• Published 22nd Jun 2023
  • 321 Views, 6 Comments

Paper Mario 64: Chaotic Wishes - snivygamer97

Mario and Equestria's heroes work together to stop Bowser and Discord.

  • ...

Bowser's Shocking Victory


Upon arriving in Toad Town, the brothers were met with excited looks from the many Toads that lived in the area. After having saved the princess multiple times, they had gotten used to being seen as practically celebrities across the Kingdom, especially in this town they lives so close to. Still, they liked being treated more as normal people when they could help it. Waving back to a few of the Toads that they saw wave to them, they began to walk down the path that lead to the castle.

In less than a minute after arriving in Toad Town, the Mario brothers had arrived in front of Peach’s castle. The castle looked quite majestic from the outside. In addition to typical windows colored pink, there was a stained glass window of the princess above the gates into the castle. Several large spires were present on the top of the castle, built up of white and pink bricks that looked appealing to the eyes.

As soon as the bros got inside the castle itself, they were greeted with a lot of sights, sounds, and smells; A variety of different Toads, peaceful Goombas, Nomadimouse, peaceful Koopas, penguins, and more were talking amongst each other, learning more about different locations in the kingdom or even just talking about more casual topics. Looking at the tables, there was a variety of foods from sweet cakes with countless white and pink frosted layers to savory pastas filled with mixed vegetables, especially mushrooms, that made the brothers' mouths water with delight.

After taking everything in, Luigi finally commented to his brother, “Ah, what a magnificent castle! I never get used to this place. It looks like lots of guests are already here.” As Mario nodded in agreement, he looked around, trying to see if he could find Princess Peach among the guests on the bottom floor. However, he failed to see the princess among everyone on the bottom floor. However, he did see another familiar face at the food of the stairs leading up to the next floor; Toadsworth. As Mario looked over at the older advisor of the princess, Luigi noted, “Looks like today is gonna be a great day for us. I mean, after all the times we’ve saved the day I’d say we’ve earned a day to just relax and have fun to our heart’s content! Right, bro?” Luigi turned to where Mario was only to notice he had left. A quick look showed he had gone to talk to the older brown spotted Toad. “Well…alright. I guess you can go see how the princess is going,” Luigi noted with some disappointment present in his voice as he decided to try some of the pasta.

Mario approached the older Toad carefully, not wanting to startle him from approaching without him noticing. Upon reaching him, he put a hand on the Toad’s shoulder. “What? How is-? Oh, it’s you Master Mario! Glad to see that you made it here to the party without much trouble. How have things been going ever since you helped save the princess when Bowser took over her castle a while back?” Toadsworth asked as Mario explained he and his brother had been doing fine. “Really? That’s good to hear. Though, knowing you, you probably want to know where our lovely princess is. Well, to be honest, I’m not exactly sure myself. One minute she’s down here greeting all her various guests from across the kingdom, the next she’s gone without a trace. I know that the princess can take care of herself, but she still worries me with how headstrong she can be. Still, I doubt it’s anything serious like having been kidnapped. She most likely just went upstairs to have some time to herself. So, if you want, you can go look for her upstairs. But, overall, enjoy the party master Mario.”

After thanking the older Toad, Mario went up the stairs to the next floor, finding more guests and food up on the next floor. Two of the guests he saw, however, were new to him. They were Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, grabbing a few cupcakes and some vegetarian pasta dishes before going back to the library with the others. “You know, Dashie? I never figured that when I woke up today I’d be in another fun and adorable paper world! I just wish I remembered more about it or at least were able to do more at this party than just dine and dash. Twilight has had a few questions about how this place works and I’d love to make her happy by helping answer some!” Pinkie said.

“Does it really matter? I mean, this place seems cool, what with the humans Twilight mentioned were in a book and the mushroom people, but right now, as much as I’d hate to say it, I wanna return to the library,” Rainbow groaned.

“How come? I know you said you don’t like reading to me twenty seven times already, which is still weird because not being able to read is more for younger ponies so that reason is out. Is it because you feel inadequate to some of the stories that exist? Or do you simply get bored not flying nearly all the time? Also, why is this situation different from the others we’ve been a part of?...Oh! Is it because of Discord?” Pinkie asked naively as Rainbow covered her mouth in annoyance and some worry.

