• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 4,685 Views, 536 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Ice Age - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike, along with Gabby and Gilda, are transported to the time of the Ice Age to help a mammoth, a sloth, and a saber tooth tiger return a human baby to his people.

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When Sabers Attack

Author's Note:

Big thanks to my guy PD for the awesome quotes in this chapter, as well as my other guy Drama for his awesome editing work.

The air was still by the time it was morning. The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful as the sun slowly rose over the valley. In the small village nestled on the cliffs, the Neanderthal tribe slept soundly in their tents. In one tent in particular, Quill Cast and Atalanta slept snuggling close to one another. On the other side, Curtain Call laid on his side along empty bags of Doritos (Nacho Cheese flavored), a calico plushie held tightly in one hoof, and his other hoof… caught in Curtain’s mouth. All eyes were still shut… par from one pair.

Meanwhile, Jon Snow sat wide awake inside the tent. Up till daybreak, he’d been sharpening his blade in preparation for today’s events. He never was one to sleep for very long, not after everything he’d been through back in Westeros. He knew something was coming to disturb the peace, and so long as threats still existed, he couldn’t afford to sleep for any reason. But not even Snow realized he had any further reason to be awake that day.

Suddenly, he snapped his head toward the entry of the tent. It was very faint, almost non-existent, but Jon swore he heard something drawing near the village. Slowly the man made his way toward the flap of the tent, quietly peaking his head out toward the valley entrance in the distance. Along the higher cliffs, he could make out the outlines. A whole pack of Sabretooth tigers slowly prowling toward the village.

Apparently, Jon wasn’t the only one to notice. Ghost’s head popped up and he started growling. Hearing the direwolf’s growling, the rest of the wolf pack arose and started full on barking toward the approaching saber pack. Jon quickly ducked back into the tent and shook his friends awake.

“Wake up! Wake up!” Jon shouted.

“Huh-what?” Quill mumbled groggily. “What’s going on?”

“No mom, I don’t want to go to school today,” Curtain whimpered dreamily. “The kids make fun of me; just let me stay home and bake cookies with you.”

Quill and Atalanta both slowly rose from their sleep, watching Curtain Call squirm while putting that one hoof back between his lips. Having seen enough, Quill proceeded to give his partner in crime a good kick in the hindquarters and Curtain Quill sat straight up, dropping everything.

“I’m up! I’m up!!!” Curtain proclaimed.

“Jon, what’s going on?” Quill asked their other companion.

“The village is under attack,” Jon responded. “We have to go now!”

The remainder of the group quickly sat right up, their faces showing great concern.

“What is it?” Quill asked urgently. “Is it the Wendigo?”

“No,” Jon replied, shaking his head. “Not Wendigos.”

Jon quickly drew out Longclaw from his sheath, departing from the tent. But he was not alone. The other tribes people, all of them men, emerged from their tents carrying spears. At the lead was the village chief, Runar himself, keeping them together ready to defend their home. Quill, Curtain, and Atalanta emerged from their tent soon after Jon. That was when they saw the beasts leap into the fray and realized what they were up against.

“SABRETOOTH!!!” Curtain Call called out.

The battle was waged between the two opposing sides. Soto took a great leap toward Runar, who was able to hurl the great saber off him. The others lunged toward the humans, keeping them on their toes. It didn’t take long for Quill Cast, Curtain Call, and Atalanta to cast themselves into the fight. What they lacked in ‘handiwork’ with spears, the two stallions relied on their martial arts capabilities blocking the claw swipes and retaliating with their own hooves. Whereas Ata maintained her distance using her magic to keep the pack at bay, the sabretooth was wise enough to avoid the beams of light emanating off her.

As it would turn out, however, all of this was playing in favor of the pack. Seeing everyone distracted, Diego crept around the fight while spears hit the floor, growling filled the air, and fabric was torn as claws slashed toward the enemy. Eventually, Diego reached the entrance to the main tent, and it didn’t take long to spot his catch. The baby, the only child of the entire tribe, sleeping peacefully in the comfort of its satchel atop his bed. But Diego knew this was no ordinary child; this was the chief’s son himself. The sabretooth slowly prowled towards the child, his growls vibrating in the air. All he’d have to do was grab the baby, not to kill but to bring him back to Soto and the rest of the pack. Soon, all that time spent plotting their revenge would be complete.

