• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 1,667 Views, 22 Comments

Shining's Realization - TheVClaw

Shining Armor was looking around the castle for his wife Cadance, and the reformed ex-King Sombra who was under their probation. After looking all over, he discovers the two alone in a room having a private discussion. About each other...

  • ...


“... Cadance? Helloooooo…

Shining Armor’s voice echoed off the walls, and trailed off in the distance as it escaped down the lengthy hallway. Unfortunately, despite how loudly he tried calling out for his wife, he didn’t hear any response. He was fortunate that none of the castle staff were around, since he was meaning to talk with Cadance in private. But at the same time, the Prince wished he had a clear idea where his spouse may have gone off to.

“Ugh… where the heck could she be?” Shining shook his head while muttering under his breath. He had checked on Flurry Heart a couple minutes ago, so he knew that she was safe and happy with some of the castle’s appointed sitters. However, that also made him even more confused about where the Mother of his child had gone. He didn’t want to feel too worried, but that was easier said than done when his wife wasn’t the only pony missing. And much to Shining’s personal dismay, it happened to be the one stallion who absolutely could not be left alone in his former castle.

“I really hope she knows where Sombra is…” Shining was grateful that he was still alone, since he didn’t want any of the Crystal Ponies to have overheard that murmur. Even though the former King Sombra had been living in the Crystal Castle under strict probation for over a year, the tension between him and his former subjects was beyond uncomfortable. Shining and Cadance had spent a lot of time assisting in Twilight’s friendship lessons, which in turn helped them to not only tolerate Sombra’s presence, but even befriend him. Of course, that was only after the reformed Sombra publicly apologized for his actions, and showed how sincerely he didn’t want to return to politics or leadership of any kind.

Shining Armor bit his lip, but a worrisome groan still escaped his muzzle audibly. It was hard for him to manage his thoughts, and the absence of Cadance and Sombra was just making things worse. Over the past few months, the Prince couldn’t help feeling more paranoid about a lot of things. Nothing significant, but… still consistently enough to leave him feeling on edge for some reason.

“Okay… It has to be down this section…”

After searching most of the castle on his own, making sure to act casual so none of the Guards would try following him, Shining Armor found himself in the rarely used South Wing. That section was meant for visiting dignitaries and other highly-esteemed guests, so the private quarters were usually left vacant for most of the year. Shining wasn’t sure why either of the ponies could be around here, but by that point it was the last option he had before assuming the worst. He made sure to close the doors behind him, and he stood alone in the middle of the immaculate crystal hallway. However, despite how soundproof the castle’s walls and architecture may have been, they also proved to carry a rather distinct privacy flaw:

Even if the doors are closed, the crystal walls provide just enough transparency to reveal some changing colors and shapes from one of the rooms.

Shining’s eyes widened when he quickly noticed some movement from a room down the end of the hall. Even though the crystalized blue walls, he was able to recognize the distinct hue of his wife’s pink coat in flashing glimpses. He could also see another figure moving around beside her, but no discernable colors to match; just a monotone, albeit familiar dark aura that made Shining’s throat tighten immensely.

He slowly made his way towards the door, making sure to tread lightly enough for his hooves to remain silent. Neither of the shapes behind the wall seemed to move too suddenly, so Shining breathed out faintly when he reached the door without detection. He hesitated for a moment, and blushed heavily when he stared down at the doorknob; despite his recent uneasiness, he knew that this could easily be a mistake if he ended up getting caught. Nevertheless, the Prince closed his eyes to take a deep breath, and he turned the knob before he could get second thoughts.

Shining lit up his horn brightly, and used a strong aura of his magenta magic to encase the doorknob and frame. The door opened up a couple of inches, but was completely silent due to the Prince’s magic. After the aura dissipated, Shining immediately overheard the two figures’ voices that came from the doorway. His whole body tensed up, and he held his breath when he began to listen to their dialogue…

“... Trust me, the last thing I ever want to do is ruin what I already have. I mean… you and Shining have done so much to help me, it just…”
“Hmmmm… Yeah, I know. We really have been gracious hosts, haven’t we? Heh…”
“Well, more like Probation Officers, technically.”
“Hehehehe~ Oh, stop it! You know we don’t see you as a criminal anymore.”
“I know, I know… And I truly appreciate that, Your Highness…”

Shining wasn’t able to poke his head in and get a glimpse of the two, but Cadance and Sombra’s voices still came out clearly enough to remain standing by the doorway. He could definitely catch a heavy veil of nervousness from both of their tones, but neither of them sounded upset with the other. If anything, it just sounded like a normal conversation that happened to be in the most secluded spot in the castle away from eavesdropping staff. That was, except for the lone Prince who could only listen to the two in silence…

“Still, I… I don’t feel like I should say anything more. I… I a-already said too much--”
“N-No, Sombra! No! You don’t have to apologize.”
“Yes I do! Please don’t try to downplay it--”
“It’s alright, I understand! I promise you, I won’t say a word to Shining about it…”

The stallion’s eyes shot wide-open. Nothing came out of his muzzle, but he struggled not to gawk in silence. He looked around for a moment to make sure he was still alone, before peering in a little closer to the open doorway.

“... R… Really?”
“I promise. Believe me, I don’t want to deal with his reaction to that either. After everything you’ve done for your reformation, I don’t want this to ruin all that between you two.”
“Me neither! Seriously, you know I respect him more than anything, right?”
“I do! I know that you do, and… a-and I don’t… want to hurt him either…”

Shining Armor wasn’t sure which part was more worrying: the contextual clues in Sombra and Cadance’s conversation, or the hesitancy he heard in her voice with that last statement. He had no idea what they were referring to, but it didn’t sound like he was supposed to be listening in. But even as he hung his head slightly in guilt, his ears remained perked up for their conversation.

“Please, just… Just forget what I said! I shouldn’t have done this, I’m sorry--”
“NO! Sombra, don’t you dare try to act like you can just sweep this under the rug!”
“I’m sorry, Cadance! I don’t know what to do here! I can’t exactly un-say that!”
“I know! But still, you… Oh Sombra, please don’t give me that look!”
“What am I supposed to do!? I already know what you’re going to say, and it just… it kills me to know it’s true.”
“Now wait one second! You didn’t even give me a chance to respond!”
“Oh, don’t give me that! I already know it’ll never happen…”

Shining looked down at his hooves for a moment, his muzzle skewed in deep thought. He didn’t want to instantly start assuming things, but Sombra’s wording was definitel--

“I mean… You’re right, Sombra. It… It definitely sh…shouldn’t happen…”

As soon as he heard that remark from his wife, and especially how she inflected that rewording, his head perked back up with a newfound look of unease on his face…

“No, it shouldn’t happen! And… A-And it can’t happen.”
“You’re right, and… a-and I agree…”
“M-Me too!”
“Good! So… So we’re in agreement then.”
“Absolutely. It… it can’t… it can’t happen between us.”
“No, it… I-It shouldn’t…”

There was an awkward moment after that exchange, and Shining could only overhear the faint breathing from his wife and Sombra inside the room. Part of him wanted to pull his hooves away from the doorframe, and trot out of the hallway so he could leave this conversation be. Given how they were talking, it seemed genuine that they didn’t want to do something they’d regret later; but at the same time, Shining could hear how hesitantly they were making those same claims.

