• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 1,992 Views, 14 Comments

How the Pinkie Stole Hearth's Warming - Silverquill

Pinkie is oddly upset on one of the most festive days of the year. Can her friends find out why?

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How the Pinkie Stole Hearth's Warming

Applejack felt the freezing wind beat at her face, doing her best to ignore it as she tried to lift her companion onto the stony ledge she was sitting on. The farmpony dug her hooves into the snow, pulling with all her might, until Big Mac’s head popped into view. Taking care to keep her grip on her brother’s hooves, Applejack hoisted the red stallion up onto the ledge. Big Mac raised his arms up, wrapping his red and white scarf tighter around himself. “Are we too late, sis?” He asked, rubbing his hooves together for warmth.

Applejack looked behind her, spotting a large, lumpy silhouette set against the rising sun. It was balanced precariously on the edge of the mountain’s peak, just one small push away from being knocked off the cliff. “It’s still here, we have time... c’mon, we have to get to her!”

The two ponies moved towards the dark object, fighting against the wind that tried viciously to beat them back. As they approached, the object came into view... a red sled, loaded past capacity with large burlap sacks, a toothless crocodile blinking lazily as he chewed on his harness, and a pink mare riding atop the sled’s cargo. This mare looked out over the countryside, her mane- straight as a razor -flapping behind her, beating against her red suit. Hearing the two ponies behind her, the mare turned to stare at them, a frown and a glare etched into her face. Applejack raised a hoof to her, calling out as she approached: “Pinkie Pie, STOP!”

*Two Days Prior...*

Pinkie sat in front of her window, barely able to see through the thick layer of frost that had developed on the panels. She watched as ponies walked around outside Sugarcube Corner wearing saddlebags, packed to the brim with gifts and sweets for their friends and family. Her brow furrowed as she watched all the little fillies and foals run around, laughing and giggling as they chased each other around the shops, ducking between their parent’s legs. With a roll of her eyes, Pinkie turned and left the scene behind.

She dropped down from the windowsill, her fore-hooves impacting on the hard, wood floor. She walked to her saddle-rack, picking up the small leather satchel from the hook. She opened the door, the light wood swinging back and banging against the wall. She found herself looking into Applejack’s startled face, her orange friend holding her hoof up as if to knock on the door.

“Whoops... afternoon, sugahcube. Mind if ah come in?” Pinkie stepped aside to let her friend in, watching as Applejack balanced a tin-foil wrapped object on her back. “The Cakes let me in. Ah just wanted to come and drop somethin’ off, from the apple family to you.”

Pinkie Pie grinned, allowing a bit of her usual self to shine through. “Aww, thanks Applejack! But I’ve gotta scoot outta here... let Gummy take it for ya.”

Applejack glanced at the toothless crocodile, who stared blankly at her from the corner of the room. Pinkie swept over and picked up the creature, depositing him on her back. “Oopsie, scratch that, he’s going on a trip too!”

“A trip?” Applejack asked. “Where to? We already got Rainbow Dash visitin’ Cloudsdale... Fluttershy stayin’ home to care for the animals... and Rarity’s off vistin’ her folks someplace. Now you’re leavin’ too?”

“Of course not, silly!” Pinkie replied, stepping around her friend to get to the doorway. “I’ll be around! I’ve just gotta... um...”

“Ya gotta what?”

“Have to... run out and pick up baking supplies! Gingerbread ponies and candy canes for everypony, am I right?” Pinkie smiled, glancing back and forth quickly.

Applejack nodded, missing her friend’s curious look. “Alrighty then, ah’ll leave ya to it. Ah’ll set this down... oh, and feel free to come down to Sweet Apple Acres later on, or to go visit Twilight. Ah hear she and Spike are tryin’ to set up for their first Hearth Warming’s Eve in Ponyville.”

“Okie Dokie!” Pinkie replied, turning to bounce out into the hall. “See ya later!” She called back, leaping out of sight with Gummy balancing on top of her. Applejack turned and rubbed her head, looking for a place to set down her tin-covered package: A homemade pie, courtesy of herself.

Looking around the room, Applejack saw an empty end table. She left the pastry there for Pinkie to find later, making her way to exit the room.


Applejack stepped back, fearing she’d just stepped on and broken something. Right where she’d been standing lay a picture frame, thankfully still in one piece. Huh... that wasn’t here when ah entered. Pinkie musta dropped it.

Applejack bent down, scooping up the frame. Curious, she glanced at the contents of the photo, wondering who Pinkie was carrying a picture of around Ponyville. The photo looked old, at least a decade had passed since it’d been taken. It showed a young filly sporting poofy hair- Pinkie Pie, Applejack realized -clinging happily to the back of an old pink mare, who looked just as pleased.

Aww... must be her Granny Pie that she’s told us about, Applejack realized. She must be missin’ this somethin’ fierce... ah can probably catch up ta her. Clutching the photo in her mouth, Applejack left Pinkie’s room behind. She headed downstairs, bidding the Cakes a good day as she passed, until she exited back out into Ponyville.