Suddenly, just as the baby was in reach, the child himself blissfully unaware of the danger, a pair of hands snatched the baby out of the bed. Diego looked up as Nadia, the chief’s wife, held the baby in her grasp, swat the sabretooth away with a club, and dashed out of the tent. The human female emerged, seeing the fight amongst the tribe and the sabretooth, and quickly took off to carry the child to safety. Diego emerged quickly, caught sight of the human with the baby, and raced after him.

Jon and his allies were keeping the sabretooth at bay when a female cry called out to them. They turned their heads and looked on in horror as a sabretooth pursued Nadia with the baby in hand.

“NADIA!!!” Atalanta shouted.

Runar turned and spotted the chase. He made to chase after them, only to be stopped by a pair of sabretooths and watched helplessly as his wife and child faded off into the distance. Fortunately for Runar, Jon leapt in and swiped his sword toward the hungry tigers, the pair working together to drive them back.

“I’ll hold them off!” Jon shouted. “Save them!”

Nodding their heads, the stallions and the Changeling princess raced as fast as they could to catch up to Nadia and Roshan. The chase brought them toward a rushing river, Diego following the human’s trail toward a looming rock. Nadia desperately tried to race over but Diego quickly leapt in front of her. He made a snatch for the baby, only to grab the necklace which he hurled aside. Nadia tried hiding under a rock, only to come face-to-face with Diego. Never taking his eyes off the baby, the prize he sought to claim, Diego raced Nadia across the water. The woman scrambled toward a rock looming toward the falls. It was then she realized there was nowhere to run and when she turned toward the sabretooth, the cat smirked.

Trapped!’, He thought.

Thankful the chase was over, seeing his pray was trapped, the tiger slowly advanced toward the woman. Nadia looked around desperately, but realized no matter where she’d run by now, she was too tired and there was no way to outrun a sabretooth. She looked toward the baby, her most precious treasure. Just a tiny new beacon of life she brought into the world, so much promise to grow into a strong man like her husband. And now this hungry animal was threatening to take that away from her, she couldn’t bear it.

By then, Ata and the two stallions finally reached their human companion and skid to a halt. They looked on silently, horrified seeing the woman and her child trapped between the edge of the falls and a hungry animal. Nadia made one last look toward the sabretooth, seeing it slowly stalk its way toward her. But her eyes also caught sight of the trio staring toward her, their eyes widening as they realized what she was about to do. Before they could act, Nadia hugged the baby close to her chest… and leapt.

“NO!!!” The three shouted.

Diego stood shocked for a moment before making his way toward the edge. He looked down toward the falls, but he couldn’t see where the pair of humans landed or if they survived. They just vanished down the rushing rapids miles down the falls.

Idiot!’ Diego scolded himself. ‘Never underestimate what a mother will do for a child.


Suddenly, Diego was pounced on by a great force that sent him off his paws. One of the stallions, with a light peach coat, was on top of the beast now, blinded by rage and proceeded to attack the sabretooth recklessly with his front hooves.


Growling, Diego used his back legs to shove the pony back and the latter rolled against the floor clutching his chest. The sabretooth crawled back as the other stallion and the strange colorful creature raced to their fallen friend.

“QUILL!!!” The other pony shouted.

“Quill!” The creature leaned toward the pony, holding him. “You’re okay… it’s going to be okay…”

The two loomed toward their friend, seeing he was still alive but clutching his stomach. Diego’s back claws pierced the belly, not deep enough to kill but to leave the prey in pain. Those left standing stood in defense of their fallen friend, clearly ready for Diego to make his move. But he didn’t have time for these creatures. He quickly took off as the group looked on, realizing it was heading for the camp.

Speaking of the camp, one swing of an axe, and the wolves were set free. They pounced towards the pack, protecting their human companions from these beastly cats. The sabretooths were on the defense, until Soto took one glance toward a familiar figure.

“There’s Diego!” Soto called out to the others. “Fall back!”

The other tigers proceeded to follow his lead, racing away from the camp before meeting up with Soto’s right hand tiger. But when he got there, he realized Diego had come alone… not a trace of the baby on him.

“Where’s the baby?” Soto snarled.

“I lost it over the falls,” Diego confessed.

“You lost it?!”

The sudden impact of a spear piercing the ground caused them to stop and turn. The humans and the wolves were advancing toward the pack, who were clearly outnumbered. The tigers had no choice but to flee as spears rained toward the path they stepped. Soon as they were far enough from the humans, they stopped.

