• Published 29th Sep 2012
  • 22,419 Views, 2,181 Comments

Chains - BookyBrony

Humans have been enslaved by Ponies in Equestria for centuries. An AU of MLP:FiM

Comments ( 89 )

Holy mother of god. It's alive...

And it's good too! Holy crap that hell of a cliff hanger. When I saw Fluttershy's house in a chaotic mess, I was expecting something more.. well... chaotic... certain John De Lancie even? But what I got was even more hilarious! Thank you for not giving up on the story!

“Oh well, you see,” the white mare began. “I’ve been asked by a client from Canterlot to work on an outfit for their human, but I don’t have any humanoid mannequins, but Chains is about the right proportions. I just need to have him wear it while I put it together and adjust it as needed.”

*sigh* ...It's a dress isn't it?:ajbemused:

Chains sighed lightly to himself as he stood on the stage while Rarity moved around him quickly and efficiently. Spike was in the corner, snickering to himself as he watched the display. Rarity had said that the human he needed to model the outfit for was about his size, but she neglected to mention that it was a female human and that he was going to be wearing a dress.



...What? Oh, my reaction to the story updating? Weeelll...

(casual deadpan) Oh fuck, Chains finally updated.

Remains to be seen if it's alive, or only rigor mortis setting in. My "Dead" bookshelf has seen quite a few stories getting updates, but I'm yet to find a single one (out of almost 150 currently in there) going from "Incomplete" to "Completed".

Well damn... this got serious as heck! Nicely done dude, nicely done!
Awww Rainbow, another reason I love ya~

nice job

Patience has paid off, yay!

Tobl #8 · Nov 21st, 2016 · · 1 ·

I'm really glad this story's alive after all, but could we maybe get a summary to get back into it?

Just reading the description, this looks really interesting. It sounds a little bit like Your Human and You at first glance. I'm definitely going to give it a read.

Well, that happened. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.


Its..... alive?


Chains returned the library shortly after and was a little surprised to see it completely spotless.

You're missing a "to".
Also, wow. Bandage and Fluttershy. Looks like she really appreciated his thanks.:rainbowwild:

“Do you believe Chains should be free?”

Yes, if Twilight says no, Chains might as well dump her and run away.

Oh, and it's good to see it alive.

7738732 Let's see:
1. Because Celestia allowing an entire sapient species to be brutally enslaved and forced to serve the depravity of the Ponies would NEVER happen.
2. I did read a bit of it and the descriptions of the events made me sick. The Ponies KNOWINGLY torment, torture, rape, and murder Humans for fucking SPORT! That kind of action means only a single thing: THEY ARE EVIL. And I will not read that kind of story.

7738745 Not all of them are evil. Just like back during our own history when slavery was commonly accepted.

Been long overdue, I hope people still read this.

*looks into comments* Yup. I think we do, welcome back.

7738728 Course she'll say no, she wants to marry him which is slavery of a different type! :rainbowlaugh: But you really don't get Twilight or Chain at all if you think that matters to them. They would be happy to just live their lives in peace. :fluttershysad: To bad their heroes, and heroes rarely find peace.

7738745 Okay, from what you're saying within your comment, you haven't even bothered to read this properly, before commenting, and if true, You are simple-minded, and do not even wish to give this story its honestly rightful chance to be read before passing judgment. Maybe if you actually think about it, yes Celestia is powerful, but would she be a good ruler to dismantle her own government and give the Canterlot lords a chance to over take over or even make her more a figure head than she apparently already is. Everyone has their way of fighting and if you actually give this a shot, you'll see Celestia isn't entirely given up on the good fight. Just use a bit of understanding. sorry I ranted a bit. :fluttercry:

7738788 Not my ancestors. They were of the Cherokee. Some were also Scottish, German, and Norwegian immigrants who came to the U.S. after the Civil War.

