• Published 6th Jun 2023
  • 214 Views, 35 Comments

The Survival Games - The Cowardly Christian

Big AU! Massive crossover! All of your favorite cartoon characters have been invited to a tropical cruise...but what starts with fun in the sun ends with a fight for survival? Who will survive and who will achieve apotheosis?

  • ...

Chapter 2

The survival games





Dipper grumbled to himself as he stormed through the ship...

"Lousy...no good...After everything I've done for her..."

He see's the sauna ahead and it looks like just the thing he needs for his stress...

"Time and time again...always in trouble... ever listen to me?"

He's so annoyed, he's barely paying attention to anything save for handing his clothes over to the auto wash, they'd been getting a bit rank lately...

"All for a PIG...a dang pig...Wendy...seriously hurt!"

The rack is out of towels, but he just dismisses that and just goes nude into the sauna, still completely focused on his inner-turmoil...

"What...run around...no consequences...get everything she wants...just because she's a girl?"

He storms into the steam room angry...

"Well, forget her! This is my life! And I'm living for ME! So come on world! I know you hate my guts! So just get it over with! Hit me with your best shot! Because Dipper Pines is getting HIS!"

And then an awkward cough shatters his new-found confidence to oblivion...

"Uh...that's great and everything...but this is the GIRLS room, needle dick." Said an amused and NAKED Sunset Shimmer...

"Sunset! That's a horrible thing to say! He- Oh, wow it IS tiny." Admitted a flustered, towel clad Twilight Sparkle suddenly(1). "Okay, I don't want to add insult onto injury. But how is it physically possible for you to pee with reproductive organs that minuscule?" She asked with scientific curiosity.

Dipper briefly felt his face go redder then the sun as he basically stood their like a deer in head lights...he was about to cover himself...but then sighed.

What was the point? Under different circumstances he'd be mortified, but after the day he'd been having...he just couldn't be bothered to care...

Course, that apathy would've reversed itself immediately had Dipper known the identity to the THIRD witness to his misfortune.

Much like Dipper, an equally naked Wendy was frozen in place behind a wall of steam that was currently obscuring her from everyone else.

'Dang it, on top of everything else. Why's I have to 'free ball' it!? I can't leave now without him seeing me naked AND finding out I saw his teeny weeny!...seriously that's actually a good question, how is he able to pee with that? I'm no doctor, but it can't be physically possible with a boy that age to have a thing that small and not be suffering from serious medical issues- FOCUS CORDUROY! How am I getting out of this?

"Okay...look, this is just the toper of an already crappy day. So if you could go ahead, beat me up and get it over with? Then I'll just be on my way..." Said Dipper bringing the read head back to reality, as she readied herself to beat the crap out of these girls if they laid one finger on her friend. Modesty, be dammed!

"Beat you up!?" Asked Twilight horrified.

Sunset snorts, "Dude, this isn't a crappy manga. Were not going to beat up a little kid with an even littler dork. Just leave and we'll pretend this never happened."

Wendy relaxed, thankful...and despite the situation, couldn't help but snicker at the bacon-haired girls attitude...she was starting to like her...

This feeling promptly reversed itself when said girl smirks and comments, "I'd point the way out, but it looks like you got that covered."

Sure enough, Dipper had a boner...not that was really saying much due to his uh, 'girth'...or LACK thereof...

Wendy had to stifle a snicker at her young friends predicament, a desire to bash that girls head in for making him feel worse...and several other emotions Wendy would rather not think about it...

Again, flustered, but just too emotionally exhausted to care Dipper just sighs. "Alright, and on that note I bid you goodbye as I go get my clothes from the wash machine and hopefully resurrect some semblance of dignity from the wreckage..."

Wendy let out a sigh of relief...and nearly a snort of laughter at the sight of Dipper bubble butt as he turned around...

"Wait, you put it in the washing machine? But that takes an hour and it won't let you take it out until then." Pointed out Twilight suddenly.

