• Published 23rd May 2023
  • 485 Views, 2 Comments

Here We Are Here We Remain - TheArcanPony

A human from earth died and gets reincarnated to the land of Equestria as a unicorn and he recreates house Atreides from Dune

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During the war of unification of the three pony tribes, small kingdoms battled for territory and resources destroying the land. Both of the alicorn princesses decided to stop the bloodshed between the three pony tribes.

Thus they formed the Kingdom Of Equestria where everypony is equal and is under their protection. They gathered support throughout the land, absorbing territory after territory and even receiving the help of the great pillars but it wasn't enough.

One day the enemies of the two alicorn sisters discovered an unnamed territory, thinking that this was an easy way to acquire riches and territory they send a grand army of 10,000 ponies. Princess Luna, discovering the plot told her sister and so they gathered what they can to evacuate the innocent.

To everyone's surprise the army was completely destroyed prompting the alicorn sisters to turn this ragtag rescue operation into a diplomatic one. And much to their surprise again this mysterious territory was led by a male unicorn named Paul Atreides, they promised him bland wealth and honor if he joins them.

In the end he agreed to join the Kingdom Of Equestria in the condition that he will be given autonomy over his land. Within less than the year after house Atreides joined Equestria 80% of the continent was already theirs, and wherever there army goes victory follows.

Nearing the end of the unification wars the entirety of house Atreides vanished without a trace. The Kingdom Of Equestria tried to find their missing allies but to know there and over time they faded from history.

A week before princess Twilight can be given her territory to train her to rule equestria in a far future, House Atreides returned as if nothing happened. And their return was in the right moment as the world was nearing It's equivalent to a world war and equestria needs its greatest warriors just like old times.

Somewhere on the southeastern territory of the kingdom. Suddenly a very bright flash of light engulfed the entire mountainside revealing an entire city, filled with large buildings made of stone, a large dam on the mountainside and an entire palace right between the mountains.

Inside the throne room multiple ponies I currently shouting at each other and a male unicorn sits on a throne watching this all transpire.

"We need to know what's happening, we must send Scott to the rest of the kingdom!" One of them shouted.

"No! we must first regroup, our citizens are confused and afraid this might cause a riot!"

Groaning while massaging his head He raised his arm making the entire hall quiet.

"Can anypony please explain to me one more time what happened." He said while looking at everyone.

"It was a normal day my lord. The majority of our soldiers were seeing the last hold out of our enemy, when suddenly we all just found ourselves here."

"That doesn't really explain a lot."

"That's why we are here my lord, to discuss our next course of action."

"Are we still at full strength?"

"Yes my lord."


"Enough sir, even before we joined Equestria we are already self-sufficient."

"We are good for now..." He took a moment to breathe "Send scouts to all directions, if you find any semblance of civilization don't receive us yet."

"How long should we scout our surroundings my lord?"

"A day and report immediately, after that we'll discuss our next course of action, dismiss!"

All of them then saluted at their patriarch and leaving the alicorn alone inside the throne room. After a moment of just sitting on his throne he finally stood up and walked empty hallways of his palace.

"I know you're there discord, show yourself..."

He then heard a distinct 'ting' sound from behind, he turned and saw a creature with mixed limbs and resembling a dragon leaning at the wall. He watched as the creature called Discord stirred his tea slowly.

"What did yo-"


Discord then sipped his tea very slowly and finally drank it while both of them stared at each other.

"What did you do?"

"Whatever do you mean by that?" He asked with an innocent smile.

"You, making us suddenly disappear like that."

"Paul, I just did you favor by sparing your ponies a few catastrophes."

"And I suppose you want something from me? And if it's causing chaos again I'm very much nothing not in to that."

"Oh I don't need you to cause death and destruction, I need you to protect the equestria."

"And I expect that things are chaotic because of you?" He said while crossing his arms.

"Hahahaha! The world was very chaotic for the past few years even without my intervention."

"Okay, what do you want me to protect equestria from?"

"Oh a variety of things." He said widening his grin.

"Very well, what can you please tell me the latest news?"

"What's the fun in that? You're gonna know eventually but for now prepare."

