• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 845 Views, 36 Comments

Blood of the CHIMERA - discordjediknight

A normal pony, named Twilight Sparkle, has become a chimera. After finding others like her, they become superhero’s. She and her friends try to stop the cause of what is changing innocent ponies into unusual chimeras

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Chapter 13 The Game Begins

Author's Note:

I have finally got 400 views I would like to thank everyone who gave it a chance at the very least, for reading my work

Chapter 13 the game begins

February 8th 11:00pm ----
As they drove through the streets of the town Fluttershy marbled at the shiney lights and laughed the night away with out a care in the world of where they were going.He drove her to the edge of the city and up a rather dark hill.

She watched as the lights around her shined like sky's above her humming infamous rara roll as she nuzzles into him.

She never even noticed how the lights of the city began to lower and lower till she was right above them. "Wow it's like an ocean of stars,"she told him happily.

As for Mr Ghost his eyes flicker between the rode and the pony in his right view mirror adjusting it slight to get a better look at her for a moment before continuing his path. Sudently the bike came to a halt, as he switched off the engine.

'Why'd we stop," she pouted. "I was having fun."

"Yes but I thought you might enjoy this next spot huh.' He wiggled an eyebrow and got off the bike taking her arm.

They stoped on the side of the road, on a tall mountain. A little fence thire to keep the cars on the road stoped the bike from going any further, but he stepped over that and onto the grass guiding her along.

She still had her pouty face and whined, "But I wanta keep ridding."

"And we will, we will. I just thought you might want to see this." He said and gestured to the clif.

On it was a beautiful old willow like tree that swayed in the wind. She smiled and gasped as she got to the edge.Bellow her was the city. It shined and looked so pretty, yet it looked so small. The cars looked like ants from this hight. Normally she would be afraid of such a hight but being drunk she had no fear at all. He chuckled as he watched her marble at the sight bellow.

"The city looks great but what about the skies above," he whisperd towards her.She looked up and thire they were just far enough away from the city lights to see the stars.

Not to many but enough to enjoy. Thire were a few clouds even some bellow them, but otherwise was quiet clear. If anything it looked liked a painting, the city bellow under the stars as she stood on top the clif side of a mountain.

"Oh Ghosty this is amazing."

"Ghosty?" He questiond in his head but let it go. Instantly knowing she was drunk.

"How did you ever find this place?" She asked.

"As a kid mostly. I don't come hear to often any more but." He looked out at the scenery. "I use to come to this very edge and stare out into the skies above," he sighed a bit sadden... "It was so nice and I," He let out a breath of air. 'I just feel free when I'm here. And this tree," he said as if he was reminiscing, "this tree I like to think of as my thinking tree,";he placed a hoof on its bark. "I come here only when I have an issue Im trying to solve. Which back then was everyday" He said with a far away look.

She looked over to the side away from the city and noticed a danced forest.

"That's everfree," he told her. Noticing her gaze "I've been thire once or twice, it actually does have a little town in the middle of the forest.Other wise this road is the cut off. You turn left, you head to clouds dale, you head right you come hear. Just above us, " he pointed at the cave up the mountain, 'use to be a mining tunnel. My bar is at the foot of this hill actually. We're just on the other side of it is all."She nodded at his words mesmerized at the sight of it all.

Dash slowly came to her senses as she heard tapping in the background. when she finally opened her eyes she found herself tied to a chair, She found herself in a dark interrogation room, the kind a spy would use in a TV show. only this wasn't a TV show, this was her real life, and she slowly began to panic as she heard a familiar voice call to her. only now it sent shivers down her spine.

"Well, well, well, look who's finally awake." Said a familiar voice.

Her eyes shot wise as she looked spawn the figure in the dark. She turned a light and it slightly blinded Dash for a moment. "A.k. yearling," Dash questioned.

"Your one of his workers," YK Yerling growled before lunging at Dash, tilting her chair back. "So tell me colors what do you know of the chaos king?"

"The the, Chaos King?" She asked nervously.

"Your boss!" AK Yearling yelled.

"No, no, I don't know anything I swear." She sputtered franticly.