“Keep quiet about that, okay?! The last thing we need is to give Twilight a heart attack by reminding her our home is possibly in danger. If she wants we can visit as soon as we save Ponyville and the rest of Equestria from Discord. Hopefully, it’ll only take us ten seconds flat given us still having our elements and dopey Discord being an overconfident fool,” Rainbow whispered.

“Okay! So, you want the peppered pasta or the cheesy kind for the others to eat? I really wish they had cotton candy as an option, but hey,” Pinkie said.

“Just grab some of both so we can return to us looking for a spell to get us home,” Rainbow said as she ate some of the cheesy pasta on her plate.

“Okay!” Pinkie finished grabbing the pasta, stacked on top of a tower of cupcakes so tall it was a wonder they weren’t tipping over. In an instant, the two zoomed off to the library a few feet away from where they had just been.

Mario was curious as to who these new creatures were. While he doubted they were bad given what he heard them say, he also was a bit confused and concerned. What was going on back home to make them want to return so quickly? However, he decided to, for now, go see the princess and see if she knew anything and to make sure she was fine.

And so, Mario went up a few more floors, being allowed to go up the winding stair cases by the Toad guards, to see if he could find the princess. It took some time, but he eventually found the princess peacefully looking out the window of one hallway near the tip top of the ginormous castle.

Very quickly, Peach realized that Mario had just arrived. “Oh, Mario! You came to the party to see me! You're so sweet! Thank you! I was just resting a bit. It gets tiring, greeting all those guests out there! Oh, I’m being rude aren’t I? How are you and Luigi doing?” After Mario explained he and Luigi were doing fine, he decided to ask what was with the two horses from earlier. “Oh, you mean our new guests? Apparently, they come from a different world far beyond our kingdom. Some mean and strange creature arrived there recently and made some trouble for them and a bunch of other ponies, at least that is what the purple unicorn, I think named Twilight, said. They’re currently looking for a way home.”

Mario then asked if they should go give them a hand or not. “Oh, I would love to, but they didn’t wanna worry us. Still, it may be nice to have a chat with them and help them look for a magic book. Why don’t I go and see about helping them?” Mario then offered to go and help as well. “Really? You wanna help? Great!”

Meanwhile, in the library…

“No. No. No,” Twilight kept on saying no as Spike held out each book in the library one by one. “Argh! So far, we’ve looked through an entire bookshelf and we've failed to find a book that had a teleportation spell in it!“

“Well, look on the bright side. We’ve found many books that we can read at a later date,” Spike tried to cheer up his surrogate sister.

“Yeah. Not to be rude, but maybe we should continue focusing on looking for the right spell. I’m starting to get worried about Opal and Sweetie Belle and my store…,” Rarity said with a lot of dramatic flair.

“Right. The last thing I need to hear back home is that ma family was broken up because of Discord’s mind magic!” Applejack agreed. “Speakin’ of which, where did Pinkie an’ Rainbow go?”

“They said something about getting us food…I think?” Fluttershy timidly spoke up.

“Really? At a time like this?” Applejack was annoyed.

At this point, Pinkie and Rainbow had returned to the library, putting down all the food they had down. “We’re back, everypony! Ready to have the funnest spell searching party ever?!” Pinkie excitedly asked.

“Uh…Bad time,” Spike mouthed to the duo.

“Still, very sweet of you to get us something to eat…even if the timing isn’t the best,” Rarity defended.

“Yeah, yeah. Real sweet. Maybe so sweet it’ll get Discord to STOP MESSING WITH EVERYONE’S LIVES BACK HOME!” Twilight yelled, looking like she was one push away from snapping any further.

“S-Sorry?” Fluttershy apologized meekly.

“Hey! What’s with the yelling?!” Rainbow got into Twilight’s face.

“Well, maybe I wouldn’t be if you two weren’t treating us being at this party like a vacation!” Twilight scolded.

“We were just getting everyone food so we wouldn’t be distracted about eating while we look for a way home! We were just looking out for you guys!” Rainbow countered.

“But…,” Twilight was about to counter before seeing that Fluttershy was scared. Twilight’s expression softened. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy…and everypony else. I’m just…worried about everyone and everything back home. I don’t want for Discord to mess with the lives of everyone else like he did with us.”

“Aw, it’s okay Twilight. We know how you feel. You’re not alone in your worries and concerns about Ponyville and the rest of Equestria,” Rarity consoled.