She smiled as the festive sights of Ponyville’s wintry streets greeted her. She breathed deeply, enjoying the cold, crisp air. After readjusting her hat, she glanced down, noting the hoofprints of a certain pink pony leading off into the distance. Determined to catch up with her friend, Applejack set off, running along the trail her friend left through the town’s busy streets.

“Well, this can’t be right...”

Applejack looked up from the trail, her eyes sizing up the mountain placed straight ahead of her. She hadn’t expected Pinkie to be so fast; she’d followed the trail all the way out of town, only stopping when the path was cut off by the rocky cliffs in front of her.

There’s no way she coulda came this way... is there? Applejack shrugged, turning to follow her own trail back to town. “Nah, musta just mixed up the trail somewhere. She’s probably back at Ponyville...”

The farmpony made her way along the hoofprints, her own hooves crunching in the snow as she walked. Behind her, a pink pony went completely unnoticed as it peeked down on her from up on the cliffside.

Pinkie stood on the mountain ledge, watching her friend head back to town. She scanned the environment ahead, placing a hoof onto a sign post in front of her and shielding her eyes, only to once again see the celebrating ponies that had made her normally upbeat attitude so sour. She scowled, looking to her faithful companion... though Gummy was too busy biting on her tail to notice.

“Look at them,” she hissed. “Treating this holiday as if it’s anything more than a cruel joke... it’s not okie dokie!” Pinkie scowled, taking her hoof down from its resting place. “And who put this sign here?” The mare peeked at its front: Cave has been leased. With a grunt, Pinkie kicked the signpost down, watching it clank to the ground far below her. “I told the realtor not to put that up...”

Still on her hind legs, Pinkie crossed her arms. There she stood, watching the ant-sized citizens of Ponyville spread their holiday cheer. Snowballs flew, gifts were bought, and carols were sung. Pinkie just couldn’t take it anymore... it had to be stopped. But what to do...

She reached behind her, plucking her aggresive pet from her tail. She held him up to her face, looking into his blank eyes. “What do you think, Gummy-wummy? Got any crazy plans in your noggin?” Pinkie watched as the little gator blinked lazily at his owner. A smile slowly crossed Pinkie’s face. “That’s it!”

Pinkie turned Gummy around, facing him towards the town. “We want this holiday to stop, right? Well, look at that!” Pinkie motioned towards the townspeople, all of them bustling about with saddlebags filled with presents and treats. “It’s in the presents! The decorations! The yummy treats! What would Hearth’s Warming Day be without these things?” Pinkie placed Gummy on her head, letting him slide onto her back. “Well... as long as they stll have a hearth to warm, it’s still probably Hearth’s Warming... pah, you get the idea!”

Pinkie turned, glancing at the cave behind her. “And with this base of operations, Pinkie’s super plan will be formulalaterted! C’mon, Gummy!” Pinkie stepped forward, venturing into the dark maw in the mountainside. “We’ve got plans to scheme...”

Applejack stepped inside her house, shaking the snow off her boots. She kicked the door shut, appreciating that doing so shut off the cold air source, before tossing her boots and hat to the side. Looks like we’re gonna have a heckuva Winter Wrap Up this year... she mused, heading into her living room.

C’mon, Applejack! She scolded herself. Yer friend’s missin’, and all ya can think of is the end of winter? She stood in front of the fireplace that decorated their living room, letting the flames warm her body up as she wondered what had happened to her pink friend. She set the object in her mouth down- the picture of Pinkie and her Granny -and listed off where she’d checked.

She’d spent the day looking around Ponyville, hoping to return the photo. She’d checked all the stores in towns, hoping she’d find Pinkie shopping for decorations or baking supplies. When that’d failed, she’d checked out Fluttershy’s cottage and Twilight’s library. Fluttershy had been absent- most likely out checking on the hibernating animals -and Twilight hadn’t seen Pinkie all day.

From there, Applejack had just checked everywhere she could think of. She’d tried going back to Sugarcube Corner, where the Cakes admitted Pinkie hadn’t told them where she was going… quite unlike her. Applejack had also tried peeking around Rarity and Rainbow Dash’s empty houses, though that was as successful as she was expecting. She’d even tried Zecora, who hadn’t seen anypony all day.

Applejack sighed, glancing out the window. Night had fallen, and her friend was still out and about. She left the fire and headed towards the nearby stairs, resigning to resume the search tomorrow. As she climbed up to the second floor, a red stallion appeared in view at the top of the steps.

“Evenin’, sis,” Big Mac greeted. “Goin’ to bed?”

Applejack smiled, tossing her brother a wave as she stepped up to meet him. “Yep, it’s been a loooong day. Got Applebloom to go to bed?”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac eyed her up and down. “Long day? Somethin’ botherin’ ya?”

Applejack glanced away. “Yeah… been lookin’ to return something to a friend a’ mine, and ah can’t find her anywhere.”

“Ya mean she’s missin’?”

“Looks like it…” Applejack muttered. “Ah left a picture frame downstairs; it’s for Pinkie Pie, so don’t move it.”

