• Published 11th Apr 2023
  • 2,338 Views, 90 Comments

Lucky Horseshoes - Foal Star

Trouble Shoes found an enchanted mirror pool that turns him into the exact opposite of himself. Not only that but the pool gave him endless good luck but it also swapped his gender as well.

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Chapter Seven: Lucky Vs Trouble Shoes

The following day, Lucky, Applejack, and Twilight traveled across Equestria towards AK Yearling's home, which was a lot of trekking through a forest. As the brown-coated mare was trotting through the dense foliage, she was somewhat surprised at how this author was so far removed from most of Equestria, seeing her home was in the middle of nowhere. She also still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the mysterious hooded mare she met at Rainbow Falls a few weeks ago was the author of one of the biggest book series in Equestria! That fact alone was making her feel even more uneasy. With her situation. Applejack must've noticed how nervous she was and trotted upright to her and asked, "Hey Lucky, are you doing good?"

The mare turned her head and then said, "Uh yeah! I'm just not sure how to approach her in my situation. What do I even say?"

Applejack scratched her mane as she replied, "Well, we have met her before."

"I assume so. Twilight mentioned that before…how did you all meet?"

"Uh…well…it was a bit of an odd story. We got caught up in finding AK Yearling because Rainbow Dash was worried about getting stuck on her next book. Then we got caught up in a crazy adventure stopping uh…"

The farm mare turned to Twilight and asked, "Hey, who was that evil cat again?"

"Oh, you're talking about Ahuizotl?"

"Yeah, him, so we uh stop him from takin' some doohickey."

"It wasn't a doohickey; it was the ring that Caballeron was trying to complete the dark tower and use to hold on to Tenochtitlan!"

Applejack stared blankly after Twilight finished, then said, "Uh yeah, OK? Then we uh stop the Azhusomthin' or other then I guess Rainbow Dash and Daring Do became friends."

Lucky giggled and said, "Well, I didn't catch all you said, but that sounded exciting!"

"Well, I mostly just ran around in the jungle. Rainbow Dash tried explaining all of this at one point. I guess I'm saying that AK Yearling is Daring Do."

Lucky gave her a blank look as she knew about the series but knew next to nothing about the character and said, "Um… OK? Can you explain the Daring Do series again?"

Applejack laughed then said, "Rainbow Dash would do a better job explaining….uh, Twilight, can you?"

"Oh sure, Daring Do is an explorer who goes on adventures as she discovers ancient cities and keeps ancient magical artifacts from others who would use them for evil, mostly from her nemesis Ahuizotl."

Lucky nodded along, still somewhat confused by everything Twilight said as they came to a clearing. Lucky spotted a simple-looking house, which was astonishing considering how famous AK Yearling was as they approached the home of AK Yearling. Twilight slowly trotted up the stairs and then knocked on the door. The group waited patiently until a golden brown coated pegasus mare, with a shaggy, unkempt gray and black striped mane and gold eyes, opened the door and peeked out, eyeing the ponies. Upon seeing the group, AK Yearling went wide-eyed and exclaimed, "Princess Twilight!? What are you doing here?"

The alicorn got rather flustered as she said, "I apologize for the intrusion, Da- I mean AL Yearling. But I came by with somepony you've met before?"

The pegasus squinted then gasped upon recognizing the brown-coated mare; her eyes went wide, and she exclaimed, "Wait, are you Trouble Shoes!?"

The mare was surprised the author recognized her and cried, "I go by Lucky now!"

The adventurer flew a little and chirped, "By the glory of Faust! The reflection pool actually worked?!"

She then opened the door wider and ushered them through, "Come on in! I'll brew us some coffee, and we can discuss things!"

"Oh… OK!" Lucky cried as she was pushed into the author's kitchen, which was quaint with simple tables and chairs. Knowing how popular the series was, seeing her living so humbly was a relief. Daring flew over and gave them a mug of coffee and a plate of donuts in the middle of the table. She then said, "OK, I'm sorry about earlier, but you have no idea how long I wanted to see if that pool worked as it goes into a theory of mine."

Twilight got rather excited and squeaked, "Oh, a theory!? What kind of theory!?"

Daring looked around, then said, "Many ponies would say I'm crazy, but I think there are other dimensions."

"Oh, we know." Twilight and Applejack both replied in unison.

"You do!?"

Twilight nodded, then said, "Yeah, I uh had to go to this place known as the human world; it was an interesting experience, to say the least."

"Well, I'm not talking about a world that's uh alien from ours. But similar ones, but there are variances. In fact, there are thousands, even millions, of different universes precisely to ours. Still, there are differences from what we know. This mirror pool is a link to those other universes.

