• Published 28th Sep 2012
  • 4,792 Views, 164 Comments

Son of the Princess - twow443

Princess Celestia has never had any foals. Or so everypony thought.....

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Chapter 9-Awakening

Light. I never realized how much I enjoyed looking out the window and watching the sunlight. As I opened my eyes and saw the light covering the room, I felt a sense of peace. Ever since I had discovered that I was a changeling, I hadn't truly felt at ease. But now, I was happy to be alive.

My memory flowed back into my brain. I slightly winced as I remembered what had happened in that basement. I should have died there, but I was here. Looking around, I saw that I was in a rainbow colored hospital room. I noticed that the colors were the same colors that colored Celestia's mane. There was a few couches around the room. I knew then that I was in Canterlot. Celestia had shown me this hospital room when I was young. I remembered that she told me that it was the safest room in the hospital. Not only was it monitored by magic, but palace guards were outside the door and around the windows whenever there was a patent in here. This room was very rarely used. I remembered that after Luna was changed back from Nightmare Moon she had used this room for about one day. That's when Celestia had shown me how secure this room was.

My head was wrapped in a bandage and I felt a slight burning pain on my side. I looked under the blankets and saw that I had a nasty burn on my side. That must have been from when Misty had shot me with the lightning. My necklace was around my neck as always. I held it close to my head for a moment, silently thankful.

I hadn't sat up to scope out more of the room, but I did when I casted out my senses and found out there was another pony in the room. I slowly sat up and saw Fluttershy asleep on one of the couches. I saw other blankets around the room and thought that the rest of my friends had slept in here during my stay. I didn't feel as weak, so my body must have automatically absorbed emotions while I was unconscious.

I was going to lay back down and try to get a little more rest, but Fluttershy stirred and opened her eyes. She sat up and saw me looking at her. Her eyes lit up. “Shade!” she said, smiling. She walked up to the bed I was on and very softly hugged me. Being Fluttershy, it didn't hurt at all. In fact, I barely felt it. It didn't matter though, I was happy to just be with her.

“Fluttershy.” I started. “What happened?”

“Well, the princess was talking to us and then Princess Luna told us that Chrysalis had captured you.” Fluttershy started. “Princess Celestia sent Twilight and me to Ponyville to find you, but we didn't know where to look until we saw a light shoot out from Sugercube Corner.”

I smiled. “Yeah, that was me.”

Fluttershy continued. “We saw you lying on the ground, not moving. But the worst part was that all of your color was gone.” She shuddered at remembering that.

“Flutters, it's okay. You don't have to say anything else.” I didn't want her to get upset. “How long was I out?”

“Twilight and I found you 4 days ago.” Fluttershy said. I was quiet then, thinking. “When we brought you back to Canterlot, the princesses rushed you here. They refused to let anypony else even touch you. They did all they could to keep you from....” I could sense that she was getting upset, so I attempted something I hadn't tried before. I was calm so I projected that emotion onto her. Fluttershy took a deep breath and continued. “You were never alone in here, Shade. Everypony came and went, but I never left your side.”

“But, what about your animals?” I asked.

“I asked Twilight and Applejack if they could check on them.” Fluttershy said. “I told them that I would head home when you woke up.”

“You saved me, didn't you?” I asked. I could feel the love from Fluttershy in my soul. “That's why you didn't leave me here.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Everypony's going to be so happy to see you. I'll go get them, that is if you don't mind.”

I shook my head. “I don't mind.” Fluttershy turned to leave, then she came back to the bed and softly kissed me. Then she left the room.

About ten minutes later, all six of my friends came into the room. “Shade! You're awake!” Pinkie shouted, bouncing around the room. I could literally see the joy radiating from her.

“Hey there Pinkie.” I said. “You seem energetic.”

“Oh yeah! I've been planning a party ever since Twilight and Fluttershy found you! It's going to be AMAZING! Oh, I need to bake some cakes and get ice cream and finish the decorations and.....”

