• Published 5th Apr 2023
  • 582 Views, 11 Comments

Trex, Royal Secretary - TheEighthDayofNight

Trex likes food. Chrysalis doesn't like when Trex eats

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Part 3

Trex sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead. A hard day’s work always left him feeling hot and bothered, always made him feel as if he was drowning. He took in a shaky breath, panting from exertion. He… He couldn’t do it, not like this. The object of his attention simply demanded more, and he couldn’t give it what it needed like he was. His shirt simply covered too much, and he couldn’t afford getting it filthy with bodily fluids. It needed to go, and it needed to go now.

Trex took in a gulp of air as he fumbled at the top button. His hooves shook, whether from eagerness or exhaustion from what he’d already done, he didn’t know. The button struggle and fought his hooves, but baring his teeth at it finally made it concede, and he quickly set to work on its brethren. His tail flicked back and forth, and he let out a whine of need as he opened one button after another, slowly freeing himself. Cool air brushed his chest, and he shuddered, moaning happily as the sweat covering his back finally saw relief. He was positively soaked, but now sweet, sweet relief was in sight.

Trex squealed as he finally pulled the last button free, and he slowly peeled away his sticky shirt. He drew down the collar first, the shirt catching slightly as he tried to pull it down over his shoulders. He looked back and pouted, his lower lip sticking out as the treacherous shirt hung off his shoulders. He groaned and gave his shoulders a roll. The shirt slipped free, continuing its slow, methodical journey down his forelegs until it finally reached his hooves. Trex pulled the shirt free and tossed it on his desk. Cool air rushed freely across his body, and he fell to the ground, writhing and squealing with delight. It was so freeing, and now with his shirt free from any potential mess, he was free to properly serve his queen…

Chrysalis had a glass of whiskey on her desk. This was unusual, because changelings did not drink, not often. Bars were nearly non-existent in her hives, by design of course. She didn’t need her changelings wasting time brewing, and imbibing alcohol. The drink was a poison she was happy ponies wasted time on, especially given how easy it was to draw out useful information once they were drunk. All of this to note the fact that the whiskey on her desk was for one reason and one reason only, and that was the bug before her.

Chrysalis took a sip from her glass, enjoying the numbing effects as her assistant rolled on the cold floor, basking in his suddenly cooler existence. The hive’s heating had gone awry, and the result was an inescapable, sweltering heat. The engineers were already hard at work fixing the issue, but all methods of keeping cool were beginning to fail, and she could feel herself beginning to crack. Trex’s antics had no end. Every thing he did, he did in a semi-erotic way, and no amount of smacking him with a newspaper had solved the problem. That left her with nothing to combat him, so she had tried simply letting him act in his strange way. He truly was the best changeling for his position, and aside from his one flaw, he was perfect. That flaw, however, that flaw made her keep a bottle in her desk and a glass at the ready.

Chrysalis’ tongue curled as she sipped again. The drink was room temperature, and given that the room was near boiling, so was the whiskey. It was miserable to drink, her normal escape rendered useless by a heat so blistering it was set to boil her eyeballs. Her eyes were drawn to the black-shelled creature writhing on her cool stone floor. He did look far more comfortable, and they were alone…

“Ah to hell with it,” Chrysalis grumbled, downing the rest of her glass.

Trex’s tongue flopped out as she stripped off her uniform shirt, the jacket it usually went with long since discarded. She moved around her desk and stared down at the small, yellow eyed bug at her hooves. He smiled up, drool, spilling out his mouth as he happily continued to debase himself beneath her. She snorted and smiled at the little bug, then flopped down beside him.

The instant her steamy shell hit the floor she knew nirvana. She moaned in ecstasy and writhed beside her assistant, savoring every ounce of wriggling pleasure the cold stones beneath her brought to her scorching body. Trex giggled beside her.

“Right? It feels even better when you roll over.”

He demonstrated, rolling onto his belly and let out another loud moan of pleasure as his belly was cooled. Chrysalis watched him with an appraising eye, but elected to remain on her back. She was in heaven as it was, she didn’t need yet more. Instead she simply closed her eyes and lost herself to the sensations racing up and down her body. She tucked her knees close to her chest and shuddered, wondering how long she could get this to truly last.

“My Queen, the engineers say they’ve found the problem and they should have the heating fixed in an hour, and I found some still cold… ice… cream…”

Chrysalis’ eyes opened to find her guard; Petra, standing in the doorway of her office. The purple-eyed changeling’s muzzle flapped, flicking back and forth between her nude queen, and the nude, still writhing Trex. His squirming had shifted his position on the floor, and now she imagined it quite looked like her assistant was face down between her legs. If it were cooler, she might have been worried about the scandal such a thing might cause. Ever present heat was quick to kill those thoughts, however, and Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, the slight motion commanding the attention of the guard-ling.

“What flavor?”

“M-mint chocolate chip,” Petra squeaked. “It was in the back of a truck left outside the hive. T-the soldiers found it on the extra patrols to keep cool.”

Chrysalis’ muzzle curled in distaste and she laid back down on the floor, closing her eyes.

“We shall share some in a moment. Come, strip. The floor is cool, and with the ice cream, we shall waste the hour in comfort.”

She heard the soft thunk of the ice cream tubs setting on her desk, then the much louder crash of Petra falling backward. Chrysalis sighed, knowing that the guard-ling’s legs were twitching in the air, her muttering soon to follow. She glanced to Trex, who beamed back, his tongue still flopped onto the ground. Chrysalis snorted and smiled, reaching out and patting his head.

“Good bug.”

Author's Note:

Buggo hates me for this, but I love da buggo!

Comments ( 6 )

Trex is the worst changeling.

Amazing, great job Eight.

lol, a fitting story for such a silly bug :D,

Thermal transfer into a material with greater heat capacity is a viable short-term solution!

Hey...wait a minute... Trex always bonks me for being lewd but here he is being very lewd!! He literally has a threeway with Petra and Chrysalis!

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