“I want that baby, Diego!” Soto snapped, expressing frustration.

“’ll get it!” Diego snapped back.

“You better, unless you want to serve as a replacement,” Soto warned. “We’ll go up to Half Peak. Meet us there. It had better be alive.”

Soto turned and bounded away, leaving Diego staring after him.

“Can we trust you with that, Diego?” Oscar taunted, following Soto.

“Let’s go!”

Diego could only watch the backs of his packmates for a moment before racing off down the river. Whether the woman survived or not was not of Diego’s concern. He needed to hope that somehow, he could still catch the baby; otherwise, it would do him no good if he already drowned. Retrieving the child was his top priority.

As the chaos settled, Ata and Curtain Call had taken some bandages to cover the flesh wounds across Quill Cast’s stomach preventing further bleeding. Their friend groaned in pain, and it hurt as much trying to stand up, but he pushed through as he got back on his feet. They marched toward one spot by the falls, where the wolves, including Ghost, sniffed the ground where a necklace laid. Runar and Jon made it to the spot and the chief gasped when he spotted the necklace. While Runar examined it, Jon reunited with the trio.

“What happened?” Jon asked, concerned.

“We tried to reach Nadia, but we were too late,” Curtain Call confessed.

“She leapt over the falls before we could reach her,” Ata added. “And Quill… he got hurt.”

“Sorry…” Quill apologized weakly.

It slowly dawned on Runar what happened and why those sabretooths showed up. They came for his family; they came for his wife and child. He looked ahead, catching the sabretooth just as they were fleeing from the valley. If his wife was killed by them, then Roshan… his son. Grunting in anger, Roshan charged toward the pack and the rest of the men ran after him, shouting war cries determined to hunt the pack to the end, with the wolves taking the lead. Jon saw this and proceeded to give a shrilling whistle, summoning Ghost toward him.

“Get your friend onto Ghost!” Jon instructed. “We’re going after them!”

Ata and Curtain Call carefully carried their injured friend onto the Direwolf’s back, positioning him carefully. But another matter came up.

“What about the Wendigo?” Quill asked.

“We can’t worry about it now!” Jon brushed off. “We don’t deal with that pack now, they’ll just come back. We must get the baby back.”

“Jon, about that—” Curtain began.

“No time! We must go; now!”

Jon raced ahead with Ghost carrying Quill along the way, his sword gleaming under the sunlight. Curtain Call and Atalanta looked toward each other, the two friends realizing now was not the perfect time. They proceeded to follow their companions up the path to catch the sabretooth to exact the chief’s revenge and help them get his son back. But little did they realize, at least what the humans hadn’t realized, was that the child was not as far as they thought he was.


It was later during the day as the Equestrian Heroes and their new allies marched their way down the trail, passing a few cherry blossom trees. Along the way, Sid proceeded to ramble off in regard to a former relative – probably his mother, but it’s anybody’s guess. For what seemed like hours, the ponies, the griffins, Spike, and even Manny had to listen to the lecture Sid was giving. Needless to say, Sid’s talking was boring everyone and every pony present to death.

“… And, and she picked a hair off my shoulder and says, ‘Look, if you’re gonna have an extra mating dance, at least pick a female with the same color pelt, right?’” The ground sloth said, chewing an apple. “And I thought, ‘Whoa, she’s gonna go praying mantis on me’. You know what I’m saying?”

“And you’re sure she’s not talking about this Sylvia?” Twilight asked, patiently.

“Yeah… don’t really want to talk about it.”

“Hey, if you find a mate in life, you should be loyal,” Manny grumbled. “In your case, grateful. Now, get away from me!”

“Well, I think mating for life is stupid, and there’s plenty of Sid to go around here.”

“You say that now my friend,” Pinkie Pie grinned. “But wait until Collision Course comes in… eh, three, four… no, FIVE seasons! Trust me, you’re going to eat your words!”

All eyes, including Sid’s, gazed oddly toward Pinkie Pie. As for Manny, he didn’t seem to react or care for basically any of it. He just kept walking forward without ever looking back.

“… Whatever you say, Pinkie,” Spike spoke up. “Look Sid, there’s nothing wrong with ‘mating for life’. I’m not saying it should be right away, but every creature does it at some point in their lives. It’s an amazing feeling when you find that special someone. At least someone you share things in common with, willing to do things together, growing old and all that stuff. Take me and Gabby for example! We’re a dragon and a griffon, we couldn’t be any more different.”