"And unless I'm very much mistaken, the towel rack still probably hasn't been replenished." Points out Sunset with a smirk, she knew she was being kinda mean here...but this was just too hilarious!

Dipper groaned, "Well, so much for salvaging some dignity. I guess everyone in the hallways will get a free show, because why not?" Said a resigned Dipper as he begins to walk out of the sauna...

Wendy was torn between staying put to lessen the embarrassment or revealing herself to offer him her clothes out of mercy when-

Sunset sighed, "Will you stop being a drama king, you can stay here until your clothes are ready." She might be a dick at times, but she wasn't an asshole...

"What? But Sunset, he's a little kid and were all naked...and it's all very inappropriate!" Said an embarrassed Twilight.

"More inappropriate then forcing him to walk naked all the way back to his room?" Asked Sunset rhetorically with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight sighed, "Okay, fair enough...at least...at least wear this?" Much to the boys surprise, she takes off her towel and gives it to him. "This will be awkward enough as is..."

Dipper desperately tries to avert his gaze from the VERY beautiful and now NAKED purple girl...but dose accept the towel...

"Uh...okay...thanks..." He mutters awkwardly...then sits down for a long wait...

For awhile, no one says anything...Wendy desperately trying to not even BREATHE, let alone MOVE...

Sunset then coughs, "Right, so we can either sit here in awkward silence, or we can maybe get to know each other...what do you say needle dick? Want to tell us the 'why' behind your big bold declaration back there?

Dipper sighed, "If you promise to NEVER call me that name again...sure, why not?"

"Deal." Said Sunset with anticipation...

"Well...to make a long story short: My sister is now dead to me..."

This promptly caused a yelp of shock from all three girls- thankfully the two 'colored' girls were louder and were able to cover for Wendy long enough to regain her composure and go back to concealing herself

"Okay, maybe give us the LONG story?" Asked Sunset flatly.

"Indeed! Dipper, family can be tricky, but their love is the truest there is! Now I'm sure whatever problem you have with your sister, isn't as bad as you think." She stated in a reassuring way.

Dipper quirked an eyebrow, "OH, you think so?" He asked in a sarcastic rhetorical way...then shrugged. "Alright, don't say I don't say I didn't warn you..."

And so Dipper regaled them with his tail of woe...

They learned how in addition to him secretly cheating for Mable to keep her grades up, turning down multiple offers to be moved up a grade or be offered a place in a high-tier college just because Mable begged him not to and has taken the fall for her multiple times to hide her screw-up's...it never stopped her from mocking him, teasing him, never taking him seriously and treating anything he likes as a big joke...of course when he ever even IMPLIES to do likewise, he's suddenly a horrible person!

Both of the colored girls widen in shock, "Oh, wow...that's-

"I'm not done." Interrupted Dipper.

"Of course your not." Said a resigned Sunset with a sigh...

He then tells her how she's always butting into his or others personal life, always matching making people- even when they don't want it -yet NEVER him! Constantly criticizing or judging what's going in said personal life whenever it was annoying or affected her negatively...and again, when he tried to do similar, he was treated like a inhuman monster!

"Well, okay. That dose seem bad, but perhaps-

"Mouth still moving! Still not finished!"

She explains about the whole thing with Pacifica, her taking pictures of him naked, spreading them to the whole town and her sister taking HER side over his when she claimed she didn't do it! Just because she fell for her sob story!

"Okay, that's really more of a grey area-


but despite ALL this, he still found it in him to forgive her. No matter her antics or the fact she refused to learn her lesson no matter how many times she did it...he STILL found it in him to forgive her...


Wendy...didn't know what to think...

Obviously she wasn't happy about that fateful day at the fair, when it collapsed...Wendy almost DIED...she could've been saved the trip to ER had Mable saved her...but instead she blew her chance to save her 'friend' in order to save a FREAKING PIG!

She broke most of the bones in her body and would've burnt to death if Dipper hadn't dug her out of the wreckage!