“Yeah…it may have been the teeniest bit poor timing to leave when you all needed help,” Pinkie agreed.

“True…I remember that Twilight said something about friendship being worth fighting for. Perhaps we should…let bygones be bygones and move back into stopping Discord together?” Rainbow suggested.

“Sure. Spike, any luck in finding any spell books?” Twilight asked.

“Well, now that you mention it…,” Spike was about to speak…Only to be interrupted by a bunch of shaking.

“What in tarnation is this?!” Applejack yelled.

“I-I-I d-d-on’t k-kn-ow! B-But it’s k-ki-nda f-fu-nn-y!” Pinkie joked, trying to make light of the bad situation.

“Kind of a bad time, darling,” Rarity whispered.

“D-Do you think it’s an earthquake?” Fluttershy asked with worry.

“Maybe? I’ve never experienced one, seeing as how I live on clouds. What about you, Twilight? You’re the brainiac. What’s the sitch?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m not sure…,” Twilight was thinking as she suddenly realized there was much less light than there was a moment ago.

“The lights are out! What in the name of Celestia is going on?! Does this world’s sun and moon go by that fast, Twilight?” Rarity questioned.

“I have no clue,” Twilight admitted as the shaking finally came to a stop.

“Well…I have no clue what’s goin’ on. One moment the castle is shaking more than bein’ on a bronco the next we’re suddenly high up in the sky? Somethin’s goin’ on all right. But what…?” Applejack asked.

“Um, girls? D-Do you think it could be D-Discord?” Fluttershy asked as the group began to lose confidence upon hearing his name again.

“No clue. But we can’t let dopey Discord scare us! I mean, he doesn’t scare me! Let’s just head on up and see if we can find out what in the hay is happening!” Rainbow suggested.

“Sounds reckless. Still, maybe we should try and look for the princess. Both to find out what just happened and to make sure she and everyone else is fine!” Twilight suggested.

“Right! We better hurry, girls! The princess and everyone else could be in major trouble!” Applejack agreed as they all ran out of the library.

Back with Peach and Mario…

After getting over the shaking of the castle, the duo started to regather their bearings. “Oh! Are you all right, Mario? What in the world was that?” Peach wondered with worry as she looked outside. “Oh my! Look, Mario! It's still daytime, isn't it? ... But I can see stars outside!” Mario? Do you have any idea what is going on?”

Mario shrugged, knowing just as much as her what in the world was happening. “I’m going to go and check on our guests, make sure they are all okay!” Peach decided as she was about to leave the room.

Before she could go check on the others, Twilight and her friends arrived on the scene. “We already saw some of them. They’re on their way to the exit!” Twilight explained.

“Oh! I hope everyone will get to safety,” Peach hoped.

“Yeah…us too,” Fluttershy agreed.

“Speaking of which? Do you have any idea why the sky became starry? I guess it’s not because of a star seeing party! Twilight loves those!” Pinkie Pie said, remaining cheerful.

“I guess what we should ask is if this is normal in this world,” Twilight got to the point.

“No. It isn’t. It’s too early in the day for something like the sun going down,” Peach admitted.

“Then…do you think it’s because of that Discord jerk?” Rainbow asked.

“You mean the villain you want to stop back at home?” Peach asked.

“Yes! The very same ruffian!” Rarity confirmed.

“What does he look like?” Peach asked.

“Well…he’s a fusion of a buncha stuff, loves chaos. Not just funny chaos but mean old hurty chaos. Oh, and he has a creepy laugh,” Pinkie explained.

Suddenly, the group heard a big evil laugh.

“Kinda like that?” Spike asked, trying to hide his growing fear.

“M-Maybe?” Fluttershy said, also trying to not be terrified for the sake of everyone else.

“Hold on a cotton pickin’ minute. That laugh didn't sound like Discord’s,” Applejack realized.

“Applejack’s right. The laugh sounds more like a brute than the refined trickster,” Rarity agreed.

“Then who is it?” Twilight wondered.

“Regardless of who it is, we need to be ready for a fight!” Rainbow said as she waved her hooves in a fighting stance.

“I guess so…do you know who that is, Peach?” Twilight asked the princess.

“I do. It’s…,” Peach began when suddenly…

Bowser, in his white and green clown car, and Kammy Koopa on her broomstick burst through the window, shattering it to pieces before landing on the ground not far from the group.