Big Mac cocked his head to the side. “She the one missin’?” Applejack nodded. “Well then,” the stallion continued, “We got all our bakin’ done, and we don’t have to finish delivering pastries ‘til Hearth’s Warmin’ itself… so how ‘bout ya let me help ya find your friend tomorrow?”

Applejack smiled, wrapping a hoof around her brother. “Really?”

“Eeeyup.” He ruffled his sister’s hair with his hoove, gently nudging her away. “Now go get yer rest, come meet me in the mornin’.”

Applejack watched her brother head down the stairs, humming a holiday tune under his breath. She turned and walked to her room, pausing only long enough to check on her sleeping sister. Applejack entered her bedroom and yawned, flicking the lights off and climbing into bed.

She wrapped the blankets around her and looked out the window, watching as the snow fell… and if she looked hard enough, she could see a mountain far in the distance, just behind Ponyville. Pinkie could be anywhere out there... but where? she wondered. She watched as a bright spark appeared somewhere on the mountain, casting the landform in an eerie white glow. Applejack recalled the footprint’s odd destination from earlier, the hoofprints leading her straight to the mountain. Something clicked in her mind.

Yes… she thought, watching as the spark glowed brighter before fading out, She could be anywhere… and bein’ Pinkie, she could be right where ya least expect.

“C’mon, Big Mac! Ah think I see somethin’ up ahead.”

Applejack stepped aside, allowing her brother to leap up onto the ledge. She adjusted her saddlebags and shot a look towards the cave across from them, waiting for her brother to catch his breath. “What makes ya think… puff… she’d be here, sis?” Big Mac asked, regaining his composure.

“Ah saw some prints she left yesterday lead somewhere near here… ah could be wrong, but knowin’ Pinkie…” She trailed off, shivering as a blast of wind struck the two of them. “Even if ah’m wrong, we better get inside… before we turn into a couple ponysicles.”

The two ponies stepped into the cave, inspecting it’s stony blue walls. They traveled inside, spotting a glow in the distance. They stepped closer, into a main chamber, and saw that a campfire was producing the light. That wasn’t what surprised them though… what did shock them was all that lay about them.

Numerous diagrams were taped to the walls, outlining plans that, upon a quick glance, seemed to involve presents a lot. A large red sled had been moved into the cave, and a small green crocodile wearing fake antlers was staring lazily at the two newcomers from its position in front of the sled. What drew Applejack’s eye, however, was the pink mare depositing numerous gadgets and burlap sacks into the sled’s backseat, the pony‘s red suit contrasting the cave‘s dark walls. “Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie Pie turned, her face falling as she saw her friend run towards her. “Erm… hi there, Applejack! What brings ya round these parts?”

“Ah could ask ya the same thing, sugahcube. Whatcha doin’ all the way up here? We’ve been worried sick!” Applejack stated, watching as Big Mac appeared at her side.

“Well, uh…” Pinkie stammered, her usual talkativeness failing her. “Hey, could you two move back a few steps? Pretty please?”

Applejack gave her a confused look. “Well… if it’ll help ya explain,” she replied, stepping back a few paces. Her brother moved with her, and they backed up to a spot they deemed appropriate. “Better?”

“Perfect.” Pinkie reached to her side, letting a rope free of the hook attached to the ground.


Applejack gasped as something fell over her, entangling her and Big Mac. She ducked her head protectively as icy bars surrounded her, falling from the ceiling. She glanced up, seeing that a cage made of ice had fallen, trapping her and her brother within. Pinkie stepped up to the cage, smiling widely.

“Sorry for the cold reception!” Pinkie said, giggling at her own joke. “But the plan can’t have any interruptions.” She peeked in at them, inspecting her prisoners. “I knew this cage was a good idea…” She left the trapped ponies and headed to the sleigh, strapping Gummy into the harness up front.

“What’re you talkin’ about?” Applejack asked. “Is this some kinda prank? Cause it isn‘t funny…”

“Can’t tell ya, silly filly,” Pinkie replied. She hopped up into the sled’s front, ducking down to search for something. “Don’t worry,” Pinkie said, picking up a small bag and tossing it between the cage’s bars. “There’s some yummy food and drink… once everything’s over and done with, I’ll come release ya, no worries!”

Applejack watched as her friend held up a stick, a cupcake tied to the end of it. She waved the treat over her pet’s nose, watching as he noticed the sugary treat. Applejack’s eyes set into a glare as she watched her friend pick up the reins. If she was schemin’ something, why would she need a picture of her Granny? And then it hit her. “This is about Granny Pie, ain’t it?”

Pinkie flinched. Slowly and deliberately, she got off the sled and walked to the cage. She stuck her eye in Applejack’s face, staring as hard as she possibly could. “Do NOT say her name around this time of year. Understood?”

“C’mon Pinkie,” Applejack said in an attempt to sooth her friend. “You can tell us what’s botherin’ ya, we won’t judge… we just want ta help.”