The mare paused, realizing how Daring Do admitted to using her, and grumbled, "So I was a guinea pig?"

The adventurer got a little flustered as she scratched the back of her mane, then said, "Well…yeah… I'm sorry, I only heard of the rumors about the mirror pool and had that map for so long with no real way of testing it…I was always too scared to do it myself, and seeing how desperate you were, I thought using it could help you."

"Yes, but I think you should have been upfront about that from the beginning."

"Of course, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause any harm."

Lucky still looked worried as she bent her head and explained, "I understand, but we learned of an issue with this pool."

Daring Do scratched her chin, then nodded, "I think I know where you're going with this; why don't we start from the beginning? Tell me everything that's happened since you first went in."

So Lucky started talking and explaining her situation, starting with her transformation, then talking about how she was friends with Applejack, going to the rodeo in Appleloosa and the other contestants, screwing up. AK Yearling went wide-eyed and said, "Yes, I think I've heard of the curse you describe."

She then took out some old scrolls and some notes, placed them down, and said, "The reflection pool does not only change your destiny to the opposite of your previous one. But it's a reflection of a version of yourself in another universe. Your cutie mark becomes the opposite of your current one because your gender was also swapped." Daring took a drink and said, "But the catch is the pool gives you a curse in return as it's trying to test you."

"Testing me?"

Daring looked up and said, "Yes, the pool is magical, and it seems to be trying to test what you desire and if you want to remain the same for you. To break the curse, there are two ways: one revert back to your original self, or you must drink from it."

"Drink it!?"

The pegasus checked over some dusty tome and said, "Yes, drink it! Once drunk, the pool will send you to face your old self, and once you do, you will return to how you were before you changed yourself. But once this is done, you cannot return to how you were before, and the pool's waters will no longer affect you."

AK Yearling closed the book and turned to face her. "If you take on this trial, there's one thing you need to understand: whatever happens, the effects of the pool will be permanent."

There was now a tension in the air that seemed to permeate the atmosphere. Lucky was feeling abit out of place with all the attention on her.

"I…I need time to think before I commit to anything."

"OK, Lucky, take your time; whatever the case is, I think you'll make the right decision."

The three ponies rose and walked out of AK Yearling's home, with Applejack trotting up to Lucky and asking, "You wanna talk about this?"

"Not right now. I need a few days to think it over…" Lucky mumbled with her eyes drooping and looking downtrodden, uncertain about what she would decide to do.

A few days go by, and Lucky isn't in the best mood; she helps the Apples with chores, milking cows, bucking apples, and bathing their pigs. Still, she is always in a downtrodden state and not being very talkative. Eventually, Lucky was back in Applejack's room late one evening with the two mares sitting across a table with a cup of the liquid metallic substance between them. The dark brown Clydesdale looked concerned as the farm mare looked even more concerned. But there was silence as it was clear Applejack didn't know what to say.

Lucky felt bad as the mare felt like she was putting a lot of pressure on her friend and said, "Applejack, at this point, I'm going to drink this and stay as I am. But regardless of what happens…I have to ask…do you like me?"

Applejack's cheeks flushed pink as her eyes shifted about as she answered. "Well, I would be lying if I said no…and honestly, I was always more interested in mares and stallions."

Lucky was surprised by the response and asked, "Really?"

The orange-coated mare nodded, then said, "Yes, really, but regardless, I think I can be your friend and maybe more…even if ya do change back to Trouble Shoes."

Lucky felt unconvinced as she shifted her head downward and said, "But if I turn back into Trouble Shoes, you might not see me how you do now."

Applejack then took her hooves and forced her to look right at her, then said, "If you turn back, stay the same, switch genders, change your cutie mark, it doesn't change who you are. I hope you can figure that out and come back safe and sound."

Lucky flashed her friend a smile, seeing how genuine she was, and kissed her on the cheek. "Wish me luck."

"Like you're gonna need it."

Lucky chuckled, then she took the cup, drank down the substance, and blinked, seeing it taste like nothing. She gasped upon seeing her body shimmering and suddenly melted through the ground. She began to freak out, crying out for help and staring at Applejack, who ran and tried to grasp her. Still, the mare's hooves were going through her body as if she were a ghost. Then she continued to fall into the pool of silvery liquid until all she saw was a metallic liquid surrounding her entire body.

Lucky blinked and was now looking around a dark void except for a screen of silver in front of her. She trotted towards it, staring at the liquid metallic surface that rippled and weaved all around her, giving off a hypnotic feel to it as the landscape of silver seemed to never end. Then she noticed an image forming and was surprised to see a big, stocky Clydesdale standing in front of her. The stallion blinked, then cried out in shock, slipping on the surface of the mirror pool and sliding right onto his flank, looking confused, and asked, "Who in the heck are you!?"