“Gwaa ha ha ha ha ha! Long time no see, Princess Peach!” Bowser laughed evilly as he tried to approach Peach…only for her to back away from him.

“ ... Bowser! But this can't be! It was you who made the ground shake just now, wasn't it! Whatever did you do?” Peach demanded.

“Gwa ha ha ha! Yeah, that was me! I've lifted your castle up into the sky! It's sitting on top of my castle now! Weren't expecting that, huh?” Bowser sadistically confessed. “Now-.”

Before Bowser could continue, he was interrupted by Pinkie Pie. “Oooh! Who are you supposed to be? Are you some kind of cute turtle turned into a big boy? Is this a surprise part of the party? Because being high up in the clouds and stars sounds kinda amazing!”

“What?! No! I’m not-,” Bowser looked annoyed at the pink pony’s hyperness and lack of fear.

“Pinkie? I don’t think this…Bowser is here fer the party. He’s likely here ta do something horrible like Discord or Nightmare Moon,” Applejack guessed.

“Which is a shame because with the right suit he could look kinda handsome to someone,” Rarity noted.

“The hatted creature is correct! The name’s Bowser, King of the Koopas! I’m here to take over the Mushroom Kingdom and win the heart of the princess!” Bowser confirmed with an evil laugh.

“Oh…well then, we can use our elements to do something to stop you, maybe turn around that evil frown!” Pinkie changed tunes upon realizing the truth of the situation.

“Pinkie’s right! Let’s take down this brute before he hurts anyone!” Rainbow was prepared to rush the tyrant…only for Applejack to hold her back by grabbing her tail with her mouth..

“Slow down there, Rainbow!” Applejack warned the blue pegasus.

“But Applejack…we can’t just sit and do nothing while this jerk conquers this place! You know that!” Rainbow pointed out.

“I know…but we can also put a stop to things with the Elements of Harmony, not risking gettin’ yerself hurt with direct violence,” Applejack pointed out.

“...Fine. We’ll stop this Bowser and…,” Rainbow was about to begrudgingly agree when she was interrupted.

“Wait a second…how did your castle happen to get under this castle?” Twilight asked with disbelief.

“That’s not-,” Bowser grumbled only to be interrupted.

“I mean, how could it make it under Peach’s castle without you or your people being seen? And better yet, how could both castle support each other and not crumble?!” Twilight started to get really bothered by the lack of logic here.

“Uh…Twilight? Maybe we should calm down…,” Spike said as he approached his older sister.

“The runt has a point! Can someone-,” Bowser tried to demand before being interrupted by Twilight.

“...What’s even more vexing is that this turtle’s castle is apparently under Peach’s castle yet has never been noticed before. And was able to fly on top of that-!” Twilight ranted to herself.

“Shut up!” Bowser screamed at the top of his voice, finally silencing the unicorn.

“S-Sorry…please continue…,” Fluttershy apologized meekly.

“Kammy? Can you make sure that this obnoxious creature stays quiet while I give my awesome speech?”

“Sure thing, your rottoness!” Kammy said with a bow from behind Bowser. “Alright, you…whatever you are. Be quiet and don’t interrupt the king again or else it’ll be straight to the dungeons!” Kammy yelled as she shot a magic blast at the group. Mario was about to do something…when suddenly Twilight created a magic barrier around herself and her friends and Rainbow followed by rushing and punching the older Magikoopa, stunning her for now. “S-Sorry, your nastiness.”

“Really, Kammy?! You had one job! Well…anyway, let’s get back to the fact at hand. Princess, what do you say we leave this miserable children’s toys and have some lunch together?” Bowser said, trying to be charming.

“For the hundredth time, I’m not interested in you like that Bowser. Now put my castle back down or else-,” Peach refused bluntly.

“Ha! This castle's under my control now, my dear! Now you will obey ME!” Bowser laughed wickedly.

“You know, if you really want to win a woman’s heart you’d be better off not being a selfish brat like you’re being now,” Rarity suggested.

“What did you say?!” Bowser growled as he was about to approach the white unicorn. At this point however, Mario finally jumped forward and hit Bowser on top of the head. “Okay, who in the world did that?! Was that who I thought it was?!” Bowser demanded as he turned and saw Mario ready for battle. “Huh!? What? It's...Mario!! What a shock! Ha! Not really! I expected you to turn up, right on cue. You're just as annoying as ever. Unfortunately for you, there's nothing you can do this time.”