Ak yearling was about to stomp on Dash's head but Dash her chimera powers. Her boots and fake hooves fell off of her revealing her claws, She shot wings through her shirt and used her agility to catch her attacker off guard. Her face quickly grew colorful feathers as her muzzle fell off revealing her beak.

Ak Yearling was taken by surprise but quickly gained the upper hand by swiping the chimera off her feet with a kick, tripping her over. She then pulled out her own gun and pointed it at the creature's head.

"Wait wait let me explain, I am Zap one of the heroes capturing mutants."

"Ak Yearling noded, I know of you. So are the heroes working for the chaos king then?"

"No, no, we're trying to stop him I was undercover, I didn't know those were weapons had I known I would have stopped them. Me and my friends were mutated by the chaos king and we're trying to capture him We just don't know who he is. Honest." She said a bit panicked.

Ak Yearling narrowed her eyes she was so close to pulling the trigger when a voice called out.

"Lower your weapon agent tempest."

Dash eyes widen once again, I know that voice. she said as a familiar pony stepped into the light.

"I know this one personally, she is a friend of my daughter," said the white pony in a grey business suit.

"Mr Shine?" Dash asked worriedly.

"Thunder King, I had this under control," Tempest announced.

"Oh sure ya did, and that's why you were about to shoot her." Mr. Shine narrowed his eyes at her. but then put on a friendly smile, the same friendly smile he used when they met at the gala. though he didn't say much then.

"Dash Rainbow, my apologies for my subgradient mistreatment of you. but you see this is a national security issue." He walked over to Dash and held out his hoof.

Dash looked at it and then back to him, as the feathers on her back stood on all ends.

After a moment of not taking his hand, Mr. Shine lowered it as he spoke again. "Yes well, it seems we have found ourselves in quite a dilemma. the chaos king is a serious threat to the..."

"I know, that's why me and my friends want to stop him, After all, it was him who mutated us."

"You and your friends," he said as sternly as possible. "Tell me the truth Mrs. Rainbow." his voice deepened a notch to show how serious his tone was. "Is my daughter also a chimera."

Dash eyes widened a bit more, tho at this point her eyes couldn't get much bigger, She herself was in quite the shock at the moment. but she knew she had to come clean here. she lowered her head solemnly, as she closed her eyes.

with her expression Mr. Shine already knew the truth, "I see." he said with a trembling voice full of pain. "One thing I wanted more than anything was to keep my daughter..." he trailed off as he winced.

Dash wished she was lying as she watched the director. but he quickly gained his friendly composer with his next words.

"your working under cover is that right, trying to infiltrate their ranks?"

Dash nodded to confirm it.

"Alright, you were there the night of the Galla, Did he have you perhaps look at a computer or something?"

"I wasn't working for him at the time. We just went there to have some fun." Dash shrugged trying to ease the tension in the room.

"The night of the Galla we had a security breach, data showing the locations of our basses were copied and downloaded, by the chaos king, how I am not sure," Mr. Shine stepped passed Dash with his arms behind his back. "The Chaos King is planning something, something that could put this whole city if not the world in jeopardy. question is, what?"

January 18 ---- 9:05

"Sigh. It's begun." Said Junior as he looked at his sister.

"Our mission isn't to stop the outbreak. It's to stop him." She reminded her brother. Snow then began to fall and the two of them looked up to the dark grey skies. The two as always sat on the back of their motorcycle. "I hope Aunty was right about all this," he said with a tired voice as if he aged a hundred years right then and there. "Did you find Sugar Cube corner yet? She asked."

Still looking up at the snow handed her a piece of paper. "Here's the address." She took it scanning it with her eyes. "Hopefully, we can get there before it's too late." She said as she revved up the engine and took off

Celestia walked up onto the stage in front of her town hall.

Cameras flashed and the reporters lifted their mics and recorders all excited to hear what she would have to say.

She gave a smile as she always did but wasted no time getting into the nitty-gritty of the situation.

