• Published 17th Jul 2023
  • 166 Views, 3 Comments

Sunny Shores - That's Where I Wanna Be - Mokoma

It's a place with warm waters, a cool breeze, and radiant sunshine. It's not here. But that's where I wanna be. Even though - it's not time yet.

  • ...

Sunny Shores...

The forests of the River Republic were gorgeous in the summer. Warm godrays of sunshine poured through the green canopy, forming streaks of radiant light. Birds would sing their tunes, and the trees would gently sway to the cool breeze. A still tranquility, a peaceful radiance.

Warmth, light, and the kindness of the sun. It was a reminder of nature's cherish - its message of love and kindness.

However, there was no sun to be seen. No warmth to be felt.

Tonight, it was a cold, cold winter night, with howling winds and chills that penetrated to the very bone.

In the small outpost, the platoon 30 creatures-strong made the best of what they could with the horrid weather. Its primary squad, consisting of six soldiers, huddled together around a campfire. They did so in relaxation. They were after all an auxiliary unit meant for border defense operations, in a stretch of area that had no strategic advantage to the hypothetical enemy. Even if war was to be declared, they had a likely chance of never seeing action even then.

The pink mare, Strawberry, grinned. She folded her hooves and legs, much to the anxiety of Spring Song, who anxiously looked at her in fear she'd burn her legs by bringing them too close to the fire. Strawberry gave the others a smug look. Their conversation was in full swing, one that discussed a very banal but understandable topic with the circumstances in mind.

What was the best beach in the world?

She scoffed, being the first to answer the question. "The only beaches that work are the Meridiennes. Local pirates and mercs are setting up, so now you can get whatever you want whenever y'want."

"Hedonist." Frowned Sky Salt. "Of course you'd only enjoy a beach if you had blow and hookers surrounding you."

"Guilty as charged, bitch!" Strawberry giggled. She reached over to their griffon squadmate, and took his talon into her hooves, much to his surprise and confusion. She would then close his digits one by one, and present the middle claw to Sky Salt.

Sky Salt gave her a disappointed scoff. "The Meridiennes don't even have the best beaches. If you want good beaches, you should go to the Bakaran republic."

"Idiot." Strawberry barked. "Beaches are supposed to be warm. Waaaarm, dumass. How's your ass gonna enjoy ice-cold waters? Besides, you should be having a blast considering how damn cold it is right now."

"Cold water is good for the skin." Salt huffed. "And the beach during stormy weather is really beautiful."

"Have any of you been to Equestria?" Muffin Hearth smiled softly, taking the relaxation time to better organize her corpsmare-issued medical equipment. "There's really nice beaches in East Equestria! Juuuust the right temperature!"

"But that means..." Garaway, the griffon who pulled his talon away from Strawberry, faked an activated gag reflex. He did a really convincing job emulating it. "That means going to Equestria..."

"What? You're a tourism expert now?" Strawberry laughed. "Do Griffons got any decent beaches?"

Garaway folded his talons. "Wingbardy ain't bad! Sure the beaches are more about cliffs and rocks than sand, but shit, you're always a few kilometers from the nearest vineyard, so that's a plus."

Salt spat out a piece of plastic as he opened a packet of coffee with his mouth, not wanting to sleep just yet. "And you're always less than a meter from the nearest fascist. Bend over once and suddenly you're carrying a goose steppin' bambino fascista."

Garaway shrugged. "You're definitely a little dense, because we hung Beakolini upside down a year ago. By this logic, the Griffon Republic is still democratic, and Aquileia is an aristocracy where everyone's a pansy noble."

"Spring Song?" Strawberry rose a suspicious brow at him. "You're the master of having either the shittiest, or the best opinion. What's it gonna be this time? Call it."

"Shitty opinion." Laughed the stallion softly. "I don't like beaches."

The light-pink mare sighed, her head turning to the older stallion who sat with them - Oak Root. "You know, how about we settle this once and for all and ask a guy who probably stormed every beach on this stupidass planet." She said, lips forming into a grin. "Lieutenant~? What's the best beach in the world?"


The older stallion did not smile - despite his eyes seeming full of memories. He stoked the fire idly, and a moment of silence passed. Muffin Hearth frowned, wondering if recent explosions had damaged his hearing...

Until finally, the answer came. The older stallion's eyes took themselves off of the fire.

"Sunny Shores."


"Eeeeeeeeh~?" The pink mare looked at him with a foxy smile, one that went out of its way to show how ridiculous she found the answer. "What is that? By the sounds of it, it sounds like it's Equestrian. Who the hell calls their beach "Sunny Shores"? It'd be like calling Blackrock "Bandit Mountains"."

"...Calling Greneclyf "Changeling Islands"." Salt commented.

"...Bull Coasts for Asterion?" Spring proposed.

The lieutenant scoffed slightly. "You lot have an imagination. No, Sunny Shores is just a really nice beach. A good place to drink a few margaritas, play some volleyball...Even if you only get to do it for a little short while. And I do mean - a little."

Strawberry dropped her sarcastic and rude look, instead folding her hooves and curiously turning her head. "Ooookay. So, what's so good about "Sunny Shores"?"

"Sunny Shores is just that." The commander shrugged. "A very nice place where you can be with those you cherish."

"And..." Garaway leaned in. "Where is it...?"

"...Dunno." The lieutenant flatly said, prompting Strawberry to laugh.

"Hah! You were totally there when you were blackout drunk, right? Y'know I know for a fact some officers go a little south to get shitfaced in Kasa before coming back! I bet that's what you're talking about!"

"I wasn't drunk at all." He simply told Strawberry. "I can only tell you this much, though. One day, I'm going there again. I dunno when - but I will. That I'm sure of."


"Ooookay." Strawberry chuckled softly. "Well, this debate has been anti-enlightening. Iiii'm gonna go catch some Z's...We're not on night watch duty, right?"

"Nope, that's for Charlie squad tonight. Sleep soundly." The Lieutenant smiled.