Pinkie turned, leaping back into the sleigh. “There’s nothin’ to help, Applejack! I’m doing this ‘cause I WANT to do this!” Pinkie’s voice cracked near the end, her words splintering off in the chilly air. She shook her head, regripping the reins and Gummy bait. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, everypony!” she cried out in a mocking tone, slapping the reins and urging Gummy to move forward. Somehow, the tiny alligator had enough strength in him to move the large sled as he charged after the cupcake lure. Pinkie cackled loudly, her laughter bouncing off the cave’s walls, as she and her pet rode out of the cave.

Applejack scowled, watching her friend escape. She turned to her brother, watching as he calmly poked at a few bars on their left. “Yer bein’ awfully quiet, Big Mac.”

“Eeyup. And for good reason.”

“If it isn’t getting’ us outta here, ah’m sure it can wait.”

Big Mac grinned as his hoof pressed over one of the bars. He turned and kicked, completely knocking the icy bars off. A few more kicks, and a small hole had opened in the side of their prison. “Lookin’ for structural weaknesses a good enough reason?”

Applejack’s frown slowly turned around. She stepped forward, squeezing through the bars, watching as her brother followed behind her. “Sure is, ya big lug.” Applejack looked around the cave; aside from the campfire and the cage, it was completely empty. “Pinkie musta cleared out for good…” Applejack muttered. Applejack began to run outta the cave, calling out behind her: “C’mon Big Mac, we have ta catch her!”

Applejack stepped out into the sunlight, cursing under her breath as she saw no traces of her pink friend. Big Mac stepped beside her, looking at the orange mare with concern. “Should we go after her, sis?”

Applejack sighed. “Nah… ah have no idea what’s she plannin’, but she’s still my friend. Somethin‘s up, and we needa find out what it is.”

“What do we do then? We can’t just let ‘er lock us up and get away with it. And she doesn’t seem very fond of the holiday…” Big Mac watched as his sister reached into her saddlebags, pulling out a framed photograph. She studied it closely, something seeming to click in her mind.

“And that’s what we gotta find out,” Applejack replied. She glanced over the countryside, spotting something far in the distance: A rock farm, sitting on the other side of Ponyville… the only one even close to town. A thought tickled Applejack‘s mind, something Pinkie had told her once, about how she‘d grown up on a rock farm near Ponyville. “And ah know just where ta look.”

“Coming, coming… patience is a virtue, my friend.”

Applejack stood on the stoop of the quaint wooden farmhouse, her brother standing beside her. She watched as the door she’d knocked on opened, revealing an old, light brown farmpony. The stallion scratched his head, eyeing his two visitors. “What can I do ya fer? Would ya like to come in for some Hearth’s Warming supper?”

Applejack and Big Mac shared a look. “Well… why not,” Applejack replied, glancing skyward towards the rising moon. It’d taken far, far too much time for them to get downhill and over to Pinkie’s old home. “But it’ll have ta be quick.”

The stallion stepped aside, letting the guests enter. They found themselves in a dining room, spotting a gray mare stirring something on the stove. The mare turned, setting a couple bowls on the kitchen table. “Ah, there you are, Clyde.” She raised a hoof to her head, nervously scratching her hair bun. “Ah, so we’re having guests for supper now, are we?”

“Seems like it, Sue,” The stallion replied. Clyde went to the table and sat, motioning for his guests to join him. “Come, come, my wife makes the most heavenly broth ye’ve ever tasted. Pray tell, strangers, what brings ya round these parts?”

“Well, sir…” Applejack began, taking a seat across from him, “You’re Pinkie Pie’s father, right?”

Worry fell over Clyde’s face. “Aye, that I am… has she done something wrong? Is it something about the holiday?”

“Eenope,” Big Mac chimed in. “Not yet, anyway. What makes ya think she’s up ta somethin’, sir?”

Clyde sighed, leaning back to let his wife deposit their warm dinner on the table. He idly stirred the broth, gathering his thoughts. “It’s this holiday… our lil’ girl has always been so cheery, but this day just drains all that from her.”

“Enough for ya to think she’d do something to mess up Hearth’s Warming?” Applejack asked, tentatively sipping at her meal.

“Who knows, lass.” Clyde shrugged, watching as his wife joined the table. “We love Pinkie to death, that can’t be debated, but we know she can easily do things other ponies would never even dream up. Hearth’s Warming has always left her miserable… who knows, maybe the stress finally built up and forced her into action.”

“Well…” Applejack began, “Could ya explain why a party-lovin’ pony like her dislikes one of the biggest events of the year?”

“I’ll handle that one, missy,” Sue said. She took a sip of her meal, looking towards her guests. “Let’s see now… once, a long time ago, Pinkie had loved this holiday… the only thing that could top it was the Summer Sun Celebration, really. But a loooong time ago, back when she was around ten years old, a rather traumatic event happened…”

“Rise and shine, silly fillies!” Pinkie shouted, bouncing up and down. “Hearth’s Warming is here! Hearth’s Warming! Hearth’s Warming!”

Her sister groaned, the gray filly rubbing her eyes as she rose. “C’mon, Pinkie… it’s, like, seven in the morning…”

“It’s never too early for Hearth’s Warming, Inky!” Pinkie stated, pausing her bouncing. “Where’s Blinky?”