"My fellow citizens of Pony Villa. I am glad to say that with the help of these masked heroes capture have been easier and easier. That isn't to say I trust them. No far from it. But I can not deny their results. My message to whoever these masked heroes are is simple. Thank you for your contribution to keeping this city safe. But please turn your selves in. If only asking were that simple, no one listens to that do they? Especially in this town. I have talked with Sombra Kang, my husband, and leader of equestrians, he has agreed to send the National Guard to help us in our time of need. The entire city must be quarantined for the safety of the city and of this world. Rest assured that we are making progress on finding a cure for the infection..."

She was cut off by the sound of a gunshot. Her sister who was standing off to the side, leaped over to her tackling her to the ground. Only to be hit by a bullet in the neck. By the look of it.

"Yeash Twilight needs to learn how to check out fewer books," Spike growled as he struggled to carry the heavy books down the road. AJ
a only smiled at that, She was walking Spike home, but as soon as she heard the screams of terror coming from up ahead, her expression fell.

"Uh do you hear that," asked Spike.

"Yeah, come on we got to get back to twilight," She tossed the heavy books aside to deal with later. Spike copied her movements as the two ran in the opposite direction.

Fluttershy twirled around and headed to the tree giggling as she went.Mr Ghost watched her as she danced, Her eyes were wide and her smile was bright. Tho his gaze drifted everywhere but her eyes. , she is quiet the pretty mare, he sighed blissfully in his mind, wait, wait what am I doing. He shook his head. But when he heared her trip trying to step towards she nearly fell off the side of the mountain. As she began loosing balance he caught her by the waist and pulled her cloes only trying to help her onto her feet.

But to his surprise she looked up into his eyes and began to get closer to him,But when her little voice giggled again catching every bit of attention he had. His eyes cought hers, and he could even see how the stars sparkled with in them. she lowers her head and snuggled into his chest, he could feel how cloes she was, how warm she was. He was at a lost for Words. He didn't know how to respond to a mare being so close to him and it showed in his stuff posture .

"Your so sweat for doing this. You've always been so sweet to me." She sighed into his jacket.

At first nothing she said registered with hima because he was in a full daze. Lost beyond what he could say or do.

AK Yearling was skeptical of Dash, but she asked in a calm manner, "So what do you know of the chaos king?"

"I wish Shadow Star was here instead, she's the brainy one. All I know is that this guy mutated us into chimera, he owned a bar and was in charge of a group called Chaos Vill. We do believe Chaos Vill and him are connected so I infiltrated to get proof, but I have yet to meet the boss, and you, How are you involved in this anyway?"

"That is easy we are the E.S.A. after all." Mr. Shine told him.

"So, so you're a spy, Oh That's so cool," Dash nearly squealed at the thought. "Daring Do, you're the real Daring Do."

She slumped, "Yes I'm a spy, or was. I've been on a case for a very long time and I'm this close to catching the big bad himself in all of this."

"We're just trying to cure all the chimera and bring him to justice." She then grew excited, "So those Daring Do books..."

"Hmm oh those, they are just a way to make an extra buck., a girls got to eat."

"Your Daring Do," Dash claimed happily.

Ak Yearling sighed. "You can call me Shadow, Tempest Shadow. "

"Those adventures, they were real huh?"

"That's enough." Mr. Shine chimed in a bit tired of the conversation. "Question is what now?" he huffed.

"Boss if I may we could use this one."

"Use her, she's my daughter's friend."

"Boss," Tempest said dully.

"No, Mr. Shine growled. I will not let these escapades continue. I'm going to make sure my daughter has nothing else to do with this at all. "

"Mr. Shine," Dash spoke up. "Rarity is strong due to her being a chimera, and I am willing to help in any way I can please."

"I will not put my daughter's life on the line, she's in enough danger as it is," growled Mr. Shine.

"Just be thankful she's alive," Tempest shouted at him.

he lowered his face to hers but Tempest never backed down. "Don't let your personal feelings get in the way of this, because if you do your end up like me," she said bitterly."

"Really cause it seems your letting your personal feelings guide your way hear Mrs"

"My family's gone,you still have yours."

"Exactly, and I'm not gonna let my family be in danger."

"The king is far to strong, you and I both know he's a chimera." Tempest told him.

Dash watched the two older ponies exchange. "Umm," she said wanting to interrupt but not knowing how.

