• Published 28th May 2023
  • 464 Views, 12 Comments

An Endless Mystery, a Foggy Memory - Hoofprintz

After having her heart broken by the one she trusted most Octavia struggles to find normalcy. That's when an unexpected mare enters the musician's life.

  • ...


"Vinyl... how could you do this to me... to US?!" I was overcome with a tempest of emotions as I fought to hold back my tears. I would not give her the satisfaction of knowing just how badly she'd hurt me.

"I..." she refused to look at me, her eyes locked on the floor of our home, the one we'd lived in together for the last few years. The home we'd been happy with each other in.... or so I'd foolishly assumed.

"LOOK AT ME, VINYL!" I wanted to hit her, wanted the rumor to be false, wanted her admittance to be a lie. I just wanted it all to be a horrible nightmare that I'd eventually wake from, but it wasn't. She'd done the unspeakable and now there was no going back for either of us.

"Octy, I-"

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" I was teetering on the precipice between crippling despair and a fury so potent It might push me toward the very real possibility of seriously harming her. There was a time when all I'd wanted was for her to call me that silly nickname... for her to tell me that she loved me. Never again.

"Octavia... I'm sor-"

"I'm leaving," I walked to the front door in a rush. Where I was planning on going was anyone's guess, but I couldn't remain here, not in this place, not with her. As I reached for the door with a trembling hoof the wood was coated in her magical aura. The once wonderful chime of her mana, something I'd drawn inspiration from time and time again, was now a disgusting reminder of what she'd done. Her heartless betrayal. "Vinyl."

"Oct-... Octavia... please..." she laid her hoof on my shoulder. I jerked away from her, the feel of her touch like acid being poured all over me.

"Don't touch me," I whispered, my righteous resolve beginning to come apart at the seams. "Just let me go."

"I didn't mean to, I swear! I was... I was drunk." What a surprise, DJ-PON3 did something stupid while she was inebriated. Her words meant nothing. "I love you, Octavia." I no longer cared. I turned to look her in the eye to make sure there would be no misunderstanding between us.

"I don't love you, Vinyl." Her spell stopped abruptly, her telekinetic hold on the door gone, silence gripping the room. "I will never love you." The intense pain on her face was something I had never wished to see. I turned and opened the door, galloping out of the house as my tears finally fell.

I hated her so much...

It hurts


The fallout of our separation was disastrous. I'd given up nearly everything for her. My flourishing life in Canterlot, my position in several orchestras and ensembles, even my rocky relationship with my father and mother had become casualties due to my decision to move in with her.

She'd fully convinced me that she loved me... and at the time, I honestly believed I loved her as well. When things had been going smoothly it was like a dream, but when things were... less than ideal, it was nearly unbearable. Still, I persevered for both our sakes.

She'd been both the kindest and also the most horrible pony I'd ever known. The peaks and valleys I'd experienced while with her were akin to riding on the wildest rollercoaster in Las Pegasus.

Honestly, that had all been fine in my mind. Despite our differing interests, despite our flaws, despite our constant fights, I truly believed we were good for each other. And so I made the rash decision to move to Ponyville.

It had been quite fun. While the quaint town could never compete with the hustle and bustle of cities like Canterlot or Manehatten, the townsfolk were absolutely delightful. It took me a short period to acclimate, but I got to know all of them fondly over time.

From the fabulous unicorn mare named Rarity who owned The Carousel Boutique, to the supremely friendly Cake's who ran Sugarcube Corner, it was an improbable task to find any creature that wouldn't give you the coat straight off their own back in Ponyville.

The small town was even home to the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. And then there was Pinkamena Diane Pie. What could I possibly say about Pinkie Pie?

The first day I'd arrived in Ponyville the pink mare had already somehow planned a surprise welcome party for me. When I questioned her on why'd she'd done such a thing for a mare she hardly knew she'd said it was because she was my friend. Over the years we'd known one another she'd proven that claim time and time again, at least as far as I was concerned.