Obviously she was BEYOND furious about it and ended her friendship to Mable the moment she regained consciousness...

But for Dipper...to cut Mable out of his life? To consider her own flesh and blood DEAD to him... For her?

He just said himself...time and time and again he risked life and limb for Mable...time and time again he got burnt for her...but STILL forgave her...but she screwed HER over ONCE...and that was the straw that broke the camel's back...

That was...kinda sweet...heartbreaking, messed up and choke full of disturbing implications in regards to a potentially toxic relationship between siblings and Dipper clearly having poor views of his own self-worth...but sweet nonetheless...

Wendy had to fight the blush coming to her cheeks...

Meanwhile, the two other girls were equally gobsmacked...

"Uh...well...that is...well..." Stuttered Twilight for a moment...

"Okay a lot of questions, first off: Do you want to boink the hot-red head you keep mentioning?" , half-joked Sunset, desperate to regain some composure after that whirlwind of emotion...

Sunset!" Shouted her scandalized friend.

"Yeah, but it's never going to happen. Even if she wasn't older then me, she's WAY out of my league. She's literally my best friend and the most awesome person I know." Admits Dipper with shocking honesty. Why bother to deny it? His dignity was in ashes already, what had he got left to loose?

Wendy somehow found the reserves of strength needed to become EXTRA quiet here...AND to keep the blush off her face over his words...

Again, the stark honesty threw the two colored girls...but again, they regrouped...

Twilight took a big breath to center herself, "Right...how about I tell you a story? Not just any story, but a FRIENDSHIP story? Once me and Sunset had similar situations, where we too felt betrayed by those we loved...but we managed to work past it with out love for each other..."

Dipper...was skeptical...but Twilight was on a role now...so she just continued...

Twilight explained how she and Sunset were the adopted sisters of the commune leader Celestia, and while both were brilliant...they had hard time making friends...eventually Twilight was able to get over this and began to make some wonderful friends...

Sunset...began to go a different route...

Becoming bitter and jealous of how much easier Twilight had it with making friends...and how much attention she was getting from others...and their mother...

She started to become a bully, even went as far as destroying the friendship's of others! And when she found out Twilight had given people the courage to stand against her and not have her voted 'Fall Dance Princess' she snapped and tried to prank her...but accidentally nearly ended up burning down most of the school on top of herself...but Twilight risked her life to save her...

After that Sunset resolved to be a better person, but it was an uphill battle with many people distrusting her due to her past actions...

But she did great work, even helping to thwart a trio of con-artist singers named the sirens!

Sadly, this all came crashing down when several little sisters of Sunsets new friends got jealous and framed her for spilling embarrassing secrets of the whole town, destroying her reputation...but eventually the truth came out and they all became friends again!

Then sometime after that her big brother was engaged to be married to her former foalsitter Candace!

Everyone was excited about it! But then suddenly Twilight began to notice some strange things about 'Candace'...but everyone- not Sunset she'd been out of town on business and was only just now getting back - just called her jealous and turned against her!

Thankfully, with Sunset suddenly showing up she had the support she needed to investigate the issue further...

Turns out 'Candace' was actually her brothers EX. A gang leader/identity thief named Chrysalis. She'd kidnapped Candace, impersonated her and was using the wedding as a cover to bring her gang members into town and rob it blind while everyone was distracted with the wedding!

Thankfully, the two of them freed Candace and exposed Chrysalis just in time to thwart her!

So yet again, she reconciled with her friends just in time to give her BBBFF the marriage possible!

Love is in bloom

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom,

Two hearts becoming one

A bond that cannot be undone because

Love is in bloom A beautiful bride, a handsome groom

I said love is in bloom

You're starting a life and making room

For us (For us, For us...)

Your special day

We celebrate now, the pony way

Your friends are all right here

Won't let these moments disappear because

Love is in bloom

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom

I said love is in bloom

You're starting a life and making room

For us, (For us... For us... Aah...)

