• Published 27th Apr 2023
  • 643 Views, 5 Comments

Not So Evil - CombatProductions

You, a simple earth pony find yourself in the strangest situation with the most evil mare you know, Mane-iac. But this situation may not be as bad as it first seems.

  • ...

Cozy Villan

It had been one of those days where everything felt like crap. Your boss had yelled at you for doing your job "incorrectly", despite the fact you followed their instructions to the letter. Yeah, your boss isn't the greatest. You were actually going to give her your resignation letter the next day, giving her a two weeks notice. You hadn't found another job yet, but you just wanted out of that mad office building.

The street you walked down was like an empty wasteland, not a soul in sight. Then there was you, a pony no one would notice even if someone was there on the street with you. You looked at the lampposts that litter the side of the street, and the dim yellowish light they all gave off. Yep, today was absolute crap. Now you were going back to your some crappy apartment, ran by some crappy, stuck up landlord. Worst of all, you would still be alone in the apartment.

You've never really had the chance to be with anyone, after all you were by all accounts "basic" at best. Just a boring earth pony no one notices. You reckon you could probably break in to Canterlot Castle and steal something, and still no one would notice you. Truth was, you were sad and lonely... A cast out from everyone else. The friends you grew up with all have a mare or a stallion and here you are with no one.

You look up at the darkened sky and in to the stars. Most of the stars were in big groups, others in pairs. But there were those ones that were alone, with no other stars around them. That's how you felt, a lonely star with so much to give. You closed your eyes and wished for something good to happen, you poured your heart out in to the wish. But deep down you knew, wishes from ponies like you, never come true.

When you opened your eyes nothing had changed, you were still you, living your crappy little life. You look back down the street to see you've barely made any progress back to your apartment. You noticed a small ally on your left, you knew this ally all to well, after all you used it as a short cut to get to and from work.

You turned left and begin your slow trudge down the ally. You couldn't shake your mind over the saddened thoughts that clouded your mind. It was constantly bugging you as you made your way home. A chill runs up your spine. You get the strangest feeling, the feeling you were being watched. You quickened your pace down the ally and make it to a split. Going right should take you straight home and going left would take you somewhere you haven't been before.

The sound of a metal trash can crashes on your left and you turn your head to face it. A couple of mice ran out of the darkness and past you. A soft, sinister giggle filled your ears and you slowly stepped back. As if out of a horror movie, green tendrils shot out from the darkness and wrapped around you. They held you firmly still. You were about to scream when one of them held a rag up to your mouth. A strange smell filled your nose and your head felt like it was spinning. Slowly your vision began to blur and you watched as a tall purple figure stepped out from the darkness. Soon enough, everything went black.

Your vison was blurred as you opened your eyes, you tried to move your hoof up to your face but found that you couldn't. It was like something had pinned it down to your side. You opened and closed your eyes a few more times and shook your head for a brief moment. As you looked around you found yourself, in your bedroom? The memories of what happened in the ally rushed back in to your head. You had been attacked by a tall figure with green tendrils. You tried to move again but still found yourself stuck. You looked down to see what had restrained you, your shock was immediate. Long green strands where wrapped around your body and had tied you to a chair. There was only one thing in all of Equestria that this could be. you followed where the green strand went and your eyes locked on to your bed.

There she was, the most evil mare Equestria knew, Mane-iac. She was starring you down with her large green and red eyes. A massive grin was plastered on her face. But this grin didn't seem like your typical villain grin. More like a school filly talking to their crush. You let out an audible gulp before speaking.

"Um... Hi." You said to her. Her grin grew and she got up off your bed and approached you.

"Oh, I'm so happy you finally acknowledged me!" She squealed out.

"I have no idea what you are-"

"Oh, I've waited so long to finally be able to talk to you! You have no idea how happy I am!"

You were in shock. She wanted to talk to you? This evil mare was exited to speak to you, and you had no idea why.

"What do you mean?" You questioned.

"Oh come on, don't you know how adorable you are! Ever since I first saw you, I've spent most of my time plotting to get us in this moment!" She said.

You felt her long green tendril mane squeeze around you. But it wasn't unpleasant, in fact it was actually pretty cozy. You let out a small smile at the feeling and she immediately saw it.

"So... why did you take me home exactly?" You asked her.

"I just wanted you to be in a safe familiar environment for when you woke up." She explained.

You were still shocked. This mare most definitely liked you. But why? That was what you couldn't figure out. As you thought why she liked you so much, you felt your binding slip away from around you. You looked up at her and she came even closer. You got up from the chair and got closer as well. You had to admit she was oddly adorable. You felt her green mane slip around you again and she guided you towards the bed. You happily complied and climbed on to it. You laid down and looked at her. You watched as she slowly undressed herself from the purple and gold, spandex outfit. Once she was done she crawled up next to you. You could see the blush radiating off her face as she wrapped her forelegs around you.

You felt a blush of your own spread across your face and you also wrapped your forelegs around her. She was so soft and warm. It was amazing, she was amazing. You didn't see her as a villain but someone who cared. You couldn't get over how soft her coat and mane was. Oh that mane, despite how strange it was, you still loved it. You felt her pull you in even closer and you both fitted together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces made for each other. You didn't mind how much bigger she was than you. If you were honest you preferred to be smaller than her. Despite the fact that everything had moved so fast, you couldn't care less.

She gently caressed her mane around your body as she wrapped both of you up in it. She wrapped and wrapped, until you were stuck together in a big green blanket. You looked up at her and she looked down at you.

"Thank you." You said.

"No... thank you." She said in return.

Your faces grew closer to each other until you planted your lips against hers. She let out a squeak, not expecting you to make the first move. She soon kissed you back and you loved it. Her lips where so soft, you couldn't help but hold the kiss for a little longer. Eventually you broke the kiss and you both gasped for air. She looked at you again before planting her lips back on yours. You accepted it and found yourself in true and utter bliss. Her cozy mane, her warm body, her soft lips. She was the one for you. It didn't matter if she was evil. To you, that just made her more fun.

You loved her and deep down you knew she loved you even more.

Author's Note:

Aw, isn't that sweet.