• Published 23rd Apr 2023
  • 284 Views, 6 Comments

Dark Road: The Ruins of the Everfree - Visharo

The world is dark, Merchants control the roads, but heroes are the ones who protect the citizenry and explore the outer world! When one day, there is word of an unexplored ruin, deep in the middle of the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

For Adventure!

Rainbow 'Danger' Dash, the best Skirmisher enlisted in the Queen's army. If anypony says any different, you best believe she'll beat their muzzle in. She grinned as she trotted the cobblestone roads of Canterlot, the capital bustling in the candle and lantern light. Her wingfeathers twirling a custom made pistol with her cutiemark inlaid on the metal. She loved Tank to bits and would kill anyone who dare touch it.

Rainbow was whistling a jaunty tune when she came across the board that said Queen's Commissions. Casting a sluggish glance at the board, her eyes caught a particular post. She peered closer and then gasped. The other heroes who were looking at the other posts barely had time to react when suddenly the cyan pegasus was gone in a prismatic blur.

The Ringway Inn had a similar situation when Rainbow burst through a window, spraying glass everywhere, and tackled a sleeping griffon who was on the counter.

"Gilda! Check out this Commish!" The Skirmisher let out a raspy giggle.

"OI, STOP BUSTIN' DOWN MAH WINDOWS!" The bartender yelled out, his usually pale blue face, red with rage. "AH'M TELLIN' YA RAINBOW, YER PAYIN'!"

"Ah, crabapples. I'LL PAY WHEN I GET BACK FROM THIS JOB TANKARD, PROMISE!" Rainbow shouted back, the form beneath her moved and made a grumbling noise. The pegasus didn't notice.

"YER LAST PROMISE LANDED ME A NIGHTMARE-DAMNED PYRAMID SCHEME!" Tankard had a cider mug raised in a threatening manner. From what Rainbow had gathered from their many conversations over the past, the bartender used to be a specialized Knight, great at hoof to hoof combat and thus was able to stand on his backhooves with ease.

"THAT WASN'T MY FAULT AND YOU KNOW IT!" "RD..." Rainbow didn't notice again and snapped her wings out, her right one drifting closer to her holster.

"BAH, AS IF AH WOULD BELIEVE THAT! YA STILL OWE ME!" The regular patrons ignored the two fighting, they've seen this scene play out many times, the newer ones however were watching with wild eyes.

"I PAID YOU BACK LAST MONTH!" "RD, git off..." Rainbow was far too gone, a raging fire in her magenta gaze.

"THAT BUSHEL OF APPLES WEREN'T EVEN YERS TO BEGIN WIT, SO NAW, AH DON'T CONSIDER DEBT REPAID!" Tankard was merely inches away from Rainbow, a hard glare in his subdued teal eyes. His co-workers sighed and continued to work.


"RD, I SAID GIT OFF!" Gilda roared and rose up, sending the pegasus off balance, but before she could hit the ground, a sharp tug on her tail told her everything she needed to know. Before she knew it, she was on the other side of the room with broken wood at her sides.

"Much obliged Gilda." Tankard tipped his stetson and went back behind the bar with a self-satisfied smile.

Half of the inn was in shocked silence, the other half was in the usual lull of conversation. Gilda, griffon and Skirmisher, partnered to the insufferable Rainbow Dash, strolled to the prone pegasus.

"So, whaddya got?" Gilda asked as if nothing had just happened.

"A Queen's Commish, it's pretty sweet." She hoofed it up to the griffon without getting up. It said:

The Queen is calling for a retrieval.

A large tome with the Queen's seal.

Location is the ruins in the middle of the Everfree Forest.

If Commission is accepted, meet the Queen's representative in front of Canterlot at Midnight.

Payment will be given upon completion.

"RD..." Gilda sighed and shook her head. "The Everfree Forest is the most dangerous place on Equestria! Who knows how many Nightmare Creatures roam there! Tantabusses, Ursa Minors and Majors, Lupus Minors and Majors, Wendigoes, Dullahans, Chimeras, Cockatrices, Sphinxes, Rocs, or the dreaded Winterchilla!" For added effect, Gilda shook her wings.

"...you done?"

"Yeah I'm done. Let's do this thing!" The two left the inn laughing and hitting each other, leaving the newer heroes in utter bafflement. They soon were reassured or not, depends the way you look at it, by the more veteran ones who said they are insane.

