant wait for the next chapter

Great idea, I will wait for the next chapter.


Thanks, hopefully it'll be out sooner than later.

Can't believe I took this long to read this. The description didn't grab me, but I'm liking the story so far. Can't wait to see where this goes.

Thanks, hope you enjoy what's to come.

I nearly dumped this one when mentioning about living with each elements. What a blueball!

Alternative shitty route
:fluttershysad: tea party with discord yay! He's a good boy, rIgHT!
:pinkiehappy:party party party
:ajsmug:work on my farm for free you slut
:raritydespair:....i hate you darling *faint cock
:rainbowwild:lemme beat you up real quick
:twilightsmile:ArE yOu reFOrmeD yeT?

plz tell me this story ain't dead

No. It's not dead. It just got put on the burner with most of my writing do to life stuff and me having to rework my bigger story. But I plan to come back to writing full force soon. Probably within a week. And I'll start working on this story again.

that's good, almost all the Cozy Glow stories I've really liked have been discontinued or forgotten. Just don't overwork yourself mate.

Thanks. I'll try not to disappoint.

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