“So! Ummm… A-Again, I’m sorry about asking to talk out here. I should just…”
“Sombra, wait! Ummm…”
“... Yes?”
“Do you… Do you really regret what you said to me?”
“... What?”
“I mean… Would you… Would you take it back?”
“... I… I don’t… I don’t know…”

That was when Shining heard a sharp huff, which he unmistakably identified as Cadance's.

“What do you mean you don’t know?!”
“W-What, can you blame me?! It’s hard to know how to feel about it when you were totally silent!”
“Well, of course I was silent! That took me a little while to process, you know!”
“Still! I… Ugh… I just… I shouldn’t have just blurted it out like that…”

Shining Armor was no longer standing, and was now sitting beside the doorway with his back against the wall. His expression was blank and wide-eyed, but still notably blushed as he continued overhearing the two. His muzzle was tight enough to be quivering a little, while his breaths came out weakly through his nostrils. But even in his silent state, one of his eyes twitched when he heard Cadance speak timidly.

“... Well… You could’ve at least given me the chance to prepare an answer…”

“W… What do you mean?”
“Well… You tried to say you already know how I’d respond, but… But I don’t think you do.”
“... I… I don’t?”
“Or at least, you… You should really be more optimistic.”
“O… Opti… Wait, what are you trying to say?”
“Well, ummm… I…”

After another brief moment of silence, Cadance breathed out and spoke more confidently to the former villain.

“... I… I’ve given it some thought, so… C-Could you, errr… say it again?”
“... S-Say… ‘It’ again?”
“Yes… p-please…”

During that uncomfortable moment of tension, Shining had to bunch his legs in together while seated with a deepening blush. He found himself unable to move, and was helplessly pinned beside the door to keep eavesdropping. Shining closed his eyes, and he hung his head before hearing them speak once more.

“Ummm… A-Alright then. If you insist, then… I…

“I love you, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Ever since that first week of reformation, I… I instantly fell for you harder than I ever thought was imaginable. You’ve been such a kind and caring soul, and I… I can’t help how I feel around you. Your beauty, your grace, and your forgiveness have completely healed my heart and my soul. I know how stupid I am for feeling that way about a married mother, but… but I love you more than anything, Cadance.”

By the end of Sombra’s sincerely passionate plea, Shining Armor’s jaw nearly touched the floor. He couldn’t imagine the sheer gall of that stallion confessing such a thing to his wife, but his body remained frozen in stunned silence. While the Prince sat in shock of what Sombra just repeated, only a couple seconds passed before he heard Cadance speak weakly.

“... Sombra, I… I… I love you too~”

Shining’s head whipped around so quickly that he nearly gave himself whiplash. But alas, he was still firmly seated on the floor while staring slack-jawed at the door. In his strong bout of shock, Shining didn’t seem to notice the tears already welling at the corners of his eyes. However, he had no time to react too strongly before Sombra reacted.

“W-Wha… You… You do?”
“Ugh… Oh goddess… I can’t believe I said that out loud.”
“W-Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?!”
“N-No! It’s not like that, Sombra! I meant it, honest! I really do love you!”
“I… I can’t believe this… H-How long?”
“I don’t know! Ughhhh… This is just… It’s all so much to take at once…”
“Yeah, you’re telling me. Heh heh…”

Shining Armor was completely stunned and shell-shocked, and lying against the wall like a wounded soldier holding onto a mortal wound. His muzzle quivered a bit more painfully, but he wasn’t tearing up just yet. But alas, just as he took a deep breath, he held it up just long enough to hear a distinct hum of Cadance and Sombra’s voices. They were remarkably faint and hard to distinguish, but still vaguely familiar; it wasn’t until Shining heard a light smack that he realized it was their lips making contact. His wife just kissed King Sombra on the lips.

“Ohmigosh… I… I love you, Cadance!”
“Hehehehe~ And I love you too, Sombra~”

That time, the sound of Cadance and Sombra’s second kiss was much easier to distinguish from Shining Armor’s senses. His legs kept tensing up while crossed tightly together, leaving him able to just get up and walk away from this betrayal. Although, given how hot his face was getting already, the stallion’s stillness was quite peculiar while overhearing his unfaithful spouse.

“Ughhhh… This is bad, isn’t it?”
“Well, ummm… Yeah. Yeah, it is…”
“So… what do we do?”
“I don’t know. I mean… The Crystal Ponies would be furious if they knew I had feelings for you.”
“Well, at least you can defend yourself! They would literally lynch me if they found out!”
“No they won’t! I promise I won’t let any of them hurt you!”
“This isn’t just about them! Cadance, what are we going to do about Shining?”
“... Oh no…”

The Prince wished he hadn’t overheard that panicked gasp Cadance made before her last comment. If anything, that just made it sound like Cadance had her own husband as an afterthought to Sombra’s confession. His legs tightened up even more, and his eyes clenched shut as he struggled to maintain his composure. “Hnnnghhhh…”

“Cadance, I… You know I don’t expect you to choose, right?”
“I know. I… Oh goddess, I can’t hide this from him!”
“And what are you going to say?! ‘Sorry honey, but I fell in love with the villain we’re trying to reform!’?”
“Well, it… it’s technically true?”
“But still, you… Do you seriously want to tell him about this?!”
“No, but I… I really think that we need to tell him. Together.”

Only a few seconds of silence passed before Sombra’s voice bellowed out from the doorway: “WHAT?!”

“You heard me! If we have any chance of exploring this relationship, we have to be honest with Shining! It’s only fair!”
“Cadance, do you understand what this means?! How do you think he’ll react if we told him together?!”
“Well, it’d be safer than telling him individually!”
“Yeah, until he lights up his horn and points it at both of us!”
“Sombra, I am not going to go behind his back like a cheater! I still love Shining, and the last thing I want to do is hurt him!”
“I’d hate to say it, but you’re going to be hurting him regardless.”
“I know… I… Ugh, I know…”
“... Seriously, what would we even say? How… How in Equestria could we explain things without him killing us?!”
“I’m thinking! I just… I think we need to plan this out…”

Shining couldn’t hear much from the doorway for a moment, and could only assume that the villain and his spouse were lost in thought. He was so lost in his own mind, that he likely wouldn’t have noticed if Celestia trotted past him in a clown costume. Too many questions were running through his head, each one more concerning than the last: How long have they felt this way about each other? How could they fall in love so quickly behind his back? What were they hoping would happen after this encounter? And most importantly, how was Shining going to deal with the aftermath of such a bombshell falling right on his lap?

“... Cadance,” began Sombra in a more serious voice, “I know I already said it, but it bears repeating. I do NOT expect you to choose between me--”
Sombra, please… Please don’t complicate things right now…”
“... But we have to talk about this!”
“W-What do you expect me to say, Sombra?! I can’t… I can’t just answer something that big right now!”
“I know, and I’m not expecting you to know what to do. I just… could I just ask something?”
“W… What?”
“... How… How long did you know that you… l-loved me?”
“Hmmm… Welllllll…”

Shining was totally helpless as he overheard Cadance humming to herself for a few seconds. After a pert sigh, she made her guilty admission:

“... I suppose I… I came to terms with how I felt about… three, maybe… four months ago?”

The Prince gawked at the open doorway with his muzzle fully agape.