"Wait G, it's not even close to Midnight." Rainbow pointed at the clocktower at the very center of the capital. It was constructed in the third year of Queen Nightmare Moon's reign when she realized that without having a day cycle really messes with someone's inner clock. She claims that it was made for her and her alone, if anybody claimed differently, they wouldn't be seen again.

"I know that, I ain't dumb, featherbrain." Gilda kept on walking.

"Oi! I ain't the featherbrain, you are!" Rainbow tried to tackle the griffon but ended up catching the ground when her target sidestepped. "Stupid blooming hunter instincts."

"You know it!" Gilda sang, a grin on her beak. Nearby passerbyers quickly steered clear.

"Ugh, fine, I'll ask. What are we doing?" Rainbow pulled herself off the ground and followed, if somewhat droopy.

"We need a crew."

"Sure...wait, WHAT!" Before the griffon could blink, Rainbow Dash was on her. The pegasus' face pressed directly into her beak. "A crew!? Did Tankard's cider knock something in that head or did you forget? We work alone. Alone! We don't need a crew!"

"And maybe you didn't hear me!" Gilda pushed upwards, sending the pegasus to the ground, but she recovered quickly. "I said that the Everfree Forest was the most dangerous place! I wasn't kidding about that part. We need other heroes!"

"Rainbow 'Danger' Dash doesn't need anypony!" Rainbow declared loudly, her wing bent so it looked like she was praising herself, which she was. Then a claw knocked on her head.

"RD, you really are a featherbrain. Now c'mon, let's get some gear." Gilda hoisted the dizzy pegasus onto her back and continued her walk.

They took several turns and long winding passages. Rainbow felt better halfway and attempted to slide off, but the griffon's wings snapped her back, creating some sort of restraining feathery rope. The further they went, the darker it got. Less candles and lanterns here. They finally arrived in a spooky alley, lit only by a small blue spellfire.

"Why are we here G?" Rainbow asked with more of an annoyed voice.

"You know the Black Market's got the best stuff. Plus, I want to see Shady again, he's funny."


It wasn't before long they made it to a house covered in spellshadow. The purpose of it is to deter ponies from going in, but anypony who came willingly to the Black Market wouldn't be scared of a little spellshadow. The two stepped in and took in the curious little shop.

The walls were lined with shelves and cabinets filled with trinkets, weapons, both magical and not, armors, books potions, and instruments. All of them handmade and unique. The pony who invented the cutting edge technology of spellfire and of all these objects behind them, was hanging upside down from the roof.

"Shady." No response. "Shady!...SHADY!" Rainbow poked him, still nothing. "SHADY!"

"Here, let me." Gilda interrupted the swing Rainbow had prepared and flew to the rope that was tied to a support beam. She pulled out a small knife and sliced through it, sending poor Shady to the floor. That woke him up.

"Gah! Oh jeez, oh Nightmare-dammit, that was the best dream I've had in years!" Shady, a usually pink unicorn, but uses dye to make it black, stumbled his way to his desk which happened to be on the other side of the room. "Rainbow 'Daring' Dash and Gilda, buck you."

"It's Danger, moron." Rainbow muttered, her right wing twitching.

"Psh, Daring, Danger, it's all the same. All you Skirmishers, think that you're all so mighty with your fancy pistols. HA!" Shady broke off his laugh with a bout of wet coughing.

"Yo Shade, you don't sound too good." Gilda attempted to lean forwards and listen to his chest but she got pushed away by filthy hooves.

"Meh, death. I've been waiting for it's sweet embrace my entire life, with my luck, I won't be able to feel it for another four years." Shady shot up and bucked his chair across the room, cracking the cheap plaster. "Dammit it all to Tartarus. G, What do you want." It wasn't a question.

"My 'kit'."

"You're doing some awful Nightmare-damned mission, aren't you." He sighed. "One day, you'll die and I'll be laughing. I will personally be the first to know when you'll die, I want you both to know that."

"Dang, stalker much?" Rainbow grinned cheekily. Which fell immediately when she had to duck from a flying desk.

"Nightmare curse you too Rainbow." Shady gave a stinkeye to both of them and made it a whole show by staring at them for 10 seconds each, before finally going to the back of his house. He soon came back with a brown duffle bag with very suspicious lumps, breaking the nice pattern embroidered on the front. Gilda snatched it out of his grip and walked away, not even giving him the satisfaction of looking his way. Rainbow quickly flew after her.