7739116 And yet Celestia allowed it to happen in the first place. It's not like EVERY Pony in the whole fucking kingdom suddenly said, "Hey, let's enslave this other race!" It had to have happened gradually and Celestia seemingly did nothing to stop it. There are barely any laws to prevent the outright MURDER of sapient beings. The only thing is that somebody gets a tiny fine for FIRST DEGREE MURDER. The Ponies get away with rape with absolutely no price to pay for their depravation. They have few, if any morals and are free to act in a manner that most barbarians would shy away from. How, in the name of all that is good and right, can you POSSIBLY support a story where such things are commonplace for innocents and even children?

Oh, and apparently I'm simple-minded.

7739221 Yes, very simple-minded. Pick up a history book, and I mean actual history books not the kind that hides the truth from you entirely. And this is not an extended universe of MLP FIM this is a fan fiction, get over yourself. If you really wanna argue this, go find out what nobility did back in the day (What the Germans Norwegians and other people did.), read what happened fo Joan of Arc, find out what happened to El Cid, find out the history of the Spanish Inquisition. Look to the truth of the Nazi party, find out about Imperial Japan, look at how easy it is for people in mass to be manipulated or ignored, by the higher ups. The people, to the nobility, mean little once they have actual power. A king/queen/princess/prince mean little if their crowns authority is little in comparison, it isn't as easy as you'd like to think to rally the people or the guard.
If you are going to judge something, actually try to understand it, don't just write it off. THAT is why you're simple-minded, because you don't seem to try to understand this story, and wish to complain when it doesn't align with your vision, the truth is. It is scarily easy to take an easy and evil path, for many people. But it is far harder to take the righteous and good road, and I think this is more what that is about.

If you really wish to push this further, please take this to P Messages, so we do not clutter this board with our argument. Let us be considerate of others, no?

7739351 You talk to me of courtesy, when I have not been the one throwing around an insult. I do agree however, that we should take this elsewhere. I do not condemn the author for an unskillfully written story, merely one which is polar opposite everything we have seen.

iv been waiting for this to come back


7261129 I'd like to point out the U.S. Constitution. "All men are created equal." You know, except brown people. Thankfully that's changed. Coolness.

Woot! It's alive, and things are heating up! *looks at Fluttershy and Bandage* :raritywink: But yeah, I'm craving the next chapter really badly already. Keep it up! :twilightsmile:


That cliffhanger though :fluttershyouch:

7738745 To say it's nothing she would do might be true in the show but this takes place in a different universe. This story paints a good picture of racism (or speciesm I guess) and shows a pretty good representation of a taboo in a taboo world.

7739824 Back-off bub. One of the other responders already convinced me to give it a four-chapter shot. I don't need every jack and jenny to make comments about something that has already been dragged out five times today. Let me give it another shot and see if I can understand why 2400+ people Like the story.

Don't take it personally. I'm not the nicest person at the best of times.

7739214 When I said "our history," I meant as human beings. Slavery was very much a part of our history, and in some parts of the world, still is. Sad but true. I'm just saying don't judge an entire group, or in this case species, because of what a fraction practice. Likewise, I don't see much of a point in hating an entire story simply because some characters aren't nice individuals. To me, at least, that just makes the good characters stand out all the more.

For a user named Truthseeker, you don't seek much truth.

It's alive!!!!

But took so long I might have to reread the whole thing

And I'm sure you have never said anything in anger and changed your minds later, huh? I have some rather strong opinions about the slow torture known as slavery and what should be done to those who practice it. I have a tendency to fly off the handle if I get pissed. Like Wreck-It Ralph, my passion burns very close to the surface and I am not a very nice person even at the best of times. As to the reference to my name, you know very little about who I actually am IRL. Maybe I was feeling jealous of the author's success compared to my own story. Maybe I was irritated because the very notion of slavery makes me feel physically ill. Maybe I was presumptuous and harsh. Maybe I was just in a sour mood.

Try 'all the above'. Take a look at the progression of comments from where I read last night. As to the reference to my name: maybe I realize how fucked up I am and that's why I know I need to improve as a person. Just because I don't act like everybody else fucking thinks I should, my username is inappropriate and I'm a horrible person. You don't know shit about who I am in real life.