Unlike my time in Canterlot, I'd made so many friends since moving to Ponyville, it truly felt like home. I suppose that's why I chose not to leave even after she'd stabbed me in the back.

It may have been a mistake, after all, I knew I'd likely run into her at some point if I stayed, but the thought of her finding some sick satisfaction at my flight drove me to remain in my new home, regardless of her senseless actions.

I rented out a modest little home on the opposite side of Ponyville, as far away from my ex as I could find. Life without her wasn't as... foreign as I'd thought it would be. Everyday life quickly became... tolerable.

Don't get me wrong, it was dreadfully lonely, but I was able to keep up with work and my hobbies with very few distractions. After a few months I'd gotten into a rhythm, my life not as bad as I'd thought it would be without the ivory unicorn, though I must admit I still held a dull throb of bitterness in my heart toward her.

And then it finally happened. I hadn't expected it, my mind not remotely on the prospect of seeing her for weeks. As I walked through the marketplace to find a few fruits and vegetables for my dinner, I quite literally bumped into the mare.

I hadn't realized to whom I was speaking to at first. She was rather vibrant and admittedly very kind. When she'd called out to her "honey" with a wave of her hoof I turned around to come face to face with my abhorrent past.

"Octy..." The white unicorn may have been just as stunned as I, but her trademark sunglasses hid her reaction well. I thought seeing her again might stir up an unquenchable desire for revenge in me, a fury so blinding I'd fly into a frenzy and create a scene.

I was wrong.

All I felt was sorrow. I tried to say her name, but all that came out of my mouth was an awkward squeak. I bit my lower lip, struggling so very hard not to cry, not to look weak in front of her. As she drew closer to me I panicked, breaking into a sprint.

Anywhere but there, so very close to her.


I sat by myself on a bench in Ponyville Park, watching the fillies and colts play their silly little games. How I longed to return to such a simple time in my own life, a time when all I'd really had to worry about was learning something new on my cello.

"Hey..." The sweet voice made me jump despite it's low volume. I quickly wiped away my tears with a foreleg in the hopes that my shameful emotions hadn't been noticed.

"P- Pinkie?" I turned to find the pink party mare, a sheepish expression on her face.

"Hey, Vi..." she placed a hoof on the bench next to me. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all," I sniffled, trying to completely conceal the sadness that had gripped me. It was more likely than not, completely pointless. Pinkie had been one of my staunchest supporters since word had gotten out that I'd been cheated on. Whether it be a kind meal shared or a short conversation, the pink mare was positively lovely to me.

She'd even gone so far as to completely forsake her friendship with... her former friend, something I never thought I'd see her do to anyone. It honestly made me feel a tad guilty. It felt as if it was my fault the friendliest pony I knew had severed bonds with one of her friends. Thankfully, Pinkie put a stop to that thought process swiftly.

"Everything okay?" she took a seat next to me. I'd thought Pinkie had been quite the strange mare since the first day we'd met. While she was typically unreasonably energetic, she did know when to turn the hyperactivity down.

That seemed to be the case with the entire Pie family, or at least the members I'd met thus far. Maud Pie was the polar opposite of her sister. Quiet, demure, and utterly obsessed with rocks, the earth pony was every bit as kind as her younger sibling.

She and I had never really bonded, but I had grown incredibly close to Pinkie. I'd many a quiet conversation with my bubbly friend. She'd been with me through the entire breakup and everything that had come after. Our friendship was irreplaceable in my eyes. By now she knew me like the back of her own hoof, so hiding anything from her was next to impossible for me.

"Of course, Pinkie, you know I'd never turn you away," I offered her a pathetic smile, the best I could muster at the moment.

"If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay," she smiled back before turning her attention to the foals. "But, I know when something's wrong," she suddenly looked as sad as I felt. "I haven't seen you like this since..."

Out of concern for my feelings she hadn't finished. It was little things like that that'd made me overjoyed I'd had someone like her in my life.