"Where to?" She asked once she caught up.

"Back to Ringway. We need a crew, right?"

"Aaaargh, Ringway? Seriously? We were just there!" The pegasus moaned, her forehooves dragging across her face.

"RD, shut up." Gilda threatened, letting the two fall into silence.


"And what makes you think you're worthy to crew with Rainbow 'Danger' Dash?" Gilda was straddling a chair and faced a long line of potential heroes. They had set up a booth right in the middle of the inn so all could see. The moment they heard of Rainbow, ponies of all sorts flocked to the table.

"Truth be told, I'm not even a hero meself. I figure I should get out, see the world while I'm still young." The pony speaking looked to be in his late 50's and hobbling on a bad leg.

"You'll do, make your mark." Gilda gestured with a claw to a parchment filled with tens of names. The old stallion grinned and nodded before shuffling to the paper. He took the charcoal pencil with his mouth and raised it, right before he was going to put it on the parchment...

"Oi, RD, Wake up!" Rainbow crashed to the floor as her chair was kicked out underneath her. The cyan pegasus groaned and pushed herself off the ground before looking up. She immediately regretted it and attempted to lie back down but only to be stopped by grabby claws.

"G, lemme go...please?" It was pitiful and Rainbow knew it, but she was hungover as the day was gone and her head ached.

"No. You drink too much Cider anyways. Now, c'mon, I've got us a crew!" Gilda laughed as she heaved the deadweight pegasus and hauled her over to another table. Rainbow made a conscious effort to look at each member before collapsing on the table. Before the lights went out, she recognized another pegasus, and uhh, a Loremaster maybe, from his robes, and a tiny earth pony Knight.

"Rainbow Dash, these are...hey!" Rainbow was elbowed and she lifted her head up and blearily blinked at them. "RD, I swear..." The griffon let it hang just long enough for Rainbow to sit up properly. "Right, okay. Rainbow Dash, this is Gypsum Flower, Sacred Tome, and Liquid Courage." Rainbow raised an eyebrow at the last name and then looked down at the tiny Knight.

"Call me Gyps!"

"A pleasure, Miss Dash."


The other four fell silent and stared in bewilderment at the small stallion. Rainbow could just make out angry amber eyes from underneath his visor. His armor also covered everything, even his tail, so it was impossible to tell what color he was. After a moment of silence, Rainbow nodded and extended a hoof. There was a little hesitation but Liquid bumped it in the end.

"Right Miss Dash, if you please. Miss Gilda here..." "Just Gilda." "...right, ahem, Gilda here said you have a Queen's Commission regarding an old ruins deep in the Everfree Forest, am I correct?" The Loremaster looked more rugged than all the other ones Rainbow had met, the deep purple stallion even had a pistol underneath those robes. That officially made him 20% cooler in her eyes.

"Yep, no lie." Rainbow produced the parchment that held the commission for all to see. Liquid was the first one to finish and then it was Gyps and in typical Loremaster fashion, Sacred analyzed the text over and over again, allowing Rainbow to look at the other pegasus.

"Gyps, was it?"

"Yes Ma'am!" The white pegasus giggled before covering her mouth. "Sorry sorry, I've just always wanted to say that."

"Well now you have! Anyways, what kind of hero are you? It's just you don't strike me of anything yet right now, your garb, equipment..." Rainbow let it hang, hoping that the giggly mare would continue.

"Oh, I'm a Skirmisher! Well, more of a trainee. Lovebug is training me, that is, until he left for Fillydelphia. But all's good!" She said with an all too comfortable grin. Rainbow turned around and faced Gilda.

"A trainee, G? Who's the featherbrain now! We can't take a trainee, she isn't prepared!" It wasn't that quiet but Gyps did the polite thing and pretended not to hear, as did the other two potentials.

"Don't worry about that RD, I'll take care of her, plus I've seen her training record, got the class best in her first year." The grin on that beak looked so unnatural, Rainbow wanted to find something long and whack Gilda with it, over and over. But she didn't.

"Fine, I'm not taking care of here, I want you to know that here and now." Rainbow demanded, determined for this to happen.

"Right. My responsibilty." Gilda and Rainbow settled back into their chairs and faced the three newcomers. "So, welcome aboard! We just need to find a Merchant to take us there, but that'll be hard considering how deep inside the Everfree."

