• Published 16th May 2023
  • 457 Views, 5 Comments

Old Connections - ShowShine

Fluttershy wants to ask an old friend to prom, but she doesn't know how to go about it

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“Come on, Fluttershy, you can do this.” Fluttershy whispered to herself. All she needed to do was walk up to Sandalwood and hand him her notebook. It was easy! Fluttershy looked at her book. Well, it was more like a scrapbook than it was a notebook.

She had spent months writing out her thoughts and feeling for him. It was filled with old pictures of them and poetry she had written herself. Her friends had even helped her out a bit.

If she gave the book to him, then maybe he’d consider going to prom with her. It was only a week away, after all.

Fluttershy peaked around the corner, peering at Sandalwood. He stood in the hallway, happily chatting to his friends. He looked as handsome as ever. Fluttershy’s heart thumped in her chest.

Was any of this worth it? What if he said no? What if he laughed? She hadn’t spoken to Sandalwood in months. It wasn’t just Sandalwood; it was the entire Eco Club!

Ever since she had become the Element of Kindness, she had been spending less and less time with her old friend group. And being in the Rainbooms didn’t help much either.

She couldn’t help but feel wracked with guilt for abandoning her friends like that. They had been with her since she was a freshman.

Fluttershy’s hands began to tremble. She couldn’t do this. He’d hate her if she tried to ask him out now.

Sandalwood met Fluttershy’s gaze. His eyes lit up, and he began to wave happily. She squeaked, the book slipping from her hands. Pictures slid from the book, scattering across the tile.

“Pull yourself together.” Fluttershy mumbled angrily. It was one thing to not be able to ask her crush out, but not being able to hold a book was a whole new level of nervousness.

Fluttershy leaned over, attempting to pick up the pictures.

“Need help with that?” Someone asked. Fluttershy quickly looked up, seeing Sandalwood standing over her. Fluttershy’s eyes widened, and she let out a squeak of surprise.

She quickly stood up, making a mad dash. Fluttershy could not do this.

Fluttershy sat on the bleachers, leaning into her hand. She wrote in the scrapbook, sighing to herself. If she wasn’t going to give it to Sandalwood, she might as well use it as a diary.

At least she had tried to get her feelings out. But in the end, she had failed. There was no way she could ask Sandalwood out now; she ran away from him, for heaven’s sake! He probably thought that she hated him.

The teen sighed disappointedly. At least she was now alone with her thoughts. Fluttershy leaned back, resting her head on the cool bleacher above her.

It was a shame Fluttershy was too nervous to ask him out. She has had a crush on him since the day they met. But Fluttershy guessed that ship had sailed. Sandalwood was just so handsome, and kind, and generous, and-

The gym doors banged open, snapping Fluttershy out of her thoughts. A trio of boys walked in, talking and laughing loudly. They weren’t just any boys; they were her old bullies. Fluttershy sat up straight, her breath hitching. What were they doing here? She could’ve sworn the gym would be empty for a few more hours.

Fluttershy slowly stood up, careful to not make any sudden movements. If she moved slowly enough, then maybe, just maybe, she could sneak out unnoticed.

She held her breath, taking a small step off the bleacher. Her foot slipped, lurching her forward. The book tumbled out of her hands, landing on the floor with a long ‘bang.’ The trio went silent, turning to face Fluttershy.

“Hey, who invited the chick?” Hoops asked with a snort, jutting his thumb out towards Fluttershy. She squeaked, nearly jumping out of her skin.

“Sorry! Sorry! I’ll go!” Fluttershy apologized, scattering to pick up her book. Score snatched her journal from the floor, teasingly flipping through the pages.

“Oooo, is this your diary?” Score mocked in a girly voice. Fluttershy’s heart hammered in her chest, and her face flushed red. She hopped up, attempting to snatch the journal from Score.

“Read it out, Dumb-Bell!” Score called out, tossing the book to his friend. Dumb-Bell caught the book, moving his bangs from his eyes.

“‘My dearest Sandalwood, you have the most handsome eyes and the most wonderful hair,’” Dumb-Bell read, batting his eyelashes. “Aw, it sounds like Fluttershy has a little crush.” He called out.

The boys chortled obnoxiously, keeping the book out of Fluttershy’s reach. The three continued tossing the book to one another, reading different pages in mocking voices. Fluttershy’s eyes welled with tears, and her throat stung from embarrassment.

“Leave her alone!” Someone shouted, interrupting the bullies' fun.

Fluttershy whipped her head around, seeing Sandalwood. She buried her face in her hands. He was the last person she wanted to see right now.

“Oh look, it’s Fluttershy’s little boyfriend.” Hoops teased, nudging Fluttershy.

Sandalwood held a firm gaze, glaring at the boys. He slowly walked towards them, his gaze never faltering. He snatched the journal from Hoops. Despite Hoops's bangs covering his face, Fluttershy could tell he rolled his eyes.

“Fine, fine, just take your little girlfriend and go.” Hoops said, lightly pushing Sandalwood back.

“You’re lucky I believe in peace.” Sandalwood muttered, grabbing Fluttershy’s hand. Her breath hitched, and her mind went blank. Sandalwood was holding her hand. Fluttershy nearly died on the spot.

His grip was tight yet protective. It was warm and soothing. As scary as this situation was, Sandalwood brought her peace.

As they stepped out of the gym, Sandalwood sighed. He looked at Fluttershy, giving her a soft smile.

“I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I don’t usually get so violent.” Sandalwood apologized, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

“I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t show up.” Fluttershy gushed, tucking her hair behind her ear.

The pair stared at each other, enjoying the brief silence. Sandalwood glanced down at his hand, his eyes lighting up as if he remembered something.

“I, uh, followed you because you dropped this.” Sandalwood nervously held up a piece of paper. Fluttershy gaped at it. It was an old photo of them!

It was one of the first times they were alone together. Sandalwood had insisted on helping Fluttershy pet sit. It was a magical week.

“I didn’t know you still had this.” Sandalwood said in disbelief. Fluttershy giggled.

“Of course I still have it!” Fluttershy exclaimed. It would be more surprising if she didn’t have it. It was a comfort item for her.

Sandalwood paused, glancing away for a moment.
“I know this is super sudden, and we haven’t spoken in months, but…” Sandalwood rubbed the back of his neck. “Will you go to prom with me?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened, and her heart sped up in her chest. Sandalwood is asking her out? It wasn’t what she had planned, but this was better than nothing.