“Says you! The guy outnumbered at least nine to two!” Rainbow taunted.

“Um, Rainbow?” Twilight tried to warn. “Maybe we shouldn’t underestimate him….”

“Aw, come on, Twilight! Why should we be worried? After all, it sounds like this Mario has beaten this dope before. With us to help, it should go by even easier!” Rainbow boasted.

“Maybe…but he could have a plan of some sort,” Twilight reminded.

“Twilight is right. So, it would be best to just keep our distance rather than pick a fight we may lose,” Applejack agreed.

“But-!” Rainbow tried to counter angrily.

“To be fair, I think what she meant was that we should probably try and fight this Bowser with the elements…provided we can’t beat him in a straight up fight,” Fluttershy suggested, trying to avoid a fight, especially so soon after Discord brainwashed and broke up the friend group.

Rainbow stood there looking steamed before she begrudgingly decided, “Fine…Mario and I can try to fight him first though. We’ll try the elements if we lose.”

“Okay…I guess that’s Rainbowese for she agrees,” Spike snarked.

“So…Mario, are you ready to fight this big jerk?” Rainbow asked as Mario looked a bit uncertain to get Rainbow involved in this fight seeing as how she wasn’t used to fighting Bowser. “Uh…there a problem buddy?” Rainbow asked, confused and a bit annoyed.

“I think that Mario is worried about you getting hurt, right?” Peach asked her friend/hero as Mario nodded in confirmation.

“But…I’m a black belt in karate and have had experience in fighting dolts tougher than this before!” Rainbow looked offended.

“Uh…when was this? I kinda don’t remember this happening,” Pinkie asked naively.

Rainbow blushed for a second as she was given some concerned looks. “Look, at the very least I can take care of myself. So, can you just let me get involved? I wanna help you guys! I may not know much about you guys yet, but I know enough to say I don’t want to leave you hanging. Please,” Rainbow made her case. For a moment, it looked like Mario was still going to decline. However, after a few moments of thinking it over, he reluctantly nodded, deciding to give her a chance and just be careful to prevent her from getting hurt. “Really? Whoo hoo! Let’s take on this joker!”

“And here I thought you were smart enough to avoid fighting me. Very well. You can fight me too! It’ll be fun trouncing two ‘heroes’ at once! Right, Kammy?” Bowser asked over confidently.

“Oh, but of course, your foulness! With your secret weapon you’ll win for sure!” Kammy cheered.

“Secret weapon? I don’t like the sound of that…,” Twilight warned.

“Same here. What can he be plannin’?” Applejack agreed.

“I don’t know…but Mario has faced worse odds before. As for you…Haven't you learned your lesson by now, Bowser? You can never defeat Mario! Why don't you give up already?” Peach asked, confident in her heroes’ ability to save the day.

“True, true, I have had my problems in the past... I’ve lost more times than I can count…,” Bowser growled before his smile returned. “But this time is different! This time I'm gonna win! OK, tough guy! And your pathetic little pet! Let's go!” Bowser began his fight.

“Mario, you can do it! Let’s stop Bowser and save the partygoers!” Peach cheered on.

“I’ll let you have the first hit, skittles!” Bowser taunted.

“Skittles? That’s the best you could come up with? If you fight as well as you taunt, this shouldn't take long. Letsa go!” Rainbow yelled as she rushed and punched Bowser, knocking him onto his back, much to the surprise of the others, including Bowser.

“Your surliness! Are you okay?!” Kammy cried out as she helped Bowser get off of his back.

“Grr! I’m fine, Kammy! I’ll admit the rainbow haired freak is tougher than I would have thought, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. Now then…my turn!” Bowser yelled as he rushed and used his claws on Mario and Rainbow. Mario jumped and dodged with ease, though Rainbow didn’t react in time and got sliced.

“Ow! That really…hurt?” Rainbow cried out, at first in pain but then in confusion.

“Are you okay, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Do you need Twilight to use her magic to heal you at all?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m fine. It definitely hurt…but I’m not bleeding or cut up into confetti, so I think I’ll live. You wanna take a crack at it now, Mario?” Rainbow asked.