"I know a Merchant who who's crazy enough." Rainbow suggested.

"Who?" Gilda whipped around and stared at the pegasus, then it dawned on her. Rainbow saw it, the entire thing, the words going into her ear, getting processed, then gets sent up to the brain and boom, the headboss sees it. "No, absolutely no! You can't make me do anything when it comes to that mare! No way in Tartarus am I going! No, NOOOOO!"


"Hey Pinkie, hows it hanging?"

"DASHIE!" The pink mare squealed and left the stallion she was talking to and appeared right next to the cyan pegasus. Rainbow barely had time to blink before her ribs were crushed in a giant hug. "GILDA, you're here too!"

Gilda's protest was immediately interrupted by a pink hoof. She was pressed against Rainbow who gave the griffon a sheepish smile. The pegasus got a glare in return.

"Alright Pinkie, you can let us go now." Rainbow said, patting weakly on Pinkie's leg. It took several seconds for the words to go into her head. She then dropped them with a big grin as if nothing had just happened. Behind her, the stallion she was talking to earlier stared at them with a very bewildered look.

"So Dashie, what is it now?" It almost sounded like Pinkie was cooing while simultaneously keeping the biggest grin on her face. "You never come to me unless you need something, so spit it out."

"Hehe, riiight, so it's this new commish. Says we need to go to the Everfree forest."

"Sure, I'll take you! And your crew too, can't forget about them. Say, do you think they like cupcakes?"

Several minutes later and a lot of questions about cupcakes, Pinkie's caravan was on the road, Longshadow pulling. Rainbow was sitting up in front at Gilda's insistence, saying that out of all of them here, Rainbow was the best equipped for Pinkie. So, that meant that Gilda, Liquid, Sacred, and Gyps were all in the back, chilling and talking.

"Cupcake for your thoughts?" Pinkie giggled, her eyes trained to the road.

"Er...no, thanks. I'm not hungry."

"GASP! Not even for a cupcake!?" Pinkie didn't gasp per se, but actually said the word. It caught Rainbow somewhat off guard.

"Not even for a cupcake." Rainbow confirmed. Luckily for her, Pinkie didn't react much after that, just held her silence. "Wait a minute, Pinks. Who was that stallion earlier?"

"Which stallion, I know so many. Why, you want me to hook you up?" Pinkie then burst out laughing as if that was the most hilarious thing she's ever heard. Rainbow turned a slight shade of red.

"NO! You know what I mean! At least...I think I do?" The cyan pegasus scratched her head with a hoof, not so sure anymore. "What I meant was, who was that stallion you were talking to earlier? You know, the one before you hugged me?"

"Ooooh, you mean Spirits? Yeah, he was just helping me with something." Pinkie nodded as if signaling that the topic was over, but Rainbow was never good at that sort of thing.



"...you're not going to tell me, are you?"



Sacred Tome and Rainbow Dash switched spots, something about wanting to get lore from Pinkie, Rainbow didn't understand nor did she care. It was just some egghead stuff.

"Hey G, how you doing?"


"Is it because of Pinkie?"

"Yes, it's because of the pink pony!" Gilda rose up on her talons and started advancing on the pegasus. The tight cramped place of the caravan meant that Rainbow didn't have many options. Her hindquarters soon touched fabric signaling the end of the line for her and still Gilda kept coming closer and closer. Soon they were so close that Gilda's feathers and Rainbow's fur was brushing against each other. "Why have you done this to me, you know I don't like the pink pony! With all her cheap and worthless pranks."

"Come on G, it's just for this trip, we'll never go to Pinkie after this."

"You better keep that promise, RD."

"Sure G." The two became silent and before long, they had their spot pretty comfortable. Liquid and Gyps watched the entire thing and made no comments whatsoever, it even gave the feeling that this was meant to happen and everything was already predestined.

"So, how'd you two meet?" The ice was not just broken, an explosive spell dropped on the ice. When the two Skirmishers looked at the pony who said that, Gyps looked like she got caught with her hoof inside the cookie jar.

"Hmph, you wanna answer that, RD?"

"I nominate you, G!"

"How might kind of you, but I really do insist."

"G, you've been my bestest friend, I truly think this honor should go to you."

"Yeah yeah, you have big fancy words and you don't like talking about it, but get on with it!" Liquid burst out, his gaze annoyed and hard.