"I'm just... a little sad, that's all," I sighed. It was at least partly true. Seeing the one who'd stomped on my heart beneath her hoof had indeed made me despair, but I didn't want to bring her up at all.

"I see..." she kept her eyes forward. "Well we can't have that, can we?" she grinned weakly.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie," I laid a hoof on hers. "You know I've never enjoyed discussing it."

"It's okay, Vi," her smile grew as she turned to me, her bubbly demeanor... well, bubbling up to the surface. "Are you free tonight?"

"I..." I knew that look. I wasn't really in the mood for a party, but I loathed letting Pinkie down. I could suck it up and suffer through one night of discomfort if it meant my friend was happy. "am."

"Oh, Vi," she giggled. "I know it might not sound like it, but trust me, it'll be a good time," she rubbed my shoulder gently, drawing a smile.

"Okay, Pinkie." She'd never let me down before and I couldn't foresee her starting anytime soon. As she got up and began to walk away I felt the smile on my muzzle grow.

"Sugarcube Corner, eight o'clock tonight," she looked at me with a toothy grin. "Don't be late, Vi."

"Whatever you say, Pinkie," I chuckled, feeling a bit more chipper already.


"Soooo, having fun?" Pinkie nudged me in the side with her elbow. She sat next to me with a cupcake in one hoof and a soda in the other. She was simply ecstatic. I laughed heartily in response to her merriment.

"Very much so, Pinkie," I shook my head before taking a sip of my iced tea. "You've thoroughly managed to take my mind off of the inconsequential matters I'd been worrying about earlier," I raised my cup in a toast to her. "Bravo!"

"That's great!" Pinkie quite literally bounced, tossing the cupcake into her mouth and swallowing it in one bite before knocking her cup against mine. "I just wish..." she sighed as her shoulders began to slump, a stark contrast to the enthusiasm she'd just been emanating.

"Pink-" As l tried to find out what was wrong with my friend, her eyes lit up as if someone had just brought her an entire birthday cake.

"NO WAY! SHE ACTUALLY CAME!?" she leapt off of her chair and in an instant was gone.

"Who..." It mattered little. Like I'd said before, Pinkie had always been a strange mare, it wasn't exactly out of the ordinary for her to do something like that on a regular basis. With a chuckle and a swig of my tea, I returned my attention to the shindig going on around me.

The party was a small one, yet still lively. All of Pinkie's closest friends were in attendance. Applejack, the earth pony proprietor of Sweet Apple Acres was currently nursing a drink of some sort. Across from the orange mare sat Rainbow Dash, the pegasus weatherpony who kept all of our town's weather in check.

She was laughing up a storm as she animatedly told a story to both Applejack and their other close friend, Fluttershy. The yellow mare looked after the critters and pets around town, even creating a specific place for them to congregate. Right now, the canary hued pegasus was nibbling on a piece of pie with a peaceful smile on her face.

Rarity was speaking with Lyra and Bon Bon, possibly about getting outfits made for their upcoming wedding. It was months from now, but preparation for such an event was always better taken care of as soon as possible.

Princess Twilight was sitting at another table with her apprentice, Starlight Glimmer. Their relationship was an... interesting one, to say the least. The expressions on their faces reminded me of what I'd had before. I was happy for the pair, if not just a tad bit jealous.

While Lyra and Bon Bon had gone through the trials and tribulations of their relationship by this point, Twilight and Starlight were clearly still in the honeymoon phase. I prayed it continued for them, even if it hadn't for me.

Other ponies and creatures also occupied Sugarcube Corner. Spike, Princess Twilight's young dragon assistant, Applejack's older brother, Big Macintosh, and the draconequus, Discord were discussing something loudly at another table.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo seemed to be having a wonderful time with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Curious. I'd thought the trio was mortal enemies with the pair. It was nice to see they had finally resolved their differences. They'd all grown into fine young mares.

"U- Um, e- excuse me..." surprisingly enough the quiet voice was able to break me out of my reverie and draw my gaze. The mare's coat was the same color as my own... perhaps a shade lighter. Her two-toned mane and tail were both darker shades of her coat, both long and lustrous. Her Cutie Mark was made up of a trio of purple... stones? Balls? I couldn't be certain.