“Wow, that… That long?”
“Well, it was probably longer than that, but… I was also in denial for a while.”
“Wait, when did you… specifically know you loved me?”
“Ummm… Well, I… I guess it was when I saw you playing with Flurry Heart in the library. I, uhhh… I doubt you remember that.”
“You mean when it was just you and me?”
“Yeah, ummm… it was the first time she allowed you to hold her.”
“Heh, yeah… She also let me read ‘The Songbird Sisters’ to her.”
“Y… Y-Yes! I… I honestly didn’t think you’d--”
“Cadance, I thought about that day for weeks after it happened!”
“Seriously?! You…You mean when…”
“... When we shared that look?”
“... Yeah, I… I remember that too…” “
“I doubt I could ever forget how you were smiling at me…”
“… Y-Yeah…”
“W-Wow! I… I really wish I had said something back then.”
“O-Oh, please! I really doubt it would’ve worked back then.”
“Yeah, perhaps… Still though, I… All I can do is hope that it can work now.”
“Oh… Sombra~”

Shining heard another brief bout of silence, which was only cut off when he heard another audible kiss from the two ponies. The more he heard those two conversing so happily, the more he felt himself sinking deeper inside of a hole he couldn’t escape. When he heard the ponies’ lips break contact with a wet peck, he wasn’t sure if he was going to gag or pass out. He lowered his head, and sunk his face into his front hooves to hide his mortified expression. Of course, his ears were left uncovered, so he was forced to keep listening silently.

“Okay, so… How are we going to tell Shining?”
“Well, that depends… What are we hoping will happen?”
“Well, preferably I don’t want him to kill me. Heh heh…”
“... You know what’s not what I mean, Sombra.”
“Ugh, I know… I… I just know he likely won’t accept us, will he?”
“I… I don’t… Ugh! You’re right, he probably won’t…”
“... Does… Does he--Oh, nevermind!”
“N-Nothing! Nothing! Forget I said anything right then.”
“No, Sombra! Tell me!”
“I can’t!”
“Cadance, please!”
“Do I need to impose my Royal Status and Order you to tell me?”
“... Are you serious?”
“I AM Royalty, after all. Don’t tempt me.”
“Hmph… Yeah right, so was I~”

For some reason, hearing Sombra respond with that flirty tone was almost as bad as hearing their admissions of love. Unfortunately, Sombra then heard Cadance huff rather sharply, before speaking in a much firmer tone.

“Alright then, ‘King’ Sombra. If you really want to test me, then so be it! As Princess of the Crystal Empire, I Order you to tell me what you were about to say. Otherwise I’ll leave right now.”

That was enough to make Shining jolt away from the wall in a brief panic.

“Sombra, please… Whatever it is, I promise I won’t judge. Besides, you kinda legally can’t back down from a Direct Order, so…”
“Heh~ Is that what you do to somepony you love?”
“Well… if you tried giving me an order, who knows?~”
“W-What, I--”
But… you have to do it first. That way I know I can trust you.”
“... I… I don’t… Ugh, okay…”

Sombra took a couple deep, heavy breaths from the doorway, but it was the absence of any hoofsteps that kept Shining standing out of view. He eventually heard Sombra’s voice in a more solemn and uneasy tone.

“... I was… I was originally going to ask: Does… Does Shining Armor need to accept us?”

That question made Shining turn around and face the doorway directly. His pupils were the size of pins against his bulging eyes, while his bottom lip quivered a couple inches below his chin.

“... Oh, sweet Celestia,” muttered Cadance with a pained sigh. “You mean if…”
“... Yeah.”
“... Ummm… Well… I really… REALLY don’t want things to go that badly.”
“Me neither, but… Well, let’s face it, it probably will.”
“Yeah, I know! I know that very well, Sombra!”
“I’m just saying! If we go upstairs and tell him to his face about us, he… He’ll probably make you choose…
“... He… Oh goddess, he would…”
“... Which is why we need to go over what to say.”
“... And… W-What to do as well…”
“... d… do?”

Shining was almost grateful that Sombra asked that question first, since it was lingering on his mind as soon as he heard it from his wife’s muzzle. His head tilted curiously while he clamped his muzzle tightly shut.

“I mean, like… if we have to do more than speak, then… w-we should be prepared for that, right?”
“What do you mean ‘more than speak,’ Cadance? Like… Are you suggesting we kiss in front of him or something?!”
“No! I just mean that… Well, if we have to go through with this, we have to prove that we’re serious about it!”
“... And… And you really are serious about this… aren’t you?”
“... I… Y-Yes… Yes I am.”
“... Sombra?”
“... Ummm… H… How serious are you?”

There was another moment of palpable silence, but it felt like an eternity from both sides of the doorway.

“... Well… I’m serious enough to tell my husband, who’s also the father of my child, that I’m in love with another stallion. I think that should say enough, doesn’t it?”
“Y-Yes, I know! And believe me, I understand completely! I just… “
“... You just what, Sombra?”
“... What are you actually going to tell him?”

That question seemed to leave a bigger impact than expected, as it caused the Princess to stand frozen in the middle of the room with a conflicted wince. Her eyes veered away from the stallion in front of her, and stared down at the immaculate crystal flooring beneath their hooves. The lavish, marble-lined living space did nothing to distract either of the ponies, and was left completely untouched to leave the entire room feeling more like a solitary cell. Neither of them were close enough to the doorway to see it was ajar, not did they feel any breezes from the hallway outside. And due to the Prince’s stoic state outside, only silence lingered in the air while Cadance was lost in thought.

“... Mmmmm…” Her lips tightened pensively, and she took a deep breath through her nostrils. Sombra didn’t say anything, but he tried not to suck in his lips due to his oversized fangs; not to mention, there was enough of Cadance’s lipgloss on his muzzle to make him worry about tasting her so soon. The Princess kept her head hung low for a moment, undoubtedly to hide her blush and her shameful expression underneath. Nevertheless, Cadance slowly breathed out through her muzzle before shrugging in defeat. “I… I don’t… I don’t know what to say that wouldn’t hurt him.”

“I know,” said Sombra with a guilty nod to match his saddened look. “I don’t want to hurt Shining either…”

Neither of them looked too thrilled about their plans, but it seemed like a better option than letting such a revelation weigh down on both their consciences. Even though Cadance kept her eyes averted, she reluctantly accepted Sombra’s hoof when he held to one of her wrists. She sighed softly and squeezed his hoof in return, while her eyes closed in a half-hearted attempt to keep her thoughts in check. She had to let out another shaking breath before hearing her love speak tenderly.

“... Cadance…” Sombra used his other hoof to carefully brush away a couple strands of Cadance’s mane from her face. She kept her eyes closed with another huff, but she managed to smile weakly from his comforting touch. Sombra waited another moment before speaking once more, but his voice carried a bit of hesitancy when he tried to provide assistance. “... I-If… If it helps, I… I could help you practice, maybe?”

