• Published 4th Jun 2023
  • 269 Views, 10 Comments

Real Magicalism - SwordTune

Faeries dance at the Nost and everyone is invited. But when a young girl joins the party with her friends, she'll realize some experiences don't live up to their expectations.

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Real Magicalism

She was ready.

It was midnight when Sweetie Belle saw the first sign of Diamond Tiara and her group pulling up to the Nost in an off-road jeep.

The three of them, Sweetie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo, had been waiting by the Nost for nearly fifteen minutes. They would have gone ahead and waited inside, but this would be a one-time experience, and they promised they’d stick together to share it.

The Nost Pond was like a traveling circus, never staying in one place. They heard about it when it had sprung up near Mount Daisen in Japan. A few months later it showed up in Gaube Lake in France. Later, on the Isle of Avalon. Now it was in Badwater Basin. In Death Valley.

First one out was Silver Spoon, running down the sandy path and ignoring both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

“You made it!” Scootaloo cheered, twirling her partner by the waist and pulling her close for a kiss.

“Y’all brought the whiskey?” Applebloom asked.

“You bet!” Diamond Tiara said, waving two bottles above her head as she strutted over. Pipsqueak and Twist followed behind her, already taking hits out of a bong.

Sweetie shook her head at them. “Save some for the rest of us.”

“Relax, we still got beer.” Applebloom gave their icebox a light kick.

“Can’t crossfade with beer and whiskey.”

“Good point,” Applebloom said. “Y’all ready?”

Sweetie Belle stared at her own face in the pond. Being a model for her sister’s fashion line, she had seen it a hundred times on her Instachat posts. Whether it was dresses or crop tops or yoga pants, she was a professional at looking at herself and making the adjustments needed for her growing body. Every year her hips seemed to balloon, though she thanked Gadde every day for preserving her bra size and sparing her back.

But as comfortable as she was in her skin, this time was different. Sweetie touched her cheek, then her nose, then her ears, imagining fur or scales. She could feel the music—Just Dance by Lady Gaga—through the sand, but the pond was black as night.

“What do you think is actually in there?”

“Faerie Land,” Applebloom said. “Heard it’s where everything magic comes from: trolls, wyverns, invisible men, Australians—”


“What do you think we’ll look like after we dive?” asked Scootaloo, finally done making out with Silver Spoon. “I heard the faeries turn you into one of them.”

Diamond Tiara shook her head. “I saw a French girl on ClipClock say they turned her into some kind of harpy. She had feathers on her arms.”

“How do they choose?” Sweetie asked. “Like, is it based on our vibe or do they just do whatever they want?” Suddenly Sweetie wondered if she should delete her posts about coming to the Nost. Her followers were going to ask about her changes. “Can we change back if we turn into something freaky?”

Tiara threw her arm around Sweetie’s shoulder. “Dude, you’ve been almost unfairly cute since middle school. Not cuter than me, but you’ll be fine. Come on, smile!”

Then, Tiara pulled her close and tight, sticking her tongue out for a confident selfie. Sweetie wasn’t convinced, but it was too late to turn back now. Diamond Tiara posted to Instachat the moment she took the photo. She inhaled deep, pouring back a can of beer for courage

“Fuck it, I’m already here.” Then, she jumped in.

Sweetie woke up to the sound of Rhianna’s Disturbia and found it was dark. She cleared her hair from her face, took two steps, and bumped into Tiara’s arms. She could feel the cold sweat on their skin, sticky like glue, holding them together. What was the time?

The sky above them was the Nost. She looked up and she could see the party reflected in the water, thousands of bodies moving in rhythmic gyration to the faerie DJ. Sweetie wasn’t sure how she knew, but Sweetie was vaguely aware that they were at the edge of the rave, but she still stumbled and tripped against random dancers.

Moments later she noticed Tiara’s hand, and a bong, at her mouth. Pip’s weed tasted like blueberries and cotton candy. She liked it.

“Sorry,” Diamond Tiara slurred.

“What?” Sweetie leaned closer.

“I said someone finished the whiskey!”

“We ran out?”

“Almost. Enough for a shot. Let’s share.” Diamond Tiara put the bottle to her mouth. Sweetie reached for it, but slipped as Tiara pulled her in, planting a kiss. It tasted like blueberries at first, but then the whiskey came and the kiss became sharp and burning, like fire.

Her hand moved on its own to hold Tiara closer only to find two protrusions on her back. Faerie wings. How long had those been there?

Tiara laughed. “I like yours, too.”

