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Only by studying the past can we win the present.


Comments ( 263 )

Welp, after I just finished reading my past is complicated, I am hardy wait for more of this story

Interesting twist if it stand to believe that after this little development I highly doubt forgotten friendship would be a thing in here

VERY interesting, and that bit with Apple Bloom is too

So happy to see the start of the new story but wow I was so not expecting Silver and Diamond to be the sisters being abused. Really happy to see Cheerilee taking them in as we all already know how awesome of a mom she is and now we will get to see how awesome a big sister Sunset can be. Sure we caught glimpses through her interactions with Ruby, but she will officially be a big sister figure now. I do have to say I am a little worried about what will happen on the farm, but it goes to show how much Sunset cares for others. Have another 👍 for another awesome story.

A very nice chapter, but I agree with Sunset, yeah it may not have been the best idea for Diamond and Silver to fight in the hall, but they had no way of knowing what would happen with their mom, and they do NOT deserve to be abused...

NOBODY DOES, so I hope Spoiled B***h gets what's coming to her!

It's going to be interesting to see spoiled b**** get her ass handed to her in court her vanity will be her biggest downfall possible

But again marvelous chapter I do enjoy a good Redemption Ark though my opinion diamond tiara in Equestria Girls doesn't seem to be that much of a stuck-up princess as her equestrian counterpart acts due to her mother

I agree with the others, I really hope they rotten witch gets whats coming to her. I really hope Diamond and Silver find peace and family with Cheerilee and Sunset.

Comment posted by darkman deleted Jul 7th, 2023

I think I see where this is going... I hope Applebloom knows what she is doing...

Oh geez Bloom being sneaky again and forcing the matter isn't exactly going to help that's probably just going to backfire and blow up in her face again

This probably won't end well. Bloom's heart may be in the right place kind of, but her meddling is likely to cause more trouble than help.

I'm kind of dreading seeing the results, then again, it could be kind of darkly amusing.

I hope this goes civilly at least, with no shouting and yelling

Not sure if something is about to hit the fan or not, but with the Apples' track record recently. It was nice to see the others apologize, but seeing all the stuff listed off that they did to Sunset, it isn't a surprise that Sunset isn't so quick to forgive.

Well at least they're being a little bit civilized so in my opinion the awkwardness is palpable and hostility I don't even have to be an empath to see that

Figured it was DT though the whole Silver Spoon being her sister thing took me by surprise nice bonus will love seeing how this will play out

Yeah I never see stories of them as sisters so I was like fuck it.

Well at least they're talking to each other however for baloom's going to get her ass handed to her again for being sneaky and manipulative again

Applebloom might have meant well but lying right after you got in trouble because you frame someone else to the point thinking about suicide is a bad idea. Sunset doesn't really trust the girls because they betrayed her trust. I hope that they don't get her back that easily. They didn't want to trust her and unfortunately they refused to believe or really know her beyond her school self. Now they are paying for it.

Sunset didn't have too hard a time it seems figuring out what really happened with the invite to help out on the farm, and I love that fact. A part of me kind of figured Sunset would still have some feelings for the Rainbooms, I mean she is Sunset and she can be a little too forgiving at times. Not that I blame her and I am in no way against it, she is a good person which is why everyone loves her. Her family and friends though, I can easily seeing not being anywhere as willing to be civil with the Rainbooms.

I am glad things went as good as they did

The idea of Apple Bloom tricking them into being together was similar to another Anon A Miss fic I read a long ago. But it's still good.

The flower girls do have a point about at least trying to make it right. The fact is they didn't want to forgive and now there inability to let it go and move on has come back to haunt them. The girls should do some major thinking about why there trust was weak in the first place and why they never doubted that sunset was guilty even when one the few who were still there for her got hit by the stite.

My response would have been: "and it ain't exactly stupid putting flowers on her locker when she clearly doesn't want to hear it or see it? Maybe put some brain cells into your thought category on what she would want which at this point in time would be to be left alone."

I disagree with that tbh but okay

Ok i get why they are major pissed off, REALLY CMC REALLY!!
WTF, they should sue the CMC for what they posted.

“They said the three of us were in a incestuous relationship!” Daisy hissed in a low voice. “That’s disgusting! I love you two but I am not into doing that with my sisters!”

I respect your choices as the author of this story... but this kinda seems a bit too far to me... it almost seems like you are trying to make what the CMC did impossible to be forgiven. I understand if that is your goal... but it just seems to be against the themes of your stories, redemptions, and finding better things

It's gonna serve a greater goal later on. You'll see

Oh there it is that definitely makes it sound like the real deal flower Trio even though I can't blame them for the spider thing I'm arachnophobic

It's nice seeing the girls putting flowers on Sunset's locker as a way to try and apologize, replacing wilted ones with new ones. Bloom hopefully learned a lesson this time and warns the other two of the CMC against pulling similar stunts.

This is actually kind of right up what I thought the CMC pulled with the AaM account with everyone sending in secrets to add fuel to the fire. If not them then someone else, and I'm sure there was even worse things posted with how bad things got and how their is still tension in the air. Really liked the flower trio here and I can't blame the reaction to the spider as I probably would have reacted the same way. Very creepy little buggers, poisonous or not.

I think it's going take a lot of work for them to show how they are. Considering her trust is so brunt that anything remains is a miracle.

Well sounds to me like Sunset Shimmer is quite a good older sibling

I was thinking the same, kinda hope Cheerilee fully adopts those 2, and makes Sunset an official big sister

I ain't going to lie, it's true that those crane games are rigged however it's not impossible get something out of there one time I actually got a few stuffed animals out of there three times in a row in regards to finding out what flitter said I got a feeling her empathetic powers are coming in sooner than expected

I've never won them. As far as I can remember at least.

The whole school needs help dealing with what happened. Unfortunately this Celestia is refusing to see that the school needs major help for their emotional health and if something doesn't change things could get worse and then she really going to be in trouble.

no matter what world celestia is usless

Where did Celestia say she didn't care

I don't mean that. But she has to blind not to see how miserable everyone yet she isn't trying to find an answer to help before it gets worse. A lot people go by the problem is over so now it's done and I don't have do anything else. Unfortunately Celestia doesn't this left emotional scars for everyone and although sunset is being treated the other kids need help.

Sheesh this school is even more of a shark tank than I remember High School being to begin with

I went to a large ass public high school of a thousand people or so. I always was seeing some form of drama so this is kinda how I remember it

Public schools for most of my School career as well seem like no matter what school I was in through Elementary and high school it was all the same drama and cliché BS

Pretty accurate statement

And one would think adult education would be less drama unfortunately not so however there is one key difference more likely to go stumbling into the school with a hangover from hell (unfortunately I speak from experience because my roommates were party animals)

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