“But we’re together!” Gabby smiled, eyeing Spike. “And we’re so much in love!”

“Yeah, right,” Gilda scoffed. “Was that before or ‘after’ Lady Marshmallow here broke your boyfriend’s heart?”

“Excuse me?!” Rarity frowned in disdain. “For your information, I did not break Spikey-Wikey’s heart!”

“Kind of falls short when you’re the one who tried to break them up,” Gilda rolled her eyes, smirking toward Rarity. “I dare you to prove me wrong.”

“Good grief! This talk again?” Rarity rubbed her temples. “Look… I admit what I did back then was immature and unbecoming of me. But I’ve madeamends between Spike and Gabby; I brought them back together. And ever since then, I’ve learned my lesson, and I’ve given them all the space they want. Maybe I was a little jealous, but that’s over now! I have Erik, we’re married, and we both have a lovely daughter back home!”

“Then why are you here, instead of – oh, I don’t know – at home with her and your precious husband?” Gilda scoffed. “Honestly, you claim to be a devoted wife and mother, but the way you’re paling around with Spike makes you look… how do I say it without being offensive? Oh yeah! Clingy.”

“Does immaturely making fun of me make you feel better about your sad, single, lonely life?” Rarity frowned.

“It actually does,” Gilda smirked.

“Okay Gilda, that’s enough!” Gabby interrupted, confronting her friend. “I don’t appreciate you badmouthing, Rarity! She’s learned her lesson and we all forgive her for it.”

“Besides, I’m actually glad Rarity’s finally married to Erik,” Spike added. “Now I have all the free time to spend with Gabby.”

“Who knows what else will happen after this trip? Can you just imagine how our wedding will be?”

“W-W-Wedding?!” Spike exclaimed.

Spike clutched his chest as if he were about to have a heart attack. Not because he was against the idea, but he was trying so hard to be careful. He looked at Twilight Sparkle, Spike’s worried gaze silently asking if Gabby potentially knows. Twilight just shook her head quickly, as if to suggest not even she knows. Not wanting to arouse suspicion, Spike quickly straightened up and cleared his throat.

“I-I-I mean… wow, a wedding,” Spike replied casually. “Yeah… perhaps someday. A bit early to talk about it, but… right now, I just want to live in the moment with my best griffin.”

“Mmm… keep sweet-talking me Spike, and there won’t be room for dessert,” Gabby giggled.

“Get a room, you two!” Gilda groaned. “Sheesh, I swear you two are just as bad as—"

Gilda got so caught up in the soap opera drama, she forgot to look where she was going and ended up bumping her face into Manny’s behind. The impact sent her back and she fell to the ground. Spike tried to hold back a giggle while Gilda frowned in annoyance, but the others were too focused on the mammoth.

“What’s the hold up, Manny?” Applejack called out.

But the mammoth didn’t reply, not one single syllable. Instead, the Wooly Mammoth stood frozen in place like a statue.

“Manny?” Sid called out. “Manny?”

The sloth and everyone else walked around the mammoth, seeing the shock upon his face. Curious, they followed where his gaze looked, and soon their expressions matched his. There, amidst the rushing river, barely clinging onto the branch of a fallen tree for dear life, was a woman… a human woman. She held onto the tree with one of her arms, by the elbow, while clutching a satchel in the other.

The woman wearily looked toward the group staring at her. She didn’t react with either shock or fright, much like the many humans the Equestrian Heroes have met in their previous adventures. Not that she seemed to care anyway, and it was plain to see she was very weak. She struggled to wade across the icy cold water to reach the surface, holding onto the log to keep herself from floating away, and keeping the satchel close.

“Hold on there!” Applejack called out. “We’re comin’!”

The Earth Pony sprinted into action, jumping into the water… and leapt out.

“Ah! Cold! Cold, cold, cold! Freezing cold!”

“I got her!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

The rainbow maned Pegasus flapped her wings and flew toward the woman, reaching down to help her. Gilda soon followed, a faint hint of concern, and joined in. Together, the Pegasus and Griffon aided the woman as close to the shore as possible. With her last bit of strength, the dying mother gently placed the satchel onto dry land pushing it forward. The satchel would’ve rolled back into the water, had the Mammoth not caught it in time. The mother looked up toward the mammoth and the magical companions eyeing down at her. The Pegasus and Griffon soon prepared to rejoin their group, the former looking toward her.