She whipped her head back up and shot him an incredulous stare. “Practice?” she asked with one of her brows raised. Sombra looked much more nervous than expected, but he kept a direct stare back at her with his blood-red eyes in focus. Cadance ended up scoffing a little before tilting her head. “Sombra, I… I can’t just rehearse what I need to say--”

“Trust me.” Sombra placed a hoof on her shoulder, and kept his eyes pinned onto her to ensure she wouldn’t look away. “Cadance, I really need you to do this for me. Please. Just… Just close your eyes and take a couple breaths…”

Cadance’s muzzle skewed uneasily, but she complied with a light nod before reclosing her eyes. She took a couple breaths to calm herself down, but stood silently in wait for whatever Sombra was planning next. The former King kept his hoof on her shoulder while he spoke. “Now… While keeping your eyes closed, I need you to imagine he’s here. Right now. Now… what would you tell him?”

“Ummm…” her muzzle tightened for a second, and she ended up sighing worriedly. “I don’t… Uhhh… Wait, where would you be?”

“I’ll be right beside you the whole time. Now…” Sombra could be heard taking a breath, but Cadance kept her eyes closed obediently. “... Imagine that Shining Armor is here. He sees us, and… he’s giving you the chance to explain yourself. This is your moment, so… Go ahead.”

Cadance took one final breath, and nodded to Sombra during her long exhale. After he let go of her shoulder, Cadance made sure to feel where he was with one of her hooves. She repositioned herself while her eyes were still closed, until she was standing closer to the ex-villain’s side. She needed a second to get herself into character, which made her voice come out rather weakly at first. “Ummm… I, uhhhh… I need to… S-Say something?”

“It’s alright, take your time…” Sombra’s hoof gently petted the small of her back, right between her wings to make them jolt and ruffle out for a second. Cadance shivered a little, but that was more from nerves while standing in this uncomfortable roleplay scenario. Fortunately, her nerves settled down the longer she felt Sombra rubbing her back. “Just speak from the heart…”

She nodded in silence, and she tried to envision Shining Armor standing in the room with them. She could only imagine how confused, upset, or even furious he could become from what she and Sombra had to tell him. But at the same time, the vision of his sweet and caring face was enough to make her sigh and restart her words. “Ummm… Shining? I… I need to tell you something, and… a-and I really need you to stay silent until I get it all out in the open, okay? B-Because I… I truly do love you more than any words could describe…”

She had to take another deep breath, while her eyes clenched tighter shut to avoid tearing up. “... A-And… And because of how much I love you, I… I really can’t imagine hiding something this important from you… Not for as long as I already have…”

That last part made her hang her head shamefully, but she only needed a second before continuing on. “And no matter what happens next, I truly do not want to lose you! You’re one of the most important, loving, sweet, and dedicated stallions I’ve EVER had the pleasure to know and love! And… A-And I think that’s why it took me so hard to… to come to terms with how I feel right now…”

The Princess reeled her head back, and she ended up standing more upright to emphasize her confident stance. After breathing out sharply, she tried not to wince when she blurted out, “Shining Armor, I… I need to tell you something, and… A-Actually, we need to tell you something…”

With her eyes still tightly closed, Cadance unfurled one of her wings before stepping in closer beside Sombra. She tried not to shudder when she draped her wing over Sombra’s back, which sent tingles of excitement and worry up her spine. But before she could falter, Cadance took that moment to speak more assuredly. “Shining, I… I’m in love with Sombra. I’ve tried so, so hard not to feel that way about him, but… but I couldn’t help it! Over the past few wee… ugh… Over the past few months, I… I’ve been developing feelings for him that I couldn’t ignore. And… A-And he fell in love with me too…”

Cadance tried not to sound too sad with her admission, especially when confessing her feelings was akin to removing a massive boulder off her back. Unfortunately, there was now that lingering moment of raw, unchecked emotions that were left totally in the open after her words were said. Sombra softly placed a hoof on her shoulder again, but that was only to catch her attention before whispering something. “I… I think this is where he’d ask how you know this…”

Cadance nodded silently, assuming that Sombra was trying to get her ready for any questions Shining had to ask. She kept her wing tightly around his back, and settled closer against his side while keeping with this practice run. “W-Well, ummm… I… I wish I knew what specifically drew me in, but… But honestly, I don’t think that matters. All I know is that in recent months, I’ve… I’ve really come to connect with Sombra in ways I never thought were possible…”

Cadance paused long enough to breathe out with a faint, but flustered smile that matched her overwhelmed blush. Before Sombra could try to ask for specifics, the Alicorn breathed in and continued her speech. “Ever since his reformation, I’ve learned more about Sombra than our history texts could’ve ever compiled. I… I learned how passionate and generous he can be when I ask him about his interests. I learned how quickly he’s willing to make amends and make things right. I learned how… how absolutely amazing he can be around others, and… even when everypony else judged him, I… all I wanted to do was be his rock…”

That last part got the Princess to lower her head once more, but that time with a more content expression on her face. Sombra, who remained firmly silent alongside his love, had to avert his eyes while carrying a touched and flattered smile on his face. He even leaned in closer beside Cadance, savoring the caress of her feathery purple wing. She already said more than enough to quell her nerves, so she breathed in pertly before speaking in a more authoritative voice. “Now, I… I completely understand if you need to leave, Shining. I won’t stop you, and… a-and I won’t blame you one bit if you can never forgive me for this. I want nothing more than to keep you in my life, both as a partner and a co-parent for Flurry Heart. Ho… H-However…”

A hoarser breath came out that time around, as well as a sadder grimace on the Princess’ muzzle.

“... I… I should let you know right now that… N-No matter what may be said next, I… I do wish to continue exploring my feelings for Sombra. We haven’t done anything yet, but… W-Well, okay, there was some kissing, but that’s it! Totally a heat of the moment thing, and I wish I waited until after this talk! Either way, I… I really needed to tell you about this before things get more… Ugh! I shouldn’t go there.” She groaned and nearly reopened her eyes in embarrassment.

“It’s alright, you’re doing great.” Sombra carried a prideful smile as he rubbed her back assuredly. “Keep going. How about… I ask some more questions from his perspective, and you try to answer them?”

Despite the small skew on her muzzle, Cadance huffed through her nostrils and shrugged. “Well… I suppose that’s better than nothing.”

“Okay then…” Sombra cleared his throat, and kept a foreleg around Cadance’s back to hold her close to his side. Cadance hung her head in wait for whatever was asked of her. “So… Are you planning to go through with this, regardless of what I may say?

Cadance sighed and tried not to grimace from Sombra’s wording. However, she also knew that his question would likely be a tamer version of anything an enraged Shining might say. So alas, the Princess bit the bullet and decided to answer like her husband asked that question himself. “Well… Yes, Shining. I won’t lie to you, I… I do wish to further explore this relationship with Sombra… W… W-With or without you.”

She may have felt a strong twinge of selfishness, but that admission also made her breathe out in relief. The pain of considering such an ultimatum was nothing compared to the unbridled, freeing elation of being able to make such a choice on her own accord. She still needed a moment to shudder from the realization of her words, but she was still smiling faintly when Sombra asked his next question.

“... And what about the Crystal Ponies?”

Cadance already had that response prepared. “H-Honestly, by this point, I would be willing to go out there and tell them myself. I’ll fully take any blame or scrutiny it might bring, just as long as it’s only directed to me, and not you or Flurry Heart in any way. Even if it means losing my crown or Co-Rulership of this Empire, I… I love Sombra deeply enough to do that for him.”

Sombra looked a little unsure about her conviction, but he was still thankful enough to smile from her sincerity. Cadance was smiling a little wider, and she pulled her head up as she adjusted to the truth of her words pulling her free.