“Mmrmmfrmrmfm.” Pinkie watched as a small, purplish filly wormed her way out from under some blue bedcovers. “Whas’ goin’ on?”

Pinkie giggled, grabbing a slip of paper off her own bed. “You two are so silly! C’mon, race ya downstairs!”

Without waiting for a response, Pinkie charged out of their bedroom, heading down the hall towards the kitchen. She leapt into the room, landing just in front of the dining table. She smiled brightly to her parents, who were sitting at the table, their heads in their hooves.

“Isshehere? Isshehere?” Pinkie chirped, bouncing around the table. “Where is she? Is she in the cabinets?” Pinkie paused, walking over and peeking under the kitchen sink. “Nope!”

“Easy now, Pinkamena,” her father said. He sighed, picking a letter up off the table. “Accordin’ to this… Granny ain’t comin’, dear…”

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “Whatcha mean, papa? Is her carriage late? Did she…” Pinkie gasped, “…did she get kidnapped by aliens?”

Her father and mother got up, stepping forward to wrap their arms around the confused little filly. “Granny Pie isn’t comin’, dear…” her mother told her, “She’s passed away.”

“Passed… away?” Pinkie repeated, not understanding. “What’s that mean, mama?”

“It means she isn’t coming… she’s gone, hon,” her father explained.

“…Gone?” The filly repeated, understanding slowly falling over her. Pinkie’s mane began to droop, sliding down into a straight style. Her face fell, her eyes teared up, and she began walking away.

“Darlin’?” Her father called, his tone concerned. Clyde and Sue watched as their daughter headed down the hall, entered her room, and closed the door.

Clyde looked down, picking up the slip of paper that his daughter had left behind. “Think she’s gonna be okay, hon? I haven‘t seen her like this in years…”

Sue ran a hoof through her mane, huffing. “It’s only to be expected, hon… she was very close to Ma.”

“Guess we better go tell Inky and Blinky before Pinkie gets a hold of them.” Sue nodded, heading down the hall to their daughter’s room. Clyde stayed behind, flipping over the piece of paper and inspecting the small lines scribbled on it in crayon:

I don’t want a lot for Hearth’s Warming this year… all I want is a visit from my Granny.

“…And since then, Pinkie’s never been the same around this time of year.” Sue sighed, finishing off her broth. “Inky and Blinky took it roughly too… but they eventually accepted it and moved on. But Pinkie… she and Granny Pie had always shared a special connection. From what we know, she sees the holiday as an insult to Granny… everypony celebrating and having a good time on the day she passed away. We’ve tried to help her see that she shouldn’t let it get her down, but…” Sue trailed off, sighing.

Applejack finished off her meal, listening as Sue finished off her story. Applejack let out a low whistle, processing what she’d learned. “Ah had no idea… she’s always so peppy, ah guess it never occurred to us that she could ever hate a good time.”

Clyde nodded. “Hearth’s Warming was always a tense time since then. If the stress has gotten to her… if she IS up to something… please, just make sure she’s alright. We might have failed at talking sense into her… but a good friend might be just what she needs right now.”

Applejack nodded. “Yer right… ah know what we can do.” She rose, making sure Big Mac followed her. “Thanks for yer time, but we’ve got a friend to find.”

“Take care, and good luck,” Pinkie’s parents said, bidding them a safe trip. Applejack opened the exit, letting her brother step out into the snow as she followed behind. Seeing their destination sparkling with lamppost lights far in the distance, the two ponies left the little farmhouse behind and set off back towards Ponyville.

“Alright Big Mac, let’s head back to the farm and pick up a couple extra ropes, just in case.”


“And some provisions for the climb…”


“And we can’t forget-”

“APPLEJACK!” Somepony shouted, interrupting the mare midsentence. Big Mac and Applejack turned, watching as Twilight Sparkle ran up to them, wearing her winter‘s vest. “Thank goodness I found you two! Something’s wrong!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Whatcha talkin’ about, Twi? What’s going on?”

“Pinkie!” Twilight breathed. “I heard something rustling around in the library, so I checked it out… and found Pinkie Pie stealing our presents, our decorations, everything! Even the rare gem I got just for Spike… and her mane had gone straight again, too.”

The farmponies interests had been piqued. “You saw Pinkie? Quick, where’d she go?”

“Well…” Twilight rubbed her chin, trying to remember. “When I caught her, she ran out of the library, leaping into a sleigh… and I‘m pretty sure it was filled with bags filled to the brim with presents. I tried to grab the sled with my magic, but she’d started driving away before I could get close enough. She went that way,” Twilight pointed out, motioning in the direction of the mountain. “I don’t know what’s going on, but…”

“Don’t worry ‘bout it sugahcube, we’ll make sure we get everypony their gifts back,” Applejack promised. The farmpony reached into her saddlebags, gripping two things in her mouth: the coil of rope she always kept handy, and the picture that Pinkie had dropped. She placed the picture under her hat, nodding at Twilight. “Listen up, Twi, ah have some instructions. We’re gonna need your help…”

Twilight listened as Applejack detailed her plan, smiling and giving a clutzy salute. “You can count on me!”

