• Published 12th May 2023
  • 646 Views, 10 Comments

Temporal Trotters - wyattpugsley

An incident during the testing of Hippogriffia's first thermonuclear device causes a rift in space and time, sending Posada and Skystar back to the past.

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3. Corn Pop's Farm

“How about you tell us a bit about the village! We didn’t see any signs or anything outside, we’d love to get a little mini history lesson!”

Breezy sighs, “Not much history that I know of. We’re just a little village called McClaw. Been here most of my life, my family isn’t from here though. They’re from a bigger city near the coast. And I moved here around 523 when I turned 20. I’m 53 now, just running my little bar here. It’s a living, I enjoy it,” he smirks. “That was probably getting a bit too deep into personal history, you probably wanted more general information, my bad.”

The pair look at each other with shock and dread upon hearing the words “five hundred twenty-three”. Accounting for the time passed since the barkeep arrived would place them in the year 556, solidly in the middle of the 6th century. And almost 500 years into the past.

“…500 years” Posada whispers under her breath. “Thanks for the info, Breezy. I actually think that’s all we had for now.”

Breezy nods and returns to cleaning dishes.

“Sky, 500 years… I was right, we are in the Middle Ages,” she says, shaking her head in disbelief. “Not only that but I recognize the name of the village too. It still exists. In-between Clawton and Northpoint? That might ring a bell.”

Skystar’s face lights up, “Oh! The little farming town! Yeah! It does look kinda similar, just a lot less forest around it in our time.”

“Yeah, we’re in familiar territory then, we have that going for us,” Posada says with reassurance. “Knowing that I think it’d be best if we find somewhere to stay in town for the night, it’ll give us the rest of the day to think things through.”

“Nice idea silly. But you said it yourself, we have no money. We might just be sleeping under the stars tonight,” she laughs, “actually you might not mind that!”

“I wouldn’t mind it if we weren’t sleeping on the grass! There’s a big difference between sleeping on dirt versus in a tent,” she giggles. “And despite not having anything on us we’re going to have to make do somehow, our best bet really might be offering to work for Breezy or someone else for a day or two. We just need a few bits to get supplies and we can get out of here.”

“Ughhh,” Skystar groans, “I guess it’s an idea. Working at the bar wouldn’t be too bad, I just hope we don’t end up having to farm or tend to livestock. I’m not opposed to manual labor, but those jobs are so messy!”

“We’ll have to work with what we can get. I’ll ask him and we’ll go from there,” the pair nod at each other.

Posada turns to Breezy and asks, “Hey, I have another question for you. Given our whole no money and no items situation… I was just thinking, you wouldn’t happen to know anyone who might want some work done for a few days in exchange for a place to sleep and some bits would you?” Posada says inquisitively, taking a sip from her glass of light ale.

“Off the top of my head? No, I don’t. I certainly don’t need the help, I’m sure you’ve noticed but I don’t exactly have a huge customer base. Only two customers in an hour ain’t exactly great,” he chuckles. “But, most of the farmers here could always use a helping claw or two, either with work around the actual farm, errands, or housework. Might try asking the fella about 3 houses down and to the left. He’s an older griff, just him and his wife. I’m sure he’d have extra room and would appreciate the help.” He states while drying a metal tankard.

“Only issue might be the pay. You know how farming goes, I doubt he has a bunch of bits on-hand. Might be better off bartering for some items from him in exchange for work. He’s a nice guy so he won’t haggle with ya too much,” Breezy says while grabbing the now empty glass from in-front of Posada. “If that sounds good I’d head out here pretty soon and see if you can find him. He goes by Corn Pop, if you have trouble just ask around, someone will know where he is.”

“Guess that’s our best bet, Sky,” She says while looking over to her companion. “Thanks for all the help, Breezy. Hopefully someday we’ll be able to come back and pay you back for the drinks,” she smiles.

“It’s no problem, just having some new creatures to talk to was quite the reward itself. I wish you ladies the best of luck on your travels.” He nods, waving goodbye to the two travelers as they exit his bar. Soon returning to his usual routine.


Exiting the bar the pair make their way slightly down the road to Corn Pop’s farm. The muddy road dirtying both their claws and hooves somewhat, much to Skystar’s dismay.

“We’ve been really busy since waking up, huh?” Skystar mentions to Posada.

“Well yeah, of course. Gotta find someplace to sleep before it gets dark. No time to waste since I don’t think either of us are fond of sharing a bed with the dirt and bugs. Plus it’s good to keep busy.” Posada says with a blank face.

“Yeah… I guess we can relax since we’ve got our sleeping arrangements figured out. Well, maybe not relax but you know, reflect on things. We’ve already gone through a lot today, Possy.”

“Possy? Like, Poss-ee? That’s… new When did you come up with that?”

“Just now!” she smiles. “Also that looks like the farmers house Breezy mentioned. I think that’s probably Corn Pop sitting outside,” she says.

The farm house looks like every other godforsaken farm house in this village. A single story wooden building with open windows combined with a small porch out in front. Of note would be a tiny decorative windmill which can be seen off to the right. As well as the growing crops in the farmer’s field.

The farmer himself is wearing old, tattered clothes covered in dirt. Working clothes, no doubt. He’s currently on his porch, rocking back and forth in what is likely a rocking chair built by hand. His mane would also be gray, like the bartender. Though his face looks considerably older, with no bread to speak of.

The group approach the older hippogriff with smiles on their faces, wanting to make a good first impression.

“Greetings! Breezy sent us, you’re Corn Pop, I presume?” Posada yaps out.

