• Published 27th Sep 2012
  • 4,677 Views, 143 Comments

A Walk in the Park... or not - Gearshed

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Prologue - Just Another Saturday

Calling the cool September air refreshing was an understatement, to say the least. It was one of those days where you don't really want to do anything, just relax. Another beautiful Saturday like usual. For some reason, this day felt special. It’s like I had found a $10 bill on the ground or something, although I can't say anything like that actually happened, it just felt like a good day.

The coffee I held sloshed lazily about in its cheap styrofoam cup. I took the lid off, not wanting to stumble around with the straw when I didn't need to. Absentmindedly, I sipped from the rim as I planned what to do for the day. There honestly wasn't much I could think of. All of my previous projects and had been wrapped up. All I really had to look forward to right now was the premiere of season three of My Little Pony, but that was still a couple of weeks away. Until then all I had planned was bide my time, and maybe walk.

I took another sip of my coffee savoring the bittersweet taste. Nothing like a good cup of Joe to wake you up in the morning. It was such a good idea to get a vanilla cappuccino as opposed to my usual plain black with a shot of creamer. How could have I have been so uninformed? The way the flavors mix together to-


The sound of a truck blaring it's horn at me from behind pulled me back into reality and I stumbled slightly at the shock, spilling some coffee on my pants. I turned to see an old friend and coworker, Adam, pulled up next to me wearing a devious grin.

“Oh geez, did I catch you off guard there? You were seriously spacing out.” his amusement with scaring me obviously showing through his concern.

"Yeah, you got me," I huffed, paying more attention to wiping off the coffee stain as best I could than on Adam’s antics. “Why are you out terrorizing the locals this early in the morning, huh?”

"Well it is the end of the week and I haven’t quite filled my quota for annoying random strangers yet," trying and failing to stifle a laugh, he snorts at his own joke. "How about you man? Your schedule sure seems to be packed full of wandering aimlessly today."

"Just out taking a walk mostly. It's nice outside and I figured I could use the exercise for once."

"Well you’ve got a stronger will than I, that’s for sure!" he chortled, slapping his barrel of a gut like a drum. While Adam definitely had a few extra pounds floating around, his imposing frame more than compensated for it. The tree of a man looked like he could bench a small car.

“I definitely don’t plan on making it a habit." I say patting my own slightly bulging belly. Sitting in a chair for nine hours a day sure does wonders on a person's physique.

"Well, I'd love to join you but I think I’ll be getting roped into doing some window shopping with my girlfriend when I get home."

"Has she really made a man’s man like you stoop as low as window shopping?" I scoff with a faux disapproving look. "Next she'll be having you modeling her dresses."

"Haha, very funny," he said rolling his eyes. "Just so you know, I found out that I really enjoy shopping."

"I think what you meant to say is that you enjoy having your girlfriend spend money on you, right?"

"Hey! Most of the stuff is for her you know, and she’s the one who offers to get me free food as thanks for putting up with her. I don’t think you give me enough credit." his already rosy cheeks growing brighter.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm only teasing." I replace the lid of the cup, preferring to deal with the tiny straw than spill on myself again.

Adam ran his hand through his curly orange hair and started to rev up the truck’s powerful engine. "Oh, and before I forget, I was supposed to tell you that Alan needs the whole department to get to work early on Monday. The IT guys are implementing a whole new system or something, and since they work graves, the only time they can train us in person was a few hours before our shift."

"Yeah, I want to say there was a bit in the newsletter about that. I don't see why they can’t just make a slideshow for us though."

"My guess is that they think the change is complicated enough that if the mighty tech wizards don’t hold our hands through the whole learning process, then us desk monkeys are gonna accidentally level the building," his tone being dry enough to make me genuinely question whether or not that’s what he seriously believed.

"I suppose that makes sense..." I trail off into my own thoughts. Silence gently takes hold of our conversation; we’ve noticeably grown distant since high school and it’s painfully apparent during moments like these. It’s my fault for the most part, we did fall in love with the same girl after all. If I could have let her go maybe things would be different. Maybe...

"Anyhow…” Adam piped up, clearly wanting to break the tension, “I'll see you later man, don’t forget about the early meeting."

"Yeah, see you later. Have fun shopping, Mr. Man Sparkles."

Adam looks genuinely surprised for a moment. "You're never going to let me live that down are you?"

"I don’t think I could forget even if I wanted to.” I do my best to give a convincing cheesy grin.

"Whatever, I’m out of here." He shook his head as he rolled up the window. I’m able to catch a glimpse of a genuinely happy smile forming as he drives away.

That dumb nickname brings back fresh memories of that day back in high school. A couple girls who shared the locker next to his were having trouble opening a container of costume glitter. Being the ladies man that he was, he stepped in and decided to be the hero. After a few sad attempts he decided to tap it on a locker to loosen it. When he tried again the container broke open and literally engulfed him in a cloud of glitter dust. Someone made a comment of how manly he made glitter look and the name Mr. Man Sparkles was born. It was mostly an inside joke between us, and it’s easily been years since I’ve brought it up.

I smile as he slowly drives off. Just imagine if that story got to the workplace. I took another sip of my now lukewarm coffee and continued walking.

A sudden wave of jealousy passed over me as I started thinking about Adam’s shopping trip with his girlfriend. He and I never fought over anything except her. Ever since the beginning of high school it was both our mission to win her affection. I had a considerable disadvantage though, being that awkward nerdy kid that no one really talked to, ever. Adam being the girl magnet that he was ultimately won out and she chose him over me. I tried not to hold a grudge though, he was and still is a great guy. I don’t have any good reason to be so upset about an unfulfilled crush.

Never in my life have I met someone as perfect as her though. Everyday she had her hair done up, her makeup expertly applied, and what seemed to be an endless supply of outfits. Even if appearance is ultimately a shallow reason to fall for someone, her complexity and lovely personality glowed through.

When you’re in school, I feel like you have a pretty good idea what your dream job is, and unless you work really hard to fulfill that dream it ends up being nothing more than just that, a dream. She was, and still is, a wonderful designer. Straight out of high school she was offered a job contract with an extremely successful interior design company. Ever since she and him and been living my perfect life.

"Gah!" pain radiated through my foot after stubbing my toe on a section of sidewalk that had been lifted by a tree root. I knelt down and massaged my foot for a moment. The pain quickly resides and upon looking up I noticed a familiar dilapidated park sign staring me down.

Memories of my childhood moments spent exploring the wooded area before me came to me in a flash; what a perfect distraction. Grabbing my coffee I set off into the tree shrouded pathway.