Wendy and Dipper were shocked when Twilight abruptly broke out into song...while Sunset groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Dang it Twilight, we've talked about this! No random musical numbers! It weirds people out!"

"But people love them!" Shouts Twilight excited! She then turns to Dipper hppily, "So you see Dipper me and Sunset learned an important friendship lesson from all that! 'No matter how bad things can get with friends and family, there's always hope if you never give up!'" She smiles as she looks at Dipper, hoping to see him running back to reconcile with his sister...

But instead she just sees him looking at her disturbed...

"The only thing I learned from THAT...is that you have HORRIBLE friends."

Wendy couldn't help silently agree with her friend as the conversation proceeded to downward spiral from there...



(1): just to be clear, this is NOT Sci-Twi, but a HUMAN Twilight Sparkle. She and Sunset Shimmer live in a human commune called Canterlot where they have weird names, eat weird local berries that change their hair and skin color and put strong emphasis on community and the bonds of friendship...so no ponies...at least...for NOW...

AN: Want me to continue this? I'm willing to take Bribes! Go to my P,a,t,r,e,o,n account!

Love me, flame me, review me

Author's Note:


(1): just to be clear, this is NOT Sci-Twi, but a HUMAN Twilight Sparkle. She and Sunset Shimmer live in a human commune called Canterlot where they have weird names, eat weird local berries that change their hair and skin color and put strong emphasis on community and the bonds of friendship...so no ponies...at least...for NOW...

AN: Want me to continue this? I'm willing to take Bribes! Go to my P,a,t,r,e,o,n account!

Love me, flame me, review me

Comments ( 35 )
Comment posted by farfandavid187 deleted Jun 7th, 2023

It's Alive! It's Alive! someday you will be able to continue with your fanfic Babes, Bullets and a whole lot of Adam

Actually I've had to come to make some tough decisions...

Until further notice, big stories like 'Babes, Bullets and a whole lot of Adam' are to be considered on hiatus...I am currently looking for people to commission or adopt them...

Would you be interested? Or know someone who'd be interested?

Remember that I told you that I had a story that I had been writing, so I managed to create the prologue of this story, it is on my fanfiction.net page https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14243487/1/Never-Alone-apokolips-war now A warning is available. It is in Spanish. I suggest using the chrome extension, Google translator, so as not to be confused when reading the fanfic. please spread the story and comment

You do know Fanfiction won't allow me to do that, right?

I'm sorry, I'll try to read it eventually, but doing so will just a be nightmare as is...

use google translate it is not so complicated that you are overkill

Overkill? What are you talking about? The site won't let me do that, I don't know what else to tell you...

if you want to talk we can talk in my discord farfandavid187

(sigh) everyone wants to go to discord...

Alright, let's do it...

Somethings wrong, I input the name you gave me, but it won't take me there.

I'm going to level with you, I have NO clue how to use Discord, I barely use it...

The only reason I got it was because everyone kept insisting we 'talk on discord'.

I don't get it...why is everyone so eager to talk on discord?

to whom old boomer my email farfandavid187@gmail.com I hope we can talk with that

Hey man...I sent an Email several days ago...did you get it?

if you check your email i also did the same

Okay...so you didn't get it?

Well I don't know what to tell you then, I used the address you gave me...

dakota umlauf du619013@gmail.com


Testing? Testing?

that was what you sent me it was you

Oh, okay.


So...was there something you wanted to talk about?

so it was you well if it's not too much to ask you can answer me in your email what is my fanfic
Never Alone apokolips war
To be honest, I'm just getting thick in writing, by the way, as I told you, it's written in Spanish, use the translator.

Okay, here's the deal. The only way my translator will work is if you copy it and send it me on Gmail...I can then copy and paste it and put it in the translator...that is the only way I can get it to work.

I know it's a hassle and if you don't want to do it, that's fine. I'm just telling you, that's the only way I can read it...

check your email and sent it

Got it, I'll look it over when I can. I'm celebrating fathers day with my family right now though...