“Mm, yep. What’d Breezy send ya for?” he replies simply, looking at the pair as they stand a few feet away from his porch.

“It’s… a bit complicated. He said you might have work for us to do in exchange for room and board, as well as some bits or items, potentially,” Posada responds, smiling.

“For how long?”

“Only a few nights, we just need to get enough money or items to continue on our way.”

The old man stands up from his rocking chair, slowly hobbling his way over to a small shed which rests a distance from his house. The pair follow him.

He opens the door, stepping aside before speaking, “Hook yourselves up to the ploughs. You can start on the field to the left. Haven’t gotten around to it yet.”

He begins to make his way back to the rocking chair before Posada pipes up, “Uh, how long should we do this for?” she asks.

“I’ll tell you. Won’t work you too hard, don’t worry.”

“And you’ll have room for us to sleep tonight? What about payment?”

“Mhm, have a guest room but it won’t be fancy. Used to have 5 kids in this house, so there’s room. We’ll discuss payment later tonight.”

Posada nods, looking to Skystar who’s already investigating the shed.

Following after her Posada asks, “You’ll be okay doing this, Sky?”

“Yeah, I guess. Not much choice plus it’s a new experience. I’ll get over it. Let’s just get to work.” Posada agrees, the two get equipped and spend the rest of the evening working the field.

Several Hours Later

As the sun sets, Corn Pop emerges from his house, waving down the hard working duo and signaling for them to stop and come inside.

After putting the equipment away they make their way in. Entering what seems to be the dining room right away. Candles on the table with a hand-sewn table cloth. Corn Pop just entering the room while carrying something with him.

The hippogriff stands by the side of a table, lifting a bag of items on to the table with his wing once the pair enter. “This stuff should be worth more than the few bits I have to my name,” he says, untying the bag to reveal the contents inside.

Inside is an amalgamation of various bits of kit for travel. What looks like stakes for a tent, blankets, canteens, and basic daggers for self-defense.

“Mine from back in the day. I wasn’t always a farmer, obviously.” He grabs some of the equipment, pulling it out of the bag. It has obvious signs of wear, a few tears and marks throughout the tent, the blankets with wear patterns, the dagger being slightly rusted. “Old but still up to the job, I think. You help around the farm for a few days and it’s all yours.”

Their eyes twinkle in amazement. Never before had they been so glad to see old camping supplies!

“A-all of this? Corn Pop, are you sure?” Posada yelps out in amazement.

“Yep. None of my kids ended up needing the stuff. And, well, I’m sure you can tell but I’m not leaving this village anytime soon. Only way I’m getting out of here is in a casket,” he giggles somewhat morbidly. “Ah, but no, no one else has any use for it. At least it’ll get passed down to you young kids instead of rotting away in this village like me.”

“Thank you, Corn Pop This is more than we ever could’ve expected.” Posada replies.

“Mhm. By the way, there’s dinner for you two in the kitchen. Me and my wife usually eat around 6 but if you’re busy we’ll leave you out something for later.”

“Before that though, I’ll take you folks to your sleeping quarters for the next few days, over here,” he says while slowly walking towards the back of the house. Opening the door to the guest bedroom to reveal a single queen sized bed of hay. Cloth pillows filled with cotton and feathers on both sides with a window overlooking the back of the farm. “Only one bed, hope that won’t be a problem. I could always cobble together something if it is. But I doubt it’ll be as comfortable.” He says nonchalantly.

Posada blushes lightly and looks to Skystar, who seems unbothered by the idea of sharing a bed. “Nooo, that’s fine!” she says, “I don’t mind sharing! It’s still better than having to rough it outside,” she smiles. “You’re fine with that, right Posada?”

She nods in agreement, still lightly blushing.

“Cool! This will work then. Thank you so much for everything!” she says to Corn Pop. Who nods and then exits the room, returning to his rocking chair on the porch.

“Posada, let’s go eat dinner. And then I think we’ll head to bed, I’m beat from working today.” They both agree, eating dinner and then returning to the guest bedroom once full.


Skystar stretches, “Ahhh~ I’m beat… This bed sure isn’t fancy. It’s actually kind of itchy with the hay but we’ll get used to it I suppose,” she remarks from the left side of the bed.

“I’ve slept on worse… and I have a feeling this is as good as it’s going to get for a while.

“You’re probably right, Possy. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts,” Skystars says, yawning afterward. “I think I’m gonna try to sleep, night, Posada.”

“Same, goodnight, Sky.”

She closes her eyes, slowly lulling herself to sleep as the world around her fades away.

“-Operation Sunset is cleared”

“…thank you, Posada.”

“-this is our day”

“...there is always the chance of catastrophic failure-“

This is your fault, Posada.”
“NO, I didn’t do this! No one knew what would happen!”

“It’s what you wanted.”

I just wanted to be recognized… I wanted to protect my people, to push us forward.”

“The road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions. What matters is the outcome, not the intention.”

I know… But nobody had done it before us. How could I have known?!”

“You learned things creatures were never meant to know. Wanting to do things no creature should.”

“I was only following my heart, forgive me…”

A gasp for air can be heard as Posada is jolted awake from a sound sleep. Waking up she feels the soft fur of a hippogriff, striking teal hair in her face as Posada’s vision adjusts to the light. Her face blushing red once she realizes she’s cuddled up against her companion. Feeling Skystar around her arms, her chest moving up and down slowly as she sleeps peacefully. She smiles, her eyes closing as she enjoys the moment before leaving her embrace and rolling back over to her side of the bed.