Mr. Shine sighed. "I will let you take this one as an apprentice, but my daughter stays out of it," he told Tempest, he then turned his attention to Dash. "Not a word of this is to be said to anyone, none of your friends are to know anything about this. especially rarity. is that understood?"

"Yes sir." Dash stood attention and saluted him.

"Congratulations then, welcome to the E.S.A. From here on out you are to call me the storm king and this is tempest shadow, as for you..."

"Zap," Dash interrupted him and held out her hoof.

"alright Agent Zap," Mr. Shine shook her hoof.

just then another agent, this time a dog came running in. "Storm, we got an issue, the mayors had been attacked. "

"What," Mr. Shine uttered in disbelief.

Guards began blocking off the citizens from the crime scene trying to control the pure chaos of the streets. They all ran in fear, as more shots went off. "7 no 8" shots, one of the guards rushing the mayor and her unconscious sister down the stairs.

"Luna," Celistah cried. "Luna, please speak to me." She said as she came close to her little sister.

"Strange she was shot but there is no blood, perhaps she just got knocked out." Said a member of the medical team. "Well, have to stay here and wait for an ambulance." Shouted the guard pony.

Luna herself began to toss and turn with a few moans showing she was coming to. "Oh, Luna thank heavens. Luna, please wake up." Cried her sister. Suddenly Luna shot open her eyes. As she began to scream from the pain. A horn emerged from her head, as. Did two feathery wings.

"Luna" shouted the mayor. But the guard pony grabbed her and pulled her away, just in time as the now chimera, Luna took flight, her eyes glowing yellow with red slots like a snake. She then burst through the wall taking flight.

The camera dog shook Mrs. Tails the cat, trying to make sure she was okay. She was breathing, and there was no blood to be seen, but she was definitely hit with something. out of nowhere catching him off guard Mrs. Tails jumped up and grew 4 large goat horns out of her head. Her eyes glowed yellow as she began to go crazy. more shots were fired at the crowd as more emerged into chimera.

Arriving on the scene the masked vigilantes looked down from the building above. Shadow Star (Twilight) and the others looked at the chaos below. "Ahh man." Mistress's marvelous expression. "It takes all of us to take out one chimera how many do we have."

"Six or seven and counting." Sighed Radiance.

"Come on guys it's gonna take all of us to deal with this." Spike chimed in dressed in his Halloween costume."Remind me to make you a suit later on," Rarity said with a bit of disgust for the lazy outfit Spike wore. "Right behind you Spike," Target said readying his tranquilizers. "All right then let's do it." Shadow Star smiled confidently.

The team all jumped down with the call to action by Shadow Star. Residence dived into the fountain and turned into a giant seahorse. she then began. Using her flippers to slap the strange chimera. There was a half chicken half pony, a dog with a snake's body, and a half lizard half zebra creature who all got slapped. While it did stop them for a moment the chimera only turned their attention and hatred to her as they leapt at her. Residence was pretty much defenseless if not for her extremely hard scales. Luckily for her Mrs. Marvelous was able to swoop in with her scorpion-like tail and defend her friend. "Thanks for that." She huffed. "No problem, but we ain't got the manpower to deal with all of this." She shook her head.

"I agree, you need some help!" Said Dash voicing over the communicator. "And luckily the cavalry is here." used her speed to knock out a half turtle, half dot with dear antlers.

"Ok, I admit that helps quite a bit." Smiled the manticore pony.

Twilight used her back hoof to kick a Griffen dog on the ground, while Spike was escorting civilians away from the scene. It's ok just follow me" he told a few scared ponies and a large dog.

"Even so, we have to put a stop to whoever is shooting those darts." She told AJ. "On it," Target told her as he shot at where the shooter was. The shooter saw him and took off. "You're not getting away!" Shouted target as he took off after him. "Shadow star up ahead of you the shooters getting away."

She looked up in the direction of the building and found a shadow moving quickly threw the windows. "On it." She called back and took after him.

Fluttershy looked up with a smile on her face as she tried to close the gap between them, her lips puckered slightly.