The mare was still in shock seeing her former stocky stallion before her. Then she pointed a hoof at herself and said. "My name is Lucky, what's yours?"

The stallion quickly stood on all fours and replied, "Oh, uh, I'm Trouble Shoes."

Despite the fall, Lucky was surprised to see how content this stallion was and wondered if the mirror showed her former self as a test. But the question was how was she going to pass it? She cleared her throat and said, "You seem happy?"

"Yes, I am."

"Is it because you're me and happy that I'm lucky now?"

The massive Clydesdale scratched the back of his mane and explained, "Actually, I am not you; I think you're a different me."

"How so?"

The stallion shrugged, then said, "Heck, do I know? How did you end up as a mare?"

"Well, long story short, I looked and behaved a lot like you, being extremely clumsy and always causing a racket at the Rodeo held yearly at Appleloosa. But then I discovered a mirror pool that changed me from how you are to how you see me now. But I ended up with a curse that gave my old bad luck to others, and I want to stop that from happening."

The Clydesdale let out a whinny and started to clop about in glee but then squeaked as he slipped on the floor again, then quickly got back up and said, "That actually explains a lot. I think you're the one who changed me?"


"Yeah, uh, long story short, I was in the middle of a rodeo winning the hurdle race. Then, out of nowhere, I was turned into a massive stallion and ended up tripping over every hurdle and landed in a pig pen. Next thing I knew, instead of being a talented rodeo star, I was breaking everything and making a fool of myself."

Lucky looked downward with a regretful expression, seeing if Trouble Shoes was right about his hunch she hurt him as well. She then mumbled, "Sounds like you also got my old back luck too. I'm sorry for all the trouble."

She then peered up to see that the stallion was still smiling as he explained, "Well, actually, I should be thanking you."

"Really? What for?"

"Well, you see, but being like this, I learned a lot about myself and realized that my enjoyment from going to the rodeo wasn't for myself but for making others happy. Reason why I became a rodeo clown."

"That sounds great…but what about being clumsy all the time? Isn't that unbearable?"

Trouble Shoes laughed heartily and continued, "Trust me, I understand where you're coming from, but I've made it work and made many new friends. Friends who I would never know if it weren't for my new cutie mark."

Lucky was astounded that she saw her old self smiling and seeming to be truly satisfied with his life. She replied, "So you're pleased? You're not just faking it?"

"Yes, I love being a rodeo clown."

"And being content with my life is what you're after? That's the test, right?"

Trouble Shoes shook his head and said, "You still think I'm a reflection of you?"

The mare eyed her other self, still unsure if this was a test, and asked, "So you're saying that you're a different me from another dimension? You're not some construct of this mirror to see if I deserve this new life?"

The Clydesdale laughed, then said, "If this is some test, I guess I'm here to show you that even though you think your old life was terrible and hate it, you have to be careful what you wish for. Suppose you continue thinking that becoming a rodeo star will make you happy for yourself. In that case, you're gonna be walking a lonely road. All I ever did was win, but every time I got a new trophy, it just left me more hollow inside. I didn't even know why I was always winning and squandered my gift. But I learned that it ain't the cutie mark that's the problem, but how you look at it."

Lucky was taken aback and remembered everything Applejack was telling her and now felt awful for focusing only on winning and not. Caring about the other contestants or not considering her friend's worries. The mare then looked back up at the Clydesdale and asked, "So, why did you want to change your life?

This time, Troubleshoes looked downtrodden and let out a sigh before explaining, "Well, the truth is I showed up drunk one at the same rodeo and ended up making a fool of myself way before I ended up a stallion. But after my transformation, I felt so ashamed I went and hid in my trailer for days. Then, a group of foals came by and showed me that I can be funny being clumsy. The next thing I knew, I was looking for a way to be a rodeo clown, as I always enjoyed watchin' them perform. After some shenanigans, I started to enjoy my new body and my new cutie mark more than I ever did as my old self. To be honest, I think we're the same; the cutie mark doesn't reflect what you are. Who you are is what makes the cutie mark; that's why the Crusaders taught me they some smart fillies, that's for sure."

"But I also got Applejack and the Cutie Mark Crusaders as good friends. I don't think I'll end up. Like how you describe your old life."

"I don't think you will, but I am trying to make you understand that the decision to change yourself shouldn't be about just running away from your problems."

The mare gasped as she realized that Trouble Shoes spoke the truth, and Applejack was trying to teach her this, making her feel worse about how she was acting. Then, he said, "Yes, I understand. I want to live to help ponies and be a rodeo star to inspire little colts and fillies like the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Maybe you're content being a rodeo clown, and that's fine. I'm happy that you found yourself, but I want this not just for myself but to help other ponies."