“Ah know ah can, Twi.” Applejack turned to her brother, motioning towards the mountain. “C’mon, time’s a wastin’!”

Leaving Twilight Sparkle behind them, the two ponies began racing towards the mountain. Twilight watched them go, their bodies eventually blurring in the snowfall until they were out of sight. Remembering her instructions, she ran off into town, in search of a specific destination.

“We’re almost there, Big Mac… I KNEW I saw somethin’ head up here…”

Applejack looked above her, spotting the red sled shadowed by the moon’s glow. Applejack wagered it wasn’t far past midnight… she wondered if Granny Smith had gotten Applebloom to bed on time.

Big Mac stepped beside her, having managed to climb up onto the ledge they were on. He handed Applejack the rope he was carrying, the same rope he’d used to climb up. Applejack took it, coiling it back up to prepare it for another toss. With a deft twist, she swung the lasso over her head and launched it, watching it snag onto a rock protruding from the top of the mountain.

Applejack gave it a quick tug, testing to see that the rope was secure. With a grunt, she began climbing the rope, ascending towards the highest part of the mountain. The wind threatened to blow her off, but she held strong, eventually ascending to the mountain’s peak. She let out a sigh of relief as she saw a sled appear over the edge, with a pony and an alligator sitting on top of it. “Thank goodness… Big Mac!” Applejack called down, “She’s here!”

The orange mare finished shimmying up the rope, dragging herself onto the snowy ledge. After steadying herself, she reached down to help her brother ascend. Big Mac climbed up, stopping to catch his breath as Applejack eyed their target. Pinkie Pie stared back, her mane straight and her eyes shooting a glare as cold as the air. The farmponies began to move forward, dredging through the snow towards the stolen goods and their friend. Applejack held her hat to her head, calling out to Pinkie, “Pinkie Pie, STOP!”

Pinkie Pie hopped off the sleigh, landing right behind it. “Why should I, Applejack? I don’t want to hurt you… I don’t want to hurt anypony. I just want this… this ‘holiday’ to stop.”

“Stop what?” Applejack called out, flinching as an extra strong gust of wind struck her and her brother.

“Stop mocking me… stop mocking Granny Pie… is that too much to ask for? I only wanted one thing… and it was taken from me. It‘s unfair…” Pinkie whispered, her eyes focused on Applejack. “Why won’t it stop?”

“Because there’s nothin’ to stop!” Applejack snarled. “Look at yourself. Is this what you think your Granny would want?” She reached Pinkie, standing in front of her and staring deep into her eyes. “You don’t have to like the holiday… but please, sugahcube, you don’t gotta do this. Think of Granny P-”

Applejack flew back as a hoof struck her in the face, causing her to take a tumble. She rubbed her cheek and looked up, eyeing her friend’s aggressive stance. “I TOLD you not to mention Granny this time of year!” Pinkie hissed, backing towards the sleigh and placing a hoof on it. “Now just go home, Applejack, so I can finish what I started.”

Big Mac stepped forward, ready to tackle the pink pony. “Hold it,” Applejack called out. Big Mac backed up, allowing his sister to reapproach the pink mare. Applejack looked Pinkie straight in the eye, slowly reaching up to retrieve the picture from under her hat. She held it up in front of Pinkie, letting the pony get a good look at it. “Hit me all ya want, sugahcube. It won’t bring Granny back. NOTHING will. But you know what? She’s still alive.”

Pinkie blinked. “…What?”

“She’s still alive… here.” Applejack reached out, touching her friend’s chest. “In yer heart, hon. Look inside, ya know it’s true… nopony’s mocking you, nopony’s mocking your Granny… and even if they were, do you really think she’d want you to act like this? Wouldn’t she want her little Pinkie to act like the one we all know and love?”

“But… I…” Pinkie’s hoof lowered off the sled, resting on her head instead. “I… just…”

Applejack wrapped a hoof around her friend, enveloping her in a hug. Taking the hint, Big Mac joined in, wrapping his arms around both the mares. Gummy even waddled over, brushing up against Pinkie’s leg. “We all care for ya hon, we don’t like it when you’re upset like this.”

Pinkie held her head low, unmoving. Slowly, ever so slowly, her mane began to rise, a hissing sound filling the air as it regained its poofy shape. Applejack smiled as she saw a grin spread across her friend’s face, the pink mare raising her head back up. “Applejack?”

“Yeah, sugahcube?”

“We need a Hearth’s Warming party!” Pinkie shouted, wrapping her arms tightly around everypony nearby.

Applejack wheezed as her air was cut off, coughing a little as Pinkie released her soon after. “Good to… gak… good to see you’re back to normal, Pinkie. Ain’t that right, Big Mac?”

“Ee… wheeze… yup.”

Pinkie picked Gummy up, placing the reptile on her head. “I’m sorry, everypony… can ya forgive me?”