“O-Once again, I can’t express enough how… how fucking sorry I am for putting this on your lap!” Her expletive made her smile dissipate in an instant as she huffed in immense guilt. But with her eyes still closed, she was able to recompose herself and maintain an articulately genuine apology. “And if you… I-If you need to leave, I’ll fully understand. I won’t ask for anything, and I definitely won’t take anything from you either. But… j-just know that I really do not want to lose you…”

During her pause, Sombra sighed silently before deciding to break the silence. “... But?”

“Ughhh…” Cadance sighed in realization of how necessary that conjunction really was. “... But, I… I don’t plan on losing Sombra either, Shining. I… I know how selfish it is to say this, but… I refuse to give up on him. Regardless of what we may have, I… I fully intend to stay by Sombra’s side. No exceptions.”

Sombra breathed out with an affirming nod, his muzzle clenched as he struggled not to get too emotional. It may have meant everything to hear the Princess defending him so dearly, but he also knew how seriously this would change everything from then on. He had to stare down at his hooves for a second, but he managed to take a breath and ask one final question out-loud.

“Cadance… If… If you had to choose--”

NO, Sombra!” She immediately looked back at Sombra with an unrelenting glare. “You can’t just ask--”

“This isn’t for me!” Sombra held her head in place with a hoof firmly against the underside of her chin. With her eyes pinned solely on the stallion beside her, she needed a second before settling in his grasp. Sombra had a serious stare on his face when he looked into her beautiful blue eyes. “Cadance, please… You know he’s going to ask.”

Cadance blinked a couple times, but her eyes eventually closed with a strong cringe. She groaned and hung her head, knowing that Sombra was completely right. Even though she hated to think it over, she knew that she couldn’t ignore it either. She took a slow, shivering breath in an attempt to anticipate what she knew was coming next. But with Sombra nestled so comfortably beside her, the Princess was able to keep her eyes closed when she heard him ask that dreaded question.

“Cadance… If you had to choose. Right now… Who would it be?”

Cadance winced strongly enough to look like she just stepped on a nail. “Nnnghh… I… I don’t… I really don’t want to choose!”

“Sssshhhh… I know, Cadance. I know…” Sombra hugged her from the side and consoled her as gently as he could. She was whimpering weakly with her muzzle clenched, her expression heavy with conflict. Sombra finally pulled away from her side, and turned Cadance away from the doorway so she was facing him directly. Despite how intense his blood-red stare may have looked, he also kept a caring smile to help ease the Princess’ frazzled state. “How about this… I’ll leave you by yourself, and you use that time to think about what you want to say. When you’re absolutely sure you know what you want, I want you to reopen your eyes and tell the truth…”

Sombra tried to drag his hoof down her face to make her close her eyes, but Cadance merely giggled and reeled her head back before closing them herself. She took a couple breaths, which allowed for Sombra to take several steps back and give her some room. The Alicorn spent nearly a minute standing by herself, her eyes closed so she could think over her options. Of course, as her bottom lip quivered the tiniest bit, it seemed obvious that she already knew her answer.

“... Uhhh… Shining?” Her voice first came out in a pathetically meager creak, but a sharp huff was all she needed to regain her bearings and speak from the heart. “If… I-If you must know my decision, then…

“I would obviously prefer to have both of you in my life. After everything we’ve been through, I can’t imagine spending my life without you by my side, Shining Armor. And for the sake of the Crystal Empire and our daughter, I… I truly hope that you’ll understand my feelings enough to remain by my side, and… and maybe someday accept who I love. I promise, I will always be there for you, and you’ll never be replaced when it comes to raising Flurry Heart. If you’re willing to be there for me, I… No, we’ll both be there for you too.”

Cadance needed a second to come to terms with the words she had building up in her head. After years of trust and affection, she almost felt like she was spitting on her vows to the stallion she loved so much. She tried not to tremble in trepidation, but her throat felt like it was instantly drying up already. Her final exhale sounded more like an exhausted sob, with her ears slumping down to the sides of her head.

“... But… If I h-had to choose just one stallion to leave this room with… r-right nowthen…”

Princess Cadance sighed to herself softly, and she allowed her muzzle to open as naturally as her eyes with an accepting smile.

“... then I would have toooOOOOAAAAHHHH!!!!”

Princess Cadance was beyond grateful that she had excused all the castle staff and guards from this wing of the castle before meeting with Sombra; otherwise, she likely would have alerted the entire Crystal Empire with her terrified shriek. She stumbled back a few steps in a panic, nearly falling on her rump in a stunned stupor. Her legs managed to hold her weight, but her knees were buckling hard from the immense emotional weight that was pressing down on her soul. Her eyes became the size of a pair of dinner plates, and showed just as much white around her shrunken pupils as her paled fur. Her muzzle was quivering, but one of her hooves was trying its best to conceal her mortified expression.

Meanwhile, Sombra could only stand with an apologetic wince before Cadance, while Shining Armor was standing right beside him in the middle of the room.

Cadance couldn’t say a word, and just stared back at the two most important stallions in her life. Sombra didn’t say anything either, but it was clear from his awkward blush that he was aware of the husband’s presence for a while. As for Shining, whose face was a robust shade of crimson after hearing so much from his wife, he was left equally unable to say a word. His expression was thankfully blank, not showing any clear indicators of intense pain or anger; but at the same time, his muzzle was practically a straight line as he looked back at Cadance with his eyes unblinking.

Cadance glanced back at Sombra for a moment, who merely shrugged and whispered, “Sorry! I saw him come in when you weren’t looking, and… and I just went with it…”

She blinked a few times without even a mutter, and she silently craned her head back at her spouse. Shining was still frozen in place, his neutral expression somehow more alarming to the Princess than any discernible emotion. There were so many things she wanted to say at that moment, starting with probably a billion apologies. But even with her mindset being given such a whiplash, she was able to hear her own voice when she asked her husband a single question.

“... How… How much did… d-did you hear?”

Shining didn’t say anything for a second, but he breathed out slowly when he veered down at his hooves. His muzzle tightened up a bit, but he didn’t react much more than that when he admitted, “I, uhhh… I heard everything.”

While Shining stood in a shocked stupor, Cadance instantly teared up with her face scrunched in pain. She immediately lunged in and hugged Shining as tightly as she could, even though he couldn’t lift his forelegs to hug her back. Luckily for Cadance’s sake, he didn’t try pulling away from her hug either. Sombra respectfully stepped away from the two, and remained silent while Cadance sobbed and held onto Shining dearly.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry!!!” Cadance couldn’t even get mad about Shining’s eavesdropping, since she knew she was far more in the wrong. She was clinging to her spouse for dear life, and trying her hardest not to bawl uncontrollably in guilt. Unfortunately, she was still crying quite a bit while keeping Shining in her embrace. “Shining, I’m so sorry! I promise I still love you! Please don’t hate, please don’t hate me, please don’t hate me, PLEASE DON’T HATE ME!”

Most other husbands would’ve likely tossed her to the floor after hearing her profess her love to a former villain. But for Shining, who was still understandably jarring internally, he was quick to wrap his hooves around her and reciprocate her hug. He even closed his eyes and held her tighter against his chest, which just made her sob harder against his shoulder. She continued to try apologizing, but her voice was too muffled against his chest fur to hear what she was saying. As soon as she pulled her face away from his chest long enough to breathe, Cadance was taken aback by her husband’s hoof firmly pressing up against her lips.