The mare kept her head low, her impeccable mane obscuring half of her face. She wasn't looking at me, instead choosing to stare down directly at the floorboards.

"Yes, dear?" I tilted my head. I'd no clue who she was, but she appeared to be polite enough.

"I-" she squeaked. She was either nervous or incredibly shy... or perhaps a combination of the two. Either way, she was visibly trembling and that made my heart ache for the poor girl.

"Would you like to join me?" I pushed out a chair with my leg, a gesture intended to let her know I'd like her to have a seat and she could calm down. Her head lifted slightly toward the chair, her shaking subsiding, if just for the moment.

"Y- Yes, If y- you don't mind," she sat down, her gaze still downcast. I wasn't really sure what to do so I took a sip of my drink. We sat in silence for a couple minutes before she mustered up the courage to speak again, however, "I'm sorry," was all she managed to get out.

"For what, dear?" I was completely baffled by her sudden apology. "You've done nothing wrong."

"I know, I- it's just..." she sighed. "I swore I'd... talk to you and... and..." she sniffled. Wait a moment, was she about to cry? That simply wouldn't do. I shimmied my chair closer to hers, wrapping one of my forelegs around her. She tensed at the contact before her trembling fully ceased.

"I'm not really sure what's going on," I stroked her mane softly. "But take your time, dear." She took a deep breath, her small frame lifting and then falling.

"M- My name is Marble and I... I really love y... your music," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm... I'm a really big fan of yours, Octavia," she finished, but still hadn't lifted her head. It was a start at least.

"Thank you, Marble, that means a lot to me," I smiled, giving her a small squeeze. I really was grateful. It was rare to find any in Ponyville who was a fan of my music. The genre I practiced was more widely enjoyed in places like Canterlot, but the stuck up ponies there would never admit to being any musician's admirer.

Oh, they would listen, they'd even attend performances, but it was all for the sole purpose of scrutinizing the artist. Unless a piece was performed flawlessly they ridiculed and berated, and unfortunately for us, no piece could ever be played perfectly, at least in their unforgiving eyes.

I'd grown accustomed to that degree of unfair criticism long ago, but when ponies like Marble approached me and confessed their interest for my style of music, it still surprised me.

"I... I just wanted to tell you that and..." her head lifted ever so slightly.

"And?" I gave her some space, reaching for my cup.

"And..." she took several quick breaths, almost as if she were about to have a panic attack. "Andifyou'dwanttohavedinnerwithme?" She was trembling again.

I on the other hoof could barely process what she'd said. She was asking me on a date? I'd barely met the mare and while she wasn't hard on the eyes, she was essentially a total stranger.

"Marble... I-" as I spoke she finally lifted her head, looking me straight in my eyes. The single beautiful violet pool shook me, it begged me to accept her request, pleaded with me to just give her a chance. I couldn't help but think of... her and her... new love. What the hay. What was life without taking risks? You only had one after all, right? "I'd be delighted to have dinner with you, Marble," I smiled.

The elation that came to the young mare's face at my acceptance made me feel similar to how I had months ago, just before everything had fallen apart. The mare sitting in front of me really was quite adorable.

"WAHOOOO!" The explosive volume with which Pinkie chose to yell startled me to no end, jerking me out of my thoughts. I realized I was now surrounded by Pinkie, Maud, and a third earth pony whom I didn't recognize.

"Good job, Marble... I'm so proud of you," Maud patted the mare atop her head, her monotone voice coming out evenly. Wait a second...

"I can't believe you actually managed to do it," the third mare, the one I'd never met before, chuckled. Her blueish-gray coat was complimented by a short gray mane and tail. Her Cutie Mark was a green... fruit? and a pair of... rocks? For some unknown reason, she looked particularly displeased when she looked at me. "If you hurt her, they'll never find your body," she glared at me.