Mario proceeded to jump on top of Bowser’s head, hitting him and causing him some pain. From there, the battle became a lot more one sided. Rainbow and Mario were a lot faster and more agile than Bowser was, with Rainbow also having grown to better understand when she should dodge the King of the Koopa’s attacks. So, even though Bowser tried to attack with his claws and bites, most of the attacks were easily dodged by the pair and the ones that did hit not being anywhere near as painful as you’d expect.

“Awesome job, Dashie! You and Supa Mario are winning! Keep it up!” Pinkie cheered on.

“I have to admit. Looks like we may have been worried for nothing,” Rarity agreed.

“Maybe…but aren’t you girls a little more worried?” Twilight asked with concern.

“How come, Twilight? From what I can see Bowser is going to be defeated with ease,” Rarity reminded their paranoid friend.

“I have to agree with you, beautiful…,” Spike swooned before realizing what he was saying. “Uh…never mind! Anyways, I’d say we’re pretty much in the clear, Twilight. There’s no way Bowser can win, even if we don’t interfere.”

“Ah wouldn’t be too overconfident. Ah mean, have you noticed that after that first blow that the older minion hasn’t been all that concerned with Bowser losin’?” Applejack pointed out.

“Exactly! On top of that, she mentioned something about a secret weapon right as the fight started! Bowser must have a plan we don’t know about yet!” Twilight explained with worry.

“I g-guess so. Should we say something to Mario and Rainbow before this mean turtle hurts them?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’d say that’s an obvious yes!” Spike yelled.

“I agree. Mario?! Rainbow?! Call off your attacks and stand back! I think Bowser may be leading you into a trap!” Peach warned as Bowser was starting to have difficulty standing, with the two’s attention having been received.

“Seriously, though? We were just about to win against this villainous jerkwad! It’s not like this marshmallow is going to win after all that!” Rainbow countered.

“UH…Rainbow?” Twilight tried to warn as Bowser managed to stand back up.

“Good old Mario...always fighting. You're a thorn in my side. And this rainbow haired pest did far better than expected too. How nice…but you should have listened to your pals and given up. Because today, your pathetic little attacks won't beat me!” Bowser roared.

“Uh…yeah right! This coming from the guy that just took a massive beating from me and Mario!” Rainbow reminded.

“Perhaps…But I’ll still win!” Bowser yelled as he got out a wand with a star on the end. “Take a look at this! Look what I stole from Star Haven! It's the Star Rod! This fine piece of work has the power to grant any wish in the whole world! And when I use the Star Rod to increase my strength, even you can't beat me, Mario!” Bowser boasted as a surge of magic flowed from the wand. In an instant, the King of the Koopas started to glow a powerful rainbowish glow. “Gwa ha ha ha ha ha! How do you like that, Mario?! Little lame to be rainbow colored…but it’ll be worth it when I trounce you and your new pet!”

“Pet?! Ha! That glow won’t keep us from defeating you! Come on, Mario! Let’s beat this jerk!” Rainbow yelled as the duo both hit Bowser in the face…only for the King of the Koopas to not even feel it. Then, before they could dodge, Bowser sliced the duo, with them feeling a lot more pain than they did before. “Ow! What in the?!”

“Gwa ha ha ha ha ha! Is that all you've got? How sad! You'd best take some vitamins, 'cause that didn't hurt at all! So much for you winning now!” Bowser gloated as he bit at the duo, with Rainbow barely dodging and Mario getting hurt.

“Mario! Are you okay?!” Rainbow cried out in worry.

“I don’t understand. A minute ago they were doing so much better against Bowser,” Rarity was confused.

“Maybe it has something to do with that Star Rod from the story. He did say it would make him stronger,” Applejack suggested.

“I suppose…wait…Of course!” Twilight realized.

“What is it, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“The reason their attacks stopped working is because the Star Rod is keeping Bowser from getting hurt!” Twilight answered, shocking the whole group.

“B-But that means…,” Fluttershy realized.

“That Bowser guy is being a mean ol’ cheater! Boo!” Pinkie jeered.

“Yep! And I’m proud of it! Still, I didn’t think things would go this well. Mario's no match for the new me. It's not even worth my time to toy with you anymore, Mario. It's time to end this! Here we go, Mario! Good night!” Bowser gloated as he used his fire breath to burn Mario. Eventually, the stream of fire ended and Mario, while not burnt to ashes or anything that frightening, still fell over, unconscious.

“Oh no! Mario! Get up!” Peach pleaded as she approached her unconscious friend.