Mmpphh?” Her eyes were still large and teary, but she was able to stop crying when she stared back at Shining and saw his face. The stallion was clearly uncomfortable, but he kept his muzzle tightly shut so he could show a forgiving, albeit very faint smile. He had to close his eyes for a second so he could breathe out somewhat calmly. But much to Sombra’s relief, Shining was patient enough to wait for her breaths to settle down before pulling his hoof away. In response, Cadance nodded and remained silent so he could speak.

“... Ummm… S-So you…” His voice was tremendously shaky, although neither Cadance or Sombra could blame him in the slightest. After breathing out meekly, Shining tried to stand equal to his wife when he cleared his throat. “... You… You really… l-love Sombra that much, huh?”

He struggled not to wince after his question, and his eyes averted from Cadance briefly. She took that moment to glance back at Sombra, who just shrugged his head and motioned back towards her husband. Cadance had to close her eyes to avoid his stare, but she refused to lie to his face. With a heavy heart, the Princess gave a firm nod of her head and answered truthfully. “... Yes. I… I really do, Shining…”

Shining exhaled and nodded the tiniest bit, not needing to ask for any further clarification. He looked back at Sombra for a moment, but the stallion was too cautious to look Shining in the eye. His fanged muzzle pointed elsewhere, but the Prince was clearly more focused on his wife than the stallion who stole her heart. When he glanced back at Cadance, she was trying to remain strong while standing before him. Shining looked back down at the floor before asking, “A-And… And when you say that you… want to explore that relationship…”

Shining slowly looked back up at her, with Cadance remaining in place with a nervous gulp. It took everything in him to maintain his composure when he asked, “Wh… What were you hoping would happen?”

Cadance needed a second to let that question truly sink in, but her expression remained unflustered when she breathed in with a blush. Although, she still had to close her eyes before answering him. “I… I was hoping that… S-Sombra and I could have the same things that we do.”

Shining’s eyes widened in an instant, but he couldn’t say anything before Cadance huffed and blurted out, “I… I want to be able to wake up with him every morning in the same bed! I want to… b-be able to say that he’s my coltfriend, and not feel any shame about it! I want to hold him the same way I hold you! I want to be with him, Shining! I want to kiss him! I.. I want to… to…”

Her passionate plea was cut short when she clenched her muzzle shut, and groaned with a heart-stricken grimace. Shining was looking more visibly overwhelmed, but he didn’t hesitate to reach out and place a hoof on her shoulder. Much like Sombra had done earlier, Shining patiently waited for her to settle her breathing. As soon as she pulled herself back together, her eyes remained closed when she heard him speak. “It… I-It’s okay, honey… You… You can say it…”

With the way he looked after saying that, even his sincere wording wasn’t enough to cover the discomfort he felt. Both he and Sombra were staring back at Cadance, who needed a moment before reopening her eyes to face the two. She seemed much sadder than expected, but that was mostly because of what she knew she had to confess to her husband. But alas, the Princess trusted his statement to be genuine, so she took that opportunity to give a light sniffle before finishing her confession.

“... Well, ummm… I…” Cadance took that moment to stare back at Sombra, and she sighed with a contented smile. Shining could tell how much she cared for him, as well as how lovingly he was smiling back at her. Despite her nervousness, she was brave enough to keep a weak smile when she turned back to Shining. “...For the past few months, I’ve… I’ve pictured Sombra and I getting married someday. And… A-And having kids of our own…”

Both of the stallions’ jaws dropped, but admittedly for much different reasons. Shining Armor was absolutely shocked that Cadance would openly admit that, let alone with a smile on her face. Meanwhile, Sombra was beaming in utter elation with both his hooves over his mouth.

Shining was left completely dazed, and just stared back at her unblinking. Cadance tried not to look too ashamed, but she knew without saying a word that she left a huge impact on the stallion that would never be forgotten. Part of her wanted to immediately relent and apologize some more, but she knew Shining didn’t deserve something so spineless. So after sniffing back any potential tears, the Princess reiterated herself in a sterner tone. “... I know that’s not what you want to hear. And believe me, I would’ve wanted a million different outcomes to this. But right now, I… I can’t deny how I feel about this, Shining. I mean… I am the Princess of Love, after all.”

Shining Armor could barely huff, let alone give a smile when he nodded weakly. “Y… Y-Yeah, I… I get that…” It was all too much for the stallion to take, and his head slumped down in defeat before muttering, “Just… I thought that title was just for me…

Both Cadance and Sombra cringed in shared guilt. Their own romance had only just begun to blossom, but it was clear that they already hurt one of their closest friends along the way. Sombra wanted to lean in and give him a hug, but he kept his distance when Cadance reached out and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Shining, please… Please don’t make me choose betwe--”

“N-NO! You… You… Y-You should…”

Shining’s interruption caused Cadance and Sombra to gasp at the same time. Meanwhile, the Prince was keeping his head hung low so he couldn’t see either of their reactions. By that point, he was starting to look genuinely hurt while averting his eyes from the stunned couple. However, Shining still took enough initiative to take a couple steps back from her.

“I… I already said I heard everything, remember?” Shining avoided staring back at Cadance, and eventually stood back beside Sombra like he had done earlier. Sombra didn’t say anything, but he silently breathed out in relief that the Prince wasn’t chasing him around the castle with a knife. With Cadance standing directly between the two stallions before her, she was put in quite a situation when she realized what Shining was doing. “Please… Don’t worry about me, okay? I just… I need to know for sure…”

After checking his and Sombra’s positions, Shining Armor looked back at Cadance and stood upright. Both he and her new mate were standing with as much pride as they could muster in this uncomfortable scenario, and faced the Princess on completely equal terms. Even though he already knew how this was likely to go, Shining Armor gulped before staring at her insistently. “Cadance, I… I want you to answer that question from earlier… B-Before I interrupted you…”

Cadance had a hoof over her mouth, but she couldn’t speak against it before seeing Shining lift a hoof. His lips were tightly pursed shut, and he was struggling not to cry at that moment. He shakily breathed out through his nostrils, and avoided looking back at Sombra. Meanwhile, the former villain decided to silently nod to Cadance in approval. “Go ahead,” he whispered with a motion of his head back towards Shining. “I think he needs this…”

Shining took a deep breath, before looking back up at Cadance with a heavy blush. The Princess was clearly caught at a crossroads, but she knew that this wasn’t a decision she could refrain from making. Of course, considering what she was planning to do prior to Shining’s reveal, it didn’t take too long for her to make her decision. Her eyes darted between both stallions, with her muzzle clenching quite pensively. Seeing Shining Armor’s face right before her made her heart thunder powerfully inside of her chest, and she knew right then that nopony could ever fully equate to that wonderful stallion…

“Oh… Oh, Shining…

She took a couple steps towards the white stallion. Sombra lowered his head with a deep, but understanding sigh as he closed his eyes. Despite how he may have felt, he knew better than to expect somepony as virtuous as Cadance to--

“Are you sure, honey?”