"Tiny Knight, you couldn't be more wrong, but fine, since you've said so, I shall go." Rainbow said, preparing herself mentally and physically. This tale is going to be a long one.

"It was a dark day and I was stuck in Ringway Inn, that place is awesome by the way, waiting for the storm to pass. I took a wrong step and down I went, my left wing smacking G here. She got and hit me hard enough to sent me flying. Our brawl lasted last several minutes until some Bard ruined it and set us both out into the rain. We've been friends ever since!" Rainbow finished, looking mighty proud of herself.

"That wasn't that long, why one time I spent entire days listening to a Bard recounting an event like the Blinding or something like that."

"Hey, I know the Blinding! My granny Pie was there when it happened!" Pinkie's head shot inside the caravan, sending everypony out of their seats.

"Excuse me, Miss Pie, but that is simply incorrect." Sacred didn't even miss a beat and he too stuck his head in. "The Blinding was said to be 700 years ago, orchestrated by Princess Celestia and her final attack on the pony race. The ponies of Equestria woke up to be immediately blinded by the sun that appeared in the sky, so no, your 'granny Pie' couldn't have been there."

"She was so!"

"No, she wasn't."

"Well, how do you know mister know it all!" Pinkie exclaimed, when he didn't answer, the pink mare smiled widely and took it as a win.


The caravan arrived at the Everfree many hours later. They chose the shortcut when the split came up and they traveled for a solid seven hours before the trees came into view. Pinkie stopped the caravan right at the forest's edge due to how tightly grown it was.

"Right! This is where I stop, I'll just be waiting until you come back!" Pinkie said with all the cheerfulness in the entire world. Rainbow noticed Gilda gagging silently.

"Ok, see ya later Pinks!" Rainbow lit a torch and led the crew into the forest, just heading in a random direction that felt right to her.

"Wait, do you know where the ruins are?" Liquid spoke out, causing Rainbow to stop. She looked back sheepishly. "Oh come on! How are we supposed to get there then!?"

"I don't know, I was thinking we could roam until we find it."

"Great idea RD, roam the most dangerous place in Equestria." Gilda snarked, then paused. "Oh."

"Oh, what?" Sacred looked pretty annoyed.

"We were supposed to get that guide, remember?"

"Oh." Rainbow lowered her head and chuckled self-consciously.

"Ugh! I can't believe you!"

"This trip is a disaster. And to believe that I thought you were competent."

"I still want to come!"

The four veteran adventurers looked at the bubbly Gypsum Flower. Then, as if rehearsed, they shook their heads together.

"Sorry kid, if some of the party isn't willing, then it definitely is not safe for trainees like you." Rainbow said, reaching out and ruffling her mane. She quickly batted it away with a wing and looked back defiantly.

"I can do this! You have to let me do this!" The cheerful mare was replaced with something else altogether. The contrast was so different that the other four took a step back. "If you...chickens don't want to do it, then I will."

Rainbow looked as the mare slowly disappeared into the brush. "Aw, horseapples." and quickly followed. A familiar thrum behind her told that Gilda was following.

"Can't believe you let this happen, RD."

"What! Me? Excuse you, G! You brought her!"

"Only because she wanted to meet the great Rainbow 'Danger' Dash, the Skirmisher you fought at the Crystal Empire." Gilda's tone didn't allow for any discussion. Rainbow wisely kept silent.

Then was ultimately surprised when two more sets of hooves came bounding behind them. Sacred Tome with his robes flowing out like wings and Liquid Courage in his tiny armor and heavy scowl.

"I will not see a developing hero rush blindly into danger while I did nothing." The Loremaster exclaimed, a guilty and determined expression showing on his face in the torchlight.

"What he said!" The Knight added.

Together the four of them ran, following the trail of broken branches and crushed ferns, trying to keep up with the surprisingly fast pegasus. It went on like that for a while, just the pounding of hooves and claws on the ground and the heavy breathing of exerted creatures. The rustling of fabric, the clinking of armor, and the crackle of the torch. Then they stopped. In front of them lay a great ruin, a castle of magnificent proportions.

"Well, I guess this is it. Come on, let's find that kid and get out of here." Rainbow said and resumed her canter. The others followed.

"What do you propose we do?" Sacred asked, his horn sparking a bit.