"Wha..." my mouth fell open. I'd no idea how to respond to a threat on my life so I ended up staring at the terrifying pony in bewilderment.

"Calm down, Limestone." Maud sounded as bored as ever, even when a life was at stake.

"Oh, Limey," Pinkie literally jumped on the mare. "You're always so crazy. Vi wouldn't do that!"

Limestone? Marble? I suddenly felt very foolish.

"Marble... Pie?" I asked as I looked at the gray mare. She nodded her head slightly, that same vibrant smile lifting her lips.

"Doy," Limestone scoffed. "Who did you think she was, Princess Celestia?"

I didn't know. Pinkie had mentioned her other sisters every so often, but nothing further than their names and ages. I'd forgotten their names and it's not like Marble or Limestone acted anything like Pinkie or Maud.

Pinkie was an exuberant whirlwind of energy. Maud was the polar opposite of Pinkie, seemingly nothing capable of rousing the most indifferent Pie. Marble appeared to be even more reserved than Fluttershy and Limestone was angry enough to give Cranky Doodle Donkey a run for his money. They were all so very different. What a bizarre family.

"Limestone, manners," the look Maud gave her sister made the irate pony roll her eyes.

"Fine, fine, I'm going to get a drink," the eldest Pie sister shrugged before ruffling Marble's mane. "Good work, Kiddo. Now you just gotta seal the deal." She'd made an attempt to whisper that last bit to her sibling, but I was able to hear it rather well. To Marble's credit she only slightly turned crimson as her older sister walked away.

"Aw, Limey, but we should-"

"We should give them some space, Pinkie," Maud interrupted her sister before grabbing her by the neck and dragging her away.

"But I wanted to-"

"Don't forget what happened with me and Starlight, Pinkie," Maud continued to pull her sister away.

"OH! Right!" Pinkie relented as she smiled brightly at Marble and I. "I'll talk to you later, Vi! Don't have too much fun Marble!" she waved enthusiastically.

"Well, then," I returned my attention to the mare next to me. She looked back at me with glee, her violet eye shimmering like a star. "Perhaps we should get to know each other a tad more before our date."

"Mmm-hmm!" she nodded as her cheeks turned rosy once again.


The gentle rapping at the door to my makeshift dressing room had me rolling my eyes. It was a small venue so the owner had turned one of the backrooms into a place for me to prepare for my performance and unwind afterwards. I already knew who was at the door from the severity of the knocks, but she still refused to simply enter, even if she was more than welcome.

It was quite the departure from what... she would do. She'd waltz into any room, venue, or hall as if she owned the place, typically shouting obscenities and causing a scene.

"Come in, Marble," I lifted my cello onto my back, prepared to go home and relax after my long day of work. Although I did find her lack of gusto at trespassing a little... tame, I adored her respect for me.

It had been two months since our first dinner together. It turns out Pinkie's little gathering hadn't been for my sake alone. Marble had been my admirer for years and had finally worked up the courage to meet me face to face.

It had merely been dumb luck that I'd bumped into my ex that day, nothing more. Getting to know Marble better was proving to be a pleasure and a privilege. Despite her... rural upbringing, she was quite refined and very intelligent.

That's not to say that growing up in the country made one a bumpkin, simply that Marble was wise beyond her years with a cultured palate to boot. The first night we'd had dinner together was spent discussing our interests. Music and geology were the main topics of conversation, and though we hadn't delved too deeply into other more personal subjects, I felt a lot closer to the mare at the end of that night.

The next day she'd returned to her family's farm with her sister, Limestone. Pinkie and Maud lived in Ponyville whereas Limestone and Marble still took care of the family farm along with their parents. The distance between us was... quite unfortunate.

We kept in touch through letters, but it wasn't exactly the most intimate form of communication. To be honest, I'd missed her to a degree since we first parted after Pinkie's gathering, realizing quickly that speaking through text simply wouldn't suffice.

We had met up a few times since our initial meeting, each subsequent time so much more fun than the previous, but that deeply troubled me. We weren't technically in a relationship... or even figuratively... I think, but starting out with our heads in the clouds seemed like a foolish decision.