At that moment Mr Ghost internally panicked. "Woah, woah, woah, what are you doing?"he asked her.

"I was gonna kiss you, she pouted."

"Kiss me. why?"

"Cause you've been so sweet and I want to." She replied happily, swinging her head around.

He then chuckled slightly." Your kidding, your drunk, I'm drunk,I mean, Im Pretty sober compared to you but I had a few drinks and you, you look so pretty and we're hear under the stars, you you got to be kidding me." He chuckled nervously.

"No I'm not she said annoyed at him."

He began laughing swaying back and forth as he face palmed.

"I like you alright what's the big deal," she stomped.

"What you want to kiss me?" He argued

"Yes I do." She argued back

"Really, you sure about that?" He growled

"Yes I am."She huffed.

"Alright fine." He waved his arms out.

"Yes I, wait what?* She replied expecting a fight.

"If your so keen on it then do it, But only a pec you got that," he snarled.

Her mood brightens up as she jumped into his arms slightly. Nocking him back up agints the tree.

Mr ghost cought her in he's arms as she smashed her lips against his pining him to the tree. Due to the hight difference he had hold her on place.

What was supposed to be a little peck on the lips quickly became a full blown kiss.

The feel of her against him, his lips against hers only made him hungrier for more as he he pulled her closer. He felt himself loose all sence of focus as something awakened in him, something primal, as he let her take controll.

Any one who saw them would think the two were madly in love the way they did, eyes closed tightly shut. Mr Ghost mentality blamed his intoxication and hers for that, but didn't fight it, as a growl of pleasure escaped him. But not one that a pony would make. It sounded more like one of a wiled beast.
Enjoying the kiss he let his claws drift down her backside. He could feel her warmth against his claw tips. Wait claws he opened his eyes a bit In horror, but they weren't his usual eyes, they were glowing amber snake like eyes.She however kept hers tightly shut never even realizing the change I'm grip from hoof to claw.

He's neck was now longer then it was, he stood taller then he did a moment ago, his limbs were that of a lion and eggle claw. He felt his hat nearly about to fall off due to the growing hornes he had under it. He needed to stop this. He couldn't risk her finding out. She began to pull away, and with it he feared she would open her eyes and see his true self. He forcefully put more pressure into the kiss not letting her get away as he quickly began to morphed his claw and paw back into hooves and lowered his head ever so slightly, so she didn't noticed the differences in hight
It morphed back to what he had before as they eventually separated.

both stood gasping for air, a bit stunned. He was fearfully, But she only figured it was beacuse he was nervous and simply layed her head against his chest, he leaned agints the tree still in disbelief of the nights events.

Dash was able to get better control of the fight from the air. She zapped several flying chimeras with her lightning powers as Raidence punched them and then caught the unconscious ones setting them down easily. " Where is saddle rager when you need her, Dash called out.

I don't know she said something about going out with some old friends. shadow star called out.

never here when you need..." Dash was cut off as Suddenly a strange pink creature tackled the Griffin to the ground. Was it another Griffin? Or something else entirely.

The creature had a beak like her but was not part lion. No, instead it was part eagle. The creature was definitely some type of horse. It was a hippogriff. A pink one with curly pink hair tail. It was running wild as it giggled insanely. Its eyes are bright yellow with red slits. As all chimeras had. It drove Dash into the ground. I laughed the entire time. Dash looked up at its attacker mesmerized. "Uh, guys we have a problem."

"Dash," Rarity called out and whacked the creature with her tail. Only the creature didn't go flying instead it stayed out of her reach and attacked knocking her to the ground. She screamed as she looked a the beast terrified. But then her expression fell as she recognized the creature.

Mistress Marvilouce came to her rescue whacking the creature away with its tail. She then helped Fluttershy up onto her feet before looking at the chimera about to defend her and her friend, her expression fell, tears began to swell up in her eyes.

"Is it just me or does that chimera look familiar?" Asked zapp(dash)

"Pinky!" cried AJ.

The shooter was dressed in all Black, with a helmet on but it was clearly a cat, by the body shape. She took after it as it dived into another building. Shadow Star wasted no time jumping in through the window and smashing the glass.

