• Published 3rd Jun 2023
  • 184 Views, 9 Comments

The Young Warrior: Apex's Choice - Melody Song

When Apex realizes he has feelings for someone dear to him, he struggles to decide whether or not to come clean.

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Hurting Sorrows

No sooner had Ocellus gasped this out than Apex ran for it. He tore through the field, heading for the Hive. Apex raced past other changelings, rushing straight to the room Zenith shared with Hunter. The second he burst in, the first thing he saw was Cilia-medica standing by Hunter. Thorax was sitting by one of the beds in the room, where a golden lump was lying, unmoving.

“Papa Thorax!” Apex raced over, and Thorax held out a hoof for him. He scrambled into the bigger changeling’s hooves before looking down at Zenith nervously.

Pharynx and Ocellus entered the room at a run a few moments later. Pharynx immediately trotted towards Cilia and Hunter, catching their attention.

“Hunter-eques, full report.”

“Zenith and I were patrolling on the outskirts of the territory when we heard noises. We looked around for the source, but the Roc was stealthy, we didn’t see it until it was too late. The Roc went for Zenith first, since he's smaller, but we managed to drive it off. Got a pretty nasty cut on my shoulder from the overgrown bird’s talon.” Hunter showed him the bandages on his shoulder. “I thought it was gone, but before I even realized, it had snatched up Zen. I managed to fire a bolt from the crossbow and hit the thing in the wing. The Roc dropped Zen and ran, but I couldn't catch him in time. His head hit a rock and he passed out, brought him back here as fast as I could.”

Pharynx nodded, turning away from the red changeling to face Cilia, who rubbed her foreleg nervously.


“He’s likely to remain unconscious for the next few days, there’s no telling exactly how long. When he does wake up he’ll likely be in considerable pain, the talons of the Roc made deep lacerations on his carapace. He’ll heal, but have some scars until his next molt.”

“He’ll live. That's what's important.” Pharynx agreed with a stone-faced nod.

Apex stared at Zenith’s limp form in shock. The nymph was barely moving, the only sign he was alive being his soft breathing. He looked so fragile, as if a simple movement would stop him from drawing his next breath. Ocellus approached Thorax to join them in staring down at the nymph.

“May our ancestors guide him to recovery.” She murmured. Apex nodded in agreement.

Over the next couple days, Apex refused to leave Zenith. Thorax would often have to pull him away - though he still left reluctantly – to sleep and get something to eat. Apex stayed right at Zenith’s bedside, sometimes even lying beside him, watching him sleep as he shared as much love as possible with the healing nymph.

“Grub, come on, it’s been three days.” Pharynx spoke as he entered the room. “You’ve got to go get some proper rest at some point, and I need my deputy.”

“Where’s Hun’er-eques then?” Apex asked, wrapping a hoof around Zenith’s unmoving body. “I don’ see him s’ayin here with ‘Nithy.”

“I know.” Pharynx sat beside the bed as Thorax poked his head into the room. “He’s been assigning himself to patrols, mostly solo ones. It’s probably his way of coping, especially since he’s bound to feel like this is his fault.”

Apex sighed and nosed Zenith gently. “C-Can’ you do somethin’ Uncle Pharynx?”

“Grub, I only know a little first aid, you know that, I taught it to you. Cilia-medica has much more experience than me, you need to trust her abilities.”


“No buts.” Thorax walked over, leaning down and picking up Apex in his mouth by the back of his neck, muffling himself. “If’s abou’ time you had a ba’f anyway. C’mon.”

“B-Bu’ ‘Nithy needs me!”

“You can come back after you have a wash and a proper meal.” Pharynx told him. “Hunter’s almost done with his latest patrol, I’ll have him come in here and watch Zenith.”

“I’s no’ the same… I wanna be the one to wa’ch him…” Apex protested.

Despite his attempts to sway them, Thorax still carried him out of Zenith’s room without further comment. He carried the young nymph all the way to the bathroom connected to their own bedroom. Apex squealed as Thorax placed him in the shallow washing pool, already full of water, and continued pouting as Thorax helped him clean up.

“Come on Apex, it’s okay…” Thorax nuzzled the nymph. “Zenith will wake up soon, and I promise you can be there when he does.”

“O-Okay Papa Thorax…” Apex sighed, though he still moped, poking the water with a hoof.

Thorax sighed and went to grab him a towel, seeing there wasn't much he could do to convince the nymph. As Thorax left, his tail brushed against the edge of the pool, knocking a bottle of soap in. Apex moved to pick it up, and blinked in surprise as the substance created bubbles in the water when he squeezed the bottle. Apex stared at one of the bubbles, then reached out and poked it. He giggled as it popped, but quickly went back to frowning, determined not to enjoy himself. Thorax had just returned with a towel, and chuckled slightly, taking the bottle of soap in his magic, promptly squirting some into the bath.

“Papa Thorax, wha're you doin'?”

“Watch this.” Thorax replied, smiling as he turned on the water again. Apex gasped as the soap in began to create a flurry of bubbles.

“Cool!” Apex began giggling despite himself. Thorax smiled and stepped back as Apex began playing, letting him have his fun.

Apex smiled and batted at the bubbles, scooping them up eagerly. They were light and fluffy, like the snow had been back in the Crystal Empire. Thorax laughed as Apex began making the bubbles into shapes, gentle encouraging him with playful nudges and nuzzles. Eventually, when the bubbles were gone, Thorax wrapped Apex in the towel, lifting him out of the pool.

“Heheh, did you have fun, my little warrior?”

“Mhm! Wai’... you did tha’ on purpose!” Apex accused, eyes narrowed in a playful glare. Thorax blushed sheepishly as he nodded, but Apex just smiled and hugged him. “Thank you…”

Thorax smiled and cradled him in one hoof as he left the bathroom. “You're welcome, Apex. Now, let’s get you something to eat.”

“No’ hungry.”

“Nonsense, you’re a growing nymph. You need food.” With that, Thorax carried him to the cafeteria.

After Apex had quickly eaten some food Thorax got for him, he rushed back to Hunter and Zenith’s room. He fluttered his wings and glided over to the bed, settling down beside Zenith. Hunter was there already, leaning against the wall, having fallen asleep standing guard over his brother. Judging by the lines under his eyes, this was probably one of the first times he’d had a chance to sleep properly.

“‘Nithy?” Apex whispered quietly, but no response came. “I… I miss you, ‘Nithy… please wake up soon… i’s all my faul’ isn’ i’? If I hadn’ taken so long to come ge’ you then you wouldn’ve gone on tha’ pa’rol wi’ Hun’er a-an’ you’d be safe…”

Apex whimpered and pressed his head into Zenith’s shoulder. “Please ‘Nithy, please come back…”

Apex sniffled, beginning to cry into Zenith’s shoulder. He didn’t know how long he laid there, crying into his best friend’s limp body. Not just his friend, his crush.

After a long while, he felt something wrap around him. Expecting it to be Thorax or Pharynx come to get him, Apex looked up, wiping his eyes. The room was still empty, save for a snoring Hunter. Apex then looked down at Zenith, hope beginning to rise in his chest.

His eyes were open.