The ripples of my failed relationship with... her were still affecting my choices with Marble. I had to do things right this time, had to be certain of my choices and that meant baring my soul to her... and vice-versa.

I'd invited her to one of my shows at a quaint nightclub in the hopes that she'd spend some time with me. Ponyville may not have been the cultural apex of Equestria, but some residents were trying to improve the standing of the town, after all, with ponies like Princess Twilight, Rarity, and myself in residence, the town already had royalty, high fashion, and classical music.

Now here the gray mare was, completely oblivious to my true intentions in inviting her to said performance. Tonight would either be one of the best of my life... or one of the worst. I prayed endlessly for the former.

"That was amazing, Octavia!" she was positively glowing as she trotted into the room. "It's like you get better every day! Oh!" she paused looking disappointed all of a sudden. "Are you heading home already?"

"I was hoping we," I sashayed over to her, lifting a playful brow. "could pick up some food and head back to my place..." Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red. "If that's alright with you, of course."

"That sounds... wonderful!" she looked elated until a visage of worry overtook her. "But what about Lime? She's-"

"Don't worry about me, kid," a voice came from just outside the open door, the oldest Pie sister peeking in at us. "I can head back to Maud's alone, go have some fun with your marefriend!" Or maybe we were? Limestone didn't so much smile as she made a conscious effort to and unfortunately, it came off more as a grimace than an expression of joy. Marble blushed at her sister's comment and I'm pretty sure I did too.

"Thanks, Lime," Marble smiled that sweet soft grin at her big sister.

"No problem," Lime said before pointing a hoof at me. "Don't forget what I told you."

"You've no worries there," I put one hoof on my chest and raised the other into the air. "I swear."

"Good," her strange scowl brightened and morphed into a genuine smirk. "Catch you two later," she lifted her head as she left. "Don't have too much fun!"

"Bye, Lime!" Marble called out. I chuckled with a shake of my head.

"She's pretty intimidating at first," I put a foreleg around my "marefriend" drawing her into a quick hug. "but she seems quite jovial as well."

"That's Limestone," Marble embraced me back before backing away. "She's very protective and would do anything for us." I was glad Marble was finally able to be fairly comfortable around me. Physical contact didn't seem to come easy to the young mare. Since things were going so well, I decided a little mischief might be in order.

"Your marefriend, huh?" I raised a brow at Marble, not sure how she would react.

"I-" her eyes popped open. "We- she-" she tilted her head downwards, her hair immediately concealing her face. "I'm sorry."

"For what, dear?" I lifted her head by the chin, gazing into her only revealed violet eye. "Don't you want to be my marefriend?" I made a playful attempt at sounding seductive, but had to struggle not to laugh.

"I- I do!" she nodded her head vigorously.

"Brilliant!" I gave her a peck on the cheek before letting her go and walking to the door. "Shall we go then?" I asked, offering her my hoof to hold.

"Mmm-hmm!" She took my hoof into her own as we headed out together.


"Why?" Marble tilted her head as she took a sip from the straw sticking out of her drink. She contemplated my question for several seconds, her face scrunching up as she searched for a response. We sat across from one another on the couch in my living room having just finished our dinner.

"Yes, you've such blatant admiration for me," I thought for a moment. If we were going to take this relationship to the next level, I had to be certain... at least moreso then I'd been with... her. "It would seem it stretches beyond just my musical prowess and I'm not really sure how that's possible what with us never having met prior, at least as far as I'm aware."

It was a simple question really, but one I had to have answered. We had not breached any serious topics thus far during our relationship, all of our conversations still on only enjoyable subjects. How she would react to less... pleasant things was quickly becoming of the utmost importance to me.

"Pinkie and I have always been very close," she sighed, lowering her drink and hiding behind her hair, a telltale sign that she was becoming self-conscious... or perhaps uncomfortable was a more appropriate descriptor. "When... she hurt you... Pinkie wrote me more... a lot more. You..." she lowered her head.