"Hold it right there," she raised her tranquilizer gun at him. But the cat kicked the gun out of her hoof. He was agile and quick she barely had time to. Block his next move. He was a tall slender cat, and in these tight spaces, he had the upper hand. He jumped from one wall to the next punching and kicking her, with what only could be described as Kung Fu moves.

Shadow Star never went up against someone who had this much agility. Tho the punches and kicks did little due to her being a chimera she stood on the defensive, she couldn't even think of getting a good hit on him. He spun around whacking her with his tail and doing a back flip kick into her jaw as he landed on all fours. The kick, though her back into a wall. She slid down with a moan as she struggled to stay conscience. With his opponent down the cat ran out of the building and jumped into a car, Twilight heard him drive away.

Moments after, her brother came in. "Twilight where's the shooter? Are you ok?"

"Got away." She huffed. "And I'm fine just a little beat up," she moaned.

"No, no, no, no," Jacky shook her head. "No not her, not my cousin." She whined.

Pinky snarled, giggled, then attacked. Luckily Rarity used her fishtail to slap Pinkey down to the ground.

"Well, all the other chimeras are dealt with." She said as she removed her tail from the unconscious beast.

"I got Twilight but the shooter got away, Whoever did this was a master at fighting." Target voice came over the communicators.

"Is Twi alright?" Asked Spike

"No, but I will be." Her voice said to the relief of the others. "Come on we have to go before the task force takes us in."

"No! No, I'm not leaving her." Jacky said as she sniffled and picked up her cousin.

"Jacky," Dash began.

"Help, she needs help, she's family, and family helps." Apple Jack said as the hippogriff lay on her back. "Ok, ok," Dash said taking Pinky's back hooves. "Well get her back and she can become one of us."

Jacky shook her head."Why. Why my cousin? Why Pinky?"

In a car rushing down the road, the driver took off his helmet revealing to capper cat. He then pulled out a phone and immediately called someone.

Mr. Ghost lay with his head back against the tree staring out into the sky. he watched as a simple leaf fell off the tree branch and was carried away by soft breeze, his expression unreadable. he sloly stroked a piece of fine soft pink hair with his hooves. Fluttershy passed out not long after their kiss and laid on top of him snoring away.

he silently cursed himself for letting her get the upper hand on him, even more so that he almost lost control and showed his true self to her. yet he didn't fight the urge to run his hoof through the beautiful mare's hair that laid on top of him, as he imagined instead of a hoof it was his a claw. As he did she gave a restful sigh in her sleep, and the sound of this, made his grumpy demeanor fall to the waist side as he felt at peace, A smile tugged at his lips, as his gaze dropped from the floating tree leaf down to the pony by his side. only to be interrupted by his ringtone.

"And." He asked as he answered his phone.

"Sir I'm sorry Misson failed I had to abort."

"Oh and why is that," he asked in a bored tone. his anger couldn't even fluster at the moment with her by his side.

"Sir, you are not near a television, are you?"

"No, I'm on my way home why?" he lied, the last thing he wanted to do was admit to Capper he was currently in a romantic setting with a sleeping mare on top of him.

"The town hall was attacked. Several civilians, I don't know how many were turned into chimeras."

"Interesting. I'll have to think of a next move then." He said back.

"Sir, I'm sorry to tell you this, but."

"But what?" He muttered grumpily.

The cat took in a deep breath and let it out of his nose before he continued.."Sir your sister was turned into a chimera."

The phone for a moment stood quiet.

"Sir?" Capper asked

"Very well." Said Mr. Ghost whose voice was emotionless. "The innocent I can not always prevent from getting hurt. Get back to the hideout and let them all know to lay low while I think of a new plan. I can use this to my advantage." He said with an almost cheerful voice now. that would have disturbed Capper, had he not been used to it. "Yes sir," he replied before he hung up the phone.

As Mr. Ghost set his phone down he raised his sights back to the skys above him. well, at least I'm at my thinking tree, he raised his hand from her hair, she shifted a bit in her sleep but otherwise didn't wake up. now I just need to think, he stroked his beard, as his eyes flickered from his normal ruby red to a snakes.