"Split up, right RD?" Gilda said, her wings pulling out her duel pistols. Griffon weaponry is specially made to fit wings and claws so it gives the griffon the diversity they need.

"Right." Together they walked under a large arch and into a courtyard. "Alright everypony, first objective is of course Gyps, but if you see the book or anything else that is awesome, grab it. This trip might not be a fail after all."

"Don't forget the many creatures that inhabit the Everfree." Sacred added.

"We meet back here in three hours. Let's go." Rainbow took off, heading straight towards a tower. If she knew pegasi, and she sure hoped she did, they liked to be high up. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Liquid heading towards what looked like the throne room.

The cyan pegasus creaked open the door once she arrived and quickly rushed in. This trainee was here because of her and she was sure that if nothing else, she would get that filly home. The room she found herself in was pretty standard in most guard towers, except dustier. Racks of swords and armor stands. Broken lanterns and some banners depicting either a sun or a moon. There was a table in the middle of the table with a very interesting candle holder and a book. Rainbow looked around, made sure there was nothing else and took a gander at the book. Guard's How To: Not Get Shot in the Knee. Worthless, she decided, and moved on.

Climbing up the pony-friendly ladder, she made it to the second floor. The lack of dust on this particular room made her very uneasy as she slowly unholstered Tank. Peering closely at everything, Rainbow couldn't make anything out of the ordinary. Just furniture and item racks. There was a bookcase that was glinting in the shadow of an armor rack that caught her eye. Maybe the book was there. And then the pegasus froze. Armor racks don't cast that big of a shadow. Sure enough, the darkness rippled and moved. Then, yellow eyes appeared, glowing with an unhealthy amount of magic. A Wraith.

Thinking fast, Rainbow galloped straight towards the window and crashed through the old glass, firing behind her. She plummeted to the ground at death defying speeds before pulling up but underestimated her strength and then crashed into another window, landing her into what seemed to be a kitchen. Rainbow groaned and tried to stand, it didn't work. Her wings felt weak and strained, her body was covered in cuts, her torch was gone, but she still had Tank.

"Horseapples." A Wraith. The hero program always said that Wraiths are not to be trifled with and you should flee the moment you see one, because of their nonexistent weakness. Created when a pony dies who was filled with anger or vengeance, which meant they were pretty rare. Rainbow pushed herself upwards again and this time she was able to stand. Pushing through the pain, she hobbled towards the throne room. Got to find the others.

She found Liquid Courage by bumping straight into him. It was very unpleasant as his armor rubbed against several of Rainbow's wounds. She screamed and failed to suppress it.

"Miss Dash?" The tiny Knight crouched down to look closer at the pegasus and then winced. "Those wounds don't look to good, where'd you get them? Here, I think you need this more then I do."

Something cold was pressed to Rainbow's lips and she instinctively drank from it. Hard cider. She drank more, greedily even. Soon, the pain dulled into a throb and a haze was set over her mind. She rose to her hooves quite unsteadily. Through her blurry eyes, she could see that the Knight had a book in a saddlebag and a torch was in his mouth.

"We...argh...we, we need to go...Wraith."


The two didn't need any other incentive and the two set off at a more hurried pace. They needed to find Gyps fast but they needed to keep quiet else the Wraith would hear them. Through the hallways of unlit torches and armor stands. Shields and banners adorned the walls, all with creative and unique sun and moon decals.

They turned a corner and then immediately turned around and galloped with all their might. The shadows behind them seemed the lengthen and the surrounding temperature dropped drastically. Rainbow's cuts stung like Tartarus but she kept on pushing. Death by Wraith was one of the worst one could experience and she definitely did not want to experience that. They were at it for several minutes and the two heroes could feel it. They were slowing down, Rainbow because of her weakened state and Liquid because of his heavy armor.

"There!" Rainbow managed to spit out and nudged the small Knight towards a small opening. As one, they dropped to the ground and slid right in. Wasting no time, the two grabbed a bookcase and heaved it in front of the entrance. Then the screaming began. Rainbow and Liquid collapsed on the floor, their hooves covering their bleeding ears and yelling out in pain. Nopony could tell how long that was, but just as suddenly, the screeching stopped. The next thing Rainbow noticed was that the temperature rose and the flickering of Liquid's torch became brighter. She sighed and flopped back to the floor.


