• Published 10th Jun 2023
  • 1,266 Views, 29 Comments

Kiss of the Alicorn - Kodeake

The Kiss of the Alicorn is a spell. It can only be cast by an alicorn, and only a single time. It allows them to share their immortality with one other pony, so that they don't have to face eternity alone.

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Kiss of the Alicorn

It was a few years after my coronation that Celestia told me about it. In some ways, I wish she had sooner, as though a few extra years to think would have helped. But what I really wish was that she’d never told me at all. She placed this burden on my shoulders, an impossible choice that would forever loom over me, poisoning every happy moment with a dark stain.

She meant to be kind. Told me that there was no rush, I should take my time and not worry about it. Just remember it, and when the time was right, I would know.

The time was never right. I could only use it once, and I had more than just one friend. It was the Gala ticket all over again, except this time there weren’t any extras.

I tried to follow her advice. Tried to push it to the back of my mind, trusting that I’d know when it was time. All that did was let it fester in the dark spaces between my thoughts, tainting them with its venom. Any moment could be the moment. I was always watching.

Years passed in agony. Paralyzed by indecision, I moved through life in a fog of fear and doubt. Always watching and waiting for the ‘right time’.

I never told anyone. How could I put the weight of that choice on anyone else? No, just this once, I would carry the responsibility on my own, without the aid of those who had come to my rescue in the past. Because you’d all have hated me for the choice I was to make.

Years turned into decades. Sometimes the good times were bright enough that I barely noticed the shadows lurking in my mind. But I always remembered how limited they were. I watched you all age around me, weathered like pebbles by the tides, while I remained untouched. Time was running short, but I hadn’t made a choice.

Then Fluttershy got sick.

I thought, surely, this was the moment? I sat by her bedside along with so many of her friends - animal and pony alike - and watched her wither away. Knowing, always, that I had the power to stop it. To end her suffering. But…

But then what? I had only one golden ticket. I had to use it wisely, and Fluttershy… Fluttershy was at peace. So connected with nature, she wasn’t afraid of death. She’d have hated me, if I chose her instead of someone else.

She died while I was still wrestling with my decision. I never even told her.

We cried, and mourned for her. Discord, more than most. He looked at me, and I could see in his eyes that he knew. He knew what I could have done, and did not.

He doesn’t talk to me anymore.

Wracked with guilt and grief, I promised myself I would act sooner. I would make my choice.

Pinkie Pie was next, and though it pained me, I did not even consider her. She had made it clear, her mane gray and surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, that she was looking forward to seeing her husband again. I did not tell her. I knew that she would not have accepted.

I hope she sees him.

I thought my choice would get easier when there were fewer to choose from. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The weight of your deaths stacked up atop me; my burden only grew heavier.

Rarity died suddenly. There were no last words, no gentle goodbye’s in a sterile hospital. A life of stress at her business had left her heart weak. It was only a matter of time. I cursed myself for being so indecisive. If I’d been faster, I could have saved her. But I wondered if she’d have even accepted, or if she’d try to give it to someone else.

I never got the chance to find out.

Two of you remained. I felt as though I was being crushed. Celestia sent me a letter. For the first time, she brought up my choice again. She said only one thing;

Choose quickly.

I wish I could have.

Forced to pick between the last of my closest friends. Both of you aged but sturdy and stubborn rocks. I thought for sure you’d both last until I’d made up my mind.

Rainbow Dash did not.

A life of athleticism had left her vitality strong, but pushing her body as far as it could go had consequences that she was now reaping.

I hate myself everyday for the first thing I thought when she was taken to the hospital.

If she died, my choice would be easy.

I never told her. She died.

My choice is no easier.

Now you’ve taken ill, the last of my closest friends, and I am forced to finally make the choice I’d been presented with all those years ago.

As an alicorn, I am immortal, but I have enough magic to share with one other pony. Just one. The Kiss of the Alicorn. I can grant one other pony in this world immortality, so that I am not alone.


Twilight sucked in a breath. “Applejack?”

The old, wrinkled mare in the bed simply shook her head. “I don’t want yer gift.”

“Please! Please don’t leave me alone…” Twilight trailed off as she felt her cheeks grow wet.

Applejack reached out a single, bone-thin hoof to comfort the alicorn. “I’m sorry, but… I want to see them again. Our friends, my parents, everyone. I don’t want to live forever.”

“Neither do I! But I didn’t get a choice!” Twilight yelled, her wings flaring. “Why should you!?”

Applejack just smiled at her sadly. “You wouldn’t force that on me. I know you better than that. I’m sorry, sugarcube.”

Tears flowed in thick rivers down Twilight’s cheeks as she slowly curled in on herself. “None of you would have accepted, would you?”

“I was always going to be alone.”

Comments ( 29 )

Such a simple concept, yet teased into an absolute soul crushing blow. Very good.

An outcome that is as predictable as it still manages to be heart-wrenching.
>Applejack is the last who survives
Figures, best sensible horse wins again.