"I came up often," I finished her statement. That made a lot of sense now that I thought about it. Pinkie had been critical to my well-being during that time, she must have sought a lot of advice for herself as well.

"Yes. I didn't want to say anything about it because... you might take it the wrong way," she kept her head low. "I don't know, It's just, Pinkie was really worried about you. With how much she told me about you, it felt like I already knew you... before."

While what Pinkie had done could have been construed by some as a betrayal of my trust, I did not believe it to be so. Still, Marble's voice was shaking, as if she might begin to cry any second and that was what concerned me right now. I scooted closer to her, wrapping a foreleg around her.

"I see," she leaned into me as soon as I spoke. "Don't fret, Marble, I'm not angry," I nuzzled into her mane. "Your sister has been nothing if not a true friend. Whatever she did to aid herself is fine with me."

"Thanks, Octavia," she wrapped her forelegs around my midsection, her voice back to normal. She was such a worrywart.
I was still curious about her opinion though.

"And so?" Had I just been a charity case? Had she felt so bad for me and my situation that now I was nothing but a-

"You sounded so lovely," she giggled, a melody so heavenly it could rival any of the pieces I'd written. "Honestly, I idolized you before that. I thought you had no flaws and could never mess up... I thought you were perfect."

"Quite a lofty perspective," I snickered. "I trust you don't still believe that?"

"Actually, after getting to know you more... I think I was right."

"Oh, really?" I lifted a brow.

"You do mess up and you have lots of flaws, but I think it's those things that make you perfect... to me... for me." I could feel her heart racing in her chest, my own not trailing far behind.

"Marble," I took a deep breath before backing away from her. She looked up at me, her violet eye a breathtaking amethyst sparkling in the dim light. "Would you like to move in with me?"

Her eye widened before a playful smile overtook her features. Not the reaction I'd expected, but at least she hadn't rejected me outright. I was utterly confused once she covered her mouth and the laughter began.

I stared at her with wide eyes, not sure how I should react. I was completely serious and my demeanor conveyed that. I wasn't sure what could possibly be so funny, so I simply continued to stare, dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, Octavia," she wiped a tear from her eye as her mirth subsided. "It's just, I was really worried."

"Worried?" I lifted one of my brows. "Worried about what?"

"You've been acting a bit... strange tonight," she was completely honest as the radiant smile on her face shined. "I thought you might be breaking up with me because of the long distance, but..."

"Marble..." As the tears began to form in her eye and slowly fell, I realized just how badly I didn't want to see her cry. As carefully as I could, I wiped them away. She grabbed my hoof, closing her eyes as she nuzzled it against her cheek.

"I was planning on staying with Maud," she whispered. "to be closer to you. Pinkie doesn't have much room at her place, but Maud's is big enough for the two of us."

"You'd already planned to move to Ponyville..." I understood her merriment now. She desired the same thing I did. "For... me?"

"Yes," she nodded. "this is so much better though," she looked at me with glee. "if you'll have me, I'd love to stay... with you." she blushed, hiding behind her hair once again.

I'd moved away from Canterlot for my ex, left behind family, friends, even riches for the unicorn. Now, Marble was willing to do something similar for me. I didn't deserve her, but I would do all I could so that she might feel the same.

"There's nothing I want more, Marble." I drew her into a loving embrace as my own tears began to fall.


I'd finally done it. I'd just finished playing the composition I'd been writing for almost a year now. It was the first I'd been able to complete since leaving Vinyl, one filled with all the sorrow and pain of our failed relationship.

It had been so very hard to develop any new music after our separation. What was once my favorite pastime had devolved into a daily war of attrition. Day after day was a fight to continue and after all these months, I'd finally emerged victorious.

I hadn't been confident I'd be able to write another song ever again, but I'd finally done so and I was confident it was all thanks to my current marefriend. I couldn't stop smiling. In spite of what the song represented, finishing it had brought me a strange sense of euphoria, of resolution. I'd managed to pour all of my trauma into it. All the negativity, all the hatred, all the anger, nothing had been off limits...