Both of them then heard a soldier running down the hallway, Paul looked at the running soldier and turn back at Discord to see that he is not there anymore leaving the male unicorn to wander

"Hm..." Paul then looked outside. " I wonder what Celestia and Luna are up to."

At the city of Canterlot, everyone is currently trying to repair the damage caused by the legion of doom. Inside the palace, princess Celestia is currently finished her paperwork when suddenly princess entered her room.

"Hello sister, I was hoping to show you something." Luna said while bringing a box using her magic.

Celestia stopped signing the stacks of paper on her desk and approached Luna.

"What do you want to show me Luna?"

Luna then showed Celestia the objects inside the box. It was a torn banner with a rusting armor and a broken sword.

Celestia gasp as she recognize the items. "Are those what I think they are?"

"Yes sister, these items are from house Atreides," She said while unfolding the banner. "I found it at our previous castle."

"How? I thought anything related to them disappeared during the unification wars."

"I thought so too but but, whomever made them disappear left this three items."

Both of them then sat down on the nearby couch and continued to inspect the items. Celestia picked up the armor and giggled to herself.

"Do you remember this armor, Luna?

"Ah yes, it was that time where I beaten Paul during a dual."

Celestia then smirked devilishly. "Yes, I remember you tried to claim him because 'I have beaten you in combat, you belong to mine now!"

Luna momentarily blush and glared at Celestia. "Well what about that time were you offered your self to him, was it for 'the good of equestria' as you said it."

The two sisters stared at each other for a minute then they burst out laughing. Celestia then inspected the banner more thoroughly.

"Do you think we can restore that, dear sister?" Luna asked

"I believe lady Rarity could"

"Then it's settled, we shall hang the great Atreides banner over our throne room!" Luna shouted with joy.

"Oh that sounds like a great idea!" Discord said.

The two alicorns then look at this word behind the couch in shock, while Discord still have his carefree attitude.

"Oh come now Celestia, can't I visit my two oldest friends?" He said innocently.

"Discord, you still haven't repent for your latest wrong doing." Luna said with a serious tone.

"Yes, yes that's why I'm here, to make it up to you I will repair every single damage caused by the recent batch of villains." Discord said nonchalantly as he snapped his fingers.

Throughout equestria the damage buildings, land and injured creatures we're suddenly fixed as if nothing happened. Celestia looked outside her balcony to see that her capital was fixed and her little ponies had confused expressions.

"See, for this action I've paid my deb!"

"Discord, you don't usually do something without some sort of twist. What are you planning?" Celestia says eying Discord in suspicion.

"I just want to get this over with, I still have my tea time with Fluttershy, speaking of I will go now ta,ta." Describe wave design and then vanished in a puff of smoke.

"I swear sister, One day I will turn him back into stone"

"We should discuss this tomorrow, my princess duty calls Luna"

Luna then levitated the items back in the box and said goodbye to her sister. Celestia then return to her desk continuing to sign the papers.

Deep within the northern mountains a castle made of black stone resides at the side of a mountain. Inside the throne room of the palace, a dark figure sits on a throne.

Suddenly the doors opened revealing a heavily armored humanoid like creature, it's eyes are visible from its helmet. The soldier walked down on the red carpet approaching the figure on the throne and when when it was in the center of the room it kneeled before it.

"My queen, the preparations are nearly complete" it said not daring to make eye contact with figure on the throne.

The figure chuckled as it opened its scarlet red eyes as it was emitting a purple aura.

"Good... Good... There is no need to rush, equestria's fall is already assured." It spoke softly with a female's voice.

"F-forgive my insolence my-y queen." The armored creature spoken in fear. "But shouldn't we attack the Crystal Empire first."

"The Crystal Empire is estate with a single city, it will be just an inconvenience for my grand plan."

"I see your highness! Forgive me for my stupidity!" The armored creature said as it slammed it's head down to the ground.

"Continue the preparations, darkness shall consume all."

"Yes my queen!" The creatures said as it hurried out of the room.

The figure on the throne was finally left alone. She then opened a pendant reviewing a photograph of King Sombra.

"Soon my love I will bring about the ruin of Equestria"

To Be Continued...