“Just hang in there, ma’am,” The pony spoke. “We’ll be right back.”

The woman didn’t utter a word, either still processing the coincidence of this gathering of creatures… or she couldn’t speak. But somehow, she felt this was a sign that hope had come in some form… just not for her. With one last breath of air, she leaned her head onto the ground, and smile gratefully as she closed her eyes… forever.

The ponies and their friends gathered around the satchel, curious to see what was so important for this woman. Carefully, they adjusted the satchel and made a small opening. When they saw its contents, they silently gasped. Inside the satchel was a baby, stirring awake and opening his eyes. When the baby’s attention turned toward the animals, he smiled at them.

“Aw!” The girls, even Gilda, cooed together.

“It’s a boy!” Pinkie gasped.

“You can tell just by the face, Pinkie?” Spike asked amazed.

“Mother’s intuition.”

“Look at that,” Sid smiled. “He’s okay.”

“He’s so cute!” Gabby cooed, channeling her maternal instincts. “Hi little baby!”

“Cootchy-cootchie coo~” Fluttershy joined in.

“Wait a minute!” Twilight Sparkle realized. “If this is a child, then the woman is—”

All eyes looked back toward the woman, realizing who she was. But when they turned… their faces dropped with shock. One moment, the woman was clutching to the ground for dear life… and next she was gone, completely vanished out of sight.

“Where did she go?” Rarity asked.

“She was here a moment ago!” Rainbow Dash insisted. “You don’t think…”

But it didn’t take long for any pony or any creature to figure it out. It dawned on them the moment they looked out toward where the river flowed, but not a trace of the woman was in sight. It was possible that the water had taken her, probably halfway to the ocean by now. A majority of their eyes reached the brink of tearing up, but one sloth soon revealed what everyone else was thinking.

“She’s gone,” Sid gasped.

“Oh no…” Fluttershy whimpered. “He’s an orphan now…”

There was a moment of silence amongst the group, as they stood around the baby. They quietly mourned over the death of the mother, a woman they only just met for a few brief seconds. They had no idea how she got into the river in the first place nor where she even came from. But now the real question was what to do with this child, whom this woman entrusted to them before she left.

“… So, what now?” Gilda asked.

It was then she noticed Manny turning away and started to leave.

“Hey! Where’re you going, Jumbo?!” Gilda called out.

“Hey, Manny!” Sid called out to the mammoth. “Manny, aren’t you forgetting something?”

“No,” Manny answered bluntly.

“But you just saved him!”

“Yeah, well, I’m still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.”

“That’s not very nice!” Fluttershy frowned. “How can you say something so cruel? His mother just drowned in the river and… and you would just… leave this defenseless baby to fend for himself?”

“Not my problem,” Manny continued.

“You can’t leave him here,” Sid insisted.

“And we won’t,” Twilight declared. “We just need a better plan.”

While Twilight tried to figure it out, Sid proceeded to pick up the baby who cooed in response. It was then that the Sid looked up and spotted smoke from the top of the waterfall.

“Look, there’s smoke! That’s his herd right up the hill.”

“I do declare yer right, Sid!” Applejack nodded, adjusting her hat. “I reckon we get on up there and return the little sugar cube to his rightful relations.”

“Yeah! And return him to his family too!” Pinkie Pie squealed with glee.

“Let’s get something straight here, okay?” Manny scowled, rebuffing the idea. “There is no ‘we’. There never was a ‘we’. In fact, without me, it wouldn’t even be a ‘you’!”

Another silence of shock filled the air, till Twilight broke it.

“What is wrong with you, Manny?” Twilight confronted. “How can you be this way? Whatever happened to you to make you so… so… how do I put it politely—”

“A big grumpy pants and sourpuss?” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“… Yes, thank you Pinkie,” Twilight nodded, addressing Manny. “This is a baby. His kind must be worried sick about him.”

“And his home is just a hop and a skip away!”

“Just up the hill,” Sid pointed feebly.

“Listen very carefully,” Manny continued, using his trunk to talk. “I’m… not… go-ing.”

“… Manny, you’re as stubborn as a—OMPH!” Rainbow Dash began, before Pinkie Pie stopped her.

“Rainbow Dash! Everyone’s watching back home!” Pinkie Pie reminded. “Let’s not forget to mention you-know-who?”

“Oh… sorry.”