And now that I had let it all out, I was finally free.

As I gently laid my cello within it's case I could hear a soft creaking at the door to my room. I trotted over to it, my smile growing ever wider. It was normal by now, though I still could not fathom why she never asked to come inside.

With a quick yank I opened the door, the gray mare tumbling into my room directly onto her back with a grunt. She looked positively sheepish as she averted her gaze from mine, instantly hiding behind her mane.

"SORRY!" her cheeks were flushed crimson, her manner dripping with embarrassment.

"Marble, I've told you several times before," I helped her to her hooves. "If you wish to listen to me practice, you are free to come inside my room."

"I know," she stared at the floor, sweeping a hoof back and forth. "I just... know how important it is to you... your practice time, I mean." Even now, after all these months together, she still cared enough to give me the space I needed and I cherished her for it.

"Your presence is a blessing, Marble," I hugged her tightly. "You're always there to listen... even if you don't have to be." She really was. Concerts, rehearsals, even when I was simply experimenting with melodies in my room, she somehow found time for me.

"Your music is beautiful, Octavia," she squeezed me back. "just like you."

"Marble..." How had I gone so long without this? How could I have ever believed that what Vinyl and I had shared was real love? Marble had shown me such great care, a degree of devotion beyond anything I'd ever experienced, and respect that rivaled that of any devout for a princess.

When I'd been with Vinyl I'd always felt like we were so distant from one another. We would spend time with each other on occasion, eat some meals together, enjoy the occasional film, sleep in the same bed, but our work kept us separated.

While we may have technically been in the same profession, the genres we preferred were worlds apart. I tried to be there for her when I could, sometimes forgoing my own obligations to support her career but, Vinyl... she...

"Octavia!?" Marble placed her hooves on my shoulders. She was caught completely off guard by the sudden sobs racking my frame. They weren't only tears of regret, there were also tears of redemption. My relationship with that unicorn was dead and gone, but what I had now with Marble was so much more... What I had with the mare standing in front of me, the mare who was so very concerned right now, for me, even when everything was going so well, was real.

"Marble," I laughed a little, my cries subsiding as I wiped the last of my tears away along with the past and all the pain along with it. I cupped her face with my hooves, brushing her bangs away so I could view her full beauty.

"Yes, Octavia?" she looked at me with her stunning violet eyes, the concern for my well-being evident within them.

"I love you," I offered her a smile filled with all of my heart and soul.

"Octavia..." she smiled back with tears in her own eyes. "Tavi..." My heart fluttered within my chest. "I love you, too."

I softly pressed my lips against hers. Although her slight gasp hinted at her surprise, she reciprocated. Our first. It was in that moment that I felt something I'd never experienced with Vinyl, then that I truly knew. I wished to spend the rest of my life with this mare.

I loved her so much...

It hurt

Author's Note:

Wah, this was difficult. Since it's for the contest I had to keep it short, but given full length there would be so much more detail so much more conflict and indecision. Alas this is a one chapter contest so, here we are. Whatever happens I hope some people enjoy this.

Comments ( 12 )

I thought it was Vinyle

This was an enjoyable, fluffy read. Thanks for sharing it and good luck in the contest.

Thanks so much for the comment and well wishes!

It means a lot!

This was such a wonderful story. Not too many fanfics seem to devote much attention to a break-up in one relationship, and the struggle to start another.

I really wanted to show that. The low to high of sadness to joy. From heartbreak to love.
Thank you so much for the comment!

Wow I love this story omg

Thanks so much for the comment, I'm glad you liked it!

Wow that was the fastest reply ever! Yes, I love Octavia fics, this one was all the more interesting that it involved her getting with someone other than vinyl

I love Octavia as well, she's such a great character. While I do enjoy the OctaviaxVinyl dynamic, I think Octavia has a great range and can be paired with a lot of characters so I wrote this one.

That was a good story.

Thanks for commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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