I was looking for a name for this, since I have something similar in my stories, and it will come up in several of them. So consider this used.

It was the Gala ticket all over again, except this time there weren’t any extras.

come to think of it the gala ticket was also celestia's fault

This is a very interesting story. I would love to see it continued it a full story but only if you want to tell it.

Should’ve given it to Starlight. That’s all I have to say.

Name checks out

Okay, but logically she is the best choice.

She’s the Headmare Of The School Of Friendship and can personally oversee it does not burn to the ground whether she retires or not since she’s immortal.

Starlight has less to lose from the deal compared to all the Mane Five. At worst, she loses Trixie and Sunburst, but she’d be spending eternity with two of her other closest friends, Twilight and Spike. She’d eventually recover from their loss.

She may not be an Element Of Harmony but Twilight clearly loves her and I’m personally OFFENDED she was not even a consideration.

Ah, perhaps I've spent too much time on reddit. My response was not really to your suggestion and meant only as a joke.

You may well be right. Starlight might be the right choice. I'd have no idea, though. I stopped watching the show right as she was introduced as a main character rather than a villain, so I haven't the first clue about her and wouldn't know how to handle the interaction.

And if you'd allow an old man his headcanon, my choice would be for her to actually give it to Spike. Though dragons are long-lived, I do not believe them to be immortal.

So she’d kiss her brother? EW

:moustache: You should of kissed Angel Bunny
:flutterrage: Discord you let me die
:facehoof: Oh poop
:trixieshiftright: You had your chance
:trollestia: Cake?

I agree, I think Spike is the obvious choice here.

So that make celestia and Luna eternal virgin's who never scored and never got special someponies to use their kiss on

You say that like there are good bots.

great concept but I always hate the notion she can't make friends with anyone else, twilight was more than that

great story though

That would be reddit rubbing off on me.

:raritywink: I think we all know who should have been kissed.
:rainbowwild: Uh, it sounds lame when you say it like that.
:ajsmug: She’s right though sugarcube.
:pinkiehappy: As if there was any question!
:yay: Go on Twilight.
:twilightsmile: Come here, big guy...
:moustache: I’ll be your friend forever too, Twilight.

Heart-breakingly beautiful.

Words arenʼt enough to tell you how amazing this piece. You made me feel the feels in only 1000 words.

Take my upvote and best of luck in the judging!

Does the kiss heal old ponies or leave them old and withered but unable to die?

Excellent question. I’m gonna go with “heal the old” since the story’s description says “eternal youth”.

So clearly the kiss goes to Sunset Shimmer!

Bacon mare stay winning 😎

The time was never right. I could only use it once, and I had more than just one friend. It was the Gala ticket all over again, except this time there weren’t any extras.

aww, it really is the Gala ticket all over again! though before Celestia rendered it a non-problem with an alicorn ex machina, we know what Twilight’s solution was… 

But then what? I had only one golden ticket. I had to use it wisely, and Fluttershy… Fluttershy was at peace. So connected with nature, she wasn’t afraid of death. She’d have hated me, if I chose her instead of someone else.

oof, this does make it sound like that will be the solution, just one by one…

Rarity died suddenly. There were no last words, no gentle goodbye’s in a sterile hospital. A life of stress at her business had left her heart weak.

noooooo :(

Tears flowed in thick rivers down Twilight’s cheeks as she slowly curled in on herself. “None of you would have accepted, would you?”

“I was always going to be alone.”


this is a premise and arc that i am sure has been told a thousand times in previous fics, but this one really does keep it fresh by distilling it down to the core. well done!

Eh. These immortality blues stories always ring hollow for me. She’s the Princess of Friendship. Yes, her first friends will always have a special place in her heart, but there’s nothing stopping her from making more. Heck, even here, you left out Starlight.

Sorry, I just couldn’t get behind this one. Flagrant heartstring tugging like this is one of my pet peeves.

Which just leaves Starlight, the best pony! Good choice princess

She is the main character after all :)

Mate, that's terrifying

You know what? I'm going to make it even worse

Applejack closed her eyes. Life slowly faded from her body.
In a flash of panic, or maybe sudden anger, princess made a decision and kissed dying earth pony. Nothing happend. Was she to late?

AJ slowly opened her eyes. "It hurts"
Twilight looked at her concerned. Then quickly scanned farmer's body with her magic. Her mind was healthy but her body... necrosis just started. Body was dead.

Twilight gasped "I don't understand, it should work!"
"What did you do" AJ hissed through her teeth. Pain slowly became unbearable.
"But you should be healed! Allicorn kiss suppose to grand you eternal youth! Which is... " and then Twilight understood. In face of infinity, everypony was young.

Applejack screamed out of pain "please make it stop!"

But Twilight was aware there is nothing to be done. Spell locked orange pony in current state, for all eternity.

There, I ruined it. Enjoy!


Yeah this just felt incredibly forced.

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