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Chapter 3: Lonely fog

The indicators were very far away but they were visible. And I knew I couldn't let everyone down. even if I end up alone again I'll be happy knowing that they were reunited with their loved ones. Ever since this whole apocalypse happened, I've having trouble sleeping. Not only that, but when we set up camp for the night and go in our tents to sleep I zone out and I don't even realise that I've stuck pins into my hooves, and not to mention when I'm alone I keep having random thoughts and I can't keep concertation for very long. I don't even know what's happening to me. Or if anyone can help me at all. It's like my brain has become the surface, a wasteland. But right now the most Important thing is to help the others reunited with their families, sure I don't have my own family but I can't just let them suffer because of me. so I will put all my power into helping them, even if it costs my sanity or my life.

StarGazer has been acting weird lately. Well he's always been sorta weird, but he is acting weirder than normal. He even ignores questions that are about him, regarding them as not important, like I asked why his hooves were bleeding and told me that it wasn't important right now. This apocalypse must have really effected him, well I'm not going to give up on him I'm going to keep trying to get through to him. No matter what! Even if the world has become a barren wasteland it still has some beauty, I guess.

Author's Note:

As you could read this chapter was all about Apple Bloom and StarGazer. the next chapter will focus on Button Mash and Cozy Glow!

Comments ( 4 )

Fairly short.

Is StarGazer self-harming? I'm a little confused.

The whole "end of world" experience has given him PTSD and the only way he seems to cope at the moment is self harm.
P.s hope that helped!

It does. Thank you for the clarification.

Interesting stuff, as per usual it seems. I don't know how to feel exactly about this portrayal of PTSD, I can only hope the others provide a support network for Star Gazer at some point to help him cope in healthier ways. And then there's Star Gazer himself... ever the mystery, it seems, with no bigger backstory it can be a bit hard to predict what he will do, how he has the things he has, or why he does the things he does. Even still, I'm following along with the story as it develops. Very curious to see what is found... or what else might be lurking within the wastes, and is trying to find them.

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