• Published 27th Sep 2012
  • 6,274 Views, 70 Comments

Spike's Luna (cont....) - Jewel_Eater_Dragon

Spike and Luna's continued relationship.

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Sweet and Elite - Part 2

To my readers, I know the first attempt of chapter 3 was pretty bad and yeah, it was done in a rather lazy way. I hope that this re-write of chapter 3 makes up for the previous one. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding. So here is the re-vamp of Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 : Sweet and Elite - Part 2

Spike yawned as he stretched out on the bed. He looked around, wondering where he was. It was dark out, the room seemed huge and the bed, softer than he remembered. He sat up, and as he looked around, he felt disorientated. Trying to figure out the situation, his gaze fell upon the silhouette of a beautiful dark blue Alicorn, sitting on the bed, no more than three feet away from him. He realized where he was.

“Evening Spike. Did you sleep well?” Luna asked.

Spike simply blinked. He never realized how beautiful Luna really was. Her dark mane flowing, glittering like a thousand diamonds, the soft facial features, her trim petite body.

“Spike? Are you alright?” Luna asked again, a little concerned.

Snapping out of it, Spike quickly shook his head from side to side. “Yes Princ.. I mean, yes Luna, I’m fine. Just, not used to waking up at night.” He yawned, rubbing his eyes with his fist.

Luna smiled sweetly, happy to have a friend with her. “I hope you are hungry Spike. I had the servant pony bring this up for you.” She said as she levitated up a large silver tray, laden with fresh cut fruits, and gemstones and placed it on the bed between them.

Spike’s eyes lit up when he saw the platter before him. His eyes sparkled with appreciation, his mouth drooled with anticipation. As he reached out for a sapphire, he suddenly stopped. Looking at Luna, he asked, “Is it really alright to eat on your bed Luna? Twilight never lets me eat in bed.”

Luna giggled at the innocence of the question. “It’s quite alright Spike. And after all, I am a Princess. A little thing like eating in bed isn’t going to cause any trouble.” She said as she took a dainty bite out of a slice of apple. Spike smiled as he picked up the sapphire and took a big bit out of it, spilling a few shards on the silk sheets.

Spike sat there happily munching and chewing through the pile of gems. Sapphires, rubies and emeralds. One after another, the little dragon devoured the gems in front of him. All the while, Luna watched him eat as she quietly nibbled the various fruits.

Finished, Spike leaned back against a large pillow, patting his overstuffed belly. He put a claw over his mouth as s slight burp escaped his lips. “Oops, excuse me.” He said and grinned.

“What an appetite you have Spike.” Luna said.” Now let’s go take a walk in the garden.” She said as she got off her bed.

“I’d love to, but what about your duties Luna?” Spike asked.

Luna smiled as she turned to face Spike. “Oh the important task has already been taken care of. After all, it’s two in the morning. I’ve already had a few hours to take care of my main duties. Everything else on today’s agenda has been moved to another time. Now come, let us go.” She said as she made her way towards the door. “Oh, and I had this bought up for you,” she said as she levitated over a coat and a soft thick matching scarf. “The night can get quite chilly for somepony who isn’t used to it.”

“Thank you Luna.” Spike said as he slipped on the coat and scarf and followed behind her.

They walked out to the garden. The night was very quiet and not a sound could be heard. So quiet it was that they could hear the grass as it crunched softly underhoof. It was a very cool night and Spike was glad that he had the coat on. Still, it was rather chilly and the little dragon pulled the coat a little tighter around himself. They made their way to the centre of the garden where Luna had already had two lounge chairs ready. Luna climbed onto one and lay down comfortably, crossing her forelegs in front of her.

“Come sit next to me Spike.” Luna said as she patted the second chair. Spike climbed up onto the second chair and leaned back.

For a moment, they both looked at the night sky, simply watching the stars scattered across the night sky, twinkling as they seem to dance in place. Only a crescent moon was visible making the sky seem empty. Yet the night was indeed lovely and Spike sighed softly as he gazed upon the night’s beauty.

Her ears flicked up at the sigh as it escaped his lips. “What are you thinking Spike?” Luna asked.

“Oh, just how much I love how beautiful the night sky is tonight.” Spike answered, his gaze still locked at the twinkling stars above them.

Luna smiled as happiness and appreciation flowed through her. Besides her sister, Princess Celestia, nopony had ever told her how beautiful they thought her night was. It felt good to be appreciated. “Thank you Spike. It’s lovely to hear you say that.” She said softly, looking down as she rubbed her hooves together, a tear rolled down her cheek.

Spike turned to look at Luna as she spoke. In her sweet smile Spike noticed a hint of satisfaction. Like something had finally gone right and she was pleased that it had happened. Then he noticed the wet trail across her cheek. Unsure what her feelings were, he asked her, “Luna, why are you crying? Are you sad?”

“I’m not feeling sad Spike.” She said, turning to look at the baby dragon. “I’m happy. Happy to have my night loved and appreciated. And I’m also happy to have a friend to share my night with. Thank you.” Luna smiled, tears beginning to well up.

Spike got off the chair and moved close to Luna where he boldly reached out with his left claw and gently held her chin. Using his scarf, he carefully wiped away the tears from Luna’s beautiful cyan coloured eyes. She had felt his touch like this once before, back during the Nightmare Night celebration. She was crying, and Spike held her chin in his claws just like tonight, and whispered, “I’m not afraid of you Princess. And I am, and always be, your friend.”

She opened her eyes to see the sweet dragon looking back at her, with that lovable silly grin he always seem to have on his face. Luna smiled back, a comfortable silence between them.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, blowing slightly harder than before. The chilling wind blew past the two friends in the garden. Spike who was not used to the cold night air tried in vain to fight against the bitter cold. Luna saw her little friend struggle and quickly pulled him onto her chair and pressed him against her chest. Her wings unfolding and rested in front of her and Spike, creating a perpetual wind barrier of feathers.

Soon, the winds died down, and so did the biting cold. Spike stopped shivering and opened his eyes. He was feeling warm, a soft blanket of feathers around him. It was then he looked up to see Luna looking down at him with her bright cyan eyes. All Spike could do was stare. He could not believe he was in lying between her forehooves, so close to her chest and with her wings around him. He started to stutter, unsure what to say when Luna spoke.

“Shhh… its alright Spike. You can stay warm with me.” As she hugged him.

Stunned as he was at the Princess’ action, all Spike could do was smile as a contented sigh once again escaped his lips.

To be continued.