Rainbow Dash awkwardly put Pinkie’s hoof down, leaving Sid, Manny, and the baby very confused. Brushing off the random moment between the ponies, Sid scowled over the stubborn mammoth’s rejection.

“Fine, be a jerk,” Sid declared, walking away with the baby. “I’ll take care of him.”

“Oh yeah, that’s good,” Manny huffed sarcastically. “You’ll take care of him. You can’t even take care of yourself.”

“Correction! We will take care of him!” Gabby volunteered herself and her friends.

“We are?” Gilda asked, before receiving an elbow nudge from Gabby.

“Yes, we are!” Gabby added. “No offense, Sid. But a baby is a lot of work, even for one sloth. He needs all the help and care he can receive.”

“Plus, it’s what Rainbow Dash’s human father would’ve done for her,” Pinkie Pie added. “It was such a great story! She was de-aged into a filly, by accident, and found herself lost in another time, another place… in this case another fanfic! You guys should read it sometime!”

They allowed Pinkie Pie to ramble, nodding their heads as if pretending they actually understood what she said. Priorities compelled the group to make sure the baby was returned to his family and they could be on their way. But it wasn’t long until Sid started growing attached to the little munchkin.

“I’ll return you,” Sid baby-talked the child. “We don’t need that meany-weeny mammoth, do we? No, we don’t.”

The baby merely giggled in response as the sloth turned and stopped. Looking up, he realized that to get the child back home… he’d have to climb a very tall… very steep… very large mountain. Sid slowly looked back as Manny looked up the mountain, then down toward the sloth with a smirk. He nudged his head up, daring the sloth to climb. Not wanting to be deterred, Sid quickly put forth a brave fence and braced himself to climb.

The sloth tried to scale the mountain, but either he couldn’t get a firm grip… or he couldn’t reach it. The Equestrians were starting to worry seeing the sloth was not off to a great start.

“Do you need any help, Sid?” Twilight Sparkle asked, concerned.

The sloth merely looked at Twilight Sparkle, with a look that says, ‘I’m just warming up’. Eventually Sid began to climb the mountain once he got a proper hold along its surface and put in some extra leg worth. But suffice to say, Sid still wasn’t quite scaling the mountain as quickly as he hoped. Having to carry the baby in one arm and using the other for climbing certainly didn’t make things easier. He was only scaling a few inches before fell… but luckily his head caught along the side.

“You’re an embarrassment to nature, y’know that?” Manny called out.

“Manfred… shutup!” Gilda hissed, shaking her head.

“Sid, are you sure you can scale the mountain?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“We don’t mind carrying the child to the village ourselves!” Gabby offered.

“This is cake!” Sid feigned confidence. “I’m fine, I’m fine… I’m gonna die.”

The Equestrians gathered together, looking up with nervous anticipation as Sid continued to scale the mountain. Surprisingly, even Manny approached behind them never taking his eyes off the sloth and the child. Suddenly, just as Sid was scaling a solid distance, he suddenly heard a ‘SNAP!’ and felt the satchel in his grip getting lighter. The Equestrians gasped in shock as the bottom of the satchel snapped open and the baby was about to fall.

“SID!!! THE BABY!!!” Spike called out.

Before the baby fell from his satchel, Sid was able to catch the child with his toes. Only now Sid was dangling helplessly as he could feel the baby slipping.

“TWILIGHT!!! MANNY!!!” Sid cried out.

Suddenly, the child started to slip from the sloth’s toe and fell to the ground.

“Don’t worry buddy, Mama Pinkie Pie will catch you!” Pinkie reached out.

The mammoth too reached out, trying to catch the baby, when suddenly… a sabretooth tiger leapt in and grabbed the back of the child’s shirt with its mouth. The tiger whirled about, aiming for a quick getaway only for the mammoth to whack him under the chin with his trunk and recovered the baby, who seemed more surprised than scared. Diego attempted to swipe at the mammoth, but the griffin pair delivered a double uppercut knocking the bad cat back. Soon, ponies, griffins, and a dragon gathered in front of the mammoth, prepped for defense while the latter glared fiercely. It seemed the tiger realized this was going nowhere, and it cleared its throat.

“Um… that pink thing is mine,” He spoke casually.

To which the sloth, stilling clinging to the wall, laughed.

“Uh, no. Actually, that pink thing belongs to us,” Sid replied.

As he spoke, the sloth’s grip slipped, and he fell toward the ground. Spike quickly raced over to catch him… but Sid’s head landed on the dragon’s and they both fell forward. It took great control for both Gilda and Rainbow not to laugh as Gabby and Twilight hovered over to help their friends.