Tell me, have you read it, how was the story?

I'm really sorry, but somethings wrong with my translator, I keep trying to put your story into it, but it keeps spitting out THIS:

function A(a){var b=y("EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS",{})||{};return void 0!==b[a]?b[a]:y("EXPERIMENT_FLAGS",{})[a ]} ;var ea=z("web_emulated_idle_callback_delay",300),B=1E3/60-3,ba=[8,5,4,3,2,1,0]; función C(a){a=void 0===a?{}:a;t.call(this);this.i=[];this.h={};this.D=this.g=0 ;this.C=this.l=!1;this.u=[];this.A=this.F=!1;for(var b=g(),c=b.next();!c. hecho;c=b.n [];this.j=0;this.N=a.timeout||1;this.o=B;this.m=0;this.H=this.R.bind(this);this.M=this .T.bind(this);this.J=this.O.bind(this);this.K=this.P.bind(this);this.L=this.S &!!window.cancelIdleCallback)b=A("disable_scheduler_requestIdleCallback"),b=!("string"===typeof b&&"false"=== b?0:b);this.I=b;(this.v=!1!==a.useRaf&&!!window.requestAnimationFrame)&&document.addEventListener("visibilitychange",this.H)} C.prototype=ca(t.prototype);C.prototype.constructor=C;if(m)m(C,t);else for(var D in t)if("prototype"!=D)if(Object .defineProperties){var E=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,D);E&&Object.defineProperty(C,D,E)}else C[D]=t[D];function F(a,b){var c=Date.now(); G(b);b=Fecha.ahora()-c;a.l||(a.o-=b)} función H(a,b,c,d){++a.D;if(10===c)return F(a,b),a.D;var e=a.D;a.h[e]=b;a.l&&! d?a.u.push({id:e,prioridad:c}):(a.i[c].push(e),a.C||a.l||(0!==a.g&&I(a)!==a.m&&J (Automóvil club británico function K(a){a.u.longitud=0;for(var b=5;0<=b;b--)a.i.longitud=0;a.i[8].longitud=0;a.h={}; j(a)} function I(a){if(a.i[8].length){if(a.A)return 4;if(!document.hidden&&a.v)return 3}for(var b=5;b>=a.j;b-- )if(0<a.i.length)return 0<b?!document.hidden&&a.v?3:2:1; función L(a){var b=q("yt.logging.errors.log");b&&b(a)} función G(a){intentar{a()}atrapar(b){L(b)}} function M(a){for(var b=g(),c=b.next();!c.done;c=b.next())if(a.i[c.value].length)return!0 ;regresar!1}

I'm really sorry, but I just don't know what else to do...

you can ask someone or a friend to translate for you

translates the fanfic check email is in a word file that I sent you recently

thank you

Okay, first of all thank you for this, in fact I recommend you make a separate anglish version of this chapter and publish it to double your audience.

Second...while this has promise....this was less a chapter and more an info dump...nothing really happened in it, you mainly just EXPLAINED things.(I recommend just putting things like that in footnotes and saving the chapter for the actual story)

Plus it was kinda all over the place and random, just explaining mainly random things, and kinda confusing. One second it implies Dipper is telling the story, the next it's this brotherhood guy.

Sorry man, but for what it's worth I do wish you the best. We need more of this stroy type out there.

new chapter of the fanfic

Something's wrong, I keep trying to look for your story...but I keep getting an error message...

sometimes I have made updates and changes it will be for that reason but I will send you chapter 2 by mail

read it...

Okay, that was better...

But seriously man, you need to break up the sentences and paragraphs, NOT clump them together, I could barely read most of it!

Also, you forgot to put down quotation marks...it was nearly impossible for me to tell who was talking or when they were talking.

Also in some places you mixed up the 1st/3rd person POV, which only made it more confusing.

You also need to separate the author note from the rest of the story with SOME kind of divider, otherwise it's just confusing...

It seems that someone copied the name of the fanfic ha ha ha xd

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