“Do ya even have to ask, sugahcube?” Applejack replied.

“Yay!” Pinkie exclaimed, raising her arms. “Forgivene-” Pinkie cut off, flinching as her arm slapped the sleigh behind her. The sled, having its delicate balance thrown off, began to slide forward… towards the edge of the cliff. “Oopsie-doopsie.”

Applejack’s groaned as she saw the sled begin to slide. “Ya’ve gotta be kiddin’…” she moaned, rushing forward to try and stop the runaway vehicle. “C‘mon, we can‘t let everypony‘s gifts get destroyed!” Big Mac and Pinkie followed, all three ponies racing to keep the presents from falling off the mountain. Pinkie ran ahead and leapt into the sleigh, eliciting a gasp from the others. “Pinkie,” Applejack called out, “Are ya crazy?! That thing‘s about to fall!”

“Just trust me! Get in!” Pinkie called out. Big Mac and Applejack decided not to question their friend’s odd decision. With a leap, the two farmponies found themselves in the front seat, next to their pink friend and her pet. They looked forward, seeing the cliff rapidly approaching. “Quick, Pinkie, what’s the plan?” Applejack asked, nervousness creeping into her voice.

“Watch!” Pinkie reached under the seat, fumbling from something. A moment later she raised her hoof, holding up a cupcake.

“…That’s nice and all, Pinkie,” Applejack said, worriedly eyeing the approaching cliff. “But seriously, what’s the plan?”

Pinkie rubbed her chin, eyeing the cupcake closely. “Funny… I coulda swore I put a brake there.” Pinkie giggled, chomping on the cupcake and devouring it in one bite. “Isn’t that funny?” Pinkie giggled.

“…Pinkie, please tell me this is a joke, and you called us up here for a reason,” Applejack said.

“Nope! I just wanted to show you the really cool brake I added… which I guess I forgot to put in.” Pinkie clung to the sled as it lurched downwards, having reached the edge of the cliff. “Oops.”

The three ponies held onto each other and screamed, watching as the ground came up to meet them. The sled picked up speed as it fell, falling at a steep incline towards the rocky cliff below them. Gummy clung tightly to his owner’s hair as Pinkie yelled, holding onto her two friends as their sled made impact with the sloped cliff beneath them.


Their terrified shouts paused momentarily as their sled hit the ledge, sliding down a slope and righting itself. They sighed with relief, glad to see that they hadn’t become a splat on the mountainside… only to resume their panic as the sled, using its new boost of speed, raced off a raised edge at the other side of the mountain ledge. Using the ramp, it went airborne, flying in the air towards a certain sleepy town in the distance.

Twilight glanced skyward, rubbing her arm in an attempt to heat it up. She shivered, wondering if her friend had been successful in her mission.

Twilight was seated on the stoop of Sugarcube Corner, right where Applejack had told her to wait. She sat there patiently, glancing all around her. “C’mon, Applejack, did you get to Pinkie okay…?”

She sighed, finding her gaze drawn to the sky again. Something about the winter weather always managed to hold her interest… maybe it was the pretty snowflakes falling down? The stars shining in the cold winter air? Or maybe it was the giant sled flying towards her.

Wait… giant sled? Twilight gasped as a speck in the sky began heading directly towards her, picking up speed as it fell. She quickly let her magic flow, making her horn glow a bright purple as the projectile hurtled closer. Just before it hit, she reached out, gripping the sled in a magical aura. It took all the power she had, but she managed to make the sled come to a complete stop midair. With a grunt, she lowered it, watching it plop into the snow, its cargo rustling.

Twilight stepped closer, inspecting the runaway winter vehicle. She peeked in the front seat, seeing if she could find whoever was driving.

“We’re back!” Pinkie shouted, popping into view from the sled’s front seat. “And alive!” Twilight yelped, leaping back. She calmed down and let out a sigh of relief… Pinkie and Gummy were back, with the former having regained her cheery personality. A couple woozy farmponies also popped up out of the front seat, straining to hold back their lunch.

Applejack was the first to exit, looking dazed. “Hrk… thanks, Twilight.”

“What happened?” Twilight blurted, confusion finally setting in. “You told me to wait here to help you brake when you sledded back into town… you didn’t say anything about FLYING into town!”

“It’s a long story, sugahcube…” Applejack wheezed, shaking her head to clear it. “Phew… but that’s not important.” Applejack wrapped her hoof around the pink mare who’d appeared by her side. “Pinkie’s back!”

Twilight smiled, stepping forward to join in the hug. “That’s great!”

“You’re telling me!” Pinkie chimed in. “At first I was being a grumpy pants, but then Applejack helped me see things a different way, and then I got better, and then this sled started to run away, so we got on, and then we FLEW and wow, you shoulda been there, Twilight! So much fun!”

Twilight giggled, shaking her head. “I think it’s probably for the best that I was here. But…” She paused, eyeing the burlap sacks in the back of sled. “How are we going to get everypony’s belongings back to them? Morning’s not far away…”

Pinkie’s eyes lit up, a smile crossing her face. “Don’t worry, silly filly, Pinkie has a plan. Listen closely…” she said, leaning in. “I’m just about to be brilliant!”