Sombra pulled his head back up in an instant, and stared over at the husband and wife as they held hooves one last time. Cadance carried a worrisome, but still hopeful smile while rubbing Shining’s hoof tenderly. Meanwhile, the Prince was maintaining a forced smile as he stared lovingly back at his wife, and then towards the stallion beside him.

“... Yeah,” he said with a solemn nod. Shining then took a deep breath, before bringing Cadance’s extended hoof towards Sombra. The dark stallion was taken aback for a second, even as his foreleg moved outward on its own accord. As soon as Sombra took hold of Cadance’s hoof, Shining respectfully let go of her and took a few steps back. “... I’m sure.”

Shining kept an accepting smile as he nodded to the two ponies, who were now standing side-by-side like they should. Cadance and Sombra were left flustered for a moment when they looked back at each other, their faces instantly blushing from the reality that came upon them. Sombra was almost about to start crying, even as his fanged muzzle grew a wider smile from elation. Cadance looked like she was about to hyperventilate, but she looked back at Shining briefly to give a thankful smile. All that Shining did was avert his eyes while blushing meekly.

“Ummm… g-go ahead, guys…”

With the Prince’s hesitant blessing, Cadance and Sombra turned back to each other for a second before lunging in. The two held each other tightly, their forelegs clasped around each other’s backs while their muzzles were locked in place. The two shared a keep, passionate kiss in each other’s embrace, with Cadance's wings unfurling and fluttering wildly enough to make the hanging picture frames dangle on the walls. Their kiss only lasted a few seconds, but they broke apart with a wet pop while staring lovingly into each other’s eyes.

“Oh, my Princess… I love you so much, Mi Amore Cadenza~”

Shining sighed and looked down at the floor, just as he heard his former wife say with glee, “And I love you too, Ex-King Sombra~”

Sombra scoffed and rolled his eyes unamusedly. “Oh, har har har. Very funny.”

“I like to think so~” After giving Sombra a playful peck on the cheek, Cadance made sure to say back to Shining, “But, ummm… seriously though, I don’t want to lose you either.”

“I know, I know. Ummm…” Shining looked like he needed to leave the room, but he kept his head slumped as he tried not to look at the happy couple. He waved a hoof towards the doorway and said, “I, uhhh… I need some time to think things over. But I’ll be fine! Promise…”

Sombra and Cadance weren’t too sure how to feel about his answer, but neither of them wanted to press his buttons any more than they already had. However, the two still made sure to give Shining Armor a long, caring hug that lasted well over a minute. When they finally let go, Shining was rubbing his eyes with a hoof when he blurted out, “P-Please! Just… Just enjoy yourselves… I’ll be alright for now…”

Neither of them wanted to just leave him in this distressed state, but they heard the urgency in his voice to know that wasn’t a request. Despite wanting things to work out between all three of them, Cadance and Sombra gave their optimistic goodbyes before making their leave. Cadance gave him a long, sensual kiss on the lips, and Sombra respectfully shook his hoof without any conflict. Shining didn’t say anything to either of them, and silently walked towards the couch so he could sit down. Meanwhile, the Princess and her formerly claimed foe left Shining Armor be, and walked side-by-side out of the room.

Cadance and Sombra knew that there were still several mountains worth of issues they needed to face before things could work out between them. Even though Shining’s reaction wasn’t too pretty, they both knew it would likely be the most positive one they’ll receive for a long time. But even with their futures so uncertain and trepidating, Princess Cadance smiled to herself in utter bliss when she wrapped her wing around Sombra’s back. The former King nuzzled the nape of her neck sweetly, and refrained from pulling back when they reached the end of the empty hallway…

Back in the abandoned room, Shining sighed when he heard the sounds of their hooves disappearing off in the distance, as well as the castle wing doors opening for their exit. He had no idea what was going to happen with those two, or even himself for that matter. Despite how assuredly they wanted him to still be around, Shining knew that he needed a long time to fully adjust to everything that just happened. Although… despite learning the truth about Cadance and Sombra, Shining couldn’t recall the word “Divorce” being mentioned a single time by either of them.

The longer he sat by himself, the easier it became for him to handle the immediate aftermath of everything. If anything, the overwhelming shock of it all was enough to keep him somewhat stable for the time being. Would he need some time before looking either of them in the eyes the same way? Absolutely. But at the same time, was he willing to see things through and see where things went?

Much to Shining’s own surprise, that answer wasn’t even up for debate. Monogamous or not, the Guard wasn’t too keen to let everything go that easily.

“... Ugggghhhhh… Well then…” Shining groaned under his breath before pulling himself off the couch. After dusting off his forelegs and taking a quick stretch, he went to leave the room with a more casual smirk on his face. “I should at least make sure those two don’t start any riots outside…”

The End

Comments ( 22 )

Like the cover art

I don't mean to sound too harsh, but this was clearly rushed or, at the very least, hasn't been given much thought. I'd even go so far as to say that it was forced--the foundation laid out for this story is very flimsy and nearly nonsensical.

The concept presented here doesn't really fit a one-shot but is more of a full-on story with multiple chapters. You need more time to flesh things out.

Always love seeing this ship explored, and you’ve got these characters down to a tee at this point. Awesome work as always dude

Although I can see what you were trying to do, this story's pacing is all over the place. It felt more like a summary of a story than a story, and the concept, although interesting, needs fleshing out over several chapters.

Did we ever get a clear answer to Candance's question by the end? Felt a bit ambiguous who exactly she would choose if Shining forced her to.

I do wonder whether to what extent Shining is going along with this because he is so afraid of losing Cadance that he would sooner set himself on fire than risk rejection. And similarly I wonder if Cadance is able to be honest enough with herself to recognize if this is the case and Shining's consent is unenthusiastic and self-harmful, or if she'll similarly be too afraid of losing Shining to risk confronting him over this. I suppose they do all acknowledge in the end that there are a lot of open issues they'll have to address later, and this story seems like it's meant to end on an optimistic note, but this is a rough situation for Shining and I can't help but sympathize with him.

And finally, is Cadance prepared to handle if their positions are reversed a few months down the line? I've got to imagine she's not the only one who sees Shining as a catch, and once this becomes public some ponies may see it as a declaration that they have an open marriage now. Discounting the parasites (possibly literal in Chrysalis' case) and opportunistic social climbers that Shining will have no patience for, there may be ponies who are genuinely attracted to him that until now held back out of respect of their marriage, but who now may be more willing to make a move. And even under the best of circumstances this change in their relationship is probably going to leave Shining in a position where he will want someone to confide in who isn't his wife, seeing as how she will be the source of his complex feelings and is probably going to need time to figure out how to balance exploring her new relationship with her existing relationship and other duties. Who knows what might happen?

It's one thing for Cadance to speak of how hard it is to be split between two loves and not want to lose either, but it'll be a real test to see how she might react to having to share Shining's heart with someone else. Based on this story I think in the end she would be able to handle it well, but it would not be easy.

Feynna #6 · Apr 19th, 2023 · · 2 ·

Yeah, this feels like a child narrating a puppet show without knowing what 'staying in character' means.

I really liked this, and hope to see more of it!

Sorry but after everything Shining has been through, Sombra's gonna die. If not that, Shining needs to put a stop to it and make her chose. If she'd leaving Shining like that, then she was a weak mare who never loved him.