“Yes! Oh, yeah! I did it! I finally did it! I beat my old rival Mario! Yessss!” Bowser gloated.

“Congratulations on your victory, Your Viciousness! That's why you're the King!” Kammy agreed.

“You…monster! That’s it! No more miss nice mare! Twilight, you know what to do!” Rainbow called for her friend’s help.

“But…the Star Rod…,” Twilight tried to counter, she and her friends having doubts.

“May only protect that Bowser jerkwad from physical wounds! Maybe the magic of friendship can do something to stop this jerk’s magic power boost you mentioned! After all, it won’t hurt him, just…whatever that magic does!” Rainbow reasoned.

“Well…I guess we can at least give it a try…Okay girls! Let’s show this Bowser the magic of friendship!” Twilight cried out as the six mares gathered together and Spike took this as a sign to join Peach, trying to help the unconscious Mario.

“Bwaaahaahaahaa!” Bowser laughed as if he heard the funniest joke. “Oh, please! You wimps stand no chance against me! Even with your pretty lame jewelry! Just stand down…and maybe I’ll be merciful enough to just let you rot in the dungeons!” Bowser yelled.

“Not gonna happen, big boy! We’re gonna take you down and stop your plans right here right now!” Applejack rejected the ‘kind offer.’

“Applejack is right! We’re gonna stop things from getting any worse. Also…lame jewelry?! These elements are the greatest treasure in Equestria!” Rarity was offended.

“Yeah! Take this for crashing this amazing party and hurting Mario!” Pinkie cried out.

And so, the six pony’s elements began to glow, sending out a bunch of multi-colored symbols that matched the six elements. Soon, the symbols stopped appearing and the elements began to become connected by a rainbow energy beam. At this, Kammy started to become shocked and even worried. How could she not? The magic that was coming from the jewels was incredibly powerful. Eventually, the eyes of the six ponies glowed white as a magical rainbow blasted Bowser and…did absolutely nothing at all.

Bowser yawned in a bored way as he looked uninterested in what was going on. “So, are you done yet? Or do I need to remind you once again that I am completely invincible!” Bowser cried out as Twilight and the others began to lose hope.

“H-How?! The elements managed to stop Nightmare Moon like it was nothing! How could it not work?!” Rainbow was shocked.

“I-I don’t know! The rod must be making him completely unstoppable!” Twilight worried, having lost all hope.

“You better believe it, you multi-colored pests! As long as I have this Star Rod, everything I wish will come true! No one can stop me now!” Bowser laughed evilly as Applejack tried to form a plan with Twilight broken.

“We need to find a way outta this place! But first…we need to go and get Mario and the princess!” Applejack feebly suggested.

“I’ll get him!” Rainbow decided…only to be zapped by the Star Rod in Bowser’s possession just as she was about to grab Mario.

“Dashie!” Pinkie cried out in worry.

“With he useless he was being I almost forgot about Mario. Well, well, well... I guess I might as well get rid of Mario. He's no good to anyone now, that's for sure,” Bowser decided as he zapped Mario and Rainbow with the Star Rod, much to everyone else’s horror. The Mane 5 and Spike tried to stop Bowser only for them to get zapped as well. The pain from the electricity was incredibly intense and unbearable, more so than any thundercloud back in Equestria. And Rainbow should know seeing as how she’d been zapped in the past attempting a variety of stunts. Kammy meanwhile, was shocked that her master was costing them a potential new weapon in these ‘elements.’ Eventually, the group finally lost consciousness as the lightning blasted everyone out of the window to who knows where in the Mushroom Kingdom.

“Oh, no!” Peach cried out in horror as she watched Mario and these innocent creatures fall to what could potentially be their demise.

Author's Note:

I hope everyone is enjoying this story. I apologize if I haven't been doing the best job in writing in differences in this story yet. I do want to make this a different take on Codex's story while still following parts of the story of Paper Mario. I just am not entirely sure what to do. If anyone has any suggestions of what I can do differently, please let me know. I appreciate any and all help. Thanks in advance.

Comments ( 3 )

“H-How?! The elements managed to stop Nightmare Moon like it was nothing! How could it not work?!” Rainbow was shocked.

element failure due to: narrative
I believe its not time yet

The paper part I can understand, but where does the “64” part of the title come in?

It's referencing the console that the first game came out on, which is the Nintendo 64

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