7738229 this is a great excuse to reread

7739875 Please watch what you say, especially since I don't see you saying such in the comments. Don't call me bub in the Wolverine threatening way, it barely works for him. Also I was not belittling or being mean to you, just critiquing your critique. :ajbemused:

7740941 I'm sot some snot-nosed 12-year old shit stain imitating a fictional hero, thank you very much. I wasn't imitating anybody. Other people do use that figure of speech. You were not critiquing anything. You were needlessly adding your two sense to make me feel worse and I was letting you know that I did not appreciate it. I did not threaten you. You joined in the 'fun' of people verbally kicking my ass. How do you expect anybody to respond?

I was already getting ganged up on by four other people and backed into a figurative corner while receiving the verbal equivalent of a beat down. After I finally managed to get out of that corner, you decided you wanted to get in a hit too. Why? Because you fucking felt like it. Once you're backed into a corner, the only way out is to fight back. So excuse me for being defensive. Apparently I don't have that privilege. So, having taken that into consideration, fuck off ass-hole. I don't get cowed by bullies.

Furthermore, I'm starting to like the story. I was willing to give it another shot because somebody decided to approach me in an non-aggressive manner and speak to me like a person. When I left that first comment, I was already jealous of the success of an author who had barely put forth any effort into his story. Then when I saw how Humans were treated, it set me off. For that, I was wrong. Give me some time to cool down and I'll be more congenial.

Coming soon!
Chains part 2: The unchained melody.

7738400 And in some parts of the world, we still do. Even some westerners still use slavery, for instance - Nestlé

7740958 Excuse you! I wasn't doing anything of the sort! I don't demean or bully! I said nothing with I'll intent. There is more I could say, but I won't stoop to saying things to decimate another being's character. Also, I wasn't being aggressive.

7741212 Really? That WASN'T your intention? Because it sure felt like it.

Did I or did I not write that I needed some time to cool down?

Look bub, if you really were not trying to be a jerk about it, then I'm sorry for going off on you like that. I was, and still am, feeling extremely defensive about this whole thing. If your intentions weren't malicious, then you did not deserve to be the target of my ire. I apologize. :twilightoops:

7741465 thank you for the apology. I do not do things with malicious intent. I don't like riling people up.

As long as chapters keep coming out for it, I'll keep reading. Glad to see an update, and looking forward to the promised next chapter! :twilightsmile:

I've reached the current chapter and I am conflicted. On the one hand, Celestia is a pushover of pathetic proportions. She was and continues to be the lynch pin keeping the Humans as slaves. She has no willingness to make any sort of hard decisions and she is constantly pandering to her own species while effectively turning a blind eye to the suffering of the Humans. She speaks like she is genuinely remorseful for what she did, but her actions do not line up with her claims. Luna is one of the few bright spots in this story, as she has the proper mentality on what to do, or at least seems to. I would go so far as to say that Luna and the Mane 6 acting the way they do, is the only thing keeping me from just throwing up my hands and leaving this story behind.

On the other hand, the writing is VERY good, if predictable. There are few spelling or grammatical errors and those that exist do not detract overmuch from the story narrative. The author obviously has no small amount of talent and it shows through his work. I am going to give this story a Fav, but not a Like; not yet. I will Like it once the story has come to completion and the issue is resolved in at least a fairly reasonable manner. If it ends with the Humans getting the shaft and still effectively being slaves, like in The Human Pony War, I will leave the Downvote.

For the moment, I anticipate the next chapter with cautious optimism.

Is it going on hiatus again after this one because that sucked. The hiatus sucked not the chapter

7742281 Don't quit. Believe me, I did the same thing. Take it from one very angry person, this is worth reading.

It seems we still read this.

Reads the part about Fluttershy and Bandage.

Checks comments section for a certain joke.

George Takei

7739221 the problem is that you don't get it. The conflict is the fact that humans are used as slaves and that Chains is the one who will change it. Remember that Celestia loved the Prince of the humans, and Chains is the succesor of that Prince. Now then that is why in the la test chapter RD asks Twilight.

“Do you believe Chains should be free?”

and that is why this story is awesome, it's conflict.

7744572 Read some of my more recent comments before you start preaching, bub.

7744606 He is not a bub

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