The two pushed away the bookcase and crept out. The two were refreshed and somewhat healed. Rainbow had produced a potion she forgot she had and a few swigs had replenished their energy and somewhat healed Rainbow's cuts. It was a messy job and she knew it, she definitely needed to visit a Priest or an Alchemist once she got back.

Liquid looked around with his torch and once he confirmed there was nothing there, did the two start moving again. They weren't sure where the Wraith went nor did they know where they were so they went down a random direction, hoping to arrive somewhere familiar. It proved to be a lot easier then they thought.

After a couple of turns, they ended back in the kitchen where Rainbow crashed through. Together they moved like the veterans they were and looted the place extensively and thoroughly. What they got was a meager cache, with only a few enchanted food items suitable for eating. They devoured it.

Liquid wasn't much of a chatty type and Rainbow appreciated that. They ate together in a comfortable silence that could only be achieved after surviving something harrowing together. Sometimes they would glance at each other, but it wasn't with anger or curiosity, it was just them simply acknowledging their presence. When their food was finally done, they rose together and exited together.

They made it to the courtyard where they all started and hid in a bush. Thinking that if they were kept out of sight, the Wraith wouldn't see them but would still be visible enough for Gilda and the others to spot them. They waited there for Nightmare knows how long when they heard a very familiar scream.

Without thinking, Rainbow bolted forward, towards the Wraith and it's victim or victims. The heavy pounding behind her said that Liquid had her back and she was all the more grateful for it. Crashing through yet another window, but this time with more care, the pegasus and the Knight found themselves in the keep. The noise of shattering glass caught the Wraith's attention and it's yellow eyes focused on the two heroes. Before Rainbow turned around, she made out three forms behind the shadowy monster and breathed a sight of relief, which soon turned into a terrified breath.

Rainbow and Liquid ran with all their might, twisting and turning through various objects and obstacles hoping that the Wraith would stumble on at least one. It didn't seem like it. Turning another corner, Rainbow could see the exit but she could also hear the laboring breath of Liquid next to her. He wasn't going to last long. Without thinking, she bucked the earth pony to the side and through an open doorway. To cover his crash, Rainbow let loose a battle cry that emanated deep within her and the Wraith barreled down on her without remorse.

The Skirmisher knew that there was no chance she could make it, but she still tried. She really did try. That little hope that she was clinging on to, all but plummeted once she tripped on some wooden debris. The momentum of her sprint still had her moving through the air that all but stopped once she faceplanted on the floor. Turning around, she faced the terror that was going to consume her spirit and leave her a drained husk. The shadow with hungry yellow eyes.

Memories started flickering through her head. Buying her first house. Eating her first hayburger. Laying eyes on Queen Nightmare Moon. Completing the hero program. Traveling with her friends. Laughing at campfires. The sun rising...wait.

Rainbow snapped back to reality when the brightest light she'd ever seen bore down on her. The largest Sun Crystal you ever did see was sailing towards her and the Wraith seemed to recoil from it. It wasn't much but Rainbow saw her opportunity and seized it. Turning tail and aiming, she bucked the Crystal straight towards the shadow monster and before it connected, it let loose a howling scream that tore at Rainbow's eardrums but she didn't care. She couldn't care. Before she knew it, the world was black once again.


Rainbow 'Danger' Dash woke up to lanternlight. Several anxious face was looking down at her, including Gyps. The pegasus sighed in relief and closed her eyes again.

"Told ya she would make it! When am I ever wrong?" Pinkie?

"Whatever." That was Gilda.

"I'm just glare you're okay!" Gyps. "I'm sorry for running off like that, I really am!"

"Knew she would survive." Liquid, relieved?

"Yes, it seems the Skirmisher will survive another day." Sacred Tome.

They were all here. Everypony survived. Rainbow smiled.

Author's Note:

You asked, I delivered. I hoped this was to your satisfaction! I'm really sorry this took so long, there's just been a lot of school and then there was this glitch that made me lose 2 hours worth of writing, it was...something to say the least.

Massive kudos to those who read the first one, it really meant a lot to finally see a story of mine on the featured section, for 2 days no less! Thank you!

Comments ( 6 )

Good continuation.

Why thank you.

Laying eyes on Queen Nightmare Moon.

I liked that part 😅
Kind of speaks loud about the setting if last, treasured, flashing memories before your impeding death is when you saw your not-so-radiant ruler.
Good read!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

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