"And you want to stay as a mare?"

This gave Lucky pause as she thought about her gender swap; it started to grow on her, and she was starting to feel more comfortable as a mare, but that decision was still not something she was ready to say with certainty. She said, "Well, I'm still unsure. Can I still be a stallion and keep my new cutie mark?"

Trouble Shoes shrugged and replied, "I reckon there's a way to keep the cutie mark and your original gender. But heck do I know, I think I like being a stallion myself and will stay this way."

"Wait, you were a mare before!?"

Trouble Shoes looked rather sheepish as he responded, "Yes, I've mentioned it already; in fact, I looked like you…maybe…"

The two looked right into each other's eyes and said in unison. "Maybe the test was for both of us to meet, and we're not changing ourselves but swapping lives!?"

The Gender swapped ponies then burst out laughing, and the mare's cheeks flushed red, then asked, "How is this even possible?"

The stallion shrugged his shoulders and then said, "Beats me. I guess this is a way to ensure both parties consent to this…so what was your curse again?"

"Mine, oh, that was making everypony super unlucky around me…what was your curse?"

The stallion chuckled and said, "Not only was I clumsy, I constantly gave ponies better luck than me, and it made me feel more miserable at first. But I guess we also got a taste of what the other was feeling."

Lucky started to rub her hooves over each other with a shy smile as she asked, "And are you sure you want to stay this way? I would feel awful if the case was that you were just doing this to make me feel better. I'll change back if you want?"

Trouble Shoes held up a hoof. "No need to fret. I already talked it over with Applejack, and he's fine with how I am." He then gave a playful smirk and added, "In fact, I reckon he likes me like this more."

"Wait, your Applejack is a he?"

Trouble Shoes' eyes went wide as he exclaimed, "Yours isn't?"

The two burst out laughing again, then Trouble Shoes slipped suddenly slipped onto his bottom, and Lucky laughed even harder.

"Well, then, I think I know what I want! Thank you!" She then started to melt through the ground and saw the silvery substance rippling as it absorbed her. She turned to see Trouble Shoes in the same situation as he was melting into the ground; she waved a hoof and then asked, "I wish you luck, and say hi to your Cutie Mark Crusaders for me!"

"I will!" The mare chimed as she looked up at the stallion and watched as she disappeared beneath the metallic liquid once again.

Upon returning from the ground, she turned to see Applejack staring at her, looking scared out of her mind, and asked, "So, uh, you OK? You just melted into the ground!"

Lucky started to bounce up and down out of excitement and squealed, "Fine, I'm more than fine!"

The farm mare seemed used to this with Pinkie Pie and laughed, "OK, OK, take it easy." The mare stopped, then the farm mare asked, "Did it work?"

The brown-coated mare paused, seeing she wasn't sure if the curse was lifted or not, then said, "Let's have a race, and let's find out."

They then went outside and had a small race around the Orchard. As Lucky was running, she was still feeling as athletic as before. She drank her metallic liquid and could jump over rocks and dodge a low-hanging branch. Still, as she came around the last bend of the race, she saw Applejack already ahead and heaving, seeing that she lost…she lost! The mare squealed and was excited as she burst into a full sprint and tackled her friend, hugging her and squealing, "You see, I didn't give you bad luck! The curse is gone!"

"Congrats…but I guess that means you're stuck like this forever," Applejack responded and wheezed. "Can you put me down?"

"Sorry," she squeaked and placed her friend down, who brushed some dirt from her coat. "So now, what are you going to do?"

Lucky was just bouncing up and down, squealing, "Who cares! I'm so happy and want to move to Ponyville and be a rodeo star with you! Then see what happens from there!"

Applejack laughed in delight and said, "Alright, well, I don't see the problem with that! You can stay with us until we find ya a home."

Lucky then bent her head worriedly, thinking about what Trouble Shoes said and stopping running from her problems. It made her realize that's what she's been doing since becoming Lucky Horseshoes, and there was much to answer for. Not just her coming clean and telling the citizens of Appleloosa that she caused the other contestants in the rodeo to mess up. But paying for all the other damages she caused as Trouble Shoes. She turned to her friend and said, "Before I do anything, I realized I learned I have to stop running away from my problems."

The orange-coated mare gave a nod and replied, "That's good to hear. Guess the mirror taught ya that?"

The female Clydesdale's heart was thumping in her chest as she didn't know how Applejack was going to take her plan but exclaimed, "I don't think you understand. I'm going back to Appleloosa and turning myself in."