Rarity gently put her hoof over Pinkie's mouth. “I think that she's trying to say that we're all glad that you're awake dear.”

“So am I.” I shook my head. “It got rather rough for a bit there.”

“Don't do something like that again.” Rainbow said. “You should have seen Fluttershy when we got you in here. She was crying, in fact we were all pretty upset.”

“Don't be tryin to say that you weren't cryin also, Rainbow.” Applejack said. “You were just as upset.”

Rainbow ran her hoof though her mane. “Well, maybe just a little.”

I smiled. It felt great too be with all of my friends again. Twilight walked over to me. “I was wondering. Do you think that after you get better that I could um, study you? It would be great for my research.” I nodded.

Suddenly everypony in the room was quiet as we heard a knock on the door. “Come in!” I yelled.

Princesses Celestia and Luna walked in. “Shade! You finally woke up!”

Everypony in the room bowed down to the princesses. I was going to get out of the bed to bow also but Luna held up a hoof. “No Shade. Stay there for now.” She turned to my friends. “Come with me. I wish to show you all something.” As she led my friends out of the room, Fluttershy turned and gave me a soft smile. Then she shut the door behind her.

Celestia and I were the only two left in the room. Celestia cleared her throat and said, “We looked over everything in the basement. Chrysalis didn't leave any clues for us to follow.

“I didn't think she would.” I said. “She had what she needed.”

“Why did she leave you there? Celestia asked.

“Well, I might have used a forbidden spell I found in your room to temporarily separate my soul from my body and then shift my soul to look like you.” I said. “Just an idea though.

“Uh-huh.” Celestia said. We shared a laugh at that. After that, I could sense nervousness flowing from the princess. Then I knew what I needed to ask her.

“Why didn't you tell me?” I asked her.

“Tell you about what?” She asked.

“About everything!” I snapped. Celestia took a step back. “About me being a changeling, about Chrysalis out for my blood! About....” My eyes lost their fire and my voice died down. I turned away from her. “About you being my mother.”

Celestia walked up to the bed and put a hoof on my head. “Shade. I have no excuse for what I did. I thought that I was keeping you safe by not telling you what you really were. The truth is, I was very selfish. I hid what you really were because I thought that I could keep the image I had made for myself.”

“You aren't perfect, Celestia.” I said. “Neither am I.”

Celestia sighed. “It still isn't an excuse for me Shade. It wasn't fair to you. I am so very sorry. There truly are no words that I can say to express how horrible I have felt. And when you were in your coma, I was afraid. Not just because you were in danger of dying, but because I feared that I would never have a chance to tell you the truth.” She looked away from me for a moment. “I'm asking you if you could forgive me.”

Truthfully, I didn't want to forgive her. She had lied to me my entire life. But as I thought deeply about it I knew that Celestia did care about me. Even though she hadn't told me about what I truly was, she had been trying to prepare me for it. Training me in magic, making me practice it myself. Even Luna had thrown in a hoof by teaching me some hoof-to-hoof combat. (Wish I had remembered that when I was fighting Chrysalis.) I sensed out Celestia's emotions and I flinched as I felt a rush of sadness. I knew that Celestia really was sorry.

“Celestia.” I said softly. “I do forgive you. I can't say that I understand everything that you did, but I do forgive you.”

The sun princess smiled and hugged me. “Thank you.” She got up and turned to leave. “Get some rest, Shade. You can come home soon.”

As she left the room, I took sometime to think. Truthfully, I had forgiven Celestia but I couldn't say that I trusted her completely. But, I knew what else I had in store for me. Chrysalis was still out there and I needed to find her and stop her. But I also needed to come to grips with myself. I knew that the ponies in Ponyville didn't trust me, but I didn't trust myself. I was a monster, a monster that only I could tame. As I laid there looking out the window at the sky I made a promise to myself. I refused to let myself be the cause of Chrysalis taking control. I also resolved that I would do what I needed to to prove to everypony and to myself that I wasn't a monster.

And that was one promise that I knew I could keep.