Us?” Gilda asked, amused.

“You two are a bit of an odd couple,” Diego smirked, finishing her sentence.

“There is no us!” The mammoth snapped, glaring at the sloth.


The tiger rolled his eyes, as if he were eyeing a bickering ‘couple’… and their friends.

“I see. Can’t have one of you own, so you want to adopt.”

“Look, I’m sorry to interrupt your snack, but we gotta go,” Sid said, pulling the baby away.

“As you can see, he just lost a mother and we’re hoping he has a dad to go home too,” Spike added. “So, we’re just going to be on our way. See you never!”

But the tiger jumped to Sid and Spike’s level, hoping to stall them.

“The baby? I was returning him to its herd.”

“Right… and I’m the Queen of the Hungry Hippos, watch me dance,” Spike remarked sarcastically.

“Nice try buck tooth!” Sid scoffed.

“You calling me a liar?” The tiger growled, following the pair.

“Uh… no?” Sid gulped, leaning away.

“We didn’t say that—" Sid added nervously.

“You were thinking it,” The tiger growled, circling them.

The sloth and dragon looked around, then toward each other, and then to the ponies.

“We don’t like this cat,” Spike whispered harshly.

“He reads minds!” Sid added.

Reminded that he was standing in the presence of a mammoth, and the strangest bunch of animals he’d ever seen, the tiger addressed the group.

“Name’s Diego, friends,” He greeted cordially.

“Uh, hi…” Twilight greeted nervously. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. This is Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, you’ve already met Spike and Sid—”

“Name’s Gabby,” Gabby fluttered by. “And this is Gilda… no relation.”

“Sup…” Gilda grumbled.

“Manfred,” The mammoth replied, glaring. “And I’m not your friend!”

“Fine, Manfred,” Diego growled.

By this point, Sid picked up the human again and, with Spike next to him, they walked away. All the while, Twilight could practically see the wheels turning in the tiger’s head, as if he were thinking of something. To suggest the alicorn was slightly suspicious was an understatement.

“So, as my faithful assistant was saying,” Twilight Sparkle continued. “As soon as we return the baby to his family, we’ll just be on our way.”

“If you’re looking for the humans, you’re wasting your time,” The tiger informed Twilight. “They left this morning.”

“Gee, thanks for the advice, we’ll have it engraved,” Gilda remarked dryly. “Now BEAT IT!”

“GILDA! Don’t tempt the cat with the teeth and claws!” Gabby hissed anxiously.

“Manny, please come with us!” Pinkie begged the mammoth, on her knees. “I know it’s none of your business; I know we’re not exactly buddy-buddy! But we really need to get this baby to his family, or he’ll starve! Just one teeny, tiny, itsy-bitsy favor. Oh please, please, OH PLEASE!”

“Alright!” The mammoth grumbled. “I’ll help you bring him to his herd, but promise me that you’ll leave me alone after that?”

“Okay! Okay, deal!” Sid answered quickly. “What’s your problem?!”

You’re my problem!” Manny emphasized.

“Pardon for interrupting, but you seemed stressed,” Fluttershy observed sweetly. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“What’s there to talk about?” Gilda huffed indignantly. “He’s a bad-tempered grouch who eats so much!”

“Says the griffin who bakes scones that break your teeth…” Spike muttered, under his breath.


“You’d think it be tough to get fat on a vegan diet,” Pinkie Pie giggled.

“I’m not fat!” Manny argued. “It’s all this fur, it makes me look poofy.”

“Oh sure, of course darling,” Rarity nodded. “And I’m sure it’s a lovely coat, very fashionable in these parts. But we’re here when you’re ready to talk.”

“Better get used to it,” Applejack advised. “We’re stickin’ to ya like caramel on a candy apple.”

“OOH! Candy Apple?!” Pinkie gleamed, looking around. “Where?! WHERE?!”

“Just keep walking, Pinkie…” Twilight Sparkle spoke patiently. “Hmm… I think if we go around this corner, there should be a trail leading to the camp. We’ll have the baby home in no time.”

But as they walked away, behind their backs, Diego growled darkly. What started as a simple retrieval task suddenly got complicated with all these animals in the mix. And it was plain to see that they don’t trust him, so getting close to the baby would be tough. He proceeded to go around another path leading to the camp as he’d figured out what to do.