“And we have one for Garden Dancer… next up, Grape Vine… hey, Tropic, wait your turn!”

Applejack smirked as she watched the purple stallion slink away back into the crowd. Returning back to her task, she reached into the burlap sack by her side, retrieving a shiny green present. She turned and handed it to the green filly in front of her, patting her on the head. “And a happy Hearth’s Warming ta you!”

The filly took the gift and smiled, turning and running back into the crowd that filled Sugarcube Corner. Applejack turned to reach for the next gift, pausing as something tapped her shoulder. She turned to see Twilight, levitating a cup of cider. “I think you could use a break, Applejack,” she said. She handed over the cup, letting Applejack move past her. “I’ll take over. Pinkie’s at the snack table if you want to talk to her.”

Applejack nodded, balancing the cup in her mouth as she sought out the buffet. She maneuvered around various ponies, who’d arrived at Sugarcube Corner after hearing that their missing goods could be found there. Nopony seemed to be upset that Pinkie Pie had somehow acquired all their presents; in actuality, they saw it as a fun little event, and just chalked it up to Pinkie being Pinkie.

And speaking of Pinkie, Applejack smiled as she saw her friend handing out pastries at the snack table she’d put up at the edge of the room. Applejack stepped forward, placing her drink on the table and waving. “How’re things goin’, Pinkie?”

“Okie Dokie Artichokey!” The pink mare responded, handing a cupcake to a smiling mare. Pinkie’s face fell for a moment as she looked at her friend. “And… thanks, Applejack. You didn’t have to help me clean up the mess I made…”

Applejack playfully punched her, shaking her head. “We know that, hon. We want ta help… that’s what friends are for!”

Pinkie’s smile returned. “Awwwww, and what better friends could a pony ask for! If only the others were here to see this party though.” Pinkie stated, waving her arms towards the crowded room.

“Ah’m sure they wouldn’t mind a welcome back party later on,” Applejack assured. A thought entered Applejack’s mind as she watched her friend hand out more treats to her guests. “Hey, Pinkie?”


“How DID you get all the presents, anyway?”

Pinkie Pie giggled, resting a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “That’s Pinkie’s little secret, silly. Let’s just say an umbrella, two bags of flour, and a banana can get you anywhere!”

Applejack stared back in confusion. “Well… uh… that sure raises more questions than answers.” Applejack chuckled, patting her friend on the back. “Forget it, ah’m gonna see if there’s anything else ah can help with. Oh, one more thing…” Applejack reached under her hat, retrieving something she’d managed to snag before their impromptu sledding trip: She held a photo frame out to Pinkie, the old mare and the young filly in it smiling at her. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, sughacube.”

“Aww!” Pinkie squealed, clutching the photo to her chest. “Just what I wanted! Thankyouthankyouthankyou Applejack! Happy Hearth’s Warming!” Pinkie paused, turning to stare into empty space. “And happy holidays to everypony else, too!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Uh, sugahcube, who ya talkin’ to?”

Pinkie giggled, setting the photo on the snack table. “Oh, nopony.” She winked back towards the empty corner. “Nopony at all.”

Comments ( 14 )

Bah... nothing went right with this. Didn't give myself enough time to write it... a little rushed at some parts... a day late... and I couldn't get a pre-reader, either. :applecry:

But, oh well. I had fun writing it, and my desire to write a Christmas story is fulfilled. It may not be the best story, but I hope everypony enjoys it nonetheless. :twilightsmile: Happy holidays to you all, and a great New Year's to everypony as well.

#2 · Dec 27th, 2011 · · ·

pinkie talk to ghost? :derpyderp1:


It was more meant to be like her talking to whoever was reading/the audience. :trollestia:

Oh yeah, it is based on "How the Grinch stole Christmas!" I love it!:raritywink:

#6 · Dec 29th, 2011 · · ·

Nice How the Grinch stole Christmas rendition! The only flaw in the story I saw was the "Your Grandma's dead" scene and even then it wasn't that bad. A bit rushed in that scene, but not too bad. Other than that, it all seems good. Keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

#7 · Dec 29th, 2011 · · ·

By the way, where did you get the pic?

#8 · Jan 8th, 2012 · · ·

First I was::rainbowhuh:
Then I was:I will never forgive you pinkie!:twilightangry2:
5 stars lol~

“Okie Dokie!” Pinkie replied.

I thought she had the name of a certain all-powerful god at the end of that phrase...

An excellent holiday fic, but the only issue has to be when Pinkie learns her Grandma is dead. It feels a little on the rushed side. Overall though, excellent story.

89826 She is talking to us bracking the 4th wall
116565 Loki:derpytongue2:

89826 She is talking to us bracking the 4th wall
116565 Loki:derpytongue2:

She is talking to us bracking the 4th wall at the end all in all just being Pinkie:pinkiesmile:
116565 Loki:derpytongue2:

Oh, so Obselensence copied you... I am disappointed in him.

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