Sweetie Belle felt a tug on her hip, and suddenly a wiry leather tail was in Tiara’s hands. She pulled on it gently, and suddenly they were kissing again, just because.

A few hours later, when the faeries had stopped the music and troll cleaners started moving about, Sweetie recovered her senses at the top of a grass knoll.

“You’re pretty,” Tiara expounded. “Oh my Gadde, you’re so pretty! Come here!” Somehow still awake, she took pictures to show off their faeshifts on Instachat.

Her shirt wasn’t her own, and Sweetie Belle noticed her tail was long to hide away. Moreover, short horns peaked out from under her hair, her teeth had sharpened, and her eyes looked like glowing coals.

It scared her.

It amazed her.

She didn’t know what she was going to tell her sister. Her new body would need new measurements, and people were going to talk about it on Instachat. They would have anyway. Her account had a million followers curiously tapping at her photos and everyone had something to say.

Sweetie Belle turned her face anyway, placing a hand up to her eyes as Diamond Tiara shared more selfies.

She wasn’t ready.

Comments ( 10 )

It's interesting to see someone construct such an AU type of situation and have a story take place in it, all in only 1000 words.

Weird in a good way, imho :twilightsmile:

Thanks, it took a lot of work to fit it into 1000. There's a lot of ideas about this world that I had to cut out.

Sweetie touched her cheek, then her nose, then her ears, imagining fur or scales.

imagine Sweetie Belle with fur, that would be so weird!

“Can we change back if we turn into something freaky?”

these do seem to be very important questions actually, but it is also very teenager to do things without fully thinking about the long-term ramifications

Sweetie Belle felt a tug on her hip, and suddenly a wiry leather tail was in Tiara’s hands. She pulled on it gently, and suddenly they were kissing again, just because.

i mean, feel like tailplay goes after kissing on the intimacy scale!

Her shirt wasn’t her own, and Sweetie Belle noticed her tail was long to hide away. Moreover, short horns peaked out from under her hair, her teeth had sharpened, and her eyes looked like glowing coals.

oh yeah, turning her into the popular conception of what a “demon” looks like would be… quite a change to get used to!

really impressive, setting up a human AU and telling a story within it in so few words!

All of those instances of real-world places and musical artists, and then you have “ClipClock” like you remembered this was supposed to be pony fanfiction.

Really, that’s the problem. This is a thin veneer of pony over original fiction, with barely any attention paid to base characterization. Even putting that aside, a thousand words isn’t nearly enough to establish and explore the world you’ve created. Certainly not to explore the impact this impulsive decision will have on the rest of Sweetie’s life, nor how society reacts to this wandering faerie ring mutating people around the world. There’s just too much going on here with too little contemplation of it to feel satisfying.


All of those instances of real-world places and musical artists, and then you have “ClipClock” like you remembered this was supposed to be pony fanfiction.

Like Celestia, Rihanna is a universal constant who exists in many different universes. :trollestia:

A bit more seriously, I think it's interesting that the Isle of Avalon may have successfully sneaked in here as a place that sounds familiar enough that it might have seemed real, or 'real' at least. :twilightsmile: In our world, that isle is 'merely legendary.'

I do agree that it's hard not to be curious about more than what we see in this 1000 words. I wonder if Swordtune has ideas about the events after this story, or not?

There were many accessory details and events that I could not fit into this story. I had originally meant for it to be longer but decided to write a flash fiction within the world just to include it in the contest. The title is obviously a play on the genre of Magical Realism, and I like the idea of a modern world that is somewhat integrated with mythology and fantasy, enough that fantastical elements are akin to finding a meteorite or seeing the aurora borealis--there are places where it happens more often but it's not fully a part of everyday life.

That said, I haven't found a story that needs to be told through the lens of this world. It's definitely a sandbox I can work within, but I don't know what kind of sand castle I want to build, so to speak.


That said, I haven't found a story that needs to be told through the lens of this world. It's definitely a sandbox I can work within, but I don't know what kind of sand castle I want to build, so to speak.

I think I can't be the only person curious about how Sweetie Belle deals with her changes...or curious about what the story's characters were thinking on their way to the Nost. How did they decide to take this risk? Why did they feel it was a good idea? Stuff like that.

Hey, in case I ever discover I have a bit of time and inspiration for it, do I have your permission to write and fimfic-publish an 'unauthorized sequel/prequel' to this one?


Hey, in case I ever discover I have a bit of time and inspiration for it, do I have your permission to write and fimfic-publish an 'unauthorized sequel/prequel' to this one?





I mean, thanks!

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