I don’t blame Cadance for choosing Sombra over Shining. Although the way she did it in the story felt rather abrupt. But I did like the story, I think Somdance is an underrated ship I just think the story could have been extended a little more.

Not going to lie, despite his flaws and faults, shining deserves better than Cadence. For her to willing throw everything she and shining had away for Sombra is disgusting. And I really hope it blows up in Cadence’s face.

Yeah, no struggles, forgets everything because he's the "new" bad boy thing that makes her tingle. Typical cheating wife logic. After enslaving ponies for many years, he should have been killed. I can imagine this complicates the Royal relations. In old days, Sombra would be killed ASAP.

I 100% agree.

I don’t know much about what constitutes good writing and bad writing. I just know that this sort of scenario isn’t my cup of tea. Love the writer, but the whole Sombrance stuff just feels unnerving. When I think of Sombra, all I think of is blatant domination without a shred of thought for others; with that often comes rape, considering his propensities for mind control and enslavement. So I often just see Sombra as a bully and domineering deviant. Sure it seems shallow and probably shows some closed-mindedness, but I just can’t escape it. There’s cases where I like polyamory, but man this just feels like leaving Shining in the dust. It’s why I often hate cuckolding stuff, though I know that’s not what’s inherently taking place here.

Why am I even typing this out? It’s not a legit criticism of the writing quality, as I don’t feel knowledgeable enough for that, yet I doubt my opinion is really of note. Just needed to say something, I guess?

This really needs expanded on, and with an actual ending. As of right now this just feels like an alternate set up for your Showing His Place series but with Sombra and Cadence already in love with each other. We are literally just told that Sombra and Cadence are in love with only the vaguest of reasons to back it up and we don't get any real resolution other then a hint to this becoming another polygamous relationship you would put these three in.

I can tell polygamy, cuckholding, and gay relationships are big preferences of yours but to make another story with this trio stand out I believe you need to break away from them a bit. It may not be your cup of tea but maybe it would be better if this was a multi-chapter story where a reformed Sombra and Cadance gradually fall in love and start an affair behind Shining's back without bringing up polygamy or cuckholding as an "easy out" to the situation.

I admit, I'm a sucker for Sombra and Cadence as a couple. They're like an ultimate odd couple, or "opposites attract" type of thing. I'm glad to see more of these guys from you but this was probably your weakest outing with them.

Controversies be damned, you always hook me in with your Cadance × Sombra (× Shining) stories and I'm glad for this little one off. I would love to see a continuation of this, but I feel like it stands up on its own as is. Could it be more fleshed out? Sure I guess, but I feel like people are being a little harsh here.

Side note, a running theme in your reformed (or "reformed") Sombra stories seems to be the fear that the crystal ponies would lynch Sombra if word of his love got out, but I would love to see a subversion of this trope where it turns out that the general crystal populous is generally ambivalent to the reveal, or even kind of into it.

On the one hand, I drastically want to see more Somdance stories on this site. I think it’s a very interesting ship that could be explored very well in the right story.

But right now, I’m sorry, but this doesn’t feel like the right story. It’s just too abrupt for me to buy. I don’t have an issue with Sombra being more heartfelt and caring, but he does need to retain some of his past characteristics to not feel too OCC, whether that comes through in arrogance, a short temper or restricted regality is up to the writer, but I’m sure there are ways to hint back to his past nature while showing his development in any potential reformation.

His relationship with Cadance is just way too underdeveloped. It feels rushed to the point of it being a crack fic. They appear way too perfect and happy to buy considering their past. Don’t forget, the interest in a relationship like this comes in the story in how they’ve developed into a couple into the first place. Starting with them in the happy, happy, happy phase is just too jarring. I think you restricted yourself from delving into a better story by making this purely from Shining’s perspective.

I think the sad thing about this story is it easily could have worked a lot better. I think you have the talent to make something much better. But here, I think you were way too eager to produce a somdance fic that you rushed through too many ideas. I would love to see a story about these two by you again, but maybe a multi chapter one where you can give yourself more time to expand on the relationship, maybe through the viewpoints of multiple characters. Then you’ll give a much more versatile portrayal of a ship like this!

Again, I’m happy this story exists, but I do think you could have easily made this a lot better if you gave it more time. But I’ll give you an A for ambition.

So Cadence is a slag and a traitor then?

I feel like normalization and/or glorification of cuckoldery should be a war crime. Or, failing that, at least a content warning tag.

While I appreciate an enormous effort you put into the story and the talent you clearly have, I can't stand the childish way this supposed adults talk about their romantic relationships. Also, none of this 'great and eternal love' talks works without proper character development. Cadance and Shining need it, and canon Sombra is a one-note monster, so, yeah.

The fact that Sombra may be lying non-stop and having a lot of fun at his enemies' expense makes it so, so fluffing bad...

Seriously, this would've been better as a fully dark story that embraces evil within Sombra and Cadance. The only thing you can evoke with this sugar-coated dialogue is rage and disgust.

“Shining, please… Please don’t make me choose betwe--”

You already made your choice. What are you babbling about? What are you crying about? :twilightangry2:

And I find the way Shining handles things even more repulsive.

There are many works in the genre of 'princess of infidelity', but this one has to be one of the most repugnant. Usually Cadance is either wants a side peace for her private life and keeps it secret, or is open for fair play (sometimes even throws mares at her husband).

This time, it's pure, 100% selfishness and delusion. Lets see what Cadance just did by choosing to follow her emotions:

  • Her daughter's future is less important than her need for bad boy? Check.
  • Betray her husband by making her lust (quit calling it 'feelings', please) for Sombra a priority? Check.
  • Make her adoptive aunty and mentor Celestia look like a fool? Check
  • Risk stability of her kingdom by giving herself up to it's former tyrant? Check.
  • Make the whole Equestria doubt the very concept of love and marriage, because if Princess of Love betrays, what chance anypony else have to be spared from Shining's fate? Check and Check!

Background characters are already passive, not allowed to have feelings and agency, they have memory of a goldfish etc. Crystal ponies easily accepting Sombra is somewhat worse than ponies of Ponyville easily forgiving Trixie or other minor/former villains.

She already said it out loud:

"... I do wish to further explore this relationship with Sombra… W… W-With or without you."

There is no point in 'making her choose' again. Shining is the only charachter with a choice to make. And, in context of this story as it is, he chooses poorly.

Sadly, yes. And not in the fun way.

Not wrong but folks might take issue with your approach. Personally Ilove it, it shows passion and conviction, and Vclaws a pretty chill guy, but you should probably expect some flak from others.

That said, boy, if this got your Jimmie rustled, you'll have particularly pissy kittens over what the author did with Spike:moustache:

The problem is, Crystal Ponies will not accept Sombra AT ALL. He's the one who enslaved them and they lost a 1000 years of their life. A literal military intervention or rebellion would occur, and Twilight Sparkle would actively get involved to save her brother from this situation.

The concept of love would be very much damaged and I can see a period of divorces or suspicions of infidelity would occur. Her actions would undoubtedly cause instability.

This is the problem with Sombra x Cadence fics. Unless it's pure clop, the circumstances around it would greatly impact the story. You can't ignore X cause Y but not Z.


See above, and yes, you are correct.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more projecting group of comments in a long time.

The whole “Princess of infidelity” statement is such boring incel garbage